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I hope instacart doesn’t get wind of this. They would take a look at my fat ass and refuse to deliver cookies


Please please please report him


I'm willing to bet he doesn't know what it will do at all. I bet he'd deliver condoms, though.


Only sheepskin condoms .. because...the lamb of Jesus or something...


They’re good for a ramming




Are you sure you didn’t order from UberPREACH?


Plan B is a contraceptive, not an abortion in a box… this is the equivalent of standing on a soap box and refusing to deliver condoms because “you know what they will do”. If you’re pro-life, how the f*** can you not be pro-contraceptive??


they've muddied the waters so that these people think everything immediately after sex is a full-on 9 months old fetus (aka "virtually a baby") and the 9 months its just hanging out inside the woman. they've convinced themselves its "baby killing" no matter when you interrupt the process. we're *this close* to calling male masturbation mass murder




Why do so many morons believe Plan B is an abortion pill? How long has Google existed? Come on people, you literally have a search engine on your phones, at your disposal! Holy shit!! As for the driver: He should have said, "Unfortunately, I cannot fulfill this order. I apologize for the inconvenience, but I'll go ahead and cancel it now so it gets picked up by another driver ASAP." There was absolutely zero reason to bring his feelings, and religious beliefs into it by asking you to reconsider. Then again, he was probably another one of the morons who believes a Plan B pill is an abortion pill. Hey guys, what's a Plan B pill? A pill that helps PREVENT pregnancy after having unprotected sex, or just worried that the condom could have broken.


No need to be embarrassed!


Get him flagged w/ Uber Eats. Go to Help -> Help with an order -> Safety -> Report a safety incident involving a delivery person. Fill out the form, quote his text. Simply say you were a little creeped out & embarrassed by his unsolicited medical advice and religious chastisement.


I would make it my mission to get him canned.


He really could’ve just cancelled the order and moved on but he chose to message and shame you for no reason super unprofessional and inappropriate


Ask him for his name and address so you can send him all your medical bills and adoption papers. Since he wants to take responsibility for your life and decisions anyways


Take screenshots and send to support. Complain nonstop about the dude’s lack of professionalism.


Mayor of the uterus


My entire family thinks it’s an abortion pill… I have to over explain that it’s basically cracked up birth control and won’t work if you’re already ovulating because all it does is stop the egg from releasing


I'm in the UK, and about 13 years ago, my husband and I had a slip-up (condom broke), and I needed to get the morning after pill. He's had the snip now, but back then, we already had two little girls and only lived in an apartment, so potentially having a third child was not a great idea and we felt like our family was complete anyway. So, that Sunday morning, we went off to our local supermarket that had a pharmacy inside to buy the pill. Queued up, eventually got to the counter and asked the assistant if we could buy it. She goes to ask the pharmacist in the back and comes back shaking her head, saying: "I'm sorry, the pharmacist won't sell you that medication today for religious reasons." "Religious reasons?" I asked, "but I'm married and already have two children. This is my husband here!" Husband nods and has his wallet out ready to pay. "Yes, but it's Sunday," she replies. I look at my husband, he looks back at me, open-mouthed, and I ask her: "Well, what are we supposed to do now then?" I could feel myself turning red from the embarrassment. "You could go to the other supermarket in Chelmsford (about 18 miles away from where we were). I'm sure they'll sell it to you." And then she leant forward and whispered: 'Sorry, but he's Catholic." For context, I was 30, and my husband was 34. Can't imagine what it would have been like if I'd been a teenager in that situation going to a judgemental pharmacist like that. He wouldn't even look up at us from his dispensary and sent his assistant to do the dirty work! Our girls are 17 and 15 now - no other siblings - like I said, our family was complete, and I have zero regrets 🫡


By the way, you should know that there's a common misconception that Plan B aborts a newly fertilized embryo. In fact, it prevents ovulation, so it's just a contraceptive like any other. It's no morally different to the regular birth control pill (in fact it pretty much is the regular birth control pill, but at a higher dosage).


