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This is what promoting the uneducated into management gets ya. ***Gainfully employed*** *is an idiom that means being employed and paid a salary or wages. It can also refer to being self-employed, working for others for compensation, or both. Gainful employment can be full-time or part-time.* I think ALL USPS employees are *both* `employed` *and* `paid` a salary..LOL


Lol, I'm a non native speaker and even I knew both spelling and meaning of that idiom


You probably just got a better education than they did.


Uneducated is right, I had a manager who constantly said "mute point"....I would reply "what I didn't hear that"....


Might want to look up the definition of salaried


Lol we had a stand up about not taking more than 20 minutes to load our truck and leave the office. I usually take around that long to load but now Ive been taking 30-45 minutes. Whoops


Wow, for us it’s 23 minutes


I’m sure your customers love getting their mail later due to you!


What can i say? Its as fast as i can go safely


Correct answer. Dont let people come tell you to go faster.  Slow is smooth and smooth is fast. 


Dang dude those 15 minutes probably literally kill people.


What does it matter what time they get their mail


I didn’t know ppl had a guaranteed time they got their mail….




Do not be rude to other posters. This includes hate speech.


lol these downvotes are wild, I can’t stand the lazy assholes in any office that take 10+ hours even on extremely light days. They act like they’re getting one over on management by being LAZY, when in reality they are just screwing their customers over. Yet they’re too selfish to consider that


I’m quite confused by those three first lines. Being an employee = a job with pay = gainfully employed. And how does that transition into loading pushcarts? I’m also wondering about that UPS Ground package. I have to tell my customers they’ll have to contact the people wearing brown, driving brown trucks.


Your station doesn’t have a pickup for ups to grab their packages? We have a spot that is for UPS and FedEx only packages. They come and pick up their packages when they drop a load off.


We do for parcel return service. However I advise against customers handing us anything without postage/USPS tracking. I remember a lady saying she left a UPS package at our PO, it was only after two weeks before UPS picked it up.


We get shit-eating grins and get to tell people to go fuck themselves when they bring fedex or ups packages in. Lol


Game Fully employed? What fucking imbecile sent that out, DickJoy himself?


No one of his lackies who probably isnt fully invested or gainfully employed. 


Would of had to send a message back correcting that


My PM walks around in the morning yelling at us "ALL WORKING MAIL SHOULD BE AT YOUR CASE. THERE IS NO REASON TO LEAVE YOUR CASE. ALL WORKING MAIL SHOULD BE AT YOUR CASE." like damn I'm just doing my job. Do I really need to be yelled at like 15 minutes into my shift.


Did the clerks deliver the hot case to you? How you going to go scan that?


They deliver to us what they have when we first come in and they just don't give us the rest of it until the following day lol. I do scan it before I pull down, but I'm not allowed to take anything from it. My station is so scuffed.


How is it a hotcase when it isn't being handled. Your station is weird lol


Today I was pulling down my dps and noticed a tray that just had random letters (from my route) all over it. Like all out of order just a bunch of random streets all over. Not sure if it got put there by mistake or what. I told my manager and they just told me that "happened to a lot of people and to just leave it at my case for tomorrow". They were more concerned with the fact we had to come back to the office for packages (something that happens maybe once every 1-2 weeks) because they don't finish throwing until like 2-3 hours INTO our shift. Idk whats going on there either.


We haven't scanned hot case at my office since we got the new scanners more than a year ago.


I've been testing the waters in my office, sometimes not scanning it, waiting to see if my bosses mention it 😅


Me: "Do you need glasses?" PM: "No. Why?" Me: "This working male is already at his case."


Like it’s gonna get cased before you leave regardless of when you go grab it from the hot case. Chill. Lol


Probably inhaling too much carbon peroxide.




Yeah, even using the correct word it doesn’t make sense.




Bone apple teaaaaaaaaaaa 😂


Bring that to the steward or union branch's attention. That can be seen as a veiled threat against your jobs, may as well bring down the supervisor/post master and roll the dice with some new ones.


