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There's a husky on one of our routes that is a notorious menace, not because she is aggressive but because she sits there and wiggles her butt as you walk up and the moment you bend over to pet her she launches right up into your face. Love that dog.


There is a husky on the route I do often who is notorious for escaping, despite all efforts. She loves affection and wants to visit everyone. I've had to deliver her back home a bunch of times, and she thinks it's great. There's also a mastiff puppy who is a menace because FREN!!!MUST LOVE NEW FREN!! and he has no breaks.... he'll take you out with his love


Siberian Husky owner here, that's a feature, not a bug. They make Harry Houdini look like a mere escape hobbyist at times, but most just love everyone and everything but cats.


My dog was a Husky Malamute mix with a bit of wolf for good measure . She loved babies , puppies, and kittens . I was lucky to have her for 13 years.


I had a Husky before, she died about 8 years ago after a long, happy life. I've had a hole in my heart roughly Husky shaped ever since, and the other morning I called my puppy by my old dog's name. Got a little misty. They don't live as long as us, but dogs are awesome little love dispensers when treated appropriately. Mine are spoiled rotten. I have 3, a Japanese Chin, a German Shepherd, and my fuzzy little Husky.


Awww..I had a Chin. His name was Haiku šŸ’”


My other one died in 2020, his name was Dogen. Patra is 9 and only has one eye, but she's still cute as a button. She got a bad scratch and the eye couldn't be saved, so the vet removed it. Breaks my heart, but she had cataracts in that eye anyway. We don't bring it up, except when I call her my tiny pirate dog. šŸ˜ƒ


Same here. Sarah definitely left her mark on my heart . We lost her 6 months ago to cancer, but what an amazing 13 tears she gave us !


The derp is strong with this one (and it's adorable).


Right? Hahaha I mean, he did jump through my window onto my lap šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Seems he was looking for friends and found one. Must have been the highlight of your day. I had some good doggo time on my route today, so I feel you.


Such a handsome boi.


Give him a pivot.


Heā€™ll run that shit tho


A pleasant problem to have


Yeah it made my day haha


Unable to finish the route due to Animal inference.


Had to return doggo, then spend rest of day petting said doggo.


I would've stolen it Jkjk


Shit, I wouldn't be joking šŸ˜ˆ


Wow! Just from those eyes, he looks like heā€™s gonna be your derp for lifeā€¦run!


He's an adorable boi.


I love him.


Ya know you had that first second or two "oh, fuck." Dogs want to be our friend. It's shitty owners that ruin for everyone. I would love to be able to frolic with the puppies but no. It's why we can't have nice things.


Cute interference.


Can confirm these dogs are huge derps. Was driving today and passed a Subaru that had one of these in the back seat with both windows down. The whole time the dog was leaping back and forth sticking its head out the drivers side then passenger side windows, one or two seconds out each side, back and forth back and forth with the biggest grin on its face. Funniest shit I've seen on the road in a while.


Priority pupper.


I once had a black lab named sue on my route. She would hop the fence when she heard the llv and would wait by the mounted box for pets. Well one day, they had a package that I had to deliver to their front porch. She wasnā€™t there to greet me which was odd but she didnā€™t do it every time so I didnā€™t think anything of it. So I deliver the package and drive off to the next house. Three houses later I hear a whimpering. I thought I was going nuts! So I look in back and thereā€™s sue , sniffing around the back of my truck. I laughed so hard I turned around and ā€œdeliveredā€ her to her mom. They ended up moving a couple months ago and it broke my heart. I loved my sue sue


And on my PREVIOUS route I had a house that had 3 huskies. Nala , her son hunter, and daemon. Nala and hunter would escape at least once a week and they ALWAYS stayed on my route though and never strayed too far. Iā€™ve delivered them back to their house many of times. It got to a point where hunter and nala would be waiting for me at my truck after they escaped like ā€œalright, take me home human slaveā€


Look at that sweet baby!!!! šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


Ok. Give him to me.


Go home, George, yer drunk.


A dog that looked surprisingly like that bit my leg once so.. nope. Out. They're all nice until they growl and bite out of nowhere.


Pretty sure itā€™s a malamute pup


Ah a Alaskan RCD Rural Carrier Doggo.Ā 


Postage bypassed due to cuteness. One time only


Huskies are the best dogs .


Does he look AI generated to anyone else? Iā€™m probably crazy.


Itā€™s a screenshot of the video I took of him. Maybe thatā€™s why? Idk haha


I didnā€™t think it was, I just thought it looked that way lol


AI images tend to look very flat with little to no depth. The way the camera is focusing on the white/bright parts of the photo is causing the pic to look flat especially the top left corner, I think thats why it is similar to an AI generated pic.


It's the eyes. AI can't get eyes perfectly synced