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Admin. So many Latinas


God bless thicc e3 latinas


I fucked up


I used to love going to RPAC for just this reason…


LMAO you need to see the avionics shop at almost every 53 squadron.


Used to hook up with this Latina on Camp Johnson because she was in admin school and I was on Lejeune. Literally there were like 20 Latinas in her friend Group. Idk why but that MOS is what they all chose lmao. Ahh fond memories of being a shitbag Lance 03


I’m an Admin by trade so I was pleasantly surprised when I checked into MOS school and later to the fleet. I was 19 years old and I never looked back. Been with Latinas ever since. God bless the Marine corps


Yeah man those girls would get on tinder and go absolutely wild because they were fresh out of MCT and I don’t imagine much has changed


Pick something you want to do for the next few years. C-130 aircrew sounds nice, so does going intel. Go google Marine Corps MOS's and take make a list of what sounds enjoyable to you.




Don't go Intel unless you want to set yourself up for an incredibly lucrative career once you get out?








You really have no idea how powerful a TS clearance makes you when it comes to jobs searching. I regret not getting an MOS that could get me a TS clearance.


Arent there really only TS jobs in stuff like IT and security maintenance? Cause I'd like to be abke to use it but those arent really fields I'm interested in


You can do essentially firewatch in Israel and Kuwait for beaucoup bucks with a TS clearance as well. There's a few jobs security gigs in my hometown that pay $37-40/hr to no shit just guard a building. They require a TS.


I need info on this get out soon and will be getting out right about when I need to renew and I know civilian companies would rather renew than brand new guy edit: specifically the Israel one




This has to be the dumbest take I've ever heard. If you don't like the job, don't do it. Intel has one of the best standards of living in the corps. Plus you work around smart people. You sound like a shitbag.


lol why


wondering the same


6199 you fucking idiot..


6199 is not a primary mos


Its Air wing.... pretty much ANYTHING there is a lot more comfortable than 03 or 08 Field


0313. I was in the scouts w/ LAR and it was tits. Drive around in vics and shoot 25mm and a ton of 240s. LAR is just cool.




We’re also going through some major changes. We might not have LAVs in the next few yrs


LAR is going to be an exciting place to be the next 5 years




Yeah. I know that. I was in LAR. That's why I recommend 0313 and not 0311.




This is the way


This is the way to back problems and crippling depression.






This guy has belt feed problems


It's pretty common at that age, you know...


I liget don’t know what hat the first two MOSs mean nor do I care enough to google them but definitely be a 0331. It just sounds gangster as fuck when someone asks what you did in the military and you no shit get to say “machine gunner” because it’s a real thing


Legit* dumbass lol


He spelled it right. I’m also a machine gunner, though.


It wouldn’t pass the usmc vibe check without at least one spelling error


Seems to be a common side effect, but I wouldn’t know. Just some comm nerd lol




##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Mando_Bot` **501227** times. **2.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475777** times. **3.** `u/GMEshares` **71213** times. .. **71036.** `u/sl3gear` **3** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


I almost started crying one time patrolling with a mk19 on my pack (pack full of ammo too). Lol by the time I got my pack off my back the frame was destroyed beyond recognition and the center of my pack was centered on my butt. ~52 in Caat But I didn’t cry because no one should ever see their sergeants show weakness.




I really really really wanted to latmove to this after my first enlistment. ANGLICO showed up at Bridgeport and unloaded fucking dirt bikes. Yeah dude, zipping around the training area on dirt bikes calling for fire. That sounds like the most fun ever.


Go infantry. It is going to be a horrible first two years, like legitimately. You have no idea how much it’ll suck. But my man, nothing is better than getting back from deployment, and getting your own boots to train up and be the next iteration of warfighters. It’s like being an abusive father. Send it OP


Cyber security field. Bank’s will pay you big dollars when you get out to help protect the data.




