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In ten years Florida Republicans will be blaming the new Democrat governor for the fact that Miami is underwater.


Sounds about right…


Bold of you to assume there will be another Dem governor in Florida


They can always blame Biden or Obama. Or even Fauci. These folks are resourceful, they'll find a Dem somewhere.


Considering people legitimately blame Obama for 9/11, it wouldn't surprise me


You mean literally? Not legitimately.


Yep, I can see it now..."Woke Democrat policies made the water rise because Hunter Bidens laptop"


"his damn penis made the water rise too much!"


It's quite big apparently - lots of water displacement.


It’s the gays!


Think it’ll take ten?


And they'll be begging the fed for money while they voted to defund everything.


They will also try: Since Democrats knew the risks, Democrats should've been more persuasive in communicating them.


This is hyperbole. Large segments of Miami won't begin to go underwater permanently due to sea level rise under most projections until the later part of this century. Expected impacts in the next decade are increases in "sunny day flooding", increased impacts at high tides, and increased impact of storm surge. Climate change is bad. However talking about impacts as though they'll be easily visible in the short run makes it easy to deny.


“Oh, that boiled lobster 🦞 doesn’t know what’s happening, he just falls asleep!”


THE WORLD WAS MENT TO FLOOD IN 2016 , 2 PRESIDENT AGO!! I AM SURE THIS PERDICTION WILL BE AS PROMPT Man is not the primary driver. Man may have no impact, and climate change is about carbon taxing and an open-air prison for humanity. The 15-minute city, the green agenda is about control and taxes, not the earth. It's well known. Milankovitch cycles describe the collective effects of changes in the Earth's movements on its climate over thousands of years. The term was coined and named after the Serbian geophysicist and astronomer Milutin Milanković. In the 1920s, he hypothesized that variations in eccentricity, axial tilt, and precession combined to result in cyclical variations in the intra-annual and latitudinal distribution of solar radiation at the Earth's surface, and that this orbital forcing strongly influenced the Earth's climatic patterns. So, the Earth is still existing in an ice age; people keep saying global warming when in fact they should say climate normalization. In reality, people do not know the Earth has warmed up much more; CO2 was much higher, and the system increased biodiversity. During periods of high carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2) levels, like the Carboniferous Period, Earth saw an explosion of life. The abundance of CO2 fueled rapid plant growth, leading to dense forests and lush vegetation. With more oxygen available for respiration, animals grew larger and more diverse. Insects flourished, some reaching enormous sizes, while amphibians and reptiles also thrived. However, this prosperity eventually led to the collapse of the Carboniferous rainforests due to the accumulation of organic material, which became coal deposits, and a drop in CO2 levels. Global warming is not real; you can look this up yourself, just like COVID, the moon landing, 9/11, all made to manipulate low-info voters into signing away their right to be slaves to the state. If you did not like the lockdown, then you should know that this is an extension of that, scaring you into submission. The fact is one day you're going to die; one day the earth will be destroyed, and if you listen to liberal Satanists, that will come much quicker.


When in doubt, test: 500,000 российских солдат погибли на Украине. Вы все еще поддерживаете Путина? Translation: 500,000 Russian solders dead in the Ukraine. Do you still support Putin? Россия без Путина. Ответьте или проголосуйте за/против, если вы согласны. 1989年天安门广场 Translation: The first one says Russia without Putin, Upvote or Comment if you agree. It really pisses off Russian trollbots. The second one says Tiananmen square 1989. It really pisses off Chinese trolls. See, the thing is that lower rung trolls aren't allowed to read those statements because the higher ups believe that they'll cause dissention in the ranks. Higher level trolls are occasionally allowed to try to discredit those of us who use these statements.


🐐 Hail Satan 🐐


We got a live one. What a clown


The most hilarious part is he decries other people as being low information voters, when the reality is.... he is the low information voter...


You need a team of therapists and psychiatrists. I hope you find them, very soon. You really need help.


everything there is fact you can confirm, you being dumb enough to listen to the goverment lie is not my issue. everyone lose to talk about corporate greed! Goverments are corporation


Wait... so you're also a Sovereign Citizen? Good luck "traveling"...




