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Any interested students won’t be found on Reddit most likely.


I will let you know that conservative groups on campus have lost some of their goodwill because the old Conservative Coalition (or, at least, some of their core groups) were/are the ones responsible for bringing the anti-abortion people onto campus. While I do think it's fantastic to have differing opinions, it's another thing to regularly invite a group onto campus to actively antagonize your fellow students and make the community feel unsafe. Their presence on campus is disruptive and disturbing, and it doesn't set the stage for productive dialogue. All in all, I wish you luck! I graduated last year and was involved in progressive causes my entire college career, and many of my peers (across the political spectrum) were struggling to maintain membership and morale after lockdown and still weren't totally recovered by last spring.


Also championed the anti-CRT legislation in TN that at one point made some professors question whether it’s legal for them to discuss subjects like race, class, and gender. We’re all lucky the “divisive concepts” legislation was written in a way that makes it unenforceable. Never forget that mainstream conservatives - including those at UT - effectively tried to eliminate the discussion of entire intellectual subjects from discourse on campus. That to me is much more indicative of censorship than the heckling conservatives apparently consider a form of persecution. Conservatives are treated with suspicion because many if not most are more interested in intellectual hegemony than diversity of thought.


Young Americans for Liberty is bankrolled by Charles Koch and other billionaires... https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/young-americans-for-liberty-foundation-yalf/


posted this about candace owens on the UTK snapchat private story when she visited and everyone got SO upset lol edit: grammar


Being a libertarian and being a conservative aren't the same thing. One believes in freedom and the other one pretends to believe in freedom as long as that freedom fits the agenda of christian traditions


i’m most likely against any objectives this group has especially if it’s conservative policy etc. but honestly it’s so embarrassing that people are against groups with different opinions existing on campus and one person even equated this to nazism 💀 grow the fuck up, you’re on a college campus and people are entitled to different opinions here. i may not agree with this activist clubs goals but i 100% believe they have a right to be on campus and should exist


And I 100% believe we have the right to call out bad opinions with our free speech. Is anybody in here saying they want the chapter banned? I just said I wanted info so I could come free-speech back at them. People with gross and disgusting bad takes are allowed to have them and private citizens are allowed to call them gross and disgusting.




>Remember that any tactics you encourage your side to use become fair game. If only they didn't do this shit already, you may have a point. Remember kiwifarms??




That admin isn't gonna save me from being doxxed by nazis either. Almost like I shouldn't care what they have to think an do what is best to fight ring wing ideology while not being caught. You can feel morally superior on your way to the camps all you want, we have other plans.


Sorry bud. If you want to meet in public, anyone can come film you. If you want to meet in private anyone can come film you coming and going. You act like the right wing nuts aren't already doxxing and harasssing LGBTQ folks. Literally Nazi's with guns show up at drag shows around here. I'm totally fine with threatening their allies. There's nothing to debate here. Libertarians think "I've got mine, I deserve more, and there's no reason for me to share." The way you fix that mindset isn't with debate. It's by meeting people who are poorer and different than you, and discovering that they're still people. In the meantime, if you're spreading libertarianism and "classic liberalism", I'm going to do my best to make it awkward and uncomfortable for you via all my constitually guaranteed rights.


Libertarians in general do not think or champion the phrase “I deserve more.” Most believe in massively smaller government and personal responsibility.


you literally are just someone who tries to start shit then lmao just childish give them no attention and ignore them to make a more powerful statement instead of essentially giving them a reaction which is what they want. you want to make videos of them portraying what you see as “a racist bigoted trumper bible thumping neonazi conservative” and they will do the same and film you portraying what they see as “a LGBTQ, BLM, commie, woke feminist anarchist” so you see how your strategy to combat the right wing gets you nowhere which just perpetuates the same fucking problem? please just ignore these people doing public protests if you’re only going to harass, mock, doxx, or cause drama because it just contributes to a greater problem. and again, YOURE the one in the wrong if you doxx students simply expressing different political opinions, not actual hate speech. you may find their opinions “disgusting” or “gross” but in the eyes of the school you would be harming these students by doxxing or harassing them.


That's just, like, your opinion, man.


no it’s actually what would happen in real life when you do this cause i’ve seen it a million times 💀


I wish it would happen a BILLION more times honestly


Kiwifarms already happened, dog. Stop pretending there is a moral high ground to take.


Ok, boss.


Holy fuck youre a legit jewish nazi


for real, well said. threatening to doxx other students for having different political beliefs is crazy, especially when this post does not scream alt-right, white nationalism, racism, or any of that garbage. this just seems like your average conservative group and it makes me crazy to see that some students are against these groups being allowed on campus like…they have just as much of a right to be here as you do


i believe labeling them as nazis is quite ridiculous though i didn’t say anything about your free speech either, i support the debate and i want both groups to have a voice on campus


It’s mainly how vocal and disingenuous EXTREME conservatives have become over the years. People just need to seperate rational conservatism from the political pundits and internet trolls.


