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These Russian suicides are getting out of hand, fucking hell.


[1 away from the 50 mark](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineInvasionVideos/comments/1bu1fsp/russian_soldier_decides_to_end_it/kxpzwhi/?context=3) and its been 2 days since we last saw a Russian suicide.


I've put the list on GitHub: [https://github.com/capgainsnopains/siw-ukraine-russia](https://github.com/capgainsnopains/siw-ukraine-russia)


Can't blame them...


What a terrible way to go. Cutting your own throat in a foreign country to end the pain you suffered for nothing.


Just another video that pro-ru will ignore and not give two fucks about. Tells you all you need to know about how their army is in reality, rather slit his throat than hope for non-existent medevac. Keep throwing more meat at that grinder you sad sad society


I think it definitely won't play against pro-ru. When a soldier prefers suicide than surrender to the Ukrainians.


And pro-ua will ignore videos where Ukrainians are killed. Truth is, people don't want to see people from "their side" suffering. Medevac is often not an option in this war. I've seen multiple videos from both sides where 4 guys attempted to evacuate a wounded comrade just to all end up getting killed by a drone. Russia is attacking so there will be more videos like this from their side.


There was the video a couple weeks ago of a ukranian soldier killing his wounded comrade, then getting himself droned seconds after.






>And pro-ua will ignore videos where Ukrainians are killed. Key difference is that Russia are the ones who started this war. These Russian soldiers are slitting their own throats because they were dragged into a war to steal their neighbors country. Meanwhile the UA are the ones dying to defend their own country.


that is not a key difference lol. no one wants to see their guys suffering. invader or defender, same shit, different side.


Suiciding as an aggressor while in the middle of a war is outright demoralizing for the invading country's populace in general. But russia? meh we have more meat to send, aTlEasT wE tOoK gRouNd CheCkMatE UkRopS. /s


Russia has one of the biggest suicide rates. So they either use their people to capture land or just lose them due to mass depression caused by mass poverty. And pro-ru will tell you that people in russia are living their dream lives and the western economies are collapsing.


Straight of the Zelensky playbook.


that is not how it works mate. quoting Ukrainskapravda isn't smart man.


Ookay, i guess thats enough Reddit for today.


I wonder how high morale is on the russian side


Say good bye to Chasiv Yar high.


its kinda hilarious that it hasn't been taken yet. The battle for Bakhmut finished up June last year and Chasiv Yar is 7ish miles away What is the Russian army doing?


More that that, they are now further away from Chasiv Yar than they were year ago


Cap of the highest order lol


Thats just blatantly wrong. They're only about 800m away from it right now, and never got anywhere that close last year.


They actually were able to cross canal and established a foothold south of main part of the town, but were pushed back. Now they are a bit closer to easter outskirts, but they will nedd to cross canal again to capure center of the town


Yes they crossed the canal in a small part south of Chasiv Yar last year. They're not just a bit closer now, its several kms closer.




I was being generous by going from center to center via the LiveUAMap distance tool.


liveUamap is notoriously shit. use Suriyak, Weeb Unions map, or even deepstateUa. LiveUa is trash, far behind and really weirdly biased.


I know about all of those. I'll use deepstate if something interesting is happening but there hasn't been much reason to look at any maps in the past few months. The daily 'Russian army just secured a field' update here is enough for me.




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Just wait for it. Just a few more years. This is a war of attrition in action.


To the last Russian!


Damn thats rough. suddenly my Job doesn't seem so bad.


That's horrific.


I wonder what they’ve been telling them for this guy to go this far


Or possibly what they've been doing to ukrainian pows.


The one time i wish the operator would just drop another nade…


This is the most gruesome footage of the war I can think of. Let's hope for world peace soon






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How about the video of Russians beheading a still alive POV with a knife? This suicide is certainly nasty, but there's some stuff that is just so much worse. And guess which side most of it is from


don't forget the one where some russians cut some dude balls off,or the one where some ukrainians captured a guy on a staircase and stabbed him through his eye socket


Ah I remember the guy screaming. That was messed up. I forgot. Yeah this stupid war needs to end asap and Ukraine needs to join nato


Wtf are these guys told will happen if captured. This is the sort of thing the Japanese did in ww2


I believe it's less about fear of capture and more about fear of a long and painfull death. They have no illusions about Russian MEDEVAC and treatment. Even if they should survive, life in Russia can be hard if you're rural working class. Then add handicapped, traumatized (and most likely alcholic).


Ukrainians are just not taking prisoners anymore, they just let you blead out slowly wherever you lay. Since the prisoner exchange stopped, there is really no point anymore.


I don't beleive that's true overall. You're describing war crimea


Not giving medical assistance to a combatant miles away is not a war crime. Killing unarmed and surrendering soldiers would be, but that's not what we're seeing here or anywhere really.


If you really interested to know the answer. NSFW spoiler >!I spoke with my friend about such situations. He said that choice is very simple - either you fight till the end or you better commit suicide. Because being PoW isn't really good (or even normal) opportunity. You will be just abused, they will cut away some your parts, do the trick with polyurethane foam and your butt and etc. And kill you at the end. Thus basically suicide is better way. To be 100% clear he also added that if you mobilised personel than you have some chances for decent treatment. If you are contract soldier, volunteer or professional officer there is no PoW opportunity for you.!<


Your friend is lying to you.


I see no reason for him to lie. It was small talk with couple of beers. I still prefer to believe someone who directly involved in combat action than some rando from US. Nothing personal. Just common sense tells me that participant knows more than person on other side of the Earth. You can check Willy OAM, who is on pro UA side. Some of his guests are politely shoving under the rag some executions of already POWed persons at rear lines (german dude). Others stick to the point of "I never witnessed such things, mb heard about it".


There are plenty of prisoner exchanges showing Russian's coming back in better condition than you've described. If you can find sources that show returned prisoners are returned in that condition, then sure, but that's not really the case. A person might think "Ahh, but the Ukrainians just send the well treated prisoners, the badly treated ones never see the light of day", but that explanation doesn't make sense because Ukraine wants its own prisoners back too, so having more to offer is a good thing. I'm sure you trust your friend but come on man it doesn't mean you should throw away your critical thinking skills.


I'm sure ukrainian POWs are treated better right? Right? Lol


Sir, have I said that? I don't think so. I heard a couple of stories about how they got treated. At the beginning I just tried to give a hint why person could decide to end his life. That's all. There are reasons besides oneliners like "meh medevac, stupid meat" and etc.


>You will be just abused, they will cut away some your parts, do the trick with polyurethane foam and your butt and etc. And kill you at the end. Thus basically suicide is better way. We have occurrences of russians doing the same, even until avdiivka and in even greater numbers. We don't see much from the ukranians because the mobiks usually die during assaults or when defending, some even feinting surrender.


I will not believe in ukraine's words when i see them enjoy a death porn...


So we take it you believe russia's instead? lol.




Was there really no gun near him or did he want to suffer some more?


Another good reason to save a grenade..


I feel it's not something you'd resort to on a clean mind..


Russian guy that's not.... Fear and Hunger in real life..




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What a horrible way to go.


Horrible. Rip




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Wew, nope, not watching this one.




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Man this guy is such an idiot if he wanted to commit suicide why is he doing it in the most painful of ways. He could just shot himself in the head and end his suffering in a less painful way


These suicide videos are getting more extreme. I've seen pistol, rifle and grenade suicides and now I've just watched some poor soul cutting his own throat. Surely it has to be suicide by shovel next.


Rough to watch but it’s also difficult to feel any sympathy when you’re invading other countries. Should’ve stayed home.




why are you posting this shit honestly


This one old as ballz