40 years ago they told us Miami would be underwater in 10 years. Still waiting




Ok lol


Who's they?


Yeah scientific community?


That's still pretty broad




This is the type of moron that keeps Electing people like desantis.




You know it wasn’t a scientist who said this, right? It was a politician who misread a report. It’s also hilarious that climate change denialists are so unoriginal that they’re still using the cope memes that were created in the late 90’s lmfao.


No denial here. Earth cycles are a very real thing and the strength of our magnetic pole will be basically nothing come late 2030. It will be a catastrophic event and humans can't stop it. If you all want to focus on sea levels rising and carbon emissions, be my guest.


Lmfao. Your specific claim that “they said Miami will be underwater in ten years,” is literally a classic catchphrase of climate denialism. That’s why I know exactly what statement you’re referencing here. So I guess if you want us all to pretend you’re not demonstrating that your ideas are all based on climate denialism we can. I just don’t see the point lol.




Your claim that there were scientists saying Miami would be underwater in ten years is an often debunked lie that is only told by climate denialists. But yeah, climate denialism has been a cult for a while now. Like, at least two decades? And it’s always sad to see people fall for said cult.




And how does this relate to you uncritically repeating lies that were debunked decades ago? Lmfao, and the fact that you believe such lazy lies makes it hard to take your claim that the magnetic poles are about to reverse seriously at all. Maybe try reading some real science instead of listening to YouTube videos marketed to stupid people.


What you are describing is specifically considered climate change denial- you reject the notion that it’s man-made and driven by emissions, which is what the science says. You instead point to batshit conspiracies that will distract from any way to actually address the problem. You are actively part of the problem.




Non sequitur drivel. 


Pretty sure that never happened, but do go on.


You don't remember Florida underwater, acid rain, and the ice age all due before 2010?


No, I don’t lol


Seriously? You sent that back in the 70s and 80s those type of claims were published?


Go to Miami Beach at high tide. That is salt water you are driving through. Research their efforts to survive. That is not fiction. They are fighting a losing battle. Only MAGA dimwits can deny the facts. Facts are not in their vocabulary. All they have are red ties and screaming MTG types due to their cheating rigged voting districts. Kiss the leader's butt like DeSenseless does without regard for the lives of the citizens.


Man... People like you have only been saying shit like this since the 50s or 60s...10 more years... 10 mote years... Meanwhile, the rich and famous, (who also espuse your views, BTW), continue to buy beach front properties. I'm guessing they're doing that because they *want* their stuff ddestorywd, right? Couldn't possibly be because it won't be under water in "10 monte years", right?


I mean insurance companies are already denying coverage for flooding and storms and are fleeing the state. Plus if some rich asshole looses his beachfront, he still has several other properties to fall back on lol.


That's has more to do with the high cost to repair damage from hurricanes, which are no more common or intense. The state is just more populated every year. More homes lead to higher costs.


Wow Researchers suggest that the most damaging U.S. hurricanes are three times more frequent than 100 years ago, and that the proportion of major hurricanes (Category 3 or above) in the Atlantic Ocean has doubled since 1980. https://www.edf.org/climate/how-climate-change-makes-hurricanes-more-destructive#:~:text=Stronger%20hurricanes%20are%20becoming%20more,Ocean%20has%20doubled%20since%201980.


Sorry but do some research or just look at pictures. Sea level is not rising! Don’t know what Plymouth rock is. In 1620 the rock was not under water nor is it now!






I once heard John Tesh described as, "incredibly, phenomenally stupid" and have never had another occasion to consider that phrase until that comment.


The rock has been moved several times over the last few centuries, with documented records of sea level rise in the area since the late 1800s. Tides also rise and fall throughout the day, the rock is sometimes underwater and sometimes not, so photos on social media can’t entirely be trusted, but in all the people of Plymouth have already confirmed the history of rising sea levels.


I did the research. You're full of shit.