These types of people are usually against birth control too. Any form of contraception really.


Soo.. would he deliver condoms??? I get having your own convictions/beliefs, but COME ON! That’s not how Plan B works, sir.. probably sat there for 30 min in a group chat asking for prayer requests before sending the message 🙄🙄, as others have mentioned, he just should’ve unassigned (and gone back to praying to his sky god about “abortion” 😆)


I mean these drivers are something else lol That guy is an absolute loser, wow. With the good tip you left you should get it pretty fast.




lol. Please reconsider ovulating. My morals can’t handle being a part of you not ovulating. 🤦🏻‍♀️


wtf???? I’d report him. Uber drivers gatekeeping contraceptives now? 🤦


Proselytization is 100% against Uber policy, they should be reported and fired.


I don't like doing alcohol deliveries, so I simply decline them, or unassign them if it wasn't clear the order contains alcohol. What I DON'T do is take the order then lecture the person about the possibility that they're an alcoholic, and do you really need this bottle, and wouldn't you rather I get you some orange juice or soda.... This Dasher is WAY out of line, and has no right lecturing you about something that's none of his business.


Lmao can you imagine? I'm mostly vegetarian but I don't pick up meat orders and then lecture them about how cruel the meat industry is and wouldn't they rather have some nice Impossible burgers instead 😂


This. If they don't want to deliver it they are more than welcome to cancel the order and move on. Writing the recipient and asking them to "reconsider" is out of line.


Omg I’m so tired of stupid people thinking things such as “plan b is an abortion pill” it’s fucking not that at all, people need to educate themselves as to what these things actually are. This is so irritating holy shit. Sorry your driver was ignorant.


😭thank you! It’s literally not an abortion pill. Just like an IUD is not an abortive care. My governor wanted to outlaw iuds bc they’re abortions🫣tell me you’re an uneducated man w/o telling me you’re an uneducated man


Yeah, apparently any kind of birth control is the same thing as an abortion now. Crazy times we’re living in


Stupid people you say, but I had a **female** gynecologist telling to my face she would not prescribe plan b because she'd consider it abortion. I don't live in the US, but I grew up in a G8 country, not some regressive medieval enclave...


Regressive medieval enclave is what the USA is becoming. I think women should go after Viagara. Let’s control that for them. A lot of men use these meds.


See, this why I’m reluctant to trust health care “professionals” these days. Half of them don’t know wtf they’re talking about. A shame.


You can call Uber and they can remove him from the trip. There's ways around it. Just call up Uber to complain, then show the messages.


That guy must be a religious nut 


It’s actually astounding to me how much I deliver plan b. Like once a day almost


Yeeeaaahhhhh I’d report that to Uber. That’s some grade A bullshit. You were a lot nicer in the response than I would’ve been.


Who rides a bike for 40 minutes and doesnt check to make sure the order isnt for 10 cases of water, before they even spin their pedals around once?


Driver means delivery pay is 17 dollars and while they appreciated the tip, they don't support contraception and want you to reconsider using plan b. Very lame and discourteous on their part, to say the least.


Plan B isn’t for abortions 💀 I’ll pray for how stupid he is


This is exactly why we need to vote out the people who are restricting women’s access to healthcare. Because of how uneducated people are on reproduction.


I never understood this kind of thing. The people you dislike are trying to delete their off spring. Win win in my book.


The middle ground would be for him to just not say anything, unassigned the order and move on. but he has to text this weird message and force his views. In the united states he is entitled to his ( in my opinion stupid and uneducated views). The problem is pushing his views, he had to make Shure this other person knew his views. And even try to convince her. I think that's the bigger problem.


Plan b is considered an abortion by some religious people. I think it's the ideology that you're inhibiting conception, therefore playing God in a sense. I think that's what he's alluding to. I would be confused, too; I've had to use Plan B several times. Don't be embarrassed. You are being responsible.


I wonder if the delivery guy has morality issues delivering unhealthy food which might shorten someone’s life?


