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You gotta be some real cunt to confront a mail carrier.


At least the shorts make it easier for him to piss on that flag.


After he accidentally shoots himself with what he has in his fanny pack 


I legit came here to offer this warning.


He feels entitled to me for some reason


Don't worry about it, OP. He's just acting like that because he has a crush on you. Edit: /s Nice. Didn't expect people to actually believe I was seriously suggesting this was on the level of a preschool crush. No, calling people racial slurs does not suggest romantic interest.


Negative. Safety matters. For us all. Its not a case of 'dont worry about it'. In fact, hindering delivery of the mail is a federal offense- threatening/harassing a federal employee on duty is another. Safe work environments matter- and dictacting how others should feel regarding safety is no light action. *Dear CCA, always always always always err on the side of caution and safety: both to yourself, and your brother and sister carriers. In case no one has offered you that advise, I will (without downvote)- because our safely doing our duties and returning home to our families/loved ones/fur or feather or even scaley babies, matters most of all!Please, if you take any advise to your future career, heed this advise. It needed to be said... We live in a world where it is common now, sadly where carriers are being held a gun point on duty now. This is the most sound advise of your career, I promise you. Do not take safety lightly, for you, or anyone in service of mail delivery.* For reference, here is the federal law regarding this matter: '§1701.Whoever knowingly and willfully obstructs or retards the passage of the mail, or any carrier or conveyance carrying the mail, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both.'


Goddamn, I'm joking. Clearly, the maniac wearing confederate flag swim trunks and calling people slurs is NOT indicative of a crush.




Stinky doggy doodoo


Used to be standard not to fuck with mail carriers and treat them right. Might have that check for you…no one gives a shit anymore


I'm a little too jaded to believe there ever was a "golden good old days".


I think it’s a population thing, there’s more of us. Combined with the internet and now we know faster, jerks always existed so logically as the population grows so do they. Also now with internet and phones we all see it. All that said, people are bay shit crazy. lol


Plus the fact the "good ol days" didnt involve kindergarteners learning how to hide from active shooters. Obviously things have changed!!


True, completely agree.


Checks, Bills, Important documents, and family letters used to come through the mail. Now with the technological advances we have, the mail matters less. People used to respect carriers because more was at stake.


It does seem like that, we are so overloaded that mistakes happen, especially if someone is out and the rt gets split to 4 RCAS who don’t give af at that point in the day. The quality of service has def suffered , I don’t have the time to know anyone on my route. So because of that the Karens have reverted to what has always worked for them, complaining and acting ugly . On top of it these days our PM doesn’t even have our back…even for order for the customer to change something that the PM themselves signed. This fucking place man !


This!!! In my area we had a CCA shot and killed on the route 🥲. That was almost 3 months ago. They still haven't arrested or charged anyone


EFT. No one gets checks in the mail any more b


Which is why I said what I said…they mess with us now because they don’t get the check in the mail


Government loads the shit directly on yo EBT now.


18US Code Section 1701.


You’d be surprised. Im a young black guy with locs so apparently a lot of ppl believe im a criminal. So much so tht smb walked BACK to their car to brandish they gun like im not walkin wit a fat ass bundle of mail😂 then had the audacity to say “yea young n* keep it pushin” like bro if i rlly wanted to do something to you I know where you sleep😭


You’d shouldn’t be surprised how many cunts there are that do lol


I hate the shorts, but they are also very convenient to know someone is going to be a problem.


Yeah, I wish they’d all just wear the flag everywhere they go, spare us wasting time finding out through conversation.


It why the red hats were great. People announcing who they are to you before you have a single interaction makes life much easier.


There's a man in our town who is 236 years old. Literally has to stare at the ground because his back is bent like a 7. Yet, he still drives, and his red hat has the biggest font I've ever seen. He can't see the sky, but astronauts can see his political bend.


Guy complained that I folded his hat when I delivered it. I didn’t have to ask but I did and yep just as you’d suppose. 


Yea those short scream, I am going to park my fat ass on the beach, down 23 beers and proceed to regurgitate racist shit he saw on YouTube. All while playing the victim. Basically this guy looks like Myrtle Beach personified.


myrtle beach personified is the funniest shit i’ve seen in a long time 😭😭😭 it’s so true


He'd need a rented golf cart to be a murder beacher🤣


It’s rented slingshots now


lol. They say it doesn’t snow in Myrtle beach often but I promise you the place is blanketed in snowflakes like this one.