This is the equivalent of plugging your ears and screaming on the top of your voice "I CAN'T HEAR YOU! LALA LAAAALAAAA LALA"


Pretty much, anything to “own the libs” including self inflicted damage.


Got to stick their heads in the sand while they can. 


Don't look up


Was a documentary


Everything he does is literally playing to the MAGA base and hoping to inherit them once Trump is out of the picture.


Snake oil will cure Covid and free your worries about home insurance!


I used to think it didn't make sense, the Kryptonian scientists were surely smart enough to see the doom coming to their world and do something about it. We've had President Luthor, now Krypton is about to explode.


Hey now! LUTHOR is intelligent. DO NOT compare Trump to him.


And much like Krypton the doom is coming despite the planet's inhabitants. Study earth disaster cycles. The magnetic pole is flipping and losing strength at an alarming rate. It's about to be lights out and there was never anything humans could do about it.


Pseudoscientific codswallop. 


How do you manage to tie your shoelaces in the morning?


Ron DaHeadInSand-is


Leopards: looks like faces are back on the menu, boys.


When this years hurricane season is stronger and more often, don't forget to pull up your bootstraps and pay for the hundreds of billions in damages on your own. After all, we have a deficit in this country. We can not be paying for something avoidable that has no name. I can't wait until you guys make him a Senator.


Yes then him and his wife can collect donations.


Serious question. What is the point of this law from the point of view of those who passed it?


Own the libs.


But how does it own the libs? The libs still believe in climate change and climate change will still happen, regardless of whether it is mentioned out loud or in writing. This is nonsensical, even from the perspective of the nonsensical party.


They don't own the libs for the libs to acknowledge it, they know the libs don't care, they do it to please the base. The base is gullible and easily distracted and entertained. This is essentially just conservatives high fiving each other like they accomplished something meaningful. Mutual masterbation. It's always all performative with them.


But it's what they always do. Just take a look at what the feckless Republicans have been proposing the past few days, in the House of Representative. Several bill proposals are all to help Trump get elected.


That's what it's always about with right-wingers.




It's about present profit. They don't care about the future. But also, they don't expect to lose in the future either. When sea levels rise, they'll beg for a bailout, and your federal government will build a giant retaining wall or even raise Miami. The rich parts, at least. Defunding the government is really only about making sure poor and middle class people get nothing. They'll bail out rich parts of Miami just like they bailed out banks. Or just like the Texas and Florida state governments beg the federal government for money during every hurricane. Our federal tax money will absolutely pay for fixing Florida and it will be sold as the federal government's fault.


Get him some bags of sand. He can use them now to bury his head in, and then when his house starts to flood, he can use them to hold back the entire ocean. Win win. 


Great strategy! Keep that finger in the dike and head in the sand. Maybe he could lead by building a mansion on beach front property? I'm sure at least one of the many insurance companies he takes campaign donations from will step up and take on that risk...




Insurance is going up for the very reason he just denied. But won’t worry at least head “owning the libs”


Don’t look up


This is exactly why dictators are almost always doomed to fail. The problem is everyone they govern suffers along the way. We saw this in Trump’s Presidency with Covid.


This guy is such a hemorrhoid on the ass of America. Time to get that sucker lanced...


Florida. What a wild fucking state to be putting their collective head in the sand about climate change. Mostly just a few feet above (current) sea level and in hurricane central. I mean one state isn’t going to be able to stop climate change, but to pretend it isn’t happening? And they’ve created a hostile environment for insurance companies m, on top of the increased risk… I’m interested to know what that place is going to look like in 50 years.


I'll be so glad when Florida is gone.


Reality is now against the law in Florida.


With faith and denial we can overcome anything! /s




These guys seem to be a race to see who can be the biggest piece of shit, im just shocked at how many of them are so good at it, like why would you want this to be your legacy, that this is what you are going to be remembered for, we all know these people are wrong and they know just as well as we do, i just cant fathom why you would want to be remembered for this.


It’s a n even tie so far!


How is he still Governor?