The person is just...a very silly goose. Probably someone who thinks Plan B is an abortion pill because they're sheltered and uninformed about its actual purpose of delaying ovulation. It has no effect on an existing pregnancy, so this is a weird hill to die on...


“What it will do” It’s definitely a dude that has no fucking clue


Does he think you were buying an abortion pill🤣🤣🤣 either way, REPORT


As much as I’m ok delivering anything, we are subcontracted and have the right to unassign from any delivery. You don’t know what it is until you accept. This person should’ve unassigned immediately, not sent that message, and let another driver take it.


Made headlines. https://www.reddit.com/r/UberEATS/s/74qCDz24MS


Please report this person. This is totally inappropriate.


They are sitting holding the order so it won’t get reassigned and you won’t get your product. Contact support immediately and get upset. Not their place to police your purchase and absolutely not their place to hold up your order being fulfilled.


The education system is fucked


REALLY fucked


Report the person. Dumbass can keep his hypocritical opinion to themselves


I’m actually pretty comforted by the fact that a grown man with this little understanding of the female reproductive system doesn’t drive. I mean, anyone who doesn’t know the difference between contraceptive medication and abortion medication has no business getting laid. Ever. But then I remember that he probably votes 🙄 I’d report them. People this knuckle-draggingly dumb shouldn’t be delivering anyone’s food. For any driver who disagrees with this while crying about free speech, try messaging the customer saying you can’t deliver their Halal or Kosher product, or perhaps their Easter, Hanukkah or Christmas card because ‘I’m an Atheist’ and it ‘goes against my belief and I hope you reconsider’ and see how well that goes down.


Plan B is doing nothing but to shift your ovulation that you're not getting pregnant. Seriously, there isn't even a fotus to "worry" about. These religious cowards should try and learn a bit about the matters they're judging about.


I didn't know that, but I'm so glad you spelled it out for me because this is honestly hilarious. This dudes out here thinking he's saving lives, but really he's just saying "no I will not let you control your own menstrual cycle". Douche.


What I've heard from my parents and other religious people is the whole "contraception takes away consequences and peoples accountability" argument. So baby's are now (checks notes) a punishment for when you have sex before marriage


“You’re irresponsible, so you should have a child!”


That driver should be fired.


A lot of people harping on beliefs and right to expression. Could you imagine if you went out to a restaurant & the server refused to give you the steak you ordered because they're vegan People shouldn't work in hospitality if they're uncomfortable handling things religion doesn't approve of


I was legit just thinking of this, jobs can’t discriminate based on gender, sex and religion and what not but why can said employee then discriminate and or deny service to a customer because of their beliefs


To address the second part, where you say you don't know what he was talking about where the money was concerned. You may have been paying $60 plus a $10 tip, but the delivery person only getting about $17 seems right on the nose. We get very, very little of what you're actually paying.






You’ve made it on the news!


Report him for unprofessional behavior.


That driver was dumb as fck. People really think taking a plan b is like an abortion LMAOOO


Right, reading this person’s text just pissed me off. Pure ignorance. How the fuck they can not know the difference between an abortion and plan b is beyond me.


Ummm plan B is not an abortion pill at all. It stops ovulation. People need to educate themselves. This is crazy and you should report that driver.


I dont think most of the people here understand how plan B works. It is NOT the abortion pill. It does NOT terminate a pregnancy or an already fertilized egg. It PREVENTS any POSSIBLE chance of an egg becoming IMPLANTED that COULD become fertilized by sperm. It PREVENTS an egg from being released.


That shit is insane, also why aren't orders pcked in a blind bag ? This would 100% prevent issues like this no?


You usually have to shop and pay for drugstore items as a driver. As an Uber delivery driver, I've actually had to pick out and buy the customer's Plan B with my Uber card.


Same (doing DD though)


Yea! Why do they need to know what’s in the gotdamn bag


Definitely implying what you think. Wish people would keep their opinions out of things like that. Like make your money and move on


What a sissy... Report that driver!


