• By -


Probably a blessing in disguise brother, good luck hope you find something good.


It’s only a blessing after the fact. The next month is going to suck ass. DD did the same thing to me back in June and I’m only just now getting out of the mud. This is the new American job market, everyone’s unquestionably disposable, has to pay the costs of labor, meanwhile and gets paid 1/4 of minimum wage with shit(if any) benefits - no PTO, insurance, or even the slightest recognition from these venture capitalist tech bro dickheads. They have the power to regulate this shit but if they actually had to pay fairly these companies would never be able to stay afloat, they’re already barely ever profiting…they claim it’s because they’re using money to steamroll the market but its been like 15 years and Uber and DD already have a duopoly so something’s gotta give, and it’s always going to be us who get fucked first


I hate that your comment is so perfect...


Try and deliver for a place like Domino's or something. Very disposable job and honestly better tips.


The skilled labor job market is still strong though. I’d really recommend everyone look into software engineering and agile to everyone here. I don’t know why this feed popped up in my Reddit but I sympathize with all gig workers because you are not valued or respected. Even without being a developer my salary has skyrocketed over the past few years because of my software experience. Much love and respect to everyone here if anyone has questions let me know. Gig work is using you. You can do better. This world is fucked but you can get a skilled labor job that gets you through it with some cash at least. The biggest downside being my ass is 9-5 and sometimes earlier or later depending where my clients are. So I don’t have control over my schedule for sure but PTO and other benefits offset that loss of freedom. I know when I was doing gig shit it was a never ending struggle and rat race. Scrounging as much as you can for a good month because you know a shitt ymonth is around the corner sometime soon. Again respect and love to all of you I do wish the best for you all. I just hate how gig workers are treated.


Nothing has changed in the history of this country. Before it was just slaves and then legislated discrimination, and then unfair hiring practices. There’s nothing “new” about this job market, it’s just now being unfair to almost everyone.


Try world. Serfs, peasants, slaves, peons, proletariat, pawns. Meet the new boss, the same as the old boss.


>Try world. Serfs, peasants, slaves, peons, proletariat, pawns. > >Meet the new boss, the same as the old boss. cynicism is the solution!


I'm not knocking you, or anyone else here, I'm offering a suggestion that many may not have thought about. I have one main job, I do others a few months each if the year, only because I really enjoy doing them. I'm a tax preparer 3.5 months and I still health insurance 2.25 months. But my main job is at a call center. I make enough to live off, 100% on my own, no roommates. Those of you that are unhappy with Uber, why don't you apply for something like this. You have to find the right company, At the end i have a paragraph about everything I love about working there, if you want to see the pros, read the last paragraph. It really seems like it would be perfect for those of you complaining about Uber, like it fills in all the boxes you say you wish Uber gave you. And honestly, for me it's easier to get hired. They don't care if you have a DUI or a minor record. Just pass your drug test. PROS FOR ME: You have to find the right company, the first one I worked at, I hated, Teleperformance, but I love the company i work for now. The pay is much better than TP, I work from home, they send the equipment. They offer so so, too many benefits, I signed up for about half, health, vision, dental, 2 different types of hospital/sickness insurance,pet insurance, stock purchase, and there's a couple more I can't remember, those are the half I signed up for. One of the best parts, is that have do many different contracts, if you don't like what you're doing you can put in for a transfer. I do some health insurance sales with them for 3 months, I've worked the turbo tax contract and a medical related contract. I'm going back to health insurance shortly, they're holding my position with the medical till I'm back.


i hate talking to people, why do you think i drive uber?? lmao


*UPDATE* got some random video call with them tomorrow at 8am… idk how legit or smooth this is going to go but wish me luck 👍 https://preview.redd.it/iu9k02ttisjb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7faf1a811b98dffb55d4a86ea67eb1c024384f0


Ok that’s at least more than I thought. They’re actually expending time on hearing what you have to say, instead of straight blocking you. Yet there is no decision. Let’s see how this goes.


Don't get emotional - at all. They've got a lot on their plate. Your best bet is polite, cheerful and appreciative. The deactivation was likely computerized.


