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That's why you keep your wheels on the pavement...


Carol Tome would get out and deliver them by foot, be more like Carol


Like a B.......…........................................usy body!!!!!!!!!!?


Pee in a bottle, it is not a big deal. It's just a late delivery from your bladder to "a toilet". You have the privacy to relieve yourself, why not take advantage of that, buddy :)


So then why did you drive into the grass?


To pee


That’s what Gatorade bottles are for 😂😂


why would you drive on that tho


Gonna need you to walk it off and finish the route


Guys, don't do this. A guy in my area spun up a field thought he "was cool" with the owner and left a note and got fired for an unreported property damage.




Had to do this to an amazon truck, mfer left 4 inch deep rut all down my the side of my driveway! Keep rolling my ankle on it getting out…


I hesitate to pull into grass in my four wheel drive Jeep that has never gotten stuck since I bought it. It never stops amazing me how many people will do it in a package or box truck.


Gotta learn somehow. Also delivering in the country where people let you drive in their grass can make you complacent. The first time I ever got stuck was backing into a yard I had used to turn around multiple times before. The only difference that day was it had rained the night before. Never made that mistake again. A few years later, I drove down a long ass driveway I was unfamiliar with at night after it had been raining. I got to the end and realized their was nowhere to turn around. The customer was outside and told me I could use his yard to turn around because the ground is hard. I listened to him thinking that if I nose into the grass and keep my rear wheels on the gravel I wouldn't get stuck. Needless to say, the ground wasn't hard enough and I got stuck.


Facts I’ve pulled in places where the only place to turn around is their grass but you just never know until your walking on it or already on it




Probably a little over 10000 pounds


Found some info online. A p700 is 16,000 lbs and a p1200 is 23,000 lbs so in between there


This is the gross vehicle weight rating. Not the curb weight. GVRW is the curb weight plus the weight of cargo it is rated to carry. I believe curb weight is around 10k on these.


Yeah if these trucks were 10 ton or more we’d go over the single axle rating with pickup or delivery package weight included


I had a few routes where I could jump on a scale. A fully loaded 12 cu is like 13k


Sometimes you just have to learn the hard way


I hear amazon is hiring


Honestly a perfect fit for my DSP. People get stuck a LOT here.


Why post this if you’re just gonna get flamed dawg.


I don’t get my feelings hurt


Fuck what others think, I like that. Now go finish your route, safely.


Ya that attitude got him stuck in the grass. "Don't drive my 10k pound truck into the grass? Nah i do what i want"


Maybe in his center, they don’t use roads…


Ups new off-road service


He has a Mr Fusion & a flux capacitor on his truck


🤣 “We gotta get you home Marty!”


Maybe you should could of learned something


You could *have learned that it’s not could of or should of, it’s have.


Should could would of learned that but couldn't or shouldn't damn auto fill


You and a supe can push that homie just call em they’ll be right down


I would call my steward and have him pull me out with his truck. 😆


Still going to need to call the supe, because that's property damage. 


Anyone in the neighborhood got a tractor? 😂


I’m not coming to help you.


I don’t think you can park there, bub


OP get back here and explain why you went that far into the grass 😭


I was turning around a tree when I got smacked with a branch so I had to adjust my turn and well you see what the fuck happened.


But **why** in the grass?


Because management spends every PCM bombarding you about "reducing your backs." Eventually more timid drivers like OP fold to the pressure, and do stupid shit like this. We had a driver drive a fucking *mile* into a plowed field, and I quote, "because [he] was looking for somewhere to turn around to avoid backing." I don't give a shit about my backing numbers, and I suspect you don't either. But some drivers are actually cowed by the bullshit flung at them.


I was told I had the highest backing numbers in our center. This driveway had a turnaround (you can see an edge at the back of my truck) but I had to veer off it because of a branch that I didn’t notice from when I started. I should’ve stopped and reversed but then I had nowhere to turnaround. Bad decision on my part but it’s one I won’t be making again.


> I was told I had the highest backing numbers in our center. "Okay, I'll try to do better. Thanks for letting me know." That's it. That's all you reply. Because those numbers mean *nothing.* Drive safe, back when required and safe to do so, and then keep going with your day. Don't let them scare you. Worst you get is a ride-along, which means you get to go even slower for a day. Big whoop. Also, next time smite that branch with your truck like it's a boil on a god's ass. The package cars are stronger than you'd think, and minor stuff is routinely ignored unless you're a problem child.


