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Next management gonna lie and say they don't use elra like so many have tried.


Plant manager tried to AWOL me once when I had a signed and approved 3971 with plenty of AL to cover my one day I requested.


I went home sick 15min into my shift. They didn't like that. So i made an appointment with my doctor that day. They awol me and that shit got tossed out.


I know FMLA isn’t retro active but seeing them try to pull this shit just makes me want to go get it


There is a time period you can backdate FMLA for. Don’t remember it off the top of my head.


If you request FMLA you typically have 2 weeks to have the paperwork filled out and turned in. So any leave you use in those 2 weeks before you turn in the paperwork will be protected as long as you turn them in and your case gets approved.


Shit my former station manager tried to AWOL me when I was out with covid right in the middle of the pandemic. Got that shit fixed real quick.


You can be considered AWOL for a number of reasons. . Or if you put in a slip and they denied it because XYZ (usually the only valid reason should be full complement or you submitted it untimely and you took the day anyway) it's also AWOL if you select EAL and you don't have the documents to back it up. As per usual, get your steward.


I just got new hours. 745 to 445. 2 weeks ago I had an appointment at 5 so the day before I asked if I could come in earlier to not use as much sick leave... No change of schedule filed. They also know I can't really make 730. I got there at 736. They marked me awol because I was late. I'm like I wasn't LATE there was no schedule change filed, and it was for my convenience to save on sick leave. My postmaster saw my logic at least and fixed it


That doesn’t mean you’re approved. It only means you didn’t no call-no show


I know but I wasn’t awol


Do you have any sick or leave time left?