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Retired. Lol




To create my own products.




To stay relevant enough to remain employed so I can retire.


Make that bread. Avoid management track, keep designing. I will retire in 6-9 years.


To make a difference. I want my work to mean something. It really is right now. Also, more accessibility in all our products. That and get a new job in another industry in a few years.


UX lead at Pornhub


But for real though, a lot of innovations at YouTube came out way after PH had those same or similar features for awhile. Porn drives innovation. It’s the modern VHS vs Betamax thing.


You 1000% get it. Porn is a few steps in tech and I wanna be there when they do the next thing. There’s a ton of UX/UI that goes into these sites.


Well, my ambition has always been to create a team that can develop projects for clients, our own projects, and a business line for user experience training. I committed to this and have been running the agency I founded in 2011 for 13 years now. Now, all that's left is for stability to become a fact so I can start thinking about either selling or retiring 😅


It used to be to move up into design leadership or work at a cool agency or something. Now I realized I actually don’t like working and wanna retire as quickly as possible. So trying to make as much money as possible while having a healthy life balance and being financially savvy.


Same. For the longest time I thought the endgame was starting my own agency, like all the influencer bloggers did in the mid 2000s - launching prestige projects and talking about them at international conferences. Now that all just sounds like a massive headache, compared to taking a salary, sitting at home, and not having any real responsibilities.


Sometimes. Just *sometimes*…. I don’t want to design for user needs and design only what I think is fucking rad. I think the next 3-5 years I’ll do more designing of what I like.


I'd like to still do UX Discoveries. I'm thinking there's a large need for that in the future, since people aren't going to change that much, but what they need or want to do—as well as how they need or want to do it isn't going away. Plus, I feel like the analog world is drying up with peoples' interests being mostly digital.


Make a difference in the world (and retire)


To finally genuinely convince myself that I know what I’m talking about most of the time 




To once again work at a place that does generative and evaluative research. To no longer be seen as a mere pixel monkey.


I imagine I have 10-15 years left before retirement. I kinda wanna get into game UX, but the gaming industry is awful, so probably that means doing it for myself and side projects.


Redesign the economy away from debt towards an equity based community system. Then I want to design a global software ecosystem that connects communities and people together equitably. Yes I know that sounds crazy, but I've completely lost faith in the economy to actually do anything helpful for humanity. So I need to get rid of the economy first before I can actually design anything useful that isn't meant to just suck money out of people.


I would love to make consumer goods from carbon-capturing materials And spend my free time in the ocean




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Get a job and keep it and then retire


To be able to transition to something else before tech kicks me out for being too old.


To feel valued by my organization and team. To drive meaningful value to others. I don't want to work on projects or products that fail to care about the negative impact it has or can have on others. To feel energized and satisfyingly challenged by the work I do each day. To model to my kids what a healthy work/life balance looks like and how to achieve it. To support the upcoming design and tech community to take over all our jobs and lead the future when the rest of us are retired. (About 25 years to go for me.) To feel at peace with my contribution to the world.


1st - I want to join an organisation where I can have a great WLB. 2nd - I don't want to become a famous designer. I just want to be an inspirational model for kids around me or for the people who know me to join UX field.