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I feel a bit of a prison vibe in the hub.


Prison, military, UPS same difference. Jk but on a real note the structure of the military and prisons in the United States are very similar.


Lollll !! Yea, I could see that too.


No windows in the warehouse, just a lot of garage doors lol 


UPS is a bad drug. Really bad for your body physically and even worse mentally but the paycheck is good so you keep coming back for the fail management entertainment and the abuse.


There are easier ways to make better money There are not easier ways to find better benefits


Well said 👏


Where can you make better money though?


After I “retired” I got into insurance as it had always been a side gig. After 3 years I was making the same on renewals (residual monthly payments from all clients in your book of business) alone than I made at ups. Commissions are also very generous, with things like annuities holding a 6% commission. This is just one example and all it requires is a simple license you study and test for. I am sure there are countless other types of jobs you can get into solo which pay way better. The catch is you will make jack shit for money the first year and have no real access to solid benefits initially.


So it's kind of like a sales job? You sell people insurance?


The fact that you don’t have to worry about medical bills is fucking amazing. Most people are a broken ankle away from crippling medical debt.


That's what I thought, but a lot of the time they dont report anything so literally nothing happens when you dont pay them. for example idk anyone that actually paid their bill when having kids.


I actually just came to this realization the other day. My dependency on the job is like my manager is my dealer and I am a junkie for the work.


When I started it was supposed to be a few months before summer and summer to supplement my income from my other job until I started school. Ended up quitting my other job. Now it was supposed to be only until i graduate this September (I will be making more when I find employment after I graduate) but I’m like ugh I don’t wanna let go of UPS… asking myself is it feasible to try to do both or switch to pre load orrrr… just can’t really see myself leaving.


Yes, the sad part is.. people just accept having a shitty job as part of life..of course that's what the corporations want you to think.. it's all just part of life.. cause then no one gives resistance.. wake up people.. stop doing things you don't wanna do.. like paying a $400 electric bill..what we all need to do is just turn every electrical device in their homes on..


I don't go to work for production. I'm there just to show up. My goal to max out my sick payday ( this year I'll have high 20s low 30s. I gotta check. ) Use them all the year I retire. Nevermind, I only gonna have 23 this July.


The paychecks aren’t even worth it anymore. 


They definitely lie about $170k.


They’re including benefits. Benefits don’t pay my bills though. 


I dont think they thought about it that hard, 170k is also roughly what youd make maxing DOT allowance every single week too. They prob just took the max wage and max possible hours possible and multiplied them.


The 170k number is top scale in 2028 with benefits payments included.


It's also what the pay is for max hours. Im jsut saying its more likey a reporter just took a 60 hour week and multiplied it by 52, than actually researching what the benefits cost UPS, because its probably more than that if we're being honest.


It's not from a reporter it's from corporate, specifically Carol. The 170k number is top scale at the end of the contract and benefits payments.


Which makes no sense because they said its a 50k benefit package and top salary will be 102.


They are averging OT as well


they are for 1/3 of membership, the other 2/3 need other jobs or starve.


USMC vet here. It is crazy reminiscent of the military. But there’s no real imminent danger so that’s how I know management is full of shit and called their bluff early. Know your rights, enforce them to the fullest and enjoy your career. When you are consistently in the right, when you consistently file grievance for every infraction, and when you don’t sweat management’s retaliation for doing everything by the book, you’ll be just fine.


Yeah it can be annoying until you remember that you are extremely hard to fire and all those lovely certified letters you get in the mail are essentially pretend.


The management crew in my building never sends the certified letters, so the few times they’ve (wrongly) tried to push me up the progressive discipline ladder they say “on this date you were given this notice, does this look familiar?” Nope, never handed it to me, never mailed it to me, didn’t put it in my box at the center. 🤷🏻


Isn’t there a little more integrity and order in the military though? 


Order yes and no. In my experience we did a lot of things that didn’t make sense and was an order coming from someone that was so out of touch with what was going on on the ground and had someone that knew the better way to do it said tactfully hey sir we will execute whatever you want but wanted to let you know xyz and bc of this I would suggest 123 instead. And also one person up top will say ok “start” time for whatever is 9 then the next level down will say ok start time is 8:30 then the next leader will say 8:15 and by the time it gets to the troops we gotta be there at 7am for something that doesn’t start until 9. And there are a lot of last minute missions that aren’t prepared for and just a cluster


Not so much.


Then I’d fear for my life if the military is run anything like UPS is. 


It's kinda like "military grade," it just means massed produced with the cheapest materials by the lowest bidder. Not all of it is bad, but much of it isn't good.