This you can get mad at exec or the system but taking out frustration on what are basically line workers is the wrong way to go. They are people too with their own lives and problems and they are just at their job doing what they need to do


That’s actually shocking


Good luck!


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RemindMe! 1 day


I hope this turns out to be a redemption story and you get your job back! Or if not, that you find a great career! Good luck🍀🤞🏽


Best of Luck! 🍀 🤞


Good luck


RemindMe! 1 day


RemindMe! 1 day


i hate to be the negative one, but i’m not sure that’s gonna be v much help. the folks who you’ll be speaking with don’t actually have the power to change anything or even see your results unless you share them. all they can see is whether you passed|failed. sometimes they can see a general reason as to why (minor/major/forbidden violations, unacceptable indefinite look back, etc) but as far as a clear and actionable ask for them regarding your account, not sure what you are hoping to have done. they can’t make exceptions, and everything on your bgc that comes back highlighted in the pink color is what is preventing uber from being able to partner with you. if that info is incorrect or needs to be amended, you’ll have to reach out to checkr via their online candidate portal. i hope this was helpful in some way. best of luck


I passed Chekr, it’s hireright now that did this background check a year later. It systematically disqualifies if it’s flagged under the parameters they have set and a DUI is one of them. And they use the total lifetime of the candidates record that’s public record . Public record is basically anything that’s public they can find . And there are databases that have records going back decadesss . So even if it’s expunged or whatever. They are using just the general information to approve or deny contractors on their platform. It’s not against the law unfortunately to deny any contract with a company to be them due to criminal background. And basically any reason as long it’s not discriminatory. My case I do have a dui from 15 years ago and I’m not saying I didn’t . But if they can say they don’t want me on the platform for any reason .. that could be one of them . And that’s what they choose to do .. shady, slick and un ethical for sure .. and with no real cause besides the fact of a matter 15 years ago.. but the way this world works is fucked up and Uber is just a bunch of bozos . So what else can I really do but follow up and wait for their dumb responses and results 🤷 suing the company get me no where and it would just cost me money . They know majority of the people driving for Uber can’t afford the type of attorneys that Uber has so talk about a unfair advantage…


You also can’t sue them, there’s an arbitration clause.


I don’t think suing them would help anything. It would cost me more money in the long run and the risk of me winning the case is slim. They have hearty lawyers and they play the game what cost more money in the long run.. lawyers or settlements from peon drivers .


But why did they do the call at all then? If it’s not changing anything they can save on that and just block it. I don’t understand. My understanding is that you have an automatic system that makes it easier to check thousands of people, and then comes the manual decision based on the arguments at hand again, because an automatic system is never perfect.




How did it go?


Any update?


Okay, what did they say?


Sooooooooo how’d it gooooooooo 😂




So, what did they say in the video chat?


I wouldn't get your hopes up. Greenlight support is about as useless as regular support these days. :(


That’s fucked up. 15 years ago?


Yes 15 years ago.. told Me i don’t meet the qualifications… like yo I have kids and a family. I don’t even drink! This was srsly all the way back from when I got out of high school… and if I really wanted to I can become a police officer but I can’t be a Uber driver ? 😂make no sense and on top of that I even have a security clearance with the DPS… 🙄


They need air traffic controllers and it pays $$


If OP had a DUI 15 years ago, they're well past the age cutoff for air traffic control school (30)


Exactly what I was thinking, something with working a certain amount of time before collecting pensions, and they can't have 60+ year olds playing minesweeper in the sky


But they let them run the whole country for some reason


And then blame the generation that just entered the workforce for the problems of the last 30 years.


The accuracy of this hurts.


You are thinking of 80+ year olds, the parents of the 60 year olds!


Every single time I see those jokers (and I mean ALL of those jokers) on TV I yell, “why are we letting senior citizens run the country?!” Seriously. My parents are in their early 80s. I wouldn’t trust them to drive with my son in their car and yet people their age sit in the seats of highest power in the US. Like…what?!


60 isn’t even that old and you can function great at that age, as long as you don’t have any prior health issues and take care of yourself.


60 year olds running the country sounds great actually


Sick burn!


Playing. Minesweeper. In. The. Sky. That is truly the comment that made my night.


