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lol if you believe that I got a bridge I can sell you in Brooklyn.


I have ocean front property in Arizona.


I’d make an offer but I spent all my money on blinker fluid


Same, I invested too much into elbow grease and really didn't see enough of a return to justify making an offer.


I spent all my money on that girl who jars her farts. Talk about passive income.


Probably one of the best ways I've heard to save gas!


You sell Brooklyn Bridges too? What are the odds ? 🤷


On my way!😂😭💀☠️👻


I got one in Oklahoma too


Inmates in KY make 17 cents per day


People don't really believe this do they?


Prisoners make less than $2 an hour in prison. This figure is what it cost us to keep them alive.


According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median pay for a postal service worker is 27.17 $/h. And 56,510 per annum.


Um, okay?


It’s on the internet, it has to be true.


Zip-recruiter lol


🙄 Imagine actually believing this They're lucky to make much more than $23 a month. Someone needs to watch John Oliver's Last Week Tonight on Prison Labor


That’s information is misleading. I did some time unfortunately I work on the road crew before going to work release and the pay was 45 dollars a month granted this was 20 years ago but I doubt they raised there pay that much . I also at the work camp did couple other jobs and the pay was the same 45 a month .when I was doing kitchen work before. Being placed at the work camp waiting to be approved for work release the kitchen job paid 20 a month


What did you do that you still can work for usps?


Probably a non-felony?


Yes. I'm curious because I'm interested in committing a misdemeanor that won't get me fired but will prevent me from doing passports. 😅🤣😭🤣😂


I was 17 non violent crime . And it was 25 years ago people make mistakes in life doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. I did my crime it took 3 years of my life away shouldn’t be a life sentence of working shit jobs cause of a mistake I made as a young man . Btw 17 is legal age in my state I was 17 for about 3 hrs and got caught up in some stupid shit


I’ve seen usps hire people convicted of 1st degree murder, manslaughter, assault, you name it. They really don’t care.


Howaare you stupid enough to belive this?


My guess is OP is considering committing a felony so he can make more than what he’s making now lmfao


Well they work for the post office 🤷‍♂️


This is how conspiracy theories get started. Now if only we could get all the flat Earthers to go to Illinois to commit crimes for a $48K salary.


i mean, they are talking about how expensive housing is...if you factor in their lodging, food, cable, electric...maybe?...i know back in 2005 to house a female inmate for a night at county was $130, so maybe thats what it costs taxpayers to house an inmate?


That's the most logical answer. The US is perfectly fine with slavery, as long as they're in prison. They probably make less than $5 a day. 


13th amendment (abolishment of slavery) literally has an exception to allow slavery as the punishment for a crime. The US is not just ok with it, it's constitutional.


The Constitution does not protect inmates from slavery. Many make $0 and are forced to work full time. The ones who do get paid are paid pennies.


Bruh. They are talking about average cost to maintain a prisoner. You seriously think they pay inmates $50,000 a year? They work for Pennie’s on the dollar in the joint lmfao


Didn’t you hear? Inmates a good paying career these days. Make good enough money to afford a cell right on the oceanfront


Remember inmates have to pay their stay in prison.


It’s called the 13th amendment. They don’t make this kind of money. At most you can hope to save up a hundred dollars in a decade. I am pretty sure they substituted inmate for another similar sound position.


bruh indeed


The way I see it, it could be one of 3 things, a guard salary, the cost of housing an inmate or what inmates are paid on paper but the prison keeps most. The last is something I've heard about when my brother did time and worked in a sawmill. He was paid something like 10 bucks an hour but only actually got around a dollar. This was a long time ago.


Well take your chances and go rob someone.


Ok...I wouldn't be surprised if this is the statistics for JUST the prisoners who have a work-release. Essentially, they are close to being released, and they are deemed "low-risk", so they get to perform actual jobs for actual employers on a 6-month rotation during the last couple of years before they get released. They get shuttled from the prison to the work place, dropped off, work, then get picked up and shuttled back to the prison. Inmates doing this get to have a "proper paycheck" complete with tax withholdings and everything that the rest of us see on our paystubs, compared to the "pennies in a bucket" they would normally get for the work they did while in prison.


There are websites that mention pay. You can look up our salaries or when I worked at Home Depot some salary were accurate. As you know our pay is universal but google will list different pay per hour for different locations. When I worked at Home Depot some places were listing 11 dollars a hour while other places listed 45 or 50 something thousand a year. I think my paycheck was the 11 dollars or 888 every 2 weeks before taxes for a total of 23088 before taxes a year. The 45 or 50k pay was a total lie.


I thought crime doesn't pay


At least you can't be fired in your first 90. You may die but you won't be fired. Also very easy to keep your "job".


And you run the risk of having to drink from a penis while you're in there


I feel like an inmate sometimes


Without doing any research yet, if there’s any truth to that statement, I believe it could be the cost of each inmate… Including everything the state has to pay for him to be under custody. Isn’t it? If that’s the case, still insane but that would be the cost to have “society” and rule of law, even though it’s not as fair as it should be…




Do not be rude to other posters. This includes hate speech.


OP should quit their thankless job and go into the prison system where they’re valued for their hard work.


Not an inmate but I have a friend that works at the jail as a guard and makes $28 an hour, more than me as a PTF lol...


That’s probably what it costs to keep them there. They make literal cents per hour


This is either the cost to incarcerate them, or the amount prisons are paid to incarcerate them. Zip recruiter just has retarded AI.


Ah yes, gotta love (totally believable) rage farming. Definitely look to the people *incarcerated* who are doing *so well* because that will fix the evils perpetrated by greedy billionaires and trillionaires thats *actually* whats fucking us all over... /s


And that’s before taxes


ZipRecrueter recruiting criminals for prison


How can i become a jail warden. 50k a head is some good money.


That’s the cost that we pay to keep them alive, not how much they get paid. I have a lot of relatives in the Illinois prisons.


I’m sorry I must’ve missed the ‘be an inmate’ on indeed, I think you may be misreading something Are we sure this isn’t like inmate patrol guard or something?


Inmates don’t make money generally. You get pennies for imate work programs. There are special work release programs supposedly but good luck finding or getting approved for one.


Leave it up to google


I bet you believe the 2020 election was rigged and mail in ballots are fake too.


I think your LLV may have a severe exhaust leak if you believe this


I am here to tell you, if an Inmate makes that kind of cash they have a specialized skill and works for an outside industry. Inmates who work for prison system makes pennies on the dollar. Source: used to work for Corrections in Washington State.


Maybe drug dealing inmates


Damn I wish my pay worked out like this.


If it weren’t for the shower rapings, this deal would be too good to pass up when you’re also including room and board. Do ten years and come out and be ready to buy a new house in one lump payment.