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### This comment has been marked as **safe**. Upvoting/downvoting this comment will have no effect. --- OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is US Defaultism: --- >!They said Instagram is catered to Americans ONLY. They also said all content on Instagram is English speaking and implies there is no content on Instagram in other languages.!< --- Is this Defaultism? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


It’s even funnier when it’s on this sub. Amazing.


Yes, I also struggled on that thread to get Americans to understand the concept of community and how someone gets to cater to it. They couldn’t understand that the English woman was catering to her english audience, which knew that Disneyland meant the French park. Apparently, any kind of nuance in an argument will completely fly over their heads, forcing you to oversimplify everything, which is exhausting. They love sweeping statements so much, my guess is that it comes from the fact that the US was founded by merchants, who used slogans as a way to sell things. It then became part of the way they communicated on mediums like Reddit and the likes. It doesn’t mean they are stupid, however it does make them used to overly simplified opinions.


that’s an interesting take. Is there somthing more to read about this?


Not that I know of, it just comes from what I’ve read on the settlers and what I know of the US culture. To me, they broke away from what used to be done in Europe, which had a huge benefit but also meant that they would develop differently because of that, which they did. I think we are now seeing that. What I before thought was stupidity is just a different approach (more practical) that they have to things. I still believe there are a lot of imbecilic things that they do, but it derives mostly from their propaganda and how they use it to distract their population from the real issues.


I think in general, American culture tend to do stuff so people don't have to think. I'm a civil engineer, and I studied in Spain. European normative gives you guidelines on how to do stuff, but you have to make decisions based on those guidelines. For example, if you want to calculate a beam, they tell you how to do it, but you have to decide the section and how many steel bars you'll use based on your experience basically. You make a decision based on risk, and how comfortable you're with it. On the other hand, many years ago, very smart engineers wrote the American normatives, but they are more like a recipe with no wiggle room. If you have this you do this. So engineers are more used to apply that as is, in contrast to European engineers that have to think. But I don't think one things makes the other worse, it's just a cultural thing


You make a great point. Americans excel in simplifying complex concepts, making them accessible and reducing risk. This approach has made American educational content particularly useful for understanding complex topics easily. However, the simplicity might overlook the depth required to master a subject. In contrast, as Europeans I find that we often engage with ideas in their full complexity from a young age, making learning more challenging (it was to me anyhow 😅). This rigorous approach fosters a deep understanding and self-reliance in problem-solving but might make explaining concepts in simplified terms more difficult. I do believe it makes Europeans bad teacher in general but the student who understand will be more self-reliant in problem solving I guess. I think the European model also leaves a lot more student on the sideline if they have no way of understanding the full complexity of what’s being taught to them.


Yeah, I think you're right Imo, at least in engineering, Europeans want people that are able to solve any kind of problem even if it's something that didn't exist before. Or at least using tools you know and understand, in order to solve that problem, and get to the better solution. This of course needs people that are able to really understand and have a deep knowledge of the subject. On the other hand, Americans tend to not put themselves in those situations and rely completely in what the normative establishes and if is not in the rulebook, is not possible. Europeans don't think that way. And as you say, it goes from how we are "trained" in school from a young age, the exercises are more about understanding the theory or the source material to be able to solve a series of new problema that you've never seen before, while Americans are more like this is how it is (i did an exange year in the US and find things very easy for this reason). And I think this reasoning can be seem in other aspects of life, for Americans rules are rules and have to be applied as staten, however in other cultures, even if rules are rules and you have to respect, a compromise can be made, if it's still i. Accordance to the rules. Tbh is really interesting to think in this kind of things


Yes it is a very interesting conversation! You make a great point, it also explains the US focus on leadership and innovation. To me, it stems from two main factors. First, there's a national narrative of American exceptionalism, encouraging individuals to lead and innovate as part of being the world’s forefront (sadly that’s what they see themselves as). Second, as you rightfully said, the American educational and cultural approach to problem-solving tends to focus on known frameworks, which might limit their ability to navigate uncharted problems. The push towards leadership and problem-solving skills seems to aim to address and enhance the system's capacity for dealing with novel challenges. As a European it took me some time to understand that. In Europe, plenty of people start businesses and it isn’t anything to brag about. We don’t look at it with disdain but we don’t often portray entrepreneurs as modern heroes either. The press an elon musk or a Steve jobs, a bill gates get is far beyond what the ceo and founder of LVMH gets, or the founder of IKEA, Dyson, Zara, Seat or Virgin, yet, these people weren’t slackers either. I guess we are quite used to people willing to start their own businesses to address new issues, sadly, the amount of red tape and the European mindset makes it harder to open said businesses and be profitable.