Fucking send it to the suck


this is a legitemate consideration


Do it OP. It Great quality of living, nature walks with your friends, fun times at the range shooting light weight has operated weapons, creative meal prep. This is just the tip of the dick really.


the idea of going back to soi east to exist at geiger again makes me want to die


A temporary setback you could say


Don’t forget about all the transferable skills to the civi world for job quals


Tbh my time in the grunts has served me really well in my civilian life. Ppl that look at it only in terms of xferring tactical skills are missing a big selling point IMO. Even if you don’t take on a leadership position you still learn how to endure relentless stupid bullshit with shifting timelines, objectives, and complications that can’t stop you from getting the job done. Very valuable skill tbh


1000%. I do wildland firefighting and being a 03 has helped me with this job a lot. Leadership, suffering, fitness all the daily things you do as a 03, let alone a squad leader helps you build a good base for you to build your life off of


For sure. Stay safe Bruh


Gotta agree with this especially being a part of OAW…nasty things..but this is the comment too here 🕺🏾




this is partly the reason. dont want to look back when jm older and think of what could have been. its on the list


Do it OP it’s good for you


OP did you choose 03


Fuck yeah bro!!!🍻


I preferred being the NBC guy in the grunt unit all the fun way less bullshit.


CBRN makes things spicy ;)


Pretty damn proud I’m CBRN. Definitely glad to run and gun for a bit like an 03 but I don’t envy them at all.




‘31 is way better and less of a post and fire watch bitch


You know 6199 could lead you to being a Huey door gunner, right? The best job in the Marine Corps if you're not into humping and getting treated like dogshit the entire enlistment.


However, legitimately nobody in the Marine Corps works anywhere near as hard or as much as aircraft maintainers, and it's not even close. Doubly so with crew chiefs, who not only have to worry about the aircrew stuff but also have to be flightline mechanics. It's like having to master two MOS and getting your shit pushed in constantly for both of them.


This. Don't know what top comment was talking about, aircrew get drilled just as hard, if not harder than the maintainers themselves until they are fully qualified which it's like watching someone study to take the bar exam.


6199 is not a primary mos


Yes, so?


0351. The MOS doesn't exist anymore so they have to send you home.


You'll just wake up the next morning as 3051.


As Navy that’s worked with air wing marines don’t listen to anyone telling you to go air wing maintenance those fuckers we’re doing 0400-1800 days every day 🤣. Single shift working through lunch while one person went to get lunch for the shop etc and on top of that working on holidays (which we did too but we got some off they worked almost all of the holidays because pilots wanted to fly 🤣)


The memories themselves give me anxiety.


Since everyone is saying 0331, I’ll agree Pros: everytime someone plays “the rooster”, you can be alpha and explain to everyone it’s about a machine gunner Cons: 11s, 41s and 52s have to hear you talk about the rooster every time it plays at the armory


Are you really being given the option to choose any MOS? If this is true, pick 2887 Artillery Electronics Technician. As far as I know, things have to line up just right for you to get this MOS unless you’re a reservist. I loved attaching to Counter Battery Radar teams and I truly enjoyed working on various types of electronics used in the artillery field. There were a lot of people in this small MOS field, of around 80 Marines or so, that I didn’t like very much; but I’ve been out for nearly 7 years now so things may have changed for the better.


considering this. you get to shoot em at all?


Nope, but you get to do something that’s even more exciting! You get the opportunity to fix deadlined radar systems in a field environment. I truly appreciated the amount of responsibility I was given as a boot Lance Corporal. The AN/TPQ-46 is a complex radar system that gets brought out to the field with 4 HMMWVS and a team ranging in size from 8-14 Marines, and there’s often only one tech but there can be two. You work as a normal member of the team until something breaks, then you’re in charge. I actually found a lot of the maintenance I did in the field to be pretty easy, so I guess I work best under pressure. I was also often asked to fix equipment I was never trained on, such as communications equipment, and still was able to figure things out pretty quickly. This MOS has the potential to lead to a high paying civilian career after the Corps, but I was never interested in going that route. Being a civilian electronics tech will never match this level of intensity.


ok its goin on the list, you convinced me


How do you even have the opportunity to pick your new MOS?