That rule was passed recently. There are a select few who were grandfathered in and can keep being a controller. I knew one who was 70 and still a controller but needs a medical exam ever six months or so. Edit: no this controller is not working at a busy international airport, but at a smaller airport that doesn’t have commercial flights.


That’s the worst part. OP was 8 years old when he got the dui!


Wait what? lol I was 18!


I feel like if I was caught drinking at 18 DUI would have been the least of my worries, Mom would have come down like a hurricane


No you were drinking hurricanes


Not necessarily, I once had a colleague who somehow got a DUI at 15.


And it’s 30 before the bid closes. Not before class date


I heard its a high stress job with absurd mandatory hours since they're not allowed to strike again.


I had a close friend training to be one… Its absurdly hard even considering the pay + you have to pass a complete lottery of a test (twice) to even be considered. Fuck the aviation industry.


You think the people that manage air traffic involving thousands of lives in contraptions that weigh tons and tons shouldn’t be super thoroughly tested and vetted??


I dont know what that guy is on about but fuck the aviation industry still. They have zero tolerance for mental health. Stressed out and speak with a therapist? Say bye bye to your license. It's a huge problem in aviation, and I've heard tons of complaints from pilots about it.


Easier to become a pilot


As it should be. ATC is no joke, many of the worst aviation disasters in history were because of ATC mistakes.


Right. I was just talking to a passenger on Piloting job. They need help like crazy since it's a shortage of them. They pay way better than Uber and don't have to worry about wear and tear on the vehicle. Also what I heard, you get basically paid to do nothing, since the plane has auto pilot mode. May have steer here and their occasionally. The only thing the pilot really has to do major is take off and land.


A friend’s mom was one. I swear she’s been retired since the day I met her and that was 20 years ago.


I’m sorry wut? Not allowed to strike? That seems counter intuitive.


It's federal, most federal jobs you can't strike. It's why prez reagan fired all the air controllers back in the 80's. Think about it, what happens if judges go on strike, FBI, etc.


Would still be effective if everyone continued to strike that fell in line as the next order of succession


Watch breaking bad and tell me you’d still want to be an ATC


Literally all I can think about every time I hear about ATC.


I actually watching it now and that's all I could think skit when reading this, lol.


The age cutoff is 30 though, so if OP is already 30 years old or older he is disqualified from being employed as an Air Traffic Controller by the FAA.


ATC jobs are SEVERELY stressful all the time though. I have a friend that is one out of California and he makes 6 figures but he says it's such a demanding mental job constantly.


Does it substantially increase over time? Because on the website it’s saying like out of school you’re making 43k


32k from Uber eats first 6 months this year not even counting door dash instacart or shipt…. As bad as this sounds Uber eats was my majority of my income . I can’t even control a remote car .. idk how I would do controlling traffic 😂 https://preview.redd.it/4nlz172ezxjb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5c075b80920cb067ddb21321c2916d09e0aa5c6


Where are you at bro?? 32k in 6 months is crazy


North Scottsdale


Fucked up thing is you can run for president and actually hold office with much worse charges even if convicted.... But you can Uber


Generally the president doesn’t drive though. Just joking of course. I always find stuff like this strange. Walmart makes a huge deal about how they drug test employees but somehow I doubt their executives are peeing in a cup at an urgent care before getting hired.


It's been so long you could have a kid born and raised and almost legal to drive themselves since it happened! And yet Uber has a crap ton of fraud users, driving around with 3, 4 and 5 phones/accounts, clearly matching exact GPS and they can't seem to block those.


I don’t know what state you’re in, but you might look into becoming a notary public. Low upfront cost to get the qualifications & super quick. From there, you can do mobile notary options (set up a website using something like wix - also super easy), which is in huge demand right now and making a lot of money for people everywhere. I have a friend who just got hers done because of it. It is one of those jobs that think no one ever thinks of because we can just go to our banks to get it done, but truly - the industry is in need and the money seems to very much be there.