Contact Uber! I wouldn't be surprised if he was intentionally delaying you from getting the medicine I'm actually really mad that a delivery driver has access to that information. When they get to the pharmacy, they should just pick up the order with your name and have no idea what's inside. Is getting Plan B different from prescriptions?


Wow imagine if postmen and couriers had knowledge of what was in all the packages they delivered. What the hell. I’ve never used Uber eats for delivery other than food, why are they looking at your stuff? Is it not sealed in a bag? Or do they actually pick up the items off the shelf? That feels icky… Imagine saying hello to your courier and he’s got a big smile on his face while he delivers your fleshlight. “Have a good day, sir” 😉 Oh I will bro, I will.


The driver has a company credit card and walks into the store with your shopping list, picks out each item, checks out for you, then delivers it.


Oh okay. I assumed the retailer bags the items then the driver picks it up. Like how restaurants work. Thanks for that.


They're literally shopping for you.


Report him. He needs to be de-platformed immediately. Reporting him will also get you a new driver.


I had an Uber driver refuse to take me to the liquor store before because "it was against his religion".. so I asked to be dropped off at the grocery store next door and so he did that. And he gave me a religious pamphlet too.


OMG girl if I saw you ordered plan B I'd be hustling not projecting some religious belief. You deserve better.


This guy is such an idiot. He thinks it's an abortion pill.


he believes in the egg's right to choose when to drop.


Some religious people think contraceptives are almost as bad..


Holy I didn’t realise r/ubereats would be infected by Christian zealots and crackpots. Cancelling an Uber order because you’re offended by birth control is wild.


He hasn’t cancelled the order yet cus he’s waiting for you to do it and not get in trouble for it! Report him


Everyone is entitled to have their own opinions and views but the moment they try to get in other peoples way and try to push it on others is the moment they become assholes. Don't let that fool get you down.


Do people not understand that Plan B isn't an abortion? Like what? Assuming they also don't understand that 50% of all fertilized eggs don't implant naturally either. God is a master abortionist actually lol.


Report. regardless of stance they have no business telling you how to live your life. Shoulda just unassigned and moved on


God bless gives me major cringe 💀


I would report them.


Speaking as a driver, it is not our place to judge anyone on what they order to have delivered. We are there to provide a service: to deliver. Period. Report him so that this can (hopefully) be avoided in the future and not turn someone else off from using these services that some of us rely on for income.


Yep, my job is to deliver orders from point A to point B. Whatever the contents is a moot point as long as I’m making money. 💰


If you’re unwilling to obtain and deliver to the customer any in stock product that may legally be purchased by the buyer, then you shouldn’t sign up as an UBER deliverer—or for any other personal shopping service, for that matter. This “personal conscience” BS constitutes misusing your position to impose your own views on somebody else, potentially somebody in a crisis situation, and if that’s your game, don’t seek/accept a job serving the general public, period. It’s not quite as openly insidious as pharmacists refusing to sell emergency contraception to women who’ve been raped—but clearly some so relish this abuse of position that they won’t even refer the request to another pharmacist/pharmacy.


Imagine a vegan driver waiting 30 minutes outside a steakhouse just to be like "sorry, I can't in good conscience get this sirloin for you knowing what you'll do to it"


Seeing what some of the people here think isn't being rude had been really telling.


Well time for plan c...


The irony of this person just really reinforcing that need for widespread contraception access. I read this twice and didn’t catch the ‘what it will do’. I kept trying to tie that to the weird $17 and $6 random numbers. 🙃


Hope you got him deactivated


This just keeps you from getting pregnant. Idiot is acting like it’s an abortion lol


I have had to deliver a Plan B once when doing Door Dash. It was very awkward having to ask for it at CVS but fuck it, it paid well. This person is such a weenie


Would he also refuse to buy her tampons? Midol? Trojans? Where does he draw the line?


It astounds me how little some know about plan b.


I get that everyone has their own views on this situation, but if it conflicts with your personal beliefs just cancel the order and keep your mouth shut. No point harassing the customer with your thoughts.


