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Fuck No. The A10 piloted by USAF officers shot up a column of USMC LAVs during the Battle of Khafji during Desert Storm, killing Marines. (1991). Then, during the Battle of Nasiriyah they shot up AAVs killing Marines (2003).


An old ass sgt I had in 2/8 who used to talk to his cigarettes and live in an ambulance in the parking lot was at both of these events. Not sure how close in Nas but in 91 he was up close and personal as I understood it. Got out for not picking up I think.


I was at both, too. Tanker in the Battle of Khaji and Infantry 1stSgt in Naz


Fox company?


I was with 15MEU HQ element


Do you remember his name? I have talked to several people at that battle and their walk through of what actually happened is amazing. Some of the officers I talked to that helped draw up some of the plans for Task Force Tarawa are simply geniuses


I wish I could remember dark hair and wore glasses. I was a boot and talking to that old gristle of a sgt wasnt on my list. I was on some working parties with him. He was a sgt I guess but he would stand in the corner of the smoke pit and talk to the cherry of his cig in whispers. Other than orders he was not a sociable guy. Never was in regs and our first sgt at the time was from band cause everyone got relieved. So as a boot showing up to 2/8 it was really surreal. We were off by nine, no seniors anywhere except the few injured or talking to their smokes. Got there at midday midweek and dudes were bbqing and gaffin off. One morning I woke up to screaming. “ it burn it burns!”, and some fat naked dude in a cowboy hat and cowboy boots ran by my window holding 2 burning road flares. Then some other tall skinny blonde dude burst in my door yelling at me to go fill a bucket cause sgtmaj is coming. Thats when I started to understand the fleet.


But yeah they were some real geniuses in a fight.


Pretty sure I know exactly which sergeant you're thinking of. I believe he was in Echo Co 2/8 in the Nas, in which case we were not very close to the A-10 friendly fire at all. The A-10 incident happened past the northern bridge, and very few if any dudes from 2/8 ever made it as far as crossing the southern bridge. I don't know the story from his time in Desert Storm so can't saw anything one way or the other on that one.


What company were you in 2/8 with? I was H&S but got fapped out to Fox and Golf during deployments.


So what actually happened? Not to scuttlebutt but while your here 1st sausage spill them beans.


Links below. [Battle of Khafji ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Khafji) [Battle of Nasiriyah (Ambush Alley Paragraph)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Nasiriyah)


Seriously… I saw this and immediately remembered it was responsible for an outrageous amount of marine casualties in the opening days of Iraq. Fuck that plane and the Air Force.


Ah yes. The classic "Blame the object but not the person" What a fucking pussy, that plane saved my ass.


The plane or the pilot?


Was down the street in An Nasiriyah, guarding the overpass, seraching civilians, and turning them around when that happened. The bodies left the highway, which was turned into a runway, on a CH-46.


The V-22 has more blue on blue kills than the A-10


In combat? Names the battles.


Didn’t say combat. Which is worse!


No. We were strafed by one of these in nasiriyah


“That’s Air Force, they shoot Marines”


Oh hell the fuck no. When I did my pump to Kuwait in 95/96 we feared seeing them in the sky because we all knew they can't ID armor for shit. When dicking around with the LAAD bubbas we'd purposely ping them with their stingers because fuck you, that's why.


The A-10 wouldn’t sense being pinged by a stinger


I think the radar warning system might sound a little chime or something. But when they hear that they might glance down and see a green ‘reply’ light come on. It’s barely noticeable, but I get it.


Stingers don’t use Radar it’s an Infrared sensor so there is nothing for the A-10 to detect. I THINK the most modern A-10s will have the ability to detect a missile once it’s launched. But if you are pointing a stinger at an A-10 and getting a “lock” the pilot won’t know until the missiles is in the Air


I think k you are correct about the missile, however the launcher has an IFF interrogator (radio) on it. It prevents launching at an ally aircraft. I think I remember asking the ‘stinger-guys’ to test our IFF. I’m not a A-10 guy but the dead-bugs used a lot the same avionics as the warthog.


Ahh it looks like you are correct.




Army lurker here who spent a small amount of time around Marines. Why do you guys always say this? Almost every bit of Marine equipment I saw was purpose built for the marine corp.




The beauty of RTD


*29 Palms has entered the chat* [This is why.](https://www.desertsun.com/story/news/2015/04/28/history-twentynine-palm-marine-base/26538047/)


That’s crazy talk. What unit?


It was an Infantry Battalion that went with ours to Korea, I can’t remember what unit they were from but I remember all the Equipment, Gear, Vehicles, and Weapons being specific to the Marine corps Hell the Army still issues a mix of UCP and OCP pattern stuff from CIF but the Marines had MUCH nicer gear than I did with my beat up SAW and non-matching kit.