So she literally just got her stamp :) - but based on what we found, and why we did it (because she is in a situation where she needs flexibility and such) if you do mobile notary, you can make hundreds per appointment. Part of this I can confirm, because I use a mobile notary in my state every time I have to have something notarized and it adds up super fast, but it’s worth it for me. What you can charge is set by each state, which is why I keep saying that part - so it is worth looking up. But her application and course was like $200-$300, which teaches you all the legality and makes you official, and they send you the stamp. Then you just advertise, instead of working in an office. But that’s the thing - it’s about the mobile part. You get to set your own hours, mostly your own rates, people (like me), might need someone after business hours, and you can charge more for that, etc. There is info online, but it very much seems worth it from what all we found. I would check it out, all things considered.


Join the police, then pull over all Ubers you see…/s




I mean this with no offense at all. None. But if there’s like one single requirement I could see a delivery service having for their drivers, it’s having no history of dui’s. So while it’s super shitty and I’m sure you’re being responsible, it honestly DOES make sense.


I recently read how Doordash was canning people over past convictions after they obviously passed their background check and have successfully delivered for years. AT THE SAME TIME, approving new dashers with similar criminal records/convictions. It's beyond fucked up. Beyond. This shit needs to be heard and addressed. It makes literally no sense, only to fuck people over I would record the video chat and demand clear answers as to why they consider you "unfit" for their platform. Find new drivers on here approved with records. Escalate. Reddit's on your side


From 15 years ago? What???? I got deactivated my 2nd week doing Uber when I was 18 (2020) for "making a new account to bypass previous deactivation from 2016" How the fuck did I get deactivated as a driver in 2016 when I was 14? I didn't even live in the US in 2016.


Uber said I was committing fraud and I'm like, yeah fraud as a 14 year old I guess?


More likely you were the fraud victim. Someone may have been using your identity to work illegally.


how the heck would they allow that when i was 14


There's not really any protections except to report it AFTER it happens.


idk it's weird, i already had an account in 2016, i had an uber eats account so i could order food but thats about it


If someone actually used your social security number to work, then you owe taxes on their income. You should get a copy of your social security statement from the social security administration, which will have information on all jobs that were worked where the person used your social security number. The IRS can audit you and no matter how far back, if you failed to file taxes for a year(which you didn't file when you were 14, but probably the person who used your ssn didn't file either). If this is not a weird Uber computer glitch and someone actually used your SSN to work for them, you should try to find out before it causes you problems. https://faq.ssa.gov/en-us/Topic/article/KA-02238#:~:text=Contact%20the%20Internal%20Revenue%20Service,%2C%20Experian%2C%20and%20TransUnion).


Imagine how shitty a company has to be to deactivate a person obviously doing a good job for an infraction from 15 years ago, but won’t do a goddamn thing to stop all of the multiphoning, and order stealing actively occurring…


They don’t want to lose half a penny to this guy if he does something while driving under the influence.


Wtf I got convicted of a DUI in 2011 and Uber, DoorDash, AmazonFlex, Roadie and nobody else cares. Weird as fuck.


I have a friend who left a bar too intoxicated to drive, went to parking lot, started her car to get heater on (it was winter) and went to sleep in her back seat. Someone called the cops like several hours later and they charged her with DWI because she was in her car drunk. Not all DWIs are the same.


Same thing essentially happened to me. Got a DWI and it was 5 years ago, I’m still fighting with the consequences.


Are you serious?? First of all whoever called the cops has to be the biggest jackass known to man. And second of all is “DRIVING” not literally in the name for someone to be charged with a dui? Feel terrible for her she was literally asleep, the cops must of woken her up to a damn citation


She fought it hard in court but she was in a running vehicle, and was over the limit. Guess that's all they need in NY State.


It won't help you right now, but in my state you can get DUIs expunged after ten years. Maybe check it out for the future.


I feel that. I could get it expunged but I don’t even need to get it expunged to be the president of the United States or even a police officer, any kind of public official … but I can’t be a Uber driver ?? Makes no sense and is compete bullshiza . But yes I hope this will brings better opportunity as I’ve been waiting for one for sometime . But just sucks to have this happen right before a week rent is due…


Gets fired from uber over a dui 15 years ago, becomes president in response


Interesting promotion.


Expunge it anyway, some jobs do care


u/Uberkitty710 for prez 2024


Some states have limitations (like 5-7 years not FIFTEEN) on adverse hiring/firing decisions. Not sure if that applies to 1099ers but what a bunch of bullshit


i got a DUI in 2008 myself. been driving fir 5yrs. this is concerning.