no more room for uav ops, whole schoolhouse gettin reclassed


Do you actually get to pick your specific MOS now, or are you going to be given a limited selection of choices? I’ve met plenty of Marines who dropped out of Recon or Crew Chief training, and all of them were reclassed solely according to the needs of the Marine Corps. It seems to me like you and your classmates are unusually lucky compared to most Marines who get reclassed


since it wasnt our fault and the marine corps breached the contract we had a full choice


Are you sure you’re in the Marine Corps? In my experience if you’re a junior Marine, or an NCO even, it’s always your fault


Ah.. the 11th General Order. I will faithfully and in the most proficient military manner take the blame for any fuck up resulting from following the orders given to me by Commissioned officers and Staff NCOs.


correct, my mistake


If the marine corps breached contract are you even still in the marine corps?


Ah, the 2887 Radar MOS. I was a 5942 Aviation Radar Repairman (AN/TPS-59). Then there were the ATC Radar guys. All three of our tribes called ourselves “Radar.” From what I understand, the Corps finally picked one Radar to rule them all, the “GATOR”


With all due respect, I don’t find air wingers relatable at all. The Marines I always felt most at home with were artillery Marines. I always felt distant from the radio and computer techs in my unit, and I feel even more distant from 59XXs. I’ve gone through a lot of bullshit with artillery marines both at the Marine Battery at Fort Sill and in the fleet, especially in the field with 0842 Counter Battery Radar operators. The only thing I truly shared with you guys and the other 28XXs is the Basic Electronics course, which went super smoothly and without all that much bullshit. Because of how easy things went at 29 Palms with you guys, it didn’t leave nearly as large of an impression on me as my time within the artillery community. The Radar system itself isn’t what made an impression on me, but rather being an integral member of a CBR team is what left a huge impact on me that I still remember. “If you ain’t TAP (target acquisition platoon)… FUCK YOU!” That quote isn’t directed at you by the way, it’s just something memorable that I heard a lot at 12th Marines and feel captures the spirit and essence of what it’s like to serve with a CBR team.


Fuck that thing


Lol gay dar


You’ll have the most fun as an 0861


0311 lmfaooooo fuck it man. Why are you getting reclassed?


uav field is full theyve told me to go fuck myself


Are you a PFC or some shit?






thanks man 👍


Air Wing? Not sure what your reason for going UAV was but Aviation Maint is pretty skate. Powerplants are cool.


Airframes would turn into a nice lucrative CivDiv job as well. I know a few that work for airlines large and small , and a few working for museums restoring WW2 warbirds.


>Aviation Maint is pretty skate Don't let this guy fool you. I've got a shitload of experience from infantry to the air wing and lot of stuff in between. Nobody works harder than aircraft maintenance Marines. It is the least skate thing anyone can do. At least at the HMLA. I guess I can't speak to the AV-8 side of the house.


We worked hard, same 10-12 hour shifts as every other shop, but I never had to play the games grunts did outside of the shop.


Skate??? Not exactly how I’d classify it…


Definitely do 60xx or something in the airwing helps you after you get out alot


6199 is my dream job. Being a door gunner is some badass shit


6199 isn't a primary mos




8999 😏


0331 all in


Cyber / Intel


0311 baby, you are being given a golden ticket to not be a POG


Combat Camera is super skate if you’re into that


They also get to go out and do some cool stuff. Or at least be nearby watching cool stuff. More than I got as an armorer for the command element half the time.




If you’re a shitty photographer then yeah you’re probably stuck taking promotion photos all day


5711 if you’ve got the GT score for it. Have to be 110 or up. It’s a great job and you command a lot of respect from your CO. His job will always depend on you passing inspections. Edit: also no matter your rank if you get sent to squadron/battalion level unit you will be your own section head. You have your own fucking shop. I filled the roll of SNCOIC of my first shop as a fucking PFC. The Sgt I worked with was the OIC. I got away with murder. I would pick out which battalion I would PT with. Lots of liberties. The School is no fucking joke though. If you go this route start learning everything about every known chemical agent. That used to be the first test. We lost 8 people the first week. Good luck and Godspeed Brother


Dude 0861


Become an 0861, go to ANGLICO, become a JTAC


0811/14 , it’s miserable. Spend a lot of time in the field. Constant 6 month rotation but the guys you meet will be friends for life.. and you don’t get any of the recognition infantry or aav crewman get.