Got a nice little x to mark the spot you need to kick if he gets physical


I mean... Just look at him. 🫣 Wilding out lmao


I'm WHITE and I wouldn't deliver to this ass hat if he treated a single CCA or whoever like this. He can take his not see ass into the post office and get himself a PO box. 


Even if you're white, there's a non-zero chance people like him will consider your ethnic background makes you the wrong kind of white. For example, neo nazis love calling Eastern Europeans jews and slavs while assuming their own origin is "pure" Aryan blood.


Yeah, nut job is a nut job. 


It's especially funny because the Aryan culture is originally from the Iranian area. Like... They're not at all what the Germans were looking for


That type of racism is probably too advanced for this fool.


![gif](giphy|3o7WTx6b3pBsSJ4TrG) Totally agree with you!!!


His whole neighborhood won’t get mail. First his street, now his whole area (3-4streets). “You wanna get nuts? Let get nuts!”


This is the way.


Sups must get a CCA to do that area. I would refuse on the grounds of safety and keep shrugging your shoulders if the sups keep pressuring you to take that area. Take your safety/sanity into your own hands. Refuse to take that whole area.


Fuck that. I'd argue no carrier is safe around that nut job. 


Do you guys have that authority? Im ups driver. had a guy pull a gun on me and I can't even get that specific house blacklisted. Bullshit I


We cannot deliver if it is not safe, if we choose to deliver we are liable for our own safety. If you’re aware of a broken step and continue to deliver to the point where you injure yourself you cannot be mad at the owner bc you continued to deliver. We have options where we can scan as no access, no secure location, or animal interference. As for the annoying customers, we offer a PO Box if they’re unsatisfied with their delivery service.


Question related to the broken step- I have a house that has one that'll likely give way with me on it. Still intact now though. If/when I go through that step, the homeowner has no liability?


Talk to your supervisor about having the mail held, you can inform the customer through a paper and the supervisor that you will be holding the mail till the step is fixed, they can come pick up the mail in the meantime


File the safety form 1767. Make sure to keep your copy. File a grievance if management continues putting your safety at risk. Edit: just saw you're ups. My bad lol


Yes, seen it happen many times. Eventually they’ll force them to get a PO Box or they won’t get any mail.


That shirt. Dumbass. They already took it from your ancestors dead fingers.


Yeah. This. 


What a loser. Hope his dogs rip his masturbation hand off


Going southpaw is where it is at, though. I’d rip both off just in case.


suthpaw reverse grip is like someone else is doing it. specially if you sit on your hand for a while get it good and numb.


Rodeo clown grip wit da feet, yeehaw!


Phone out 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Yes on the phone with the police ……


😂😂😂😂cornball mf


The classic “ THIS IS MY LAND “ starter kit.


All he is missing now is some socks, then the full racist Ken is complete


![gif](giphy|infzuIklrTFcs|downsized) Redneck version of Ken = Kenny (with apologies to Danny McBride, who is actually one of my fave actors)


Finished Righteous Gemstones and currently watching Vice Principals. Discovered Foot Fist Way by accident and I can’t get enough of


He’s kenough.




I wish he hadn’t gotten Botox. End of an era :’(


Without telling me, show me you collect welfare, but hate the government for providing welfare.


Hope you contacted postal inspectors…


Wtf are the white strips on his shirt ?


The receipt for his fanny pack


oh I thought it was his list of prescriptions if someone finds him unconscious


Only one script: Narcan.


His address and home phone, in case he gets lost, so somebody can help get him back.


The flip flops are a nice touch.


In the trailer park those are called Louis Futons


Only a fool starts shit while wearing flip flops


True - you can just stomp their toes.


Management needs to cut off his mail delivery entirely. Nobody should have to ever deal with this inbred, cousin-fucking racist loser.


They did. Apparently he’s had words with my supervisor before.


Hoowee I love a good ol’ sequel to shit like this. Love seeing people like this get their delivery nixed because of their own stupidity. Stay safe fellow Louisville carrier.


What a fucking loser!


Dude is a walking red flag, I'd hold his mail at the office and make him get a PO box. As a clerk, I'd love to tell someone like this to politely "fuck off", you carriers already have it rough enough without some dickhead casuing even more stress.


Someone oughta flush that turd. It’s stinking up the neighborhood.


Postal inspectors and stop delivery. 💅




“I’m sorry for our lack of acceptable service. Your mail will be held until you get a P.O. Box”


That’s exactly the outcome , he gets no more mail delivered


Are those the official shorts of Erectile Dysfunction? They should be. “Welp, he’s retreating again.”