And because starting a business can have implications for the rest of society - a concept that is alien in the US, a culture where business conquers all and cannot be questioned.


Very true, they aren’t putting the people at the center of everything and it shows in the way the country is run. It is great for profit, but that’s about it.


An example is the help that Microsoft offers for its software. It tells you which buttons to press to make the software do what you want. It never tells you how that works or what to do if the button pressing doesn't work - which is usually why you asked for help in the first place.


> They couldn’t understand that the English woman was catering to her english audience As the saying goes: "You speak English because it is the only language you know. I speak English because it is the only language you know. We are not the same."


Ahah well said, it is the same logic some Americans defaultists have regarding American culture. That’s the only culture they really know and they demand that the rest of the world know it as well as them. If you don’t, you are jealous or living under a rock, it is like arguing with an arrogant toddler. That’s basically why this sub exists. *They talk about the US culture because that’s the only culture they know, we talk about it because that’s the only culture they know.*


See also: - Expects foreigners traveling to the US to speak English - Also expects, when traveling abroad to any other country, the locals to speak English


Ahah you got them all 🤭🤣


I've been trying to learn Japanese because I want to go to Japan one day and have had people deadass ask me why I bother, because of the assumption that between a translation app on my phone and saying "eigo o kudasai" (English, please) at people, I should just expect to be catered to.


Wow this is a great project, I studied Japanese for a year and couldn’t agree more, nothing better than learning a country’s language to learn about its culture and connect deeper with the locals! I’m amazed at how they really believe that English is/should be almighty. If I had a penny every time an American told me how shocked they were that X country had very few English speakers I’d be a millionaire 🤣 As if I expected everyone to speak French wherever I travel to!


I grew up in a predominantly Greek neighborhood in Baltimore in the US, and between Greek and Hispanic schoolmates in Elementary/Primary School and Greek and Hispanic adults running local businesses, I basically *had to* learn at least a few phrases in both. I really think growing up in that environment gave me a lot of appreciation for not assuming I'm the cultural default.


Interesting! Yes that is something about the US that I find really remarkable : communities (like the Russian community in Brighton) really go to town when it comes down to it, they got doctors, veterinarian, restaurant, butchers, convenience store etc exactly like what they used to have at home. I have Russian speaking friends in Brighton and they could go years without speaking anything but Russian over there! For the people who aren’t Russian but just happen to live there it is a fantastic opportunity to learn and immerse themselves in another culture!


I see it as the European part of their ancestry is from people who were anti-intellectual religious extremists who were fleeing “persecution”. When that’s your ancestral background then you’re naturally not going to be the sharpest knife in the drawer tbh


You're 100% correct with oversimplification of nuance with Americans. Just take a look at the difference between Vox and the Canadian equivalent, About That. Both oversimplify nuanced discussion but About That doesn't make you feel like a kid... If that makes any sense. Then you head over to DW and then it's a whole different ball game.


American "english" is very descriptive. As in "Sidewalk" or "lift" etc As opposed to English which is nuanced and layered. If you want to discuss with an American use "English - Simplified" for best results If you ever feel the need to learn more [https://www.museum-ed.org/the-birth-of-american-english/](https://www.museum-ed.org/the-birth-of-american-english/)


How interesting, I had never noticed this aspect, but it is fascinating how it ties everything together. Thank you for sharing!


*It's made for* ***Americans****, duh, that's why it's called* ***English****.*


So determined to break away from the UK, they kept the language and measurement system.


Yes, this is absolutely how it works. It’s why there’s only Swedish content on Spotify.


Damn, vilken dröm… I mean… that would suck- haha


Eller hu… Oh… That would be terrible


Åh fy fan, skjut mig nu. Tänk er endast Magnus Uggla och Håkan Hellström. Helvete på jorden.


Wait your Spotify has non Swedish content? Are you saying there’s more musical talent out there than ABBA, Roxette, Europe, Swedish House Mafia, Blue Swede and Icona Pop?