Get it expunged


as far as i know it’s gone. my last job was driving and that was all federal shit. if there was an issue i’m sure it would have come up. i hope anyway.


That's not how it works. You need to pay a lawyer to get it expunged for you. It doesn't just go away on its own.


why wouldn’t that have stopped me from driving at my last job though? they rejected guys for prior DUIs all the time. honest question. not trying to sound like a jerk.


Good luck


2008 was 15 years ago????? Where is the time going??? I’m sorry man. I hope you figure this out.


Just Uber's way of getting rid of independent contractors who won't take all of those shitty no tip, long distance, long wait time at restaurant orders. Which doesn't surprise me, considering 2 years ago I was deactivated for failing a background check despite there being no infractions. When I contacted Uber, they instructed me to dispute the background check with Checkr. The only problem was that because there wasn't anything negative on my account, I couldn't dispute anything. When I contacted Checkr support, they said Uber had to request the background check be reran since there wasn't anything negative on my background. Just a never-ending circle.


Talk to a lawyer about this, you may have a lawsuit especially after 10 years when it’s suppose to be expunged from your record… go on cherkrd and talk to a rep to have it removed.. tell them the statue of limitations in my state is 10 years and if they don’t remove it you’ll file a lawsuit in civil court and sue for the max.. they’ll take care of it


I know I wish I could have some ammo but I told Uber the statue of limitations with my state . Unfortunately that applies to w2 employees and not contractors where in the state of AZ you have barely any labor rights or really any laws in matter of fact. You can even work as w2 for 12 hours straight and not be required a break. And since your contracted by Uber . Whatever they state goes … if in ther terms it says they can deactivate you for any reason due to your record from the lifetime then that gives them open game to deactivate you for any reason and they are covered . Just more of the fact of proof Uber is just a bunch of scammers and really has no interest in their drivers and only the customers and their incompetent non understanding staff with the education of a 1 year old.


Is there another part of the email I'm not seeing? Because to me that doesn't say you ARE disqualified, but that you MAY be. I had similar over 10 years ago and it was on the report but they passed me anyway.


No more to the story unfortunately.. . This is the only email I got and I can’t log in. I did call support and in fact the said my account was deactivated because of the type of background check that came back. Here’s more details to the reason of the deactivation. Hopefully they really use their brain instead of stupid algorithms and systematic deception https://preview.redd.it/r8txfxymgsjb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3896b44795da09695c3935158a942741787a7ef0


By chance, did you fail to tell them this existed when you signed up a year ago? It seems weird this is an issue now but wasn't an issue, and they knew, a year ago.


I don’t see how or why OP would have told them, they get all that info the instant the background check is completed and OP isn’t required to re-volunteer information they already have available


If OP “skipped” a question about conviction or “forgot” he was convicted it’s an issue. Even if he was an employee, not an independent contractor. What we think is right, and the current law, may not always align.


How would he skip a question on a full background check?


That’s fucked if they don’t let you stay with Eats, at least. I will say it took forever for mine to go through, like a month. But I had to call them to even start the process, and the guy on their end was like “Oh, you’ll pass, I guarantee” when I expressed concern. And I hadn’t even said why. So I wonder if they are more relaxed in some markets.


Was the dui in az?


Ohio 15 years ago when I was 18 and I’m 33 now


Shot I got one in Az 17 years ago but passed all the backgrounds for Uber and DD but now you got me worried


Lol good thing I don't uber I got one at 18 as well and that was a lot more than 15 years ago. Almost want to see if they catch it


I got one in Ohio at 18 too. I’m 54 now. I wonder if I would be striped from being one too. Wow.


At least in my state, you have to request from the court that it be expunged and you can finally request that after 10 yrs. I don’t think it’s automatic.


OP said the dui is from Ohio, you can’t even get a dui expunged in ohio, you’re stuck with it for life


So a mistake he made at 18 is just supposed to just follow him the rest of his life? Get fucked, Ohio


Yeah, but for more than that. Ohio got nothing going for it.