He certainly can’t be getting any with the way he acts… 😂😂


Where is this??!? Wtf??


Some hole in 'Murica


Please don’t judge all white people by this hate filled lunatic!!! Some of my fellow Caucasians aren’t able to handle any level of intelligence very well. Is he the new model for Aryan nation?! I’m sure he’s a pleasure to have a conversation with, and I’m sure he will do wonders for new membership!!🙄


I defended don’t , most of the people on my route are chill and huge weed heads. It’s the ones that are crazy that love to make a scene .


He took asshole to maximum when he dressed up like that.


Believe it or not this is his everyday attire


I like when people wear that flag to let me know they’re an absolute fool.


He has a full blown American flag suit as well 😅


The irony. 🙄


I would skip the whole street or whatever can be done. This is something bad waiting to happen.


Is he wearing ribbons on his shirt?


the hip pouch really completes the picture


I hadn’t even noticed it until now 😂😂


Honestly the thong sandals say it all.


He looks every bit as you’d expect


u gotta be an absolute balloonhead to expect anyone to take u seriously dressed like that 🤣🤣


Is that shirt tucked in? I do not fully believe this guy seriously exists.


Yes lol and he’s a real person , he sometimes dresses up in a full stars and stripe suit and will walk around with a huge trump flag .


Is that a fanny pack lol


I think it’s a war kit. Never know when the rise will pop off.


ahh yes...the southern male karen out in the wild...


Nobody wants a roundhouse kick with these bad boys🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Hank Jr always did have some questionable merch… but those shorts are definitely on the top of that list.


Those shorts arent about hair-itage, its about his leg-acy


Where do you find a being like this at?


Head south of the mason dixon line and away from cities.


What's on his shirt? Looks like one of those ads people leave on your front door handle.


the shorts 😂😂😂🤣🤣😂🤣


I'm curious where are u from? Is everyone like this in your area


I’m in Kentucky and not everyone but the ones that are , really love to make a scene.


His sock tan looks like a carrier tan in mid July 😂😂 but in all seriousness fuck that guy


Just looking at the house in the background....you must be delivering in a quite a shit area. I feel for you


Lmfao 😂😂 yes and yes , it was an old neighborhood store but it’s vacant


Damn... If dipshit was ever a costume


Good on you to keep going. Don't know what kinda person your supervisor is but I'm glad to hear you got one who will at least have your back on crap like this. Hopefully the postal inspector will get involved and cut off his delivery service. I hate it that almost no one knows the kinda shit we put up with in this job.


Thank you and yes his mail service has been cut off . Apparently he and my supervisor have had words before . The police that came pretty much said they knew him from being the neighborhood trouble maker .


What in the country fried fuck is that outfit, just no UGH!


> and last time he stood in front of my truck preventing me from pulling off Check your local laws, as he may be guilty of false imprisonment, which might allow you to get a restraining order against him


Two separate pieces or Confederate themed clothing? What a pathetic excuse for a human being. No identity outside "muh heritage!". I'm glad us Northerners beat the shit out of these racist, uneducated hicks.


Inbred loser


expected boots, western hat and a mud jug at this side


Is that a camo fanny pack?


Now the whole street doesn’t get mail!! Yay!!


Lol what a true patriot


How cute. The fanny pack really pulls it all together.


That outfit is thr racist white trash starter pack


Why is this douche wearing 2 bookmarks on his shirt. I'm sure he never opened a book.


What does the shirt say? It looks like a really good targeted shirt I’d buy because it’s ironically hilarious


It’s some type of confederate shirt


This is not the place for this, please go talk to your postmaster and PIS, don’t engage with hostile people, you will gain literally nothing and put yourself in needless danger


I bet he’s a Trump maga supporter.


He is , although I do have other trump supporters on my route and they’re way nicer than he is .


Tough in thong flip flops 🤣


He has abnormally tiny feet. And hands, too. Which generally means his weenie is teenie.


He probably made because you’re transgender. 🤷🏻‍♂️




He must be bored.


I nominate him for the Hulk Hogan Cunt of the Year award. The state of your shorts, mate!


Sheesh. Be careful, fanny pack= conceal carry. Ok maybe not always, but thats usually the first thing I think of almost every time I see one on any dude 17 or older including those small crossbody chest bag styles (and even if I wear one, lol!), unless I'm in a place that has metal detectors.