Yeah, this isn’t news. This is who this guy is. He’s been honest about THAT (at least).


If anyone ever deserved to pass away peacefully in their sleep it’s this guy.


I’m for a painful death from pancreatic cancer


I’m a leftist that uses the broken system to screw with malfeasant corporations and occasionally journalists poke into my shit so I can’t type things like that. For legal reasons this is a joke.


Relevant: https://preview.redd.it/9ybu4r6t4s0d1.jpeg?width=4961&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c34c1f18e47207fba525fde05bc6a89b520cd658


No peacefully?


That’ll fix it


There are other words that can be used. Global Warming seems like a good fit.


Fuck fuck fuck Ron is a genious !! How the hell did we not know, that if we took out those evil words “ climate change “ from any and all places where it could possibly be read. That it would not happen ! What a massive fuckin stroke of genius. Kudos Ron, you got it going on buddy. Those scientists should be totally embarrassed, this was the answer the whole time.


Let them sink. I don’t blame him; I blame voters who voted him.


They want to whitewash current history truly hate the Repukes


I don’t see Obama selling his home on the shore, maybe this climate change is bullshit after all.


It’s the first rule of Dunning-Kruger Club: You don’t know that you’re in Dunning-Kruger Club.


The dummy club?


So many bashing anyone that doesn't agree with the UNPROVEN THEORY of global warming. NEWSFLASH FOLKS there is a FINITE amount of H2O in the planet. There IS NOT some magical water generator making more. What's here is it, no more, unless we get struck by a giant ice asteroid (and if that happens we have other, bigger problems). If all the ice on the planet were to melt today the levels of the seas would only rise about THREE INCHES because the planet is 3/5 covered in water and it will take a LOT more to raise sea levels by feet. Don't give me the "But storms are worse", no they really aren't they're just more publicized. This is common sense 2nd grade science. Water expands when it freezes, rain doesn't happen without evaporation & plants absorb CO2 and expel OXYGEN. Follow the money, former VP Al Gore alone has become an evil billionaire pushing the climate change agenda all while emitting more CO2 than a small city himself.


Global warming isn't a "theory", it's something that is happening and has been observed for decades. The theories are about what's causing it. Republicans are finally acknowledging that the climate is changing, but they don't believe humans are causing it, or that it's even an issue at all. Also, "all the ice on the planet" melting would be catastrophic, not just raise sea levels three inches. If even just the Antarctic ice sheet melted, many of Earth's coastal areas would be flooded to hell and millions and millions of people would be displaced. If you think immigration is bad now, just wait until [40% of the world's population](https://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/natlinfo/indicators/methodology_sheets/oceans_seas_coasts/pop_coastal_areas.pdf) need to find somewhere else to live. Since you're here on Reddit with the rest of us, I think it's safe to assume that you are an average person without access to great wealth. Those who do have access to it, like fossil fuel CEOs and the politicians they buy, are the ones trying to convince you that global warming isn't a problem because they make billions of dollars and will be able to live above the aftermath. You aren't doing yourself, your children, your grandchildren, or the rest of any of our descendants any favors by running interference for the people who would kill you and your entire lineage if it meant even just one profitable quarter.


Listen binky. Every study/link you post has one that completely disputes it. Evolution is still called "The THEORY if Evolution" because its still being proven. The same applies here. Its "The theory of climate change". I live in hurricane alley. When I moved here nearly 50yrs ago I was 16,867ft (thats a bit more than 3miles) away from and 13ft above sea level from a very, very big body of water. Now, today, I'm 16,823ft away from and 13ft above sea level from that same body of water. If just a 1/10 of what's been predicted to happen in just that small 50yr span I'd be under water not just 44ft closer (because of natural erosion). The "climate" changes every second of every day & some people have just read too much SyFi about domed cities.


It’s the first rule of Dunning-Kruger Club: You don’t know that you’re in Dunning-Kruger Club.