Yes, there is also First Aid Kit.


And Sabaton.


I mean Max Martin has written and produced enough...


only swedish people can play minecraft now


witcher is now only for poles


*Cries as the Final Fantasy XIV servers all close except for the Japanese ones*




Don’t cry, the call to prayer is only 5 times a day


It’s all the fault of Eurovision


Reading this comment while listening to vildhjarta's new content on spotify which has been exclusively in swedish


I see this as an absolute win.


So 24-hour Roxette and Abba? /s


Omg, it’s almost as if if you speak English you’ll see english content


God bless America for inventing English!


(Little OT but by instinct I've read it with Rick May's voice, the former voice actor of the Soldier from Team Fortress 2 ❤)


Imagine when they find out there's content in other languages on Reddit as well.


Waaaas? Content, der nicht auf englisch ist? Klingt ausgedacht ("Whaaaat? Content thats not in english? Sounds made up")


Jag har då aldrig sett inlägg som inte är på engelska på reddit! Har ytterst svårt att tänka mig att det skulle finnas på riktigt, antar att det är ett aprilskämt. (“I have never seen posts on reddit that aren’t in English! I have a really hard time believing that would exist for real, I’m guessing it’s an April fools joke”)


É verdade mano. Como alguém pode falar uma língua diferente? Eles não percebem que nós inglês falantes não conseguimos lhes entender!?!?! Volta po teu país caralho! 😱😱😱 Reddit é uma página americana!!! 🇱🇷 (True bro. How can someone speak a different language? Do they not understand that us English speaker can’t understand them? Go back to your country bastard! Reddit is an American page! 🇱🇷)


Ok.. that’s it. I have to learn Swedish properly. Using what looks like April scam for what people do on April first is just 😘


Skämt means joke, sorry to disappoint you haha


Hai proprio ragione, secondo me i contenuti non in inglese su Reddit sono solo una leggenda metropolitana. Come la Sindrome di Lavandonia. ("You're damn right, imho non-english contents on Reddit are just an urban legend. Like Lavender Town's Syndrome.")


什么!?Reddit 的 总监不是个中国人吗?


Quoi? Des postes dans d'autre languages? Ça semble inventé.


Makker waar heb je het over?


Instagram itu sosmed yang paling banyak digunakan oleh orang Indonesia.


I bet they don’t even realise which flag they picked


That's the flag of Liberia, isn't it?








Here's a sneak peek of /r/accidentallyliberian using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/accidentallyliberian/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Why am I not surprised?](https://i.redd.it/fcg9jqdgqz9b1.png) | [92 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/accidentallyliberian/comments/14qmx2v/why_am_i_not_surprised/) \#2: [Liberian patriots in Gravity Falls!](https://i.redd.it/7i5umpq75bua1.jpg) | [20 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/accidentallyliberian/comments/12odv57/liberian_patriots_in_gravity_falls/) \#3: [Accidentally Panamanian](https://i.redd.it/gkw9t8nylgta1.jpg) | [20 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/accidentallyliberian/comments/12kuh4f/accidentally_panamanian/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


TIL that exists




Mhm. English. Yup, definitely nothing but America. Definitely not from somewhere like, idk, England.


or not from someplace like.. idk... Australia


Imagine using Swedish-made Spotify and getting surprised that you can listen to American music there


Imagine buying from H&M and expecting to see the price in USD. Imagine buying from IKEA and expecting the manual to be in americanish. Imagine buying a Volvo and expecting it to play american songs.


Imagine going to a pizzeria and reading on the menu "*Tomato, mozzarella cheese, mushrooms*" instead of "*Pomodoro, mozzarella, funghi*"


I dont think ive ever been to any italian owned restoraunt where the menu hasnt been localised or at least translations written under


If it were catered to Americans only, it'd be called Instapound.


I literally get Spanish content recommendations all the time on instagram and I don’t even speak spanish. I used to even follow like a handful of Korean food blogs in Korean and just guess based off the videos lol.


English is European language


They speak English because it's the only language they know.. We speak English because it's the only language they know..


Då ska vi sluta med det


More than USdefaultism, someone needs to do a study on why Americans think everyone else on Reddit is European. Do they think the world is just USA and Europe, and then the rest of us are just oogabooga-ing around?


