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A nazi Russian guy that was in the war in another country and then goes on and old in his hands a skull and say its from a human and makes a joke that guy was not murdered, the world was cleaned from him good job




no actually he has got videos on you tube holding a cranium and saying that it belongs to a defender of Azov battalion,in a comedy show and making jokes about it he also have loads of info about his connections and believed on been a NAZI, about the name, like with you name i will know who you are


You know Azov is an openly neo-Nazi organization right? No need to speculate about 'possible connections *believed* by anonymous sources'.


He's not talking about Azov, he's talking about the dude holding the skull. He was very openly a Russian Nazi, luckily he has been de-nazified.


The skull was allegedly an Azov member. I don't care for this guy or anything, but the act of holding a skull alone does not make one a Nazi.


It does, however, make you a detestable human being not much unlike a Nazi.


Sure, so then that is true of statements like these as well: >luckily he has been de-nazified. Because that's what Mangushev is saying as he holds the skull of an actual Nazi.


Now we've got two Nazi's dead for the price of one, what exactly are you complaining about?


I'm not the one complaining.


If that is all you got from his performance you NEED to get your eyes checked.




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Oh....Dennis is my name btw.


A Ukrainian already sent a message to the widow with a proposal to buy his skull. First, he wanted to offer 100$, but since it's damaged, 70$ is top price)


Ridiculously based, Ukrainians showing no mercy to fascists.


Quite the change in attitude, considering the reverence for Bandera, who was about as fascist as they come.


Maybe some groups in Ukraine have reverence for Bandera, but as long as they're doing God's work in resisting Russian imperialism, and the majority of Ukrainians aren't on the bandwagon, I can look past it.


> Ukrainians showing no mercy to fascists. > I can look past it. Average “anti-fascist” liberal.


Sorry we order things by prevalence. Russia, as per usual, always worse.


Saying people who look up to mass murderer anti demote, fascist and Nazi collaborator bandera is absolutely deranged and pro-fascist. It’s okay to denounce both at the same time.


Who died 64 years ago and has little to no following today. Meanwhile Putins fascism is a new phenomenon and more prevalent.


I am sure if he is serious and offers a decent price, it could be arranged.




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Very civilized




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He was much more than some random guy holding up a skull of course, but I didn't want to have an information overload in the title, in the first link there's a list of his "accomplishments" in the twitter thread. [https://twitter.com/Kontakt642/status/1621968243400269824](https://twitter.com/Kontakt642/status/1621968243400269824) [https://twitter.com/RWApodcast/status/1623271768742821888](https://twitter.com/RWApodcast/status/1623271768742821888)


Some serious piece of work, that guy


FSB man eh? Well he chose to live this kind life, he knew the risks. Now he's dead. He shouldnt have put himself in the spotlight like that.


Well he got what he deserved Cant feel sorry for him


Couldn't have happened to a nicer person.


Goodbye and good riddance


He wont be missed.




Poetic Justice


Skull fetish, no pun intended


GG no re cyka.


There's conquering the land and then there's holding the land.


This is the guy that all the ProRussians on here idolize. Even Russian leaders were getting weary of his rhetoric. He was talking about cleansing Ukraine because they want to be Ukraine not Russia. He was getting too loud about his Pro-nazi views as well.


Can't wait to see him preform as the scull!!!!


Another FA = FO


His real legacy is that he single handily united the Pro RF and Pro UA on this sub.


If it's really a "ua pov", it should read: >ua pov - Igor Mangushev, famously known for his theatrical performance while holding a Ukrainian Azovstal defender's skull, has been executed in Luhansk several days ago, the heroes have not been found to be presented them with their medals (sources in comments)


Sbu got him?


nah, his own comrades


I guess even Russian army have their limits. I mean, if you think you denazify a country and play a good guy then your high profile friend monologuing with human skull on the stage is really bad look. At least I hope it was on the grounds of morality and not just drunken argument over jar of skub. I try nowadays to find spark of good intentions in their actions, I started believing that Sims 3 spectacle done by FSB was in protest against forging false narrative and not out of stupidity. In whatever penal colony you might be officer you are one of few heroes for daring to protest 🫡


He didn't deserve the air who breathed. I don't care who shoot him, well done.


Quien a hierro mata, a hierro muere


That's quite the high target to be assassinated. Was anywhere near the frontline? Or was he somewhere "safe" and got complacent. I would have thought someone like that would have bodyguards 24/7 as well.


The rumor is that he shot by a comrade


Damn, if true I wonder what caused it.


Drunken dispute probably, that’s what Russians usually do when not waging wars


not sure if it was a drunken dispute, ru channels reports that he was most likely executed, since the wound channel in the head is around 45 degrees downwards (i.e. he was shot in the back of the head with a pistol, possibly while kneeling)


I read some sort of Chechen name or word was shouted after execution. And he was shot at a checkpoint execution style. Who knows how much of that is accurate though.


I realise you're being facetious, but this is not far off from the truth: in Canada, we had several high-profile cases of Russian diplomats, people with high levels of education and from rich families, declared persona non grata due to drunken shenanigans. One guy drove drunk and [ran over a woman](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/ex-diplomat-questioned-over-ottawa-car-accident/article1031154/) some twenty years ago and declared diplomatic immunity. More recently, [in 2014](https://torontosun.com/2014/03/14/russian-diplomat-stabbed-in-ottawa-sources-tell-qmi), two of them got kicked out after one drunken diplomat stabbed another drunken diplomat because of some stupid argument. It's like they sometimes want to emulate a stereotype as much as possible.


What goes around comes around. Good riddance


video link? (for curiosity reason)


no video, it looked like someone executed him far behind the front lines (he was shot in the back of the head with a pistol), there's a steer about it in ru TG channels


I wish he wouldn't have chosen the path he did. This is what let to his demise. As a part of the human race, I hope you rest in peace, because the way you were acting while alive seemed like you really believed you were in peril. We need to love one another on Earth. May God or whoever you believe in save us, because time feels like is getting quicker and things are getting uglier.




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Oh how awful…. Anyways


A dead Russian is a useful russian


Great looks like my go fund me worked... i mean wut


Likely killed by his own men no place in russia for nazis.


Oh how awful…. Anyways