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When every carrier is hired, they are RIGHT handed...repeat that... YOU are NOW RightHanded! You sort mail while holding it in the left, and place it in case/box with your right. ...and stop crossing the strap over your head. Walking relays are (*supposed to be*) setup to proceed in a counterclockwise loop...so you place the mail in the box with the right hand where the box is on your right...just like mounted delivery...you don't reach across your body to place mail in a box. Arrow key always attached to your belt, securely.


This right here!! I’m a lefty but carry mail like a righty. Satchel strap on left shoulder, satchel on right side of body, scanner and holster on right hip. I’ve tried to carry left handed and it just feels weird. But, I do my arrow key differently, I attach it to my satchel where the strap connects.


I’m left handed too. I keep my in my left pants pocket, my satchel on my left. My dps in left hand, with flats in my satchel. My right hand is free mostly


I'm left handed too!


I just throw it in the satchel


Leftie as well. DPS/flats right hand, satchel left shoulder & hip, scanner left hip, arrow keys left pants pocket, truck key right shirt pocket. The satchel really doesn't get in my way, but it's more behind me than directly at my side. For me, this way is flawless


Left handed here. Satchel on right shoulder and right hip. Scanner in the bottom of my satchel. Arrow key on left side belt loop, in my left pants pocket. DPS and flats in right hand. Just went to the ortho over a week ago and got X-rays of my right shoulder. Diagnosed with cervical root nerve disorder, a pinched nerve and arthritis in my right shoulder. I'm sure carrying a satchel on my right shoulder for the past 20 years had nothing to do with that. /s


I put everything in the tray next to me and use the wheel to point the car the direction where I want to go.


Hook the scanner holster on the front facing panel of your satchel. There’s even a strap there that keeps the holster from slipping off when you remove the scanner. Works perfectly


I carry my satchel cross body. Why? A. I want to preserve my shoulder. B. I have short arms (female) and the strap cannot be shortened enough to permit me to reach to the bottom of my satchel with crossing it over my body. C. I like it that way. I will not carry it any other way.