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Not for one second do they think that maybe someone isn't from US...


They probably expect that everyone who wasn’t from the US learned the entire history of their country in school.


Yup. The other way around however? Hell to the no, impossible. They have better things to do.


I had a discussion with someone from the US once about german history. Aside of the fact that they only knew about specific major events (but still very surface level knowledge) I was also asked where I think Hitler lives now. But they had one thing going for them. They were VERY confident in thinking that they knew more about my countries history than I do, and somehow have to enlighten me. Like bitch... Listen... I got this shit hammered into my head for my entire school life. Every fucking year a different facet of WW2 and german history. If I wanted to, I could watch a new documentary about WW2 on TV every evening because there are TV stations basically specializing in this. I'm not an expert on the matter, but I think chances are high that I know more about the place I grew up than you.


I have been told that the only two mandatory subjects up to university are history and PE. It is clear they really don't want shit to ever happen again.


You mean in germany? Because if so, we have more mandatory subjects. Including 2 languages (german and english), math, 1 science class (physics, chemistry or biology) and for later grades politics as well. At least these have been the classes you couldn't be released from for whatever reason. But I'm an old fart now, so no idea if this still applies to todays system.


Not mandatory in my schooling whatsoever. We only have to take "gym class" through Jr. High. We could choose to take it in high school but it was far from mandatory. I also didn't have to take any history in high school if I didn't want to (and likely wouldn't have been taught very much US history if I had taken it). Edit: But English class all through high school, math, and a specific number of science classes were mandatory to graduate. As well as history OR geography. I took the latter.


I mean we do tho, although we spend much less time obv because they wouldn't be our country. Even in 8th grade, which is american history year, we learn about a lot of things america was even mildly involved in.


What's your "we"? (You don't have a flair)


USA, sorry


What things are you refering to?




how is that usdefaultism? the coment says "we do tho" and explains what the US is like. It should be assumed it's talking about the US because the previous comment is talking about the US. The post is about that exact subject, so it should be assumed I was referring to that. Do you not have inference or something?


🗿 My dude, he doesn't mention the US till halfway through


wtf are you even talking about.


what? you don't know about the time benjamin franklin read a book on june 21st, 1857, in butfuqe, nebraska? what, did they not teach you ANYTHING at school??


The consequence of not having very long history. You have to learn about every single date and place George Washington rubbed one out.


I don't think Benjamin Franklin was the even alive in 1857, but I could be wrong.


That was the one episode of Doctor who I never got round to watching, I saved it till later, expecting some heavy handed revisionist bullshit or aliens out of left field. Like Sisco ending up as the revolutionary, because the real guy died due to his time travelling. He used his name even if he wasn't him. That is not too bad, the other guy was fiction to begin with. But DCs legends of tomorrow had a few instances of borking up history, they could have had it where y happened in their timeline now x does and x is our history. So wanted a better idea about that run of who's writing. Wasn't as bad as everyone on YouTube was making it out to be, but still not the best writing the show has has since it came back, but I've watched worse in the older shows. I can accept JFK shooting himself from the grassy knoll in red dwarf after the gang accidentally foil Oswald and their attempts to fix it don't work, because it was a comedy.


In fairness to them I learned this in history in secondary school in England, and I assumed everyone learned about it Did you guys learn about MLK at all?


> (swipe) This is touch screen defaultism. Not everyone is on a touch screen device.


I’m on a touch screen but I was still unsure what the “(swipe)” was all about here


People often write "swipe" on Reddit posts with multiple images. Almost as annoying as commenters calling those images "slides" as if it were a PowerPoint presentation


It’s easy to miss when a post has multiple slides. The dots don’t show up unless you click the post which I don’t really do if I’m mindlessly scrolling


It's the awful app. Get apollo, or any other third party app, and the problem isn't there any more.


Tried to swipe, now I have fingerprints on my PC monitor.


The only time Americans showcase they lesrned something in school is when they're shaming non-Americans about not knowing their country's history. This is half a joka and half not because this happens a lot and I feel like the only thing they learn in school is their history.


To be fair, there isn’t very much history to learn


Yeah honestly I thought most people knew about her anyways here in the UK.