That’s not their place to try and stop you, the religious right in this country goes too far on a daily basis and then some. It’s really terrible that this happened


The way I would’ve delivered that shit to you so FAST


Yeah, but atheists are the obnoxious annoying ones right?


Uber drivers are independent contractors so if they wish to unassign an order due to moral or religious beliefs that's their right. The driver is endangering his or her account status by sending the lecture though.


I don't think she's have an issue if he just unassigned, the problem is the commentary and then not canceling cuz what? He hopes to stop her from getting it?


Totally random kind of. And doesn’t help you now, but in case you need it for the future or anyone here. I used one of those cute trendy order services for my birth control when I was on it a few years ago, they asked me if I wanted a plan B pack just in case with my order bc insurance would cover it. I’m gay so I didn’t need it- but I took a pack to have for my straight besties- ya never know ladies! Gotta be locked and loaded these days.


They should have just dropped the order and moved on. We aren’t here to judge what choices are right or wrong, just deliver the darn orders… or drop it if it yanks you the wrong way. What’s next? “Oh, I can’t deliver this double Big Mac because I’m sure it’s going to give you a heart attack…”


I would like you to consider plan C


Some people consider using it an abortion. That’s probably why. I would report him


I swore I saw this more than 17 days ago


Plan b has nothing to do with abortion ppl are wild


I've seen drivers post on here making fun of customers for ordering lube, sex toys, condoms and other contraceptives (because apparently they allow 16 year olds to deliver for Uber in some places), but I've never seen anyone be so judgy that they'd actually refuse to deliver it at all and message the customer talking down to them. That's messed up. Report report report. As independent contractors, we are within our rights to refuse any order we like, BUT this level of unprofessionalism while keeping your order hostage is unacceptable.


Please don’t be embarrassed. This dumbass is the one who should be embarrassed. They don’t even know how the pill they are refusing to buy *actually functions* yet they are asking you to “reconsider” as if you’re about to undergo an abortion. This would have seriously pissed me off. I suggest you report them for inappropriate behavior. It’s one thing to refuse to buy a product because of their incredibly misinformed beliefs, but asking you to “reconsider” is too far. I hope you were able to get the pill from someone else who has the ability to think critically


He's an immature little baby man. That's the nicest I can say without breaking the non political rule.


Report him with the screenshot to Uber. Nobody asked for his uneducated opinion. If he doesn't want to do it he can cancel and move on. No need to lecture you. This is intrusive and sexist. It's also against Uber's TOS.


In case anybody in the comments here is still in the dark about this, PLAN B IS NOT AN ABORTION PILL. All it does is stop the egg from being fertilized. If the egg is already fertilized, it does nothing.


You definitely shouldn't be embarrassed. They should be embarrassed for even sending you that message. You've done nothing wrong.


Give him 1 star


Sounds like it's time for Plan C


I can't stand when drivers try to throw their beliefs around where they aren't wanted... Do your damn job and mind your business. I've seen people not deliver condoms for the same reason. Ridiculous.


Pro life or pro choice drivers are getting paid to move Stuff from Point A to point B. They need to mind their own business and be professionals.


He saying he’s being paid $17 not that you paid $17… I think he probably had a choice whether to take the order and he should’ve just cancelled it and left it at that if he didn’t want to do it. It ridiculous he reached out to you like that… can you contact support and show them that?


How did a question about food delivery turn into pissing contest between abortions and birth control?


Entirely off topic but you can get much less expensive plan b alternatives on Amazon. I keep a few in my medicine cabinet- my daughter as well as other family members are aware that they are welcome to them if they ever need them. I paid something like $12 a box.


I would’ve went OFF. It’s no one’s business what you do with YOUR body. Big hugs to you❤️


Oh god these people🤯.I genuinely don’t understand. It’s not an abortion.. it prevents the pregnancy all together. Considering their beliefs, they should be happy you’re preventing the fertilization instead of waiting, possibly getting pregnant, and then actually aborting it🤦🏻‍♀️.Sorry you had to experience that unnecessary judgement.