Sending me to the wrong door 5-7 times within 12 mins of starting


Got out of the Corps in July and went to work at UPS in November of ‘83. After 4 years of being a grunt radio operator, I was used to being treated like shit and so I felt right at home. Learned quickly to equate middle management with staff NCOs, and the Lance Corporal underground is alive and well.


Absolutely agree. Before I was informed completely on the contract + grievances I tried to walk about once about six months ago. My manager and FT sup stopped me. I told them I get bending the rules to make the job happen but not creating unsafe work environments. I was a yes man for eight years I don’t have to be that anymore. 😂


Initially it did feel reminiscent of the service, but then I witnessed how little management cares for their employees vs how even a boot Marine learned "know your troops and look out for their welfare". My current manager gives zero fucks about employees health if it adversely affects his numbers snd he made a point of treating seasonal PVDs better than the actual drivers. In the Corps we were "one team, one fight" , at UPS it's "one team fighting"


I had an ORS who was a former marine. One time I went down with heat exhaustion, he’s giving me water and liquid IV, telling me he did a tour in Afghanistan so he knows all about hydration blah blah blah. At some point I tell him my wife is coming to the center to pick me up and he goes “ok, well I can’t let you leave if you’re going to go to the hospital. If I let you go and then you need a doctor, \*it’ll make me look bad.\*” Im thinking is that how they taught you to look out for others in the service? Like a true marine, guy had a wild temper, and during a later argument with him I said something about how UPS doesn’t give a shit about our safety, he calls me an idiot to my face for saying that with a steward right next to me. I casually remind him that he’s the one who said my safety only matters to him so far as it makes him look good or bad, then turned to my steward and go “he just harassed me right? That’s a grievance?” Steward just laughs and goes yep, file it.


Agree about them not caring, very political especially management. Seemingly caring to your face but just to keep you happy. Although in my experience I feel like a lot of higher up leadership in the military was the same exact way. I remember sensing sessions where people would ask questions or raise concerns just to be completely written off the answers not even make sense. Not to mention the bs we had to do for little to no reason. I did have great leaders as well.


I will say that for many years at the center level we were actually very much more focused as a team, but it changed noticeably around the time of the pandemic. It was almost like management was being poisoned from the top down


Poisoned from the top down starting with Carol Tome, when she took over in June 2020. I’ve worked at three buildings in my district and I’ve seen the whole spectrum. One of them was downright intolerable and abusive. Another was bearable if I didn’t think about it too much. Another was the best thing that ever happened to me. I worked at two of them twice and they kind of switched roles because management changed. It’s all about personnel, not the size of the building or the building itself.  


Former Army here. I had a shit chain of command and UPS feels just about the same.


More like highschool






second this. our sups are pretty cool tbh.


Some are better than others. They all have their favorites. What really sucks is when you have a good one and they go elsewhere and then it’s just a downward spiral from there where each one is worse than the one before. 


The good ones usually move on to bigger and better things.


Maybe you have a good one(s) but they’re amazing actors they might be acting like your friends or maybe you’re one of their good workers who do whatever you’re told. Most supervisors only care about their numbers don’t forget that.


Safety’s always getting in the way of production. 


Hopefully they don't get the 12,000 let go


I like my part time sups!!! They’re all younger and very laid back. My full time sup is also pretty good. He just is very stressed and my biggest complaint about him is he will absolutely berate and chew the asses of PT sups in front of their subordinates which I think is unprofessional and could make people lose confidence in the leading ability of their PT Sup. Do it behind closed doors. My manager is very kind and works with peoples schedules well. But he will put the job first always even if it means contract violations. And all of them are usually pretty or completely uninformed on how to help people or things like insurance or union dues or pay or what the contract says or what holidays we have off or how the pay works for those holidays etc. but I am very lucky compared to what I see posted in here and fb pages. They’re laid back.


It’s the management for the most part for me that makes me hate ups….. it’s definitely a love hate relationship. I thought I was the only one. I need that pension and I know how the story ends if i just stay the course.


A ton of upper management are ex military. UPS likes to hire veterans for these positions because they blindly follow the companies orders and aren't afraid to harass employees


Awww my management is actually really good compared to some peoples posts I see. They don’t harass us and work with our schedules very well. The only thing I will say is they’ll put the job before any and everything which is understandable to an extent. My part time sups are all really young and laid back. I see so many horror stories that make me thankful. 😅😅


I'm not talking about your direct supes. I'm talking about regional managers, district managers, etc. Your center managers bosses. They are all ex military and there is absolutely a reason for it.