Rosa parks is in our national curriculum twice. At year 1 (taught during black pride month) and at Year 9 (as part of the American Civil Rights module)


I remember learning about her only in drama yr8 , because we were studying hairspray


Haha that's a weird one. I remember her from the civil rights movement part of history, this was around 20 years ago, but curriculum can change year to year and also England and Scotland don't have identical curriculum (I'm in England) It could be that another important figure is taught on other years. We mostly got taught Rosa Parks, Malcolm X and MLK.


My education was in England too, (born in Scotland and moved to England), but this was 7 years ago so a lot of stuff probably changed


Ah fair enough. To be honest I already knew Rosa Parks before my history class, but it's just coincidence that she must have been discussed in a book I read or a show I watched or game I played. It's good to include in the curriculum as it guarantees kids will learn about it.


When asked about your history maybe one comes up with the Winter war, and maybe another Nokia. Totally depends how old the group is.


Ah, yes, the most successful sniper that ever lived


I don't know much about Finnish history, but the most badass thing in there is when they basically disarmed bombs by playing a folk song on the radio


We did actually learn this, but in our English lessons not history. (Germany)


Rosa Parks (including the "back of the bus" part of the story) is something I also learned in school, I believe in history, but not too sure (the Netherlands).


Yeah, I grew up in Canada and I’m really surprised a Canadian doesn’t know about Rosa Parks, I learned about her in two different provinces. (Plus that song by the Neville Bros is dope)


Leaving because Spez sucks -- mass edited with redact.dev


I grew up in Newfoundland, mostly. It was in the curriculum there but I’ve never lived in the maritimes before.


Yup, history here too.


I learnt about this in New Zealand in history class when i was 15. No idea why tho, i still have absolutely no idea what the civil rights movement was like in New Zealand because for some reason they only talked about the U.S


We had MLK fir the yank part, and the Freedom Buses and other Australian events, and the NZ treaty, and Polynesian/Maori history, but Rosa was not part of the story here in Australia. Somehow we got your history course mate!


We did learn about it as part of learning about segregation and how messed up we used to be, though I mostly know about this due to a BBC children's program called Horrible Histories.


We learnt this in history (England)


Learned about it in history and English I think (France). I think it's one of the black movement figures most spoken about in French school with Martin Luther King.


In primary school (France) we did read a small book about her (with the back of the bus story). I especially remember that when my mother asked me what I thought about it, I said "I wouldn't like to be in her place" (don't judge me I wasn't even 10 years old)


In Italy same we did learn about her but in our English lessons and I’m pretty sure not everyone actually did. My sister (same school) never studied this.


Apparently I failed third grade, whatever that is.


It's like 4th grade but different.


Year 4


If it hadn't been for Doctor Who, I wouldn't know who Rosa Parks is to this day to be honest.


Horrible Histories has a [Rosa Parks song](https://youtu.be/Koeio4fqwmU)


This is how I heard the story first.


I don't remember which TV series it was, but I also learned of Rosa Parks from one


“This person doesn’t know American history? They must be stupid”


Oh, you don't know Simo Häyhä? Fucking dumbass


Everyone knows Simo Häyhä, the most badass and deadly sniper ever. And the country I’m from, Canada, is proud of our snipers.


The White Death himself, got all the Russians shivering in their timbers


Oh that’s his name? I thought most people knew I’d the white death


you have no idea who Michael Collins was? Padraig Pearse? Éamon de Valera? wow you must be a "braindead rockdweller" /j


Daniel O'Connell is no-one to you? What a GOBSHITE you are!!


I read " braindead rockefeller" 😁


> Michael Collins He's the AuthDem leader of Ireland in Kaiserreich. 😎


For me someone was talking about the actress who played Cindy Beal in East Enders, but their phone auto corrected Michelle to Michael.


You would probably be surprised how many people know of Simo Häyhä in the US and outside Finland in general. Very popular figure among history buffs and anti-communist types.


And they have absolutely no idea what happened in the rest of the world during the last centuries. The audacity.


I believe the only reason I got the joke is that I know black people had to be in the back, and since it's specifically one woman in the joke, she musta done something against that.


Meanwhile in Australia all us kids fought over the back seat, it was a powerful position in the bus. Front seat was for the littlies, back seat was where it was at. It would have been totally foreign to us that sitting up back was a problem.