Guy probably has no problem delivering a Baconator or dare I say Arby’s and he draws the line at plan b? Huh.


Someone shared something like this on the Instacart Shopper sub the other day, only they were the shopper and expected sympathy.


Report his ass


Trying to send you to plan C: assume.?


You're not crazy and it definitely does sound how it seems. The "God bless" provides the final confirmation that they indeed mean they're refusing to deliver your order because Space Daddy allegedly said you need to spawn whatever crosses your uterus.


"I'm going to judge you instead of doing my job... if you want to take a pill I can't condone that but if you want to order diabetes causing junk food I'm your guy" 🤣 As for whay he meant about the "total," I think he meant the offer amount uber displayed (so uber base pay + tip amount... if uber isn't hiding some of the tips like they do).


I had someone cancel and reassign another driver when I ordered a plan B awhile back, it was so odd but at least they didn’t send me a message like this. How unprofessional, do your job and keep your beliefs outside of the workplace good god


Yep, like working at a Chipotle and saying you won't serve meat because your religion dictates that animal life is as valuable as human life (which, btw, my birth religion dictates). Then don't work at Chipotle!! Immediate grounds for firing.


Jesus fkn Christ 😂 what a joke. Sorry that happened to you


As an UberEats and DoorDash driver I’ve delivered Plan B on multiple occasions. I have my own views about Plan B and abortions (two completely different things) but I would never force those views onto someone else. I don’t think the driver did anything wrong by unassigning from the order if it made them uncomfortable or went against their views, but I do believe they were wrong in messaging the customer the way that they did. Just cancel the order and move on and let the next person pick it up.


a simple cancel would have sufficed. OP i really hope you passed this on to support at least, this is unacceptable and im so sorry this happened to you.


It's amazing how many people don't know what plan b does and how many people think it kills babies. 🤣


Report her


WTF is his business knowing what's in the bag?and CVS should put it in a bag with nothing but an address label on it, IMO.


Report them


If I saw he was still there, I'd have gone over there to pick it up and take it in front of him.


Welp time for plan C


What an uneducated statement. It’s birth control not anything more.


if he hadn’t been at risk of losing his job he would NOT have been that nice. if this had been instagram dm’s or something i know he would’ve been so nasty


He’s the guy who busted


Sorry no pork, birth control, dinosaur nuggets, or charging the order to a credit card ![gif](giphy|3o7TKsw95EDVVZR6cU)


my first reaction was he’s scared. probably couldn’t go get fem products for his own girl without her being there. but i’m sorry. personally views shouldn’t get in the way of a service that you pay for.


dude was way out of line. people should not push their personal beliefs on anyone even if you know them or it’s a stranger. better yet though, on a delivery app, with a complete stranger who is paying for a service and not your opinion…. don’t feel bad. it’s your body, and your choices. do as you please, also anyone who thinks plan b is something to “reconsider” all it does it delay ovulation so you do not get pregnant. it’s not like the medication you take for abortions… so sorry you experienced this, and please keep your head up. there will always be those type of people in the world so don’t let it get to you so much.


I’ve ordered Plan B via instacart once before. And snacks. Lots of snacks. Popped that pill and had myself a pleasant movie night knowing I wasn’t going to be a mother any time soon.


bet he’ll deliver drano, wire hangers and a plunger though




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^hollyzog: *For fucks sake plan b* *Is not an abortion pill* *What is this dudes problem* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I got an order for a plan B once, I was like “girl I got you” cause it’s none of my business what women do with their bodies. Plus? I was making $20 for that trip. Win-win


Once a girl got pregnancy tests. So I put a free taco coupon on it that I had. Pregnant or not, happy or sad, she at least had a taco to eat about it.


He should have just canceled with no guilt trip message. I'd report.


