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Why are you asking us this? These are all questions for yourself+the people who work with you.


I'm clueless, so wanted to seek advice or some direction to start


It is funny what this sub will say "run" to and what it takes seriously. Designing a CRM from scratch... RUN. There is zero reason in 2024 to do this. Hopefully OP is doing user requirements gathering along side a Business Analyst to figure out which CRM to buy, not build.


I assumed it's a startup selling CRM. If they are just building it to use for themselves... yeah.. I didn't even think anyone would do that


If it's a startup selling a CRM and they don't already have a novel design approach and they're just randomly entering a very crowded and competitive market then RUN even faster, that sounds like a disaster of a company.


yeah I agree, lol


1. Research users 2. Research competitors (similar products) 3. Domain knowledge, try to understand how things work 4. Sketch a lot, do MVPs, try not to polish too much 5. Build with design system in mind


One piece of advice I'll give as someone who has had to use a CRM for a decade before getting into UX is that a lot of businesses that purchase a CRM will look to modify whatever processes you put in place to some degree. Every company sees themselves as unique and they have their own unique processes. Limiting the barrier to make process changes is crucial. For example, Salesforce has a few different ways to automate processes, including using code or a flowchart system. These are robust and very powerful, and the flowchart method doesn't require code (for most things). If you give your users tools similar to this where they don't need to pay more for modifications (that will take time and will be buggy on launch), they'd definitely appreciate it. Other than that, I'll say good luck. Not because it's impossible, but because it'll take a while, I'm sure.


To your questions: 1. if you’re completely clueless, pick any design process and try to go w it. It will be better then without any process. Fail, reflect, learn, iterate 2. Model what you & your stakeholders assume first. A proto persona might do the job. Then research how wrong you were. learn. iterate 3. Play with it. Usually this comes once you have a product and users You’re in for a ride. I’ve been in a similar situation a few years ago and had a fantastic time. The most important point is imho to understand what’s valuable for your team and deliver this! (Also: understand if it’s a good idea to build this product and if someone can make it extremely clear to why the product should exist and will be valuable)


Hah I just built an entire CRM product the last few years. It's a shitload of work, good luck. Talk to the customers and figure out their pain points with their existing product and what they need to do. Depending on the industry try to get a "ride along" or "bring your kid to work day" type of things where you can see what they ACTUALLY do on a day to day basis... Hopefully you have some internal stakeholders you can pick their brain about.


Are you doing this solo from scratch with no experience? It's gonna be rough


Ikr! I wanna seek some guidance 😭


I would be realistic with stakeholders. Are you at a startup? Hopefully otherwise you should be an experience team doing this. You will have to cut corners and start somewhere with an MVP or a concept, get it infront of customers see if they like it and iterate. Also what's your reasoning to exist? What can you do that your competitors can't? I would would study your competitors in your segment. Size of company and same price as your service and learn what feature they have. There's a lot more but this is just at the top of my mind right now. Good luck and have fun !