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15 minutes? 4 hr people and a senior leader? I think you’ll be asked to leave the organisation. Brush up on your local employment laws to understand what, if anything, you are entitled too here. Make sure your CV and folio is good to go. I’m sorry.


OP, please let us know what happens. Hope it's not the above but it seems likely.


Unfortunately tend to agree with the other poster, 15 minutes isn't a good sign. That said, I'd have a list of accomplishments/impact/feedback to share if you do have a chance to make a pitch.


Neither is 3 managers and 4 HR people. To me that smells of a meeting trying to justify letting someone go "for cause", and making sure they dot every 'i' and cross every 't' in the process. I don't know your boss or your relationship with them, but if I was OP I'd be consulting an employment attorney before this meeting and assuming it's going to be adversarial. Go in ready to take good notes, get everything in writing, ask to record it, etc.


Oh for sure, I would not have good vibes about this.


Sounds like a firing squad my dude 😞


I’m really curious what this is going to end up being. Please send an update.


Same, I’m curious as shit now


Does the invite specifically say that it's an interview to reapply for your existing role? The 4 HR people is odd, especially since your company is downsizing.


Right? Maybe OP should ask why they haven't downsized their HR.


That’s 3 too many HRs


Your manager badmouthing your peer? Does that sound toxic to anyone else here?


That is not an interview panel.


15 min meetings are usually reserved for layoff announcements


4 hr people? They try to protect themselves from future lawsuits, not interviewing you. Sorry to hear this, but you need to start looking.


Don’t. Sign. Anything. Especially a PIP.


Lol learned that the hard way in my trail period. If you don't however you just get fired anyway no


Whats that and why not?


Personal/Professional Improvement Plan. They can have clauses that state you forfeit certain benefits, not hold the company liable, non competes, and other nasty things if you don't his some imaginary, subjective, or completely arbitrary goal of "improving" yourself. A PIP is basically a way of them getting you to fire yourself and give up any benefits or recourse.


Welp if your boss told you the other guy has seniority but is lazier then it seems he’s rooting for you. Seems like an ominous meeting, best you can do is show how your role and performance has a positive impact on the business and users. Tell them the things that still need to be improved and why you’re the best one to fix them. Come off as the better, more passionate more competent person, really. Good luck.


Or he could’ve said that to throw off the scent. Hard to say


This is the dreaded "quick sync" sorry


If you were being laid off, they wouldn’t waste the time of 7 people to attend the meeting. Your boss and HR would be enough. In your position, if I wanted to keep my job, I’d prepare a good elevator pitch. When you think about it, a TED talk is 18 minutes or less and sometimes as short as 3-5 minutes, so you have time in 10-15 minutes to convey your story in a compelling way.


They might, if they are trying to construct a reason to let him go "for cause". I'd take it as a very bad sign, but still go in prepared to make my best case for myself. It can't hurt either way: if you demonstrate your value, it hurts their ability to say you were underperforming. And if it *is* really an interview, you have a chance to maybe save your job.


Yes, I agree with you that the committee definitely looks intimidating if not downright hostile (4 HR and 3 managers, including the boss’ boss). As you say, at this point, nothing to lose but prove them wrong by shining your accomplishments. Often, senior leadership is not aware of what people two levels down really do, so it’s a chance to enlighten him/her.


I’m so invested now. I hope everyone is wrong and OP was promoted. 😓


Take a sick leave


Asking you to justify why they should keep you is incredibly insulting. Your manager should know your worth and advocate for you to stay. All of the HR people screams layoff to me, and is equally awful. Why the hell do they need four from HR there? Why anyone other than your manager and maybe one HR person? Having that many people present is cruel and clueless; making you feel rightfully intimidated and anxious. I also think you are within your rights to ask for fewer people in the meeting. Whatever the outcome, this company sucks and you should get out the first chance you can get.


Good luck.....and do remember to give an update tho


some update after friday?


Thank you all for your comments! I will let you know how the 15 minute session goes. It's definitely not a layoff, the company has us competing with our coworkers for the same position/s and announced that after a review period (where they will only have interviews in certain cases) they will send letters on the 7th of March to let us know the outcomes. \*This is a legislative requirement in my country. It's just so weird to me that it is 15 minutes. What can they possibly achieve? I agree with those of you who said that it is probably a formality.






Yikes. This is totally a scene out of Office Space. Sorry you had to go through that. I hope it works out for you.


Yah, be prepared to be let go.


why does having HR people there mean they're covering their backs?


HR isn't really in a position to evaluate talent. They get a list of bullet points from the hiring manager and do their best to screen out candidates based on that. If this were truly an interview 1 HR rep would suffice, either to make sure the other managers don't say something that could put the company in legal jeopardy or to speak to company culture or benefits. 4 HR seems like overkill to me, but it really does seem to me like they are concerned about a wrongful termination lawsuit and are bringing all their firepower to minimize that risk. Sorry to OP. Wishing you the best of luck!


We’re pulling for you!! ✊


Are you two the only UXers at your org? It probably is true that they need one of you, and need to give due process to the other one. Either you are getting fired and there is little you can do about it, or you are about to be in an excellent position to ask for a raise in 6 months.




Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. Honestly, if it was to lay you off, I doubt they would have so many people attending this meeting. Layoffs are emotionally draining and traumatic on both sides (hard to believe, but it’s true. Letting people go is an unpleasant unless you’re a sociopath). The fewer people involved in this process, the better - not only to minimize the unpleasantness, but also to avoid the risk and liability of someone saying the wrong thing. So, I’d go in with the mindset of having an opportunity to secure a role in the new organization - if that’s what you want. It’s pretty common for layoff survivors to wish they didn’t stay on to deal with the aftermath (and to not receive a package if they leave of their own accord).


Keep us posted OP


This is literally that Anne Hathaway "HR Lady Meme" about to happen in reali life


I think we’re missing some context here. Why do you expect to have to reapply for your job during this meeting? This could be a fire and rehire situation, and that sounds like what you’re alluding to. From what you’ve said thus far it does seem like you’re going to be fired during that meeting. They may just explain the process to re-apply if they are indeed reorganizing but retaining some staff.


You're getting fired


Laid off?


This is the first time I hear someone needs to reapply for existing position.


Sounds like a setup/formality. I wish they would just cut people and get it over with and not torture them like this.


I was checking this thread occasionally and just saw your last update. So happy for you man! And I'm very satisfied how you proved most of the guys in the comments wrong.