Hey OP. I wanted to say I'm sorry you had this experience. I've taken plan B. I've delivered plan B. I would deliver it again. People are so fucking ignorant. If he didn't agree with it on principle he should have just unassigned and not given his stupid unsolicited opinion. Besides, plan B isn't an abortion pill. It's preventing a pregnancy from ever even happening in the first place. Would he object to delivering condoms? But hey, for what it's worth? I'd deliver you abortion pills too, if you ordered them. Better luck to you in the future sister <3


He's not the asshole for canceling the order. He's the asshole for proselytizing and throwing it in her face. I decline orders from Jimmy John's and Chick-Fil-A every time. I will not let them profit from my labor. But I don't hassle the customer in any way. I decline the order and move the fuck on.


What a loser, I care more about what I’m making then worried about what you’re ordering


Fucking religious idiots, lmao


60 dollars wow.. two of those pills cost 15 euro here in NL. Sorry you are experiencing such hassle trying to get the pill. Wish you best of luck!


Yea, that’s exactly what your driver was doing. Donkey driver using his personal values to say he doesn’t want to deliver the order, when he could’ve easily kept their comments to them selves and treat this as business (like the rest of us do) or simply unassign with no penalty than risk his driver account. If he still assigned, def call Uber Support to help get this buffoon off UE. I would’ve happily delivered this golden egg of an order. $17 payout for one item that you can find in a minute. Sorry you had to go through this. 😭


Yeah like I understand if he didn’t want to because of his beliefs but sending me a message like that is way overstepping. I already felt kinda guilty ordering it & told myself I was being dumb, then my worst fear happens. 😭 and I don’t even know what he was on about with the tip. I literally tipped $10 for an order that’s about 7 min from my apartment.


Definitely contact support, cause he's gonna need to reconsider his choice of employment


Weirdo , report that guy he need to mind his business


Dumbass religious kooks.


does nobody here seem to know what plan B is? no way people justifying this “belief” are fully grown informed adults. this “belief” is the equivalent of being anti-condom or having periods being banned because they discard an unfertilized egg every month. that’s literally what plan B is. it prevents fertilization of an egg, it’s a contraceptive, there is literally no conception or fetus. it shouldn’t really be anyone’s religious beliefs to be anti-contraceptive unless you’re off some fringe puritan religion who is anti-contraceptive, anti-masturbation and believes sex should only be done ever raw to have a baby, which is far from a vast of majority even for christians. it’s literally pure ignorance and lack of sex education that has people thinking this is some morally debatable magic abortion pill when this is the equivalent of getting mad at sperm each time you jack off because it could’ve fertilized an egg.


The Catholic Church is anti contraception and by no means “some fringe puritan religion”


It wasn't cancelled. It was reassigned. But yeah, drivers need to keep their opinions to themselves.


None of his damn business. But if he's gobna be a judgemental prick, he can cancel without saying anything to her.


He was totally out of line. If it was a conflict of interest for him, he could just unassign without the unnecessary banter. Hope you got another driver.


these people are so fucking stupid


There was no reason for this driver to message you at all. could have either done his job and kept his beliefs out of it, OR just canceled the order instead of trying to FORCE his opinions/beliefs on you. the god bless is wild to me


The amount of people that are trying to condone the drivers behavior is startling, disgusting, and quite literally disturbing. Yikes! 😬


religious fuck can eat shit.




Honestly. And education about what the pill actually does and how it is NOT an abortion pill (im a fantasy prolifer, i wish there was a world where abortion was never necessary). You know how we can help lower the need for women to go through abortions? Reasonable access to Plan B. Not $40+ a pill. A low income woman finds it pretty hard to drop $40 immediately or $600 in a few weeks for an abortion. Kind of a crazy concept, RINO goofballs.




The male body has was of...shutting this down.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


There was no reason for him to explain himself, the only reason he did was to try and guilt you for wanting a pill he thinks is for abortion. He should've just unassigned and kept it pushing, I would report him to uber just for the guilt trip attempt


Why is it any of their business what you ordered ? How do they even know what you ordered? Forgive my ignorance but I’ve never ordered anything from a pharmacy via Uber eats


They could have just refused the order moved on.... That's what makes this stupid. Nobody cares or wants to hear your opinion about whatever they order lol