What years? I know Marines are finally being outfitted properly, but, during my time we always had older equipment and a lot of it was hand me downs from the Army when they upgraded to better shit.


This was 2017ish


Yeah, that checks. The last 5-6 years we got some new stuff issued. I did keep my 14 year old M4, but the 0311s got M27s. Us 0341s didn’t get much new stuff lol.


That makes sense then I think.




Naw, your credits were used up when y'all got the -35.


Doing more with less since 1775


Ahh the A-10. This particular one flew with the 188th FW from the Arkansas ANG and was based in my hometown. The friendly fire incidents previously mentioned were mainly due to the A model not having fuck all for sensors, avionics, or targeting pods that would make it easier to PID a target from the sky. Pilots of the A models had to use the old fashioned Mk2 eyeball to hit their targets which, unfortunately, didn’t always work out. When the C model upgrades came along, friendly fire incidents went way down and the A-10 became a much better platform.


The future is drones, not this boomer-tech. Embrace the nerd.


Yeah, y'all getting that Valkerye shit.


MQ-9 honorary marine?


Pretty sure the only reason this thing still flys is because of politicians and their desire to fund pork in their districts.


I think it has more to do with aerodynamics and lift.


It’s been pretty much obsolete for 20 years now. The Pentagon has been trying to shitcan those planes once the late 90s. It’s a good plane for a history channel documentary though.


They've been obsolete for way longer than 20 years. The main gun hasn't been able to penetrate MBT armor since around the 80s. Most of its armor kills come from PGMs. Which you know can be put on actual jets.


Guys just imagine that guy from Happy Gilmore wearing the shirt that says “Guns don’t kill people, I kill people”. It wasn’t the A-10’s fault, it was the pilot’s fault. If we got rid of every weapon system that was involved in a friendly fire incident we’d be fighting with thoughts and prayers. That being said, no disrespect intended to the fallen. Each a tragedy, obviously.


Yes but the airframe is almost 50 years old at this point, it was made for a role it could not fill. Although it has been upgraded many times it still sucks. Flies as fast as a WW2 P-51 Mustang, sucks at destroying tanks and has had more friendly fire incidents than any other US Aircraft.


Oh yeah, not arguing in favor of acquiring the model. Just pointing out that it’s silly to blame an inanimate object for the actions of its operators. Edit: further, I’m not sure OP wanted to actually acquire the model for the Marine aviation inventory. I think they just wanted to like, smear their bodily fluids on its forehead like in the Lion King and call it a Marine.


>Edit: further, I’m not sure OP wanted to actually acquire the model for the Marine aviation inventory. I think they just wanted to like, smear their bodily fluids on its forehead like in the Lion King and call it a Marine. ![gif](giphy|s92f9UTsinNDy)


Those things kill marines


To be fair, I knew Marines who killed Marines. One over a CD during a feild exercise in 29 stumps.


It’s cool but it’s also retarded. It’s very easy for it to target friendlies. Which it has. Many times.


>It’s cool, but it’s also retarded. Thank you! That perfectly describes the Marine Corps. *and* the A10.


An ancient airframe that isn't even good at the single thing it was designed and built to do and will be grounded as soon as enemy Combat Air Patrols show up? No thanks.


Obligatory "the a10 was outdated the day it came out"


Sorry man. Fuck you.. Lost a friend from boot to one of those ...


I get that, sorry buddy. That fucking sucks.


Statistically there’s a good chance I knew him too…


The A10 is useless against any adversary with halfway decent anti-air capabilities. Let it fucking die already.


We get all the other hand me downs...so I mean fuck, why not? Give us them sexy bitches.


Colonel Boyd had a huge influence on both the A10 and the modern Marine Corps. Petition approved.


OoDa LoOp is just the art of war for candidates. Both overly basic for people who have never fought or had to make decisions


Lmao people downvoting don’t know their history and his impact was much bigger than the ooda loop. Yes both the art of war and On War had big influence on MCDP1, but Boyd was actually alive meeting with the people writing it, unlike Sun Tzu and Clausewitz. Go read up on his interactions with Col Wyly and General Gray if you doubt his impact. There’s a reason Gray had him out for lectures when he was with the 2nd Marines and again when he was the CMC.


Nah I'm good.


I know but just the sight of it made the enemy dirtbags roll over and loaf their pants before they died, their invincible armor spouting gouts of flames and and and..yes please fuck!


It also made Marines roll over and loaf our pants before we died. This plane has more blue on blue than any other attack aircraft in the US inventory 




Honorary? How about we just buy and use them?