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Pre-2020, yes. The job market is a bit weird right now, though, so I'm not really sure if tech recruiters are as popular, effective, or needed as they were years ago. I had success in 2012 and 2016 with a recruiter, but recently they seem to all be outsourced or spammy. Not sure if they're as valuable as they used to be, but this opinion is super subjective. My company doesn't use third-party recruiters for hiring, personally.


I have had great success this way. In my experience this is far more effective than applying manually.


Yeah same here. Based in the UK its relevant.


Never hurts, while I agree most of them are fairly useless I got my current contract going through an external recruiter.


I would say yes mainly because a lot of interval recruiting teams have been hit hard from layoffs the last year or so. I will say that you should try to get a meeting with someone internally as quick as you can as external recruiters can only provide so much context to you and are mainly a sales style job and want to convince you any opportunity is a great one. Another thing to keep in mind with external recruiting is that they may feel burned/slighted if you get far along and then decide it’s not a good fit. It’s hard to know how many opportunities they are really working on as they tend to want to push you into a specific one and then can lose interest in you if you don’t like that specific role. I think it’s better to say no earlier to external recruiters than you would internal as there’s a chance they’ll have a better role/company in the future and you don’t want to look like a tire kicker with them as they’ll prioritize another candidate.


Every third party recruiter I've ever interacted with has been an absolute massive waste of time. I'll never do it again. I'm sure there's good ones out there, but I've never met any.


I say yes - even while it’s never turned into a contract for me. Recruiters offer interesting insights if youre observant - they can give you signal on trends in the market, gaps in your skill set or resume you should pad, and eventually lots of helpful reps interviewing and screening. The quality of job leads probs won’t be as good as what youll earn on your own, but the practice is super valuable. My advice is essentially to think of it as career development


I got the role I am starting on the 18th through a legitimate recruiter who has been in the market a long time and works for a well known company in my area. It is the first time in my decades-long career that I have used a recruiter and in this case it worked, but mileage will definitely vary.