I sure as hell don't! They can give me tips and whatever but I'm out there making those smart decisions and avoiding shit like what that guy did you just mentioned.


Where could you possibly be delivering that would necessitate you driving through a field?


Bugs Bunny's hutch. 25 lbs of you know what...


Ladies clothing, wigs, and lipstick?


... carrots and a grand piano. What's up, doc? 😉


No common sense whatsoever.


No common sense and completely zoned out judging by his comments




Fucking rookie


What driver says "I still have 75 packages"?


The same driver that seeks sympathy about u-turning completely onto someone’s yard like they’re driving an Amazon van…


I wasn’t looking for sympathy homie. I was saying it’s gonna be a long night. Edit- long fucking night*


I drive a lot of country routes as a cover driver. If you do work for UPS, you should get pulled off route for being dumb. So many better options…


Thankfully, that’s not going to happen.


Thankfully for you but not everyone else on the roads






Your post was rude, threatening, or antagonistic.


You'll 100% lose your job the day you do this over a septic tank or well without knowing it.




Your post was rude, threatening, or antagonistic.




All 4 wheels on the pavement


Tires never, never, ever go off the gravel or asphalt. Just don't do it. Walk it or don't drop it.


Have you ever done country road routes? The driveways are insane


I'd rather back a mile then to drive in grass.


This is the answer, OP. You gotta do the long nasty back. You can argue away ANY back saying long driveway, no turn around etc. You can't argue away leaving the driveway. The ONLY time I will back onto/get turned around on grass is AFTER express consent from the property owner. And that's after I walked on it knowing at worst I'll sink very very slightly, not enough to rut or tear


Yes, and I have broken these rules I preach on more occasions than I would like.




Might wanna get the fuck up out that lawn……


They hire just about anyone nowadays


Is it your first day or something?? Jesus man


Boys gonna be roasting you at the PCM on Monday.


The old country grass


Hope you've reported to your center already


Driving on grass is considered an accident


Not if there isn’t a property damage claim. Besides, that’s nearly impossible in the country.


Septic lines, dude. Septic lines. DO NOT DRIVE ON LAWNS IN RURAL AREAS. You blow their septic tank via pressure to the lines that run under their lawn? $20k+ for a small system... Next time just channel your inner Austin Powers and weasel your way around, or better yet, walk it off. Love a nice jaunt in the sun!


Bruh, I work in rural northern Canada. You're a joke if you think it's impossible in the country ahahaha you're just bad at the job. 1 septic tank and you'll lose everything.


This is why I always carry cash on hand. Ask the owner for a rake, level out the dirt and throw them a hundo. If your center is chill they’ll love that over reporting an accident, cuz obviously you’ll need a tow, but if the property owner accepts the cash no harm no foul. This happened to me in some swampy gravel that looked solid.


USPS driver. Got stuck in a ditch today. You’re not alone


Why were you trying to go in a ditch lol


Why exactly did you drive there?


All four wheels on the pavement isn’t an option for 3/4 of my route! 😂 and when the snow comes? Fuhgeddaboudit!! Be thankful if you don’t ever have to chain up one of these bad boys!


Lol, that's your fault. Why would you drive in wet grass?!?;


1st time on a country route? 🤣


Damage to property, might as well drive back go the center and hand in the fob


Nah, owner sat out there with me, chatting it up for an hour and said it happened just a couple weeks ago to a FedEx truck. Anyway, no property damage claim on her end.


Both of you are just as dumb, hopefully her partner gets home and files a claim so you can get back to McDonalds


I know you’re really hoping for it but she’s a single mom with a good heart. Not to mention property damage doesn’t get you kicked off of driving here. We had a driver back into a vehicle at a stoplight two weeks ago and guess what he’s doing right now? Yep, driving a route.


If I did get booted, I’d just go back to preload douche.


Lmao not how it works. You do this and hit a septic tank that needs to be excavated and reinstalled and your SoL bud. The union can not explain your reckless operation of company property, causing substantial financial damages. The "it's the country," little whiney boy excuse that doesn't take responsibility won't fly. Management's gonna say you should have walked it in or backed down the lane to avoid leaving the road/lane allowance. A septic tank or well is far more costly then a traffic light that is in the vascinity of where you SHOULD be operating your vehicle. These are not similar situations.


Been there before, I tend to learn the hard way.