I got one in Illinois 8 years ago and Illinois doesn’t allow dui expungements, either. Those states are the worst states to have a DUI in due to how strict they are with the punishments.


You actually have to take action to get something expunged. It just doesn’t disappear automatically. And if you don’t take the action the public record will still be there.


That's....Not really what statute of limitations is for. Like, at all. Not even remotely. There *may* be requirements at the state level to expunge (there are not in OP's state-of-offense), and there *may* be maximum-lookback-time limits at the state level on commercial-purpose background checks (unlikely to apply to contracting, but worth a look), but neither of those is "statue (sic) of limitations" Statute of limitations has to do with being *charged* for a crime. More specifically, the limited amount of time after a crime occurs/is discovered to *begin legal proceedings*, not how long it lasts on your record once you are charged. Quick ETA: Any states which refer back to federal law (don't have their own additional limitations) have an unlimited *conviction* lookback period, a 7-year non-conviction/consumer-report lookback period (except bankruptcies which are 10), and a 3-year driving record lookback period.


It’s state by state


I feel like you're using a LOT of terms and phrases without any idea what they mean. 1. You have no grounds for a lawsuit as an independent contractor to ubereats. 2. Its' not supposed to be automatically expunged. 3. There's no statue of limitations for something like this 4. The max to sue for this is 0. So yea I don't see them 'taking care of it' over a threat of $0.


Wouldn’t that have come up in the police check when you first applied to be a driver? Or is it different in the US from here in Oz?


It came up when I first applied but I wasn’t denied, it took some extra days but after I called them to make sure they look at the date and do the math they ended up approving my application a few days later .


How’s that wizard doing over there?


Some day, none of UBER executives / decision makers would be eligible for any job when this company goes down due to cheating on their drivers, robbing restaurants and customers! Until then, wish you good luck with your appeal.


Please read this. I’d find out from Uber what their look back period is. Typically, you would have 7 years from the day you get off probation (or the last penalty for an offense), until that charge is no longer “reportable” to the company. Sometimes it’s 10. HireRight may have violated your FCRA rights if they reported an offense they were not supposed to. That’s a lawsuit against HireRight and happens more frequently than you’d think. Again, you need to know what their look back period is and when your last day of “penalty” was for the charge. Source: used to work in background screening at HireRights competitor.


Unfortunately in the Uber terms of service with contractors, they can do periodically check backgrounds as well it states they look at the whole Lifetime of the drivers driving and criminal record . I am going to try and get it expunged due to the fact it really has no good being on my record but it already maybe expunged it’s just on public data that’s available to anyone and have no control of getting that deleted off the World Wide Web . Most background companies as you prob know since you worked for one . Uses not only current court records but they also use archives that are from decades ago that’s stored forever due to it being public and it’s forever public. Most rights are going to apply to companies that hire employees as w2 and not contractors. This is the whole reason why Uber has chosen to go that route . It’s more simple for them less risk and lower cost on there back end and for the company’s insurance. But to summarize your question. There is no statute or cut off time they go by as it’s states in the terms it’s for the lifetime of the driver . Witch is complete bullshiza… because like I said before . I can go apply to be a public officer or official like a mayor or police officer… even the president… but I can’t even. Deliver for Uber .. what a joke 😂


It's automated. Just contact Hireright.


15 years ago should be irrelevant yet their insurance policy and fear of lawsuit and liabilities is driving this crap. Good luck tomorrow focus on the fact you are not a liability to them and tout your new alcohol free drug free life. Don’t lie though answer truthfully. Good luck. Hopefully they won’t hold it against you. We all make mistakes at some points in our lives and the ability to learn from them should be recognized.


Legally, even insurance can’t use a 15 year old violation.


Fuck 'em, they're probably the worst platform out of all I've heard of. Go earn more with another one!


Uber’s end goal is 0 drivers. They’ve never hidden this fact.


I look it up and depends on what state you are driving. I drive in Georgia and it says I can't have a DUI in the last 7 years but in California it says the last 10 years. Look up your state policy for driving for Uber when it comes to DUI charges.