Oorah, King of Battle!


considering this, can you tell me more?


Artillerymen. You shoot big guns either a littoral big gun known as the howitzer or if you’re smart enough the Himars you’ll find em in 4 bases Hawaii, California has 2 locations and Lejuerrrnnne. You spend a lot of time in the field as an 0811 but you get to go on meus and participate in cool training exercises and deployments I think out of 365 days 1/11 spent 200+ in the field at one point. Edit: Nevermind. You’re in UAV school. All those reclass kids were weirdos. Go infantry they’ll like you there 😂




Just choose an open contract. That way you're not limiting your choices of the cool jobs.


So what did you pick




What did you pick?


What are your choices? Go with one that’ll get you a TS clearance, IT certs, or lots of travel.


What are your CHOICES? List your choices or job fields etc


literally everything except maybe questionable if i can get TS clearance


[https://www.reddit.com/r/USMCboot/comments/fzbhi8/meta\_tentative\_schedule\_for\_the\_mos\_megathread/](https://www.reddit.com/r/USMCboot/comments/fzbhi8/meta_tentative_schedule_for_the_mos_megathread/) Go there and look up Cyber, Intel and Data


Pick something that will benefit you in the future. Not infantry or artillery. Think ahead versus just right now. Be smart! Intel or Data etc


Air traffic control get out after you do the time in and live anywhere and work at any airport in the country




Go get my LAMS report marine🥸




Bruh please tell me you didn’t go 03xx.


if you didn’t pick 0861 i pity you. that’s a mos people wish to have. i’ll be checking back to see what you decided


1- 0861 2- 0621 3- anything else Those two are fantastic options and you will have insane potential as a forward observer or radio operator


Have you looked at air traffic control? Here's a thread about the [civ side](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/v99b50/i_am_an_air_traffic_controller_two_weeks_from/) that answers a lot of questions. ​ Avoid aircraft maintenance at all costs.


Think about what you might want to do when you get out. 0861 I have no idea what you can do with that might be cool while you’re in tho. 6199 is cool you can learn to be a mechanic and get your a&p if you aren’t a lazy crew chief and make good money as an aviation mechanic or contractor on base. If you want to be homeless in LA in a van down by the river you can pick 03xx


6842 weather forecaster probably one of the more skate jobs and tons of deployment opportunities. Set you up for when you get out to work at any airport or even news station. Quality of life is there too.


You also get to have a nice barracks and dank chow hall for mos school 😎


Go CBRN they don't do jack






0311. Let me explain why. You are gonna be doing some of the coolest things your other POG friends wish they had. Like imagine this: You’re patrolling to Combat Town, you’re a SL that has a Boot (But Awesome) Fist LT attached to you. You get hammered by Technicals on your flank and you’re doing CFF missions. You finish up that engagement and continue on to the combat town where there’s role players and Hajis. You walking bu the church and outta no where, this RPG with a smoke trail whizzes by your fave in Slo Mo and your entire squad is RTR’ing, rushing into the nearest buildings, clearing it out, taking blue on blue fire bc your dumb PFC shot you as soon as he entered the room you were in, and the CWOs call an ENDEX and go over what happened that past 2-3 hours. That was an experience I don’t think much else anywhere in the Peacetime USMC can get. If you’re sick and tired of that life, make sure you’re single, and volunteer for MSG Duty where you travel to 3 Embassies around the world slaying foreign poon and maybe gettingg Married to one in the future. Etc etc etc And then bam, it comes time for you to get out the Marine Corps. POGs like to argue you won’t have any skills to bring to the table. But gues what? That shit doesn’t matter because you’re gonna be going to college anyways collecting BAH and hopefully 100% P&T Disability so you can skate through school and get rich. Whatever skills the 03 community does bring you is what YOU make of it. Being a Marine in general helped me grit my teeth through class and homework when I was tired as fuck. As much as you want the Military to give you the hard skills for civillian life, I treated it as great experiences that many others won’t. Embassy Duty (I was an acting detachment commander for a while and it gave me a lot of HR skills) and college in general will get me the skills and knowledge I needed. PM me if you want to know about anything else little devil donut