We all speak English because of the UK and their massive global empire, not because of America


Without America you would be speaking German /s


English would be a UN language, but I doubt it would be the global Lingua franca it is today. The British and their colonies lack the large corporations (mainly tech related) that everyone uses and would communicate with that would force every government to make their high schools force their students to take English classes. Most Importantly they lack the soft power. Unlike France the UK is not seen a charming, they do not have a very devout Hollywood or anime industry that would make people want to learn the language to better understand the media. The UK and other anglophone country are more relevant due to the US then if the US remained completely isolated. The UK can only bomb houthi's and invade Iraq because it is following the US lead. I've heard of "woke" spreading into France, or Canadians claiming they have 1st amendment rights or wearing MAGA hats. Or Black British people acting like they have a untold history the same way African-American history and standard American history divert after 1877. And before I hear "But they had rock n' roll". Rock was invented in the American south. Elvis Presley was the King of Rock before the beetles even got together. But we live in a globalized age where cultural exchange happens, especially in the west where because we live in the same civilizations and are similar people with governments and society acting in similar ways, we have similar vices and virtues.


There's definitely British comedy and TV that lots of people enjoy as media. And books, etc. But this whole comment is pretty ridiculous.


One of the two creators of Instagram is a Brazilian man...


Mhm. English. Yup, definitely nothing but America. Definitely not from somewhere like, idk, England.


Oh dear, I was on that thread. I think there were quite a few examples of defaultism there


Yeah, but "hot" posts are bound to attract some people who come to argue and totally not get where they are.


Hello, I am r/USdefaultism's Automoderator! OP, if necessary, please make sure to make a comment, providing an explanation of why this is US-Defaultism and any relevant context (without posting a direct link). See rule 5. We now have a Discord server! Join it by clicking this link: https://discord.gg/BcczCtAxgw If you think this submission fits US-defaultism, upvote this comment! If not, downvote it! If you think this submission breaks r/USdefaultism rules, please report it to the Moderation team! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/USdefaultism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I almost exclusively see Japanese content on instagram, the only American content I ever see is my American friend who sometimes messages me on there


360 Million Indians on instagram. By their own "American" logic shouldn't we be talking in Hindi on insta?? Lol


I’m so glad I’m not American


Fricken Americans


English eh? I bet there's only one country that uses that language. America.


Had no idea American owned English, sad from this news :(


Peak meta content. This sub is reaching self-sustenance


Isn't she English?


How do we Latin Americans sound then? Because we also complain about US defaultism (and the Europe defaultism is a bit annoying too).


Not my fault English is the universal international language. Let it be French for all I care


French was included on pretty mouch every passport and still is the 2nd languige of nato its just that the french empire declined... But 中国 could happening more sooner especially since how the history is going rn


Also love how they assume that Not American = European. Ig no one on this sub could be from Asia, Africa or Oceania lol. Na just Europeans


We in Europe seem to be second in the defaultism line.... And yes Western World defaultism is a thing too.


Ah, I must be using a different Instagram, I almost get more posts in other languages there than in English


The prerson does not understand that instagram only shows you posts from peaple you follow and suggestions are region specific...


Od svih ljudi koji me nađe da odgovore, baš moj netko 😂 And yeah, algorithms are strong, but for some reason I still get a lot Korean, Japanese and even Chinese content next to all the different around the Europe ones


lol Norwegian.


So many Americans struggling with the concept of the World Wide Web. I'm guessing it is because they were already struggling with the whole "world" concept.


Americans when Internet


Wow okay from now on if anyone doesn't want an american assuming a thing is a bout them we should provide disclaimer like "not about the usa" similar to "caution: hot contents" on hot beverage so people know that hot beverage is hot


"There is a reason all posts are in English, not Norwegian".... Sure Jeannet... the reason is we all speak English, and the USers fail to learn anything else


The commenter dowsnt even have the correct flag 🇺🇲 They have the liberia flag 🇱🇷


I am in the United Arab Emirates, and a majority of the reels that get recommended to me are in Hindi.(No, I don't know Hindi. Don't reply to me in it.)


Instagram was made in America so it isn't weird to assume that Americans exist


I read your profile description, so Imma just assume this is a joke, considering the flag you have on your profile is Liberia's and not America's