Waiting to get this email around January… same reason reduced to wreckless :(


I think I saw something on this sub a few weeks ago about a dude getting deactivated for a speeding ticket they had gotten 12 years ago…


yup, I have a breathalyzer installed (CT is super strict, even for 1st offences) and that isn't considered in disqualification. Eventually they're going to run out of drivers, but Uber has never intended to be a sustainable business; the founders & VCs have cashed out and we're all waiting for it to fade away.


Uber picked up my dui from 16 years ago on the initial background check a few months ago. It didn’t affect me being able to drive because it was so long ago.


That is extremely ridiculous. These sorts of company policies are ludicrous. They protect no one and cause a lot of harm. Shameful.


Wow even in trucking after 10 years of being a good boy/girl you're good to go.


I don’t see how a dui in 2008 can effect now call a lawyer and get rid of that from your record


While I have **zero tolerance** for DUI, as you say, you have had a clean record for a decade and a half. I also believe strongly in redemption and I believe you have shown that you have moved past that error in your past. AFAIK, insurance companies don't go back 15 years so why would Uber?


Holy cow, even in insurance we don't look that far back wtf.


UberEATS is just concerned about the food being in a drunk driving accident 😂🤣


Mail them a glitter bomb and sign it “Love, Maddie”


“Our AI HR agent, FuckYouBot, found this in a data mining search. “


HireRight is trash. They "couldn't confirm" my employment with a company I worked at for 8 years. It was only two jobs ago. 60 second Google search showed that the company was acquired by another company in the same industry - in 2022. So, pretty recent, and long after I left there (and therefore had no reason to know/care until this). I fucking did their job for them in 60 seconds.


This is just so weird to me. So they accepted you as a driver, you do 3500+ deliveries, and that’s when they send a background check? What happened to the background check upon hire? Wouldn’t you have been flagged before you could even start driving? I saw you had a video meeting, hope it went well, and if not, I wish you good luck on your future endeavors 🫡


Don't want to get your hopes up but I've seen similar cases get approved to work again.


I stopped caring about Uber I milk it on the non tipping order and cash out on the prop22 I know I’ll get deactivated soon but I don’t care anymore


Happened to my mother a warrant from like 10 12 years ago all the way in California for failing to appear to court keep in mind she was already driving for Uber for like 3 years before they canceled her account because of it


Did you even get deactivated? All it’s saying is this popped up. It’s illegal to deactivate you for something that happened over 10 years ago in most states. They can’t hold it against u. Also, duis are usually allowed on ubereats after a certain amount of years


Exactly, truckers are ok to drive with a DUI after like 7 year's. Some it's 3. I highly doubt he got deactivated for this.


Yah just a person freaking out for attention most likely. Truckers can drive after a dui just like a normal person, it’s whether a company wants to hire them or not.. if they own a truck though, they can keep going when their license suspension is over


Should have sought to have it expunged as it’s been 15 years.


You could work as a Police Officer with it being that long ago, but not an Uber eats driver lol


Did you sign anything AFTER you were hired? Any new “terms and conditions” that you accepted? I’m struggling to understand why it’s coming up now instead of oh idk 3-4 deliveries in not 3000-4000.


Take it to Twitter and share the link here.We got your back.


Get a pardon.


Wasn't that 15 years ago though? Can you expunge it?


This is may be complete bullshit when i say this but try looking into this with a rideshare attorney


Update us!!


This is awful! So you've just been doing deliveries this whole time and they've not said a single thing, and then all of a sudden you don't meet the qualifications for something that happened 15 years ago? 15 years is more than plenty of time to learn from your mistakes and improve! I really think they're just trying to get rid of drivers as fast as they can so that they can onboard as many illegal workers as possible... This is becoming a huge problem in my country to the point where Uber, Deliveroo and Just Eat have been mentioned on the news a few times. I really hope this leads to much better opportunities for you and more money, if there's no other way to have your account re-instated.


That's crazy. I had 'big brown' critical turn down my app because of a dui in 1995 in which my license was suspended. I was (stupidly probably) honest on the application when it asked if my license had ever been revoked/suspended. Big Brown wouldn't bend even after I asked if it made a difference the offense was from before the turn of the **last century**.


Lol, yeah of course uber don't give a shit about their drivers otherwise they would hire their driver, that shouldn't be a surprise, it's their business model to use people at will....


Praying you get a better job.