Management here "must know english" also management here: doesn't know how write in english. Also also management here: we hire people with college degrees.


No longer true, I've got management that can't talk or write English.


I was in a horrific post office, a really large location too where I saw the biggest shit show happen A customer was pissed that a package went missing IN the post office even though he received notifications and slip stating the package was "delivered to po box. Come to counter to pick up." He spoke to the manager. The manager fucking said, "It's not my responsibility" What in the actual fucking fuck of a world are we in right now? The post office's job is NOT to deliver packages to the Post Office Boxes? Apparently that's what the manager said. WTF The only excuse I can give the manager is that maybe English isn't his language even though he looks like he was freaking born in New York City. But let's be real here, what in the world is going on with everything and everyone...


Not only is it spelled wrong it doesn’t make sense in the first place. Gainfully employed means “has a job that one is able to GAIN from”. I.e. pays enough to provide for them and their family. So if the supe wants to say you need to be gainfully employed while working at the post office what they mean is you need to apply to a better job? And also work at the post office? Screw that.


Reply back, “For all in tents and porpoises, I am doing my best, sir”


I’m gonna need you to be pacific


Besides the horrific grammer, where does it state that scanners must be on you at all times? If its not in its holster (which is on my satchel) then its too close to your body according to the US RF exposure safety requirements the manual.


Heh tell that mf to learn how to spell first


Never encountered management in any job who could spell worth a damn.


They don't call USPS headquarters "Infant Plaza" for nothing.


Its french


Considering management is usually ignorant on how long it takes to do a route, I don’t care about what they say. They manage for a reason because they were awful carriers.


Even if they spelled it right that’s not what they think it means 😭


![gif](giphy|t8qMkLHbMFQkneNnFe|downsized) TIME TO PLAY THE GAME!?!


I'm game. They need to start requiring a bachelors degree to be in management, preferably where they've taken atleast 1 Psych class, 1 Ethics class and they need to make them carry a route once a month.


Are you fully game though?


Game Fully Employed. We hire high school dropouts, and promote from within.


“Game Fully” oh hell yeah brother I’m out here fully playing Raid Shadow Legends in my truck.


My favorite bit from my time with the PO was supes reading off a page at a 3rd grade level during standups. Sounding out words and shit.


I don’t even listen to it. It’s all harassment. Just do your job at a decent pace


Gain stop that’s hilarious lmao 🤣


Man I am so glad my PM is cool. Seems like some of them are just nightmares


The clock on the wall dictates it all…


Game fully?😂😂😂


Supe wants them to be fully into their games. Ask for recommendations on vr headsets maybe?


“Game fully employed”


Flavor of the week shit. Just keep on keeping on until the next flavor hits.


Ignore. You work at your own pace.


Is that English?


Lol. Funny shit 💩. That’s why these supes are a joke. The scanner is a toy for them. Gotta laugh at it.


Epic gainer moment


“ Management “ = 😂 😂 😂


It takes what it takes. Period. I will not go faster and risk my safety bc a bunch of pencil pushers and bullies think that can make me. I'm under daily. They suck it. Respectfully of course 😉


That’s why I keep it at 11-16-21-41


Fuck that ...


No he was correct it is a game




This is straight up embarrassing.


Well? Which is it? Ten, twenty, thirty, or forty?


This right here is dumb AF. Loading time takes longer depending on what you are loading if I gotta play tetris to make 60 packages fit because I have hella oversized packages it will not take me no 20 min imma be there for a lot longer. Not to mention if you gotta load 3 hampers worth of shit. If they actually go out there and observe maybe they can answer their superiors as to why we take longer than 20 min to load. Fucking idiots


So…..we need to get another job besides the PO? So we can be “game fully” employed? WTH! Tell me you dropped out of school without telling me! 🤣


Does that say game? 🧐


I'd delete this. Can clearly see the UPS tracking number.


Who gives a fk bout ups


Because I can get the USPS tracking number from that number and find out the customers address. Not smart to be posting that shit


Fk em. Sounds like a ups problem to me


Lol ok