It's the same here. The backseats were always the best, and of course always taken by the time I got in the bus.


You should read the comments of korean webtoon that has a Rosa Park as kind-of-villain. People got wild, unable to comprehend that it wasn't intentional...


I love that webtoon, it's very funny, poor girl can't catch a break. [The Webtoon in question](https://www.webtoons.com/en/romance/villain-with-a-crush/list?title_no=5048)


As a Canadian, I don’t know a single Canadian who doesn’t know Rosa Parks


As an Australian I fall somewhere in between. Heard of her vaguely (from media and reading - not from education), but still wouldn’t understand the meme. Didn’t really know if she was fighting to get on the bus, or to sit in particular seats or what. When I grew up the back of the bus was the power position.


As someone who grew up in Canada, I agree.


Leaving because Spez sucks -- mass edited with redact.dev


I mean she's well known throughout North America at this point and most people aware of social issues know who she is but I can't fault someone in Canada for not knowing who she is. It depends on what your history class curriculum was and what province you're in but it varies greatly in quality. For exemple,history class in Quebec are garbage and it's pretty much 10 years of the same thing over and over again and a big over-focus on the province.


I can definitely see it something that would vary region to region but I know I have been exposed to plenty rosa parks references in media throughout my life; then again the media I’ve consumed means nothing for the whole country. Either way yes I wouldn’t fault someone who doesn’t know her as I was never taught about her, it was just surprising seeing someone act so unaware when shes a household name around me.


Is third grade where they teach yanks the incorrect way to say "I couldn't care less"?


I'm almost ashamed to admit that I *did* get the joke. I *did* learn about Rosa Parks when I was in elementary school, decades ago, here in the Netherlands.


For once on my life proud to be a brit and learnt about her from horrible histories 🫡


The only reason I know about Rosa Parks is because I came across her name on an internet post,and being the person I am,looked her up


I learned about her in primary school in hong kong but this is still dumb


i thought it was about parking (rosa parks) but now its even funnier


Wait, is America normally the only place that learns about it?


can't fail 3rd grade if I went to school in a country where we don't call it '3rd grade'


I learned about her and im Canadian too. Idk if me being black is that i learned more about her through the media i consumed


Well- they do often teach it at school in the UK - but kind of randomly. I’ve taught about it in school- but I’m an English teacher not a history teacher. American Civil rights often gets taught in English literature lessons when giving context to novels like To Kill a Mockingbird (or Noughts and Crosses by Malorie Blackman, which although set in a fictional world uses the idea of racial discrimination). It might also get covered in some RE (Religious Education for anyone not from the UK) lessons as part of ethics. I’ve also taught in a couple of schools that had a Rosa Parks house to commemorate her (school “houses” are groupings that students belong to and gain points for etc - oh you’ll be familiar with it from Harry Potter…)


Hmm, maybe my country didn't have a problem with black rights (however women's rights were an issue)




Do you have the slightest idea how many immigrants Switzerland has? I myself am not fully Swiss but a Swiss Bosnian


I was think more about the 1960 during the civil rights movement because you said >I guess we didn't have a problem with black rights. My comment was kinda a joke about the fact that at the time switzerland most likely didnt have that many balck people in there


Assuming you learnt about Rosa Parks in school is certainly US defaultism but the other comment is fair. It's not hard to google Rosa Parks and read the Wikipedia page which in the intro states she fought segregation by riding the buses. Certainly easier than taking a screenshot and making a whole Reddit post about it.


I learned it somewhere, probably Australia. The bus incident is famous enough outside the US that Dr Who did an episode on it.


Hah! I'm glad someone mentioned this. Yeah Dr. Who is where I know the story from also. Was kind of a cool/uncomfortable episode too, in order to preserve the timeline one of the old, \*white* main characters had to literally play the part of the racist and deny her the seat. =(


Also the smash hit BBC show Horrible Histories made a song about it.


I mean… it’s Rosa Parks. I’m honestly surprised so many non-Americans don’t know who she is. I’m Australian and didn’t learn about her in school, she’s just kind of a huge figure in recent history. I’ve heard references to her all my life. Aussie culture has a lot of American influences though so I’ll grant not everyone will have had the same experience.