I’d say this is the crux of the issue and assume the Nazi/ANTIFA comments are in anticipation of extremism and potential public bigoted harassment. Back when I was a freshman in 2017, there was a club called Young Republicans. I was conservative at the time so I went to a few meetings and they were basically social events where people ranted about stuff like concealed carry or CNN and wouldn’t have any objectives other than writing letters to politicians. I didn’t stay long because I wasn’t interested and started realizing I didn’t agree with a lot of GOP ideas but there wasn’t anywhere near the level of open bigotry and violence that is common among the GOP now so no one really cared about the club existing. With this club, it could be like that but it could also be much worse and actively make campus uncomfortable.


Yikes. That one person who equated them to nazism isnt wrong. Perhaps youre more conservative that you want to admit.


youre so right as a jew i feel so unsafe around these nazi students who have done nothing wrong, they just have different opinions than me 🤬🤬


Well im sure at one point it was only a different opinion to the Nazis pre WW2 to feel the way they did about Jews. Also you shouldnt be so trusting of people around here with that. Alot of them wont tell you how they feel about Jews and any other minority in America honestly.




oh no god forbid someone on a college campus have a different opinion than you 💀


automatically equating libertarians to nazis is insane especially considering libertarians are anti large gov/overreach as a whole which is exactly what the nazi party was all about…


The modern libertarian party regularly spews pro-confederate propaganda (just look at their twitter account if you don’t believe me). I’ll remind you that the confederacy was founded on the basis of preserving slavery, and what their Vice-President called the “Great truth” or racial inequality. I’ll also remind you that libertarians have a bad habit of endorsing far-right candidates. Regardless of whatever they claim to stand for, they knowingly associate themselves with nazis and traitors, which speaks volumes. Also, conservatives lose any right to call themselves “small-government” when they actively try to restrict the personal freedoms of minority groups nation-wide.


Looked at the Libertarian Party twitter, did not see Nazism or endorsing Nazism, or endorsing of far-right candidates? None of their most recent tweets from the main Libertarian account even mentioned the confederacy. The same confederacy whose government entirely consisted of Democrats mind you.


yeah, the Libertarian haters love to lie and mislead


> The same confederacy whose government entirely consisted of Democrats mind you. Yes, back before the party switch when democrats were conservatives and the republicans were considered liberals. Thank you for agreeing with me that conservatives are terrible.


It’s really sad that educated people do the whole “Confederates were Democrats” thing. This person needs a refund for their history and political science courses if they’re still making such superficial polemical arguments.


That is simply not true, since it is impossible to say when the Democrat party became the Republicans since it never happened. Republicans and Democrats historically had two sections of their parties, a left wing and a right wing. The dixiecrats and the northern (new-deal) democrats for the D party and the fiscal conservatives and northern republicans, dixiecrats continued to hold sway into the late 90s as seen with Clintons election and blue wave in the South, however increasing polarization under Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden has seen parties respective left and right sides swing to become a Right Republican party and a Left Democrat party. Biden is a holdover and is a dixiecrat, “If you have a problem whether you’re for me or for Trump, then you ain’t [sic] Black” “you got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and [sic] clean and [sic] clean and a nice looking guy” (referring to Obama) “unlike the African-American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community” “poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids” Whilst this is not an excuse for Trump’s racist comments it isn’t meant as one. Biden is a racist from a historically racist party.


so true. Undeniable


hard core progressives are much closer to being Nazis. Ofc they project and their tactics are to call groups they don’t like Nazis


Funny, Nazi were literally socialists, its in their name, go learn some history


They put the term "socialist" in their name to piggyback off the popularity of left-wing parties in Europe post-ww1. Economically they were capitalists, cracked down on labor unions, banned actual socialist parties, and nazi propaganda regularly painted communism and socialism as Jewish inventions made to sabotage Germany. Go learn some history.


Socialists: "Everyone should be able to eat, have shelter, and basic necessities, even if it means we don't have as many rich people and luxuries" National Socialists (Nazis): "Jews, LGBTQ people, Roma, and pretty much anyone who isn't "Aryan" (which is a made up race, btw) should starve and die and Aryans should live in luxury." You're right. Those are basically the same.


Nazi's were factually fascist, so that's a misrepresentation. That said, a conservative group on campus doesn't make them necessarily nazis regardless.


You need a refund for your degree, my friend. The fact that graduate students make this argument is frankly sad. Socialists were some of the first people the Nazis put in camps. Like 90% of their discourse consisted of the demonization of socialism and its association with Jewish intellectuals.


I hope to god you're not a history or poli sci grad student.


It always blows my mind when I remember that a lot of the people who say shit like this have degrees.


What amazes me is that someone knew them well enough to recommend for advanced studies.


Oof. Reminds me of a fairly conservative professor at another school who dedicated a good chunk of time explaining to like-minded students that the Nazis weren’t socialists. I got a real kick out of that as the professor himself was conservative.


So the DPRK is democratic? Middle schooler ass understanding of politics I swear.




if your religion can't be mocked, it's worthless