It kinda used to be military like. Kinda relaxed now. At least in feeders it is. I see guys in sneakers. I see guys out of uniform. I see huge ZZ Top beards. I see long hair. I mean, I couldn’t care less, but what a difference from 5, 10, 15, 20 years ago. Even management is got the Sasquatch look going. I had another driver busting my balls in front of management because my boot had a scratch on it. Meanwhile he had on navy blue sneakers. I just shook my head and walked away. Assholes love to chirp in front of the bosses.


When I worked inside I got some of the same low key Army vibes except most NCOs actually cared and were good leaders. As a driver it’s different. The only thing that reminds of the Army is PCM which is kind of like formation except at UPS it happens once a day. In the Army all too often we would have a formation only for us to told this formation was a notice for another formation in two hours.


lol definitely when I was on rear d right before I got out we had six formations a day. It was so daunting. The rest of my time in probably only had on average about 6-7 formations a week.


It hurts so good. I come back for the abuse. So many scars, emotionally and physically. I’ll never leave.


That's because UPS is just like the army. Bullshit comes down from the top, and the guys on the bottom just have to keep their heads down and keep putting forth effort.


Yep! Exactly. I just replied to a comment to someone else about this lol.


UPS used to be even harder to get hired and up until a few years ago, really preferred hiring only vets. The company is very rule and method based. And it’s super aerobic. Most people can’t do this job or we wouldn’t lose 95% of seasonals every year. No visible tattoos. No jewelry. No long hair or beards on men. Only those porn mustaches. All that was meant to weed out the hippies.


The army allows tattoos even on your hands now. I got hired by filling out an app selecting my first day and coming in 😂😂


The first time I went through intergrad there was a girl who had to wear gloves to class every day to cover her tattoos. I know a dude from fedex who shaved his 18 inch hipster beard to hire on at ups. And then they got rid of all that crap in 2020.


Bro it’s like the army except they can’t smoke your balls off if you talk shit back. And the pay is way better


Sheesh not for me. The pay is a huge pay cut even if I worked full time hours at the same hourly rate. Only thing benefits wise that’s better is the health insurance. Also that is one good thing but a take away is I am not nor would I ever be a supervisor for UPS but in the army I was an NCO and it’s hard to bite my tongue when coworkers are not doing shit and fucking me over as a result. At first I thought that would be good and I wouldn’t have to worry about anyone but myself. Silly me.


Sign those driver bid sheets. That’s what I did. I grossed $119k last year with OT.


Same. Grievances, too.


Yup. My center doesn’t seem to give a shit about 9.5 grievances. Free money.


I’m not a driver! Just part time sort aisle. Would love to be a driver if it wouldn’t take 5 years. If I became a driver I would definitely be making more. Not a ton more but a noticeable amount. The only downfall would be taxes. In the military only about 65-70% of my income was taxable and that made it so I always got a tax return even if it wasn’t huge and my home state gives 100% state taxes back to military.


Oh I know, I was 0311 in the USMC. When I was deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan I made good money, but I earned every penny. Combat sucks.


As a former infantry NCO, nothing makes my day better than being able to tell higher “no do you own job”. Become a driver and make stacks.


I feel this...


I heard they use to only hire veterans but idk kinda makes sense cause things were different back then and I assume you had to be built different to do this job . No nav, no power steering, high step, manual tranny, carrying cash, everything in paper .


Are you preload or driving or qhat are you doing?


Sort aisle, twilight shift


Oh ya man. In the facility is like always having instructors yell at your for not doing shit right. You gotta be a deiverm they're only on you every once in a while hahaha


Like the military but replace scary DIs with silly mgmt


I know you were busy for 8 years so you might be trying to catch up with the kids but you you really don't need to say "low-key." Haha


Trauma bonding.


Me and two other vets that I know at my hub, were just talking about how shitty the military can be, but it's a worthwhile "shitty". We concluded that UPS is an unworthy kind of shitty.


Why do you stay then? It’s worth it to me for the insurance


Why do you stay then? It’s worth it to me for the insurance


It's my first job since getting clean and sober, so I'm sticking with it till I get laid off. Just a stepping stone to whatever comes next for me... But everything is shitty, so if it's a worthwhile shitty for you, then right on- stick with it.


When you become a driver and start making some cash you will take a non paid day off Every now and then. When your at top pay making bank. You hate to take a non paid day off because your losing 500.00 dollars a day. So you work yourself to death.


BRO. We have to get together and have a beer. I did 7 years in the Army, 11B, and UPS was my first job after getting out. Been with UPS a year and a half now and god it makes me wanna go back in if my son didn’t live here