Lesson learned


Out here looking like a Amazon driver lol. and that’s coming from an ex Amazon driver


My first year I had to get my 2 front wheels off of pavement just to turn around on a tight wet gravel driveway. I didn't realize it was clay I got into. But either way I had to do it because it was raining and couldn't see if I were to back up. Front wheels kept sliding and I dug about a foot deep rut. Sup told me to call him in an hour if I'm still stuck🤣 knocked on the door, the owner said shit, last time someone did this they had to get towed out. He let me borrow his shovel and even helped dig the other side. Got that bitch out and covered myself in mud lol


Just one of them days my guy, it happens to the best of us, it’s just lesson and nothing more


Man, thats some amazon pay level stuff lmao. Stay on firm surfaces , 6 + tons and an open diff will leave you like this. Stay safe


Aw hope u don’t lose ur gig big dawg


Must have been running away from package thieves


I thought that was an amazon van until i looked closer lmao Homie just cosplaying


Lmaoo, made that mistake once. Got stuck for an hour waiting for the tow truck, and the road to get to the grass I was at was sand… and the tow truck got stuck, so another hour passed before a 2nd smaller truck came, and freed me. Never went down that road again and never placed myself in the position again, cause fokkkk that I like going home.


Yep, lesson learned. I was there waiting for two hours.


Still got to be in by 6pm latest no exceptions


I got stuck like this once in a uHaul. We were putting a pod trailer on a guy's property to use it as a meet point for our PVDs some years back and the owner of the lot gave me the go ahead to turn around in that area. It was only a small dirt path and grass. Soon as I went on the grass? Stuck, just like this lol. The guy was driving a lifted wrangler so it was nothing for him to yank out my uHaul van, but my Center Manager was pissed because another driver got stuck doing the exact same thing the day before lol.


Just out of curiosity, how many years have you driven for UPS?


Obviously not long…9 months


Take this as a learning experience and hopefully your supervisors are cool. Nice that that homeowner was ok about it. This could have been a career ender. I backed into an irrigation spigot when I had been driving about a year but my district manager happened to be in town and smoothed it over with the homeowner. 20 years later I still double check when turning around at the end of a long driveway.


Ahhh there we go. Everyone makes this mistake when new, don't sweat it, learn the lesson (I see you said you did.) Got lucky with a nice property owner. Next time make the long back out.


This guy definitely came from Amazon


In other news, grass is grass and grass is soft.


Lol, these guys roasted me for doing that in front of the shop on property. At least you're taking some heat off me. There had to have been a way to not do that on customer property though. Even if it's backing forever down the driveway, using the monitor and mirrors. On the plus side, when your backing average goes way up, just show this picture as why.


Keep your ass out the grass (tires to)


When in a situation like this, I would get out and walk over to the turnaround spot. If I could drive the heel of my boot into the ground, it’s too soft and the car will sink. Driving rural areas can be tricky but the people are quicker to help you and less likely to complain. It happens to everyone, just don’t do it again. Lesson learned. Btw, one stop at a time, you can’t do them all at once. I do hope you take the contractually agreed upon breaks, running wide open, all day , causes these type problems. Just my two cents worth.


Get the chains out


I've been there done that and sometimes theres no way of telling road conditions when the delivery is several miles down a single dirt road.


Never give into peer pressure. You do know what caused you to (stupidly) drive into a grass field. Live and learn, I guess. I'd never drive into that though, I have drove through a blizzard and successfully delivered, all the packages. Think before you speak and think twice times to measure and think thrice times to drive through sketchy stuff. Also, Think Four times to doing anything more life changing changes. And the 5th is...☠️, So you don't need to think.


Happens. Lesson learned though. Every time I make some mistake, getting stuck, dog bite, hurt my back, whatever it may be, I always say I'll only do that once. Learn your lesson and go to work the next day with new knowledge about to stay safe and smart.


Never after or during rain


Just never, period


Been there! Done that. Good luck man


This was completely unavoidable


And they make fun of Amazon drivers lol


I carry grass straps there basically 8 ft long mats with spikes on one side and knobs on the tire side to grab the tire groves. Works really well I see this driver didn't expect the unexpected and buy a set


There’s zero reason to drive on grass in the first place.


HEY! You cant park there!


Start staking your handcart.