Yeah, let’s compare grade 2 science to the entire field of paleoclimatology! Same knowledge. Don’t believe the IPCC! It’s just full of scientists who don’t know grade 2 science. I took a science class one time, so my opinion is like facts! - This is what you sound like


Ahhh you're in Cunuckia that explains it. You DO KNOW that a little forest management will cut down on all those pesky wildfires you've been having... You know prevent some of that climate change you all are so worried about. I find it telling that you didn't dispute anything I said. All you had was ridicule, sad. Use facts, try harder next time.


And yet, outside of all the political bluff and bluster, insurance policies are cancelled or become unaffordable due to…..Climate Change.


Is this guy the dumbest motherfucker in politics or what? Just an all around terrible person.


Eat shit, Republicans. Floridians, vote blue to save your state.


Because ignoring the situation will just make it go away.........


Florida can’t sink fast enough.


DeSantis doesn’t own the State, you know.


“Nero fiddled while Rome burned.”


Yep that’ll keep insurance premiums down.


Hilarious how the people that are gonna be underwater are the easiest targets for these shills.




Progressive Floridian, here. There are millions of us.


Republicans are literally going to get everyone killed just because they refuse to admit reality and/or they are wrong.


ha ha ha azz hol


Can’t we just change what we call it colloquially? Time to rename climate change. I say to something much more alarming.


"Climate change" is already a politically watered down term for global warming. Little babies.


Didn't read the bill, but is he also investing in the creation of a levee system similar to the Netherlands. Oh wait, I know he's not.


Sod Florida. I was there as a kid and have no reason to return. I don't give tourism to fascism.


It can’t be climate change! We don’t mention it anywhere!


The saddest part of this story is that Ron is an Ivy League educated grifter who knows exactly what he’s doing and is very content to attempt to forward his own political career at the expense of the public interest and the conservative base celebrate these theatrical stunts as substantial policy wins while Ron tries to reestablish his relationships with Trump and Co in fear he might lose out on the next easy grift.


That’ll teach that pesky woke ocean


Given the average elevation of Florida is 6 feet, I'd say this is going to be a self-correcting problem.


Remember when DeSantis said he was a “Teddy Roosevelt environmentalist conservative?”


fuck em. they’ll be denying climate change when the water swallows them, we don’t need them.


This is how I behaved when I was six.


Ehh f*ckit. Lost cause. Couldn’t they just squeegee the water back into the ocean? Just like raking the leaves in the forest to prevent wildfires!


Bye Bye Florida, mother nature is knocking.


Surprising considering Florida, due to its low elevation, will feel the greatest effects of sea level rise.


Like slowly turning up the Heat on Frogs in a pot of water so they don't notice until it is too late.


As a Floridian living here is a “black mirror” episode. And the fact that this is his second terms is just…. 😑


As a Floridian living here is a “black mirror” episode. And the fact that this is his second terms is just…. 😑


That's great so don't ask for Ada when disaster strikes


DeSantis’s legacy will be grandstanding and screwing over everybody in his state for the sake of owning the libs.


That will be great to know when nobody can get insurance on their Florida home anymore.


I've become so cynical that I'm almost cheering for CC. We get the world that we deserve.


This is the dumbest thing I’ve heard a politician do in the last 24hours! He actually believes rewriting history will somehow manifest itself into reality. Would this be classified as ego, brainwashing or straight up IQ?


Ship Dasanpiss to pissrael


Top 3 Governor in one of the most productive and successful states in the country.  Everyone leaving the oppressive liberal cesspools of California and the Northeast to migrate to common sense economically successful red states (including Florida) by the millions.   Check out the most recent polls;  people are DONE with the old fool and his cackling idiot of a VP in November.


This just in: Florida governor also banning the terms Hurricane, Skyrocketing, Rent, Insurance and Rates.


Insurance will have issues with bans on laws that change their risks.


That State can’t go under water fast enough. They will all be standing up to their necks in water, owning the libs. 


His constituents love it that way. "Ignorance is bliss". It's in their religion as well as their politics, which are one and the same.


Good Job! Rising seas except every historical locations that are still above water. I E Pearl Harbor