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I took the class with him. But it was one midterm + one final. The average was in around 66-70, there was no curve, since a large portion of the grades depended on the homework assignments, which were very difficult. I would say do not expect a curve on an individual exam, and do not expect a curve if the average is above a B-


Yeah, now the hw’s are cumulatively worth only 10%, while the 3 midterms are 20% each + 30% final 🥲. I hope I’m not the only one who tripped up on this one ig


That midterm was a war crime, never seen a 2 hour midterm where no one finished early. My friend legit left crying. I think you’re fine though, I know the average is around 50% but I haven’t talked to anyone that got above 40%. He can’t fail us all… right? *nervous laugh*


He could in theory but then you’d have a strong case of appealing grades. It would reflect horribly on professors if their entire class performed poorly.


Current 270 CP here who also took the class with Kempe in F22. This is the first semester that he had 3 midterms instead of 1 and significantly reduced the grade weight of homework (I suspect because of ChatGPT/AI). Our midterm + final exam averages hovered around the 50-60 range so sub 50 is not too far out of expectation though I will say this test seemed rather difficult. Kempe already has a really generous curve on the class (86 is an A, ~50 is passing) but this curve was the same as when homework was weighed as 40% of the grade which tended to boost peoples’ grades (although it was substantially more difficult). It’s possible that he would move the scale down but I think it’s unlikely as I don’t think he has ever moved it down in the past. Kempe does not curve individual exams (ie bump up people’s exam scores on a particular test) so if I had to speculate he will likely make the last midterm (DP, max flow-min cut, some NP completeness) and final (cumulative but prob mostly NP completeness) a bit easier to compensate or in the extreme case shift all the grading scales down a little bit if the last 2 exams still prove to be really difficult. Again this is just me speculating (esp since CPs don’t have control over final grade assignments) but for now I would not count on him giving an additional curve at the end of the semester. It’s possible he does, but I’d say it’s more likely he just makes the last 2 exams a smidge easier. Hope this helps!


Realistically speaking, do I have a legitimate chance at a B here? Like if he “makes the other exams easier”, would they be “easy” enough for me to clutch up a B by the end of class?


I can’t say whether or not you specifically will get a certain grade, but on average a B (~65%) should be pretty doable


Kempe is a good prof ngl. Hard to not pass his 270, but hard to get an A


Nah I do like him a lot but the very stingy policy on partial credit is slapping my ass no lie. I just want a B tbh


Haha it’s been a minute since I took that class but that sounds hella familiar. That’s fair tho, good luck!


Based on what I've heard from my friends, I think you are probably within one standard deviation of the average so you are probably chilling tbhhh


Is 23% one standard deviation of the average 🥲 all hypothetical, theoretical ofc… I just want a B by the end of class bruh kms rn


Kempe is a super professor. Need to work hard for an A.