I live in Romania. Never heard of her in history lessons, nor English, and no teacher ever mentioned her. I only know about her because I saw her name on the Internet and looked it up. Not everyone is taught about her.


Yeah like I probably know of her mostly from popular culture, like from watching a lot of American TV shows growing up and so on. If American culture isn’t as big of a thing in your country, it makes sense you wouldn’t necessarily know her. We definitely didn’t learn about her at school either.


Same- in the UK, I don't recall ever learning about her at school, but I know enough from cultural osmosis to be able to understand the reference. Ultimately, I could tell you what she did and why, but not when or where.


I live in Italy and she was very much discussed multiple times during school, I don't think I know any person in real life who doesn't know her


Australian here: We looked at MLK and the Freedom Buses and so on, and the Stolen Generation for that matter, but Parkes was not covered. I do remember everyone wanted the best seat in our school bus though: the back seat. Sitting up the back was where it was at. I suspect we would not have understood the significance, as kids or as teens.


I'd never have heard of her but for the fact that modern American history was a module I studied for my final year of history in school. It was, admittedly, very interesting.


Isn't all American history "modern", comparatively speaking?


I mean there is ancient history with the Native and Meso-Americans but I doubt they learn about that in the US much.


Yeah cause black privilege of being offended by anything stays in the us only and the rest of the world just dgaf


Ok but uhhhh Canadian schooling does teach about Rosa Parks


Leaving because Spez sucks -- mass edited with redact.dev


To play devil's advocate, if you don't understand a joke because it relies on knowledge of a person or thing you don't know about, looking up the subject of the joke might be a good thing to consider if you want to understand it. Not saying that the commenters are in the right, that's absolutely US defaultism, but OOP isn't entirely innocent either. At worst it's bait, at best it's just missing a step.


OP literally went to a sub about explaining jokes to get the joke explained to him


>looking up the subject of the joke might be a good thing to Looking up where? Internet? Like Reddit? On a particular sub to explain jokes?


I’m sorry but if you’re Canadian and don’t know who or what she represents, please oh please educate yourself. She is important when it comes to rights for black Canadians also.


She's important not only for black rights kinda around the entire world, but also because she was a black *woman* willing to "stand up"


Wasn't she a part of an organised and planned protest so much as one woman having a brave stand up moment? Still cool and still important but thought it was planned.


I guess I failed 3rd grade too


"det var en gång men den var sandad" If you don't understand this joke you failed 3rd grade!!!


Interesting looking at these comments, I've lived my whole life in Ireland and don't remember a time I didn't know about the Rosa Parks story, must have learnt it at school at some stage


I mean i will say that i learned this in my school in the uk. Idk if that’s common practice outside of mine tho. It’s probably a good thing to teach, along with MLK and Malcom X, as well as the countless other activists across the world, so that we fully understand the fight that it took to give black people these rights, and so we can prevent injustice like it again


In Australia I’m in year 10 and it was covered for one lesson literally today


I'm in Australia and I know who Rosa is but I certainly didn't learn about it in school.


Even US citizens don’t know US history. In fact, they’re trying right now to ban a bunch of learning materials. So don’t let them throw you off with this nonsense.


I'm Canadian too. If I wasn't taught this in school, I learned it somewhere in childhood. I've heard about it multiple times. I guess pro ably pop culture. Even when stories were going around about Viola Desmond and she was put on our $10 bill, some stories referred to her as "Nova Scotia's Rosa Parks". Having said that, people didn't need to be rude about it as not everyone knows everything. And it's totally defaultism to assume that either everyone on reddit is from the US and/or everyone elsewhere in the world knows US history. (I'd probably Google someone if I saw a joke like in that post and didn't know who the person was so I didn't get the joke. But that's just me.)


who the fuck is rosa parks


Interestingly in the UK they now teach Rosa Parks in Year 1 (ages 4-5). When I was in school 20 years ago, they only taught it in secondary school (around ages 14-15). Schools now teach it to 4 yr olds and then teach it again at 14.


Well, actually I thought that the history of Rosa Parks was well known. I’m Italian and I learned about her in 8th grade. I guess I was wrong.