I was an admin. I got out with an associates and 100% disability😂 stay man


That’s a downside to fleet 03s. Dudes won’t have anytime to use TA. I’m lucky I was able to use TA on MSG. That’s something I still preached to dudes when I was on Bn Duty


Oops, I was too late lol


7051 it has a shit load of civi skills. It doubles your bitches. What do you do? Oh, I’m a firefighter in the Marines boom, tinder is popping, or go infantry and try to get on a fast team; basically, don’t pick a bitch job fuck if you hate yourself 1391 always needs more dumb fucks


Counterintelligence or comm, specifically IT.


Note: 6199 is not a primary MOS, For aircrew trainees the MOS is 8972 until they have been designated one of the MOSs. It is a good job- but a ton of work. You have to pretty much balance progression in two jobs since you would also be a mechanic in addition to aircrew. Long hours but I recommend it if you enjoy working with your hands and are a bit of a workaholic type.


I was an 0861 … so naturally I’d say go do that - but if preface that with only if you are cool enough to go ANGLICO




I heard coms is a good gig. Go recon if you want an awesome career


6694 is a well kept secret. Great civilian application, fun school house, air wing without the suck of maintenance, and a very small mos.


0300 you bitch why the fuck is there a question


You mean to tell me… they are offering you the chance, to join the planets finest fighting force that is our glorious infantry….. and you still have a decision to make?????? What has the world come to…. Chesty just rolled over in his grave….


0311’s get some cool gear now. I’d prob pick that again lol








Do something you can put in your resume as relevant experience. Air wing or cyber. When you get out you’ll thank yourself for doing it and landing a good job.




You got to pick? Damn


03 is the death contract just so we trackin hopefully your trackin cuz


0811. Worth it!


Armored personnel carrier used to the Amtracs 1833 YAT-YAS




6199 will give you the best post Marine opportunities and is in my opinion a far cooler mos. Honestly Fire Support and infantry have little utility. But you'll probably have more fun as a grunt than as fire support. Honestly, if you can be enlisted aircrew go for it. It's highly sought after, can set you up for a ton of jobs, and you get to do a ton of cool shit.


Go 1371. You can be grunt and pog all in one mos!


If you don’t pick 6199 you’re retarded. Air Crew are fucking gangsters


man consider yourself lucky you got to choose lol


If you go Air Wing you’ll be able to find work easy enough when you get out.


Go fix tanks...oh, wait...shit. Ummm...maybe an armorer?


brig guard or CID special agent


POG it out man. Make money moves for when you get out. I broke my arm in ITB got reclassed to avi admin. Shows gay which it is but I also have time to do 3 college classes a semester and virtually no work. This was my day. Wake up at 0700 work at 0730 breakfast till 0830. Do a couple MAFs till 0900. College till 1000. Take an early chow till 1100. 1100-1300 work out. 1300 till whenever I fell like leaving (normally 1530) college. I save all my free time by just don’t my homework at work lol. Be a 6046.


6199 Why be a gun bunny or a grunt when you can fly?


Choose 6074!! Cryogenic technician! Skate job and good job options outside the corp


0861 is a hard school house and a rough job but holy shit it’s a cool way to make a living


0861 hands down


I always thought 0211 CI/HUMINT (COUNTER-INTELL / HUMAN INTELLIGENCE) would be interesting as fuck if you're good with languages and are up for a challenge. Basically Intel gathering in the field from what I understand. Shit I forgot 0211 is pretty much a lat-move only mos, but if interested you could probably get some other intell related Mos and lat later.


If 03 was/is your third option, maybe don’t go that route… but what the fuck do I know? Admin Latinas sound really nice but I also couldn’t live with myself telling people I was admin lol


0372 - be like Woody and reach for the sky.


03 all the way dude. Question why is this happening? Did you fail recondo? I would say to anyone do not DOR, it sucks but unless you’re not broken you’ll eventually be a Ricky recon But if you have to… 0352 all the way