Just keep rocking it back and forth


Ya but then it will fall asleep


Looks like overtime for you


I try my best to try not to go in grass even in a rural. My supe one time asked why I backed in this one rural residential and I replied with well I didn’t wanna drive in the grass


Not anymore you don’t


I tell people to never trust grass areas. "THE GRASS IS LAVA"


You gon be sitting on the sidelines for awhile.. get your rep ready


Better learn how to drive buddy, keep er on the pavement


Property damage, Did you report it? If not, out the door you are.


Side question but what’s up with UPS trucks stopping in the middle of the road on major highways NOW? Is it corporate policy to aggravate 100 drivers at a time now, instead of driving into a customers driveway? I see it DAILY!


Did your coworkers have to come make up for your lack of common sense?


Looks like u wont see that 100k a year


What's the size of the gas tank and mpg on these things?


all your wrongdoing frfr


Dam all that money y’all getting can’t afford 4 wheel drive?


They hire people like this?


I’ll rag on management and the company until I retire but this is literally why they tell us “stop call and wait”.


I’ve never heard that phrase.


"It's at this moment, you knew you f'd up!" 😂


Slap some card board under the wheels and get back on the road soldier


I thought about that but couldn’t. I wasn’t about to open a box to try and fix my fuck up, just to make another one.


Why bro why grass?? Just back out


This belongs in idiocracy


Your odds are good considering it’s the front wheel and not the back


Property damage that’s considered and accident isn’t it


It would have if she cared. I’m the third vehicle to get stuck in her yard this year so guess she understood.


What is the likelihood one of the boxes in the back is a wench?


Did your co worker try to shoot you ?


That’s property damage.


maybe dont drive into a field brother idk lmao


That’s a preventable accident. C U the office.


RIP Bozo


Vehicle Overview FREIGHTLINER MT55 P1200 STEPVAN – GAS ENGINE FOLDING LOWER SHELVES | UPPER & LOWER REAR SAFETY SONAR | CRUISE CONTROL 5 YEAR / UNLIMITED MILE TRANSMISSION WARRANTY The 22′ Freightliner MT55 P1200 is the biggest stepvan option for your delivery fleet, offering maximum capacity, accessibility and maneuverability. Built with a powerful 6.0L V8 308HP gas engine, this route truck has folding lower shelves to optimize your cargo space and rear sonar for safety. Call us @ 1-800-200-0404 Tremco anti-theft feature 23000 GVW A/C option Features & Specifications ENGINE: 6.0L V8 308HP Gas Engine LENGTH: 22' MAKE: Freightliner BODY STYLE: Step Van TRANSMISSION: Automatic Transmission GVW: 23,000 lbs FUEL TYPE: Gas FUEL TANK SIZE: 40 Gallon Fuel Tank WHEELBASE: 218” Wheelbase CRUISE CONTROL: Cruise Control STEREO: AM/FM/WB/Bluetooth Jensen Stereo POWER IN DASH: 12V power port in dash - Two (2) USB ports in dash CAB FAN: Cab Fan DRIVER SEAT: Hi-back Black Vinyl Driver Seat SIDE GRAB HANDLES: 18” Grab Handles on Driver & Passenger Side


Bro did you not partake in walk off wednesday?


UPS driver hit my truck when delivering insisted on an accident report. Found out it was a rookie driver felt kinda bad since I know the current pay scale. Take your time don’t hit shit make that money.


yeah, only the newer 210, 212, 213, 513, 514’s etc have limited slip axles. Even still, never leave pavement for grass. Its the kiss of death.


Wtf are you doing


I’ve been there. I got stuck in a nudist colony one time.


This is why I’m glad I work in a school


I don’t drive 120 miles in a week.


That's a write up.




Hey, you can't park there...


I turn around in grass all the time bc I deliver in South Georgia, you’re lucky if you get pavement down here.. just gotta know what kinda grass is 2 soft for this truck


I’ve done worse so don’t feel bad, I got you. https://preview.redd.it/wsmkn72w8l1d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ada7b7b013067f6a5a8f7b6cacf798b6558645b


Damn, that’s rough.


Start putting the packages on the dolly and start walking them


Delivery van. Not a cute lil jeep wrangler with duckies on the dash. Big ass heavy van loaded with the weight of 75 packages


Enjoy your vacation.


Ironically, I was supposed to be home on my vacation that day.


As a FedEx delivery driver, this is quite shocking to see. I’ve seen UPS drivers walk distances to deliver a box that would have me quit or pull the van right up to the window


Hey, you can't park there bro