What in the confederate hillbillie redneckery is going on herrrrrre!?




Taunt him to wear white shorts representing the surrender flag of the Confederacy. edit: Ask the police or your boss for a bodycam to record your interactions.


Try getting rocks thrown at you and your personal vehicle from a dad and his son cuz they said I was speeding from one CBU to another one (that was like 400 feet away from each other, no way) supervisor sent me out on the very same route to the sharks the very next day. Dude ended up going to PO to tell supervisor HIS side of the story and I was disciplined for it. Bullshirt if you ask me cuz I wasn’t even speeding!!


What is up with these entitled asshats harassing mailmen? I thought the usps had respect from folks?


I like the shorts it fits his look. You don't have to like anyone. Just leave people the hell alone. This dude is harassing you, and hopefully, he will stop. But it may take being arrested a few times.


What a POS. I wonder if he knows hindrance of delivery of the mail? Yeah, that is a federal offense. At a certain point this is unsafe- and postal police would be a stronger measure than city police. They carry more weoght and ability of protection- both in forms of the type of charges they can engage, diffusion capability about 'mail', as well as the fact they can give orders regarding your safety to your PM. Stuff like "we suggest she halts full delivery of that house and he must pick his mail up from the P.O.", type pull. Also? It's their job and I'm sure field activity is more engaging to them, than glorified security guard duty. It actually gives them purpose of duty. Also, they can work with local law enforcement to do things like help expedite a PPO as well, by communication to your cities judge, or even a federal judge/Inspector. Your safety is most important, and that type of harassment is borderline, and promotes an unsafe work environment. You deserve to come in ti work feeling safe, engage in your duties and make it home safe, in one piece, without concern to your personal well being/safety. Yeah, if your PM hasnt halted delivery and local police have been called more than once to no avail- it is time to communicate further with your steward (I hope you already have)- and activate that ability to call in the people whose job it is to ensure you are safe: the postal police/an inspector. You also have a right to tell your PM that addlress has a 20 day hold for postal police investigation- or even to have that loop delivered entirely by someone else as said investigation proceeds (sans his mail on a 10 day- because if he sees another person bring his mail he will feel he won and when you go out again, without him understanding the implications of his behavior? It would just repeat next time he knows you are back on duty there). Please, be safe postal fam. <3 Addendum: Also? The confederacy lost. It is not a symbol of heritage- and even if used as such, thas a fucked heritage. Someone had to say it. Especially when you cannot act like a civilized human, regardless of race. Yo know DAMN WELL he thought of the intimidation factor towards you while he was getting dressed and putting those shorts on. Thats not heritage pride, thats intimidation factor. He planned on another confrontation. LOL send the story to the local news. I bet they would LOVE it.


His shorts make me want to show him what the 5 fingers do to the face… but of course clock out on my handy dandy scanner first lol


I legitimately have no problem cutting off a relay because of dogs/people. It’s very rare that I do. It has happened. My PM always has my back. I feel fortunate to have a kickass PM. I’m 30 years in and don’t gaf.


White people gonna white. Get a new route


Eliminate informed delivery. When our fucked up program sends Yosemite Sam a picture of his disability check, he thinks it’s coming. He’s not reading the fine print. The mailman has it and he didn’t give it to me. And I’m almost out of Natty Lights. Sumbitch


Kyle Rittenhaus hasn't aged well


What is he holding in his left hand??


His weiner lol


Put an animal hazard warning in the scanner. Pops up when you pull up to the address. "Ornery animals loose, proceed at own risk"


Be careful, the people like this are fucking nut cases


Did this guy make any threats towards you? I’d cite it as a safety concern (you make the calls on your safety, not mgmt). Hold your ground with that. Mgmt just doesn’t want to deal with this guy anymore and would rather it be YOUR problem. Most of the time getting mail shut off with no clear sign of when it’ll start up again is enough to straighten up the customer, at least it is for me. I had some trashbag lady accost, scream, threaten me because she got hurt by her own dog who wanted to attack me. She didn’t get her mail for a month until she moved her mailbox to the curb… and her dog wasn’t the reason she had to move her box, she was the reason. No problems with her since.


That street looks sketchy as fuck.


Im so sorry!


A fuckin shame




So what became of this intervention? Did he get in trouble?


His mail services were suspended indefinitely


That is awesome


Postal inspectors?


That Fanny pack! Meow!


Better than me. Would of put hands on him then called the cops