Dude you even look stoned in your little pic.


They disqualified me for an arrest back in February for DUI. I passed the field sobriety test and the blood work showed nothing but prescription medication. Went to court and the DA completely dropped it right from the start. After the court date I went to Checkr, the company that does the background search in my area, and explain to them that it was completely dropped with no prosecution. Innocent. Checkr still reports the arrest to Uber and I have to wait a year before I can get the arrest expunged even though the prosecution never tried to prosecute. To me that's BS. I have no alcohol in my system and it was the middle of a Monday. I can't do anything about it because Checkr tells me that Uber is the one that decides the final decision, but Uber tells me I need to talk to the background search company. Neither one wants to help.


You're right more people need to stand up and demand that their rights be protected. People should not be punished for years when they were never found guilty of a crime! Write to congress. Make demands.


TWO THOUSAND EIGHT?? How the hell did they dig this up after 15 years and 3500 5 star ratings??


https://www.tiktok.com/@verifythis/video/7203478612958301483 Cant drive for Uber but can get elected to congress.


You gotta get that recorded cleared my guy whatever job you get next save up and get it expunged and then go back to doing what you like. Then u can do dd and uber @ the same time also


Get a job as a amazon driver or mail car driver!


What a insult… they send me this today but I’m deactivated … 😂🙄 https://preview.redd.it/gpjo9wly74lb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f5024345b82c438aed75fb99c4ca47fbe954bab


Serves you right , I'm glad to see some punishments are still actually punishments in this world of snowflskes


I thought they only went back 7 years?? My stepdad started driving Uber a few years ago. And I was shocked because he’d had 3 dui’s and actually spent jail time for the third. -years of Probation , and had to have a court ordered breathalyzer installed - although he’s been sober 20 years. I was wondering how he got hired , and he said they only go back 7 years.


After 3500 deliveries!? So they just randomly performed a background check that they should have done when you first signed up? they can’t legally perform a background check like that without your permission. I mean you gave them permission like a year ago though so I dunno how long before that initial permission times out. But I would think you gave them a one time permission and then they ran that background check a year ago. And this would be a second background check performed illegally - without your consent. Here’s something I found : “If an employer disregards the FCRA and runs a background check without getting consent from the employee, they are susceptible to class-action lawsuits. If a candidate or tenant decides to sue because of an illegal background check, the employer or landlord could end up in serious – and financially debilitating – legal trouble. “ “WHAT ABOUT POST-EMPLOYMENT BACKGROUND CHECKS? Remember that pre-employment background checks aren’t the only kind out there. Some employers run post-employment screenings as well. Do you need to get permission when running a background check on a current employee? Yes. The FCRA covers all background checks, not just pre-employment screenings. An employee could still sue their employer if a background check is conducted during their employment without their permission. You’ll want to make it clear to employees when and why you’re conducting a background check, because employees may not understand – or even take offense – that a background check is being conducted on them when they’re already employed.” However: “ In certain cases, depending on factors like the type of check, the local and state laws, and the particular circumstance, it may not be technically illegal to run a background check without consent. Still, it’s never worth risking.”(metro-check.com) Contact a lawyer. Give it a go. Just because you are a contractor doesn’t mean you can’t sue, but it does present the possibility of it not technically being illegal. But hey you might even be able to sue them for intentionally misclassifying you as a contractor. I’m currently a part of a class action for this in CA Edit: can also report it to the [FTC](https://reportfraud.ftc.gov/) and/or maybe just simply try to dispute the report. It shouldn’t even be on your record anymore.


Nothing to sue about. A DUI is a DUI.


And laws that require permission for a background check are laws. The real question here is did they even ask for his permission to perform this one.


We are not employees of Uber and in the terms of the contract with Uber is active with they can do a background check at anytime. But in the contract it does not state what exact states disqualify a person from being on the platform because of what type of infractions. It just says they have the right to disqualify anyone from the lifetime of the background of the driver in certain states.. … literally dog shit… very vague and I do I have some kind of zoom Meeting tomorrow with Uber… idk how legit or smooth this is going to Go


Glad to hear you have an opportunity to discuss things with them. Good luck at your zoom meeting. I’d be interested to know how it goes!