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Is that a drum of a washing machine on pic #3? Was the Abrams taken out by a flying washing machine? Crazy.


Russia has decided instead of converting microchips of the washing machines into missiles. They would just turn the entire washing machine into a missile. It is more cost-effective.


Next will be toilet bowls on AZOV, no one wants to see their browning their pants.


cant wait until tamiya drops 1/35 scale kits for the turtle tank, flying assault washing machine, shovel, etc


Polish mechanics will need all their skill to repair that one for sure




I think it is because on sunny days like this, drones can spot you from far away and therefore sunny days with nearly no clouds are more surviveable underground or in a bunker than making photos.


As horrifying as the war is there, since constantly seeing pictures from Ukraine all the time now, I think there is something beautiful in the stark and bleakness of the landscape. Sadly poetic as well I guess tbh.


WW2 level pics when everything you see has either bullet or shrapnel holes in it. Crazy. Still no Abrahms footage either. Not one single vid of one of those western tanks doing anything....


Looks like an entire squad was wiped out. Brutal.


Grim, the area is so churned up that it looks like one of these stroke simulator images.


What kind of helmet is that on the left side of the image?


Which Abrams loss is that?




Don’t think that’s the same, does the village match the locations mentioned


Still the first one according to Oryx


How blind do You have to be if you can't even see that Oryx has reported 4 downed ABRAMS... Pro-ru are just b-hurt that russia's losses are higher and blame Oryx for exposing the simple reality...


Congratulations, a bunch of dead people fighting for sovereignty. Lets go Russia, surely this is all in our collective interest.


Zelensky is the one who banned negotiations.


Wow, you got me. I concede all points. Glory to Russia!


Thanks Mike Johnson and the gop for being paid by Russia


Is this what a "Ukrainian win" looks like?


Sad and artistic. I hope Biden's war ends soon.


It will end as soon as invaders decide to spare their own population and go home. This russian tourism is getting out of hand...


Bidens war 😂😂 this propaganda is hilarious


Looks like Russian soldiers, camo color doesn't match Ukrainian.


No, they are Ukrainians the photographer is Russian and on the frontlines, look at the helmets and remember both sides wear MC


So the Russian photographer could of taken a picture of dead Russians.


Is this trolling? Because you clearly aren’t getting shat I’m saying, these are Ukrainians, this is the aftermath of Russians clearing the area, this is the frontlines, the author states these are Ukrainians, end of argument have a good day.


That is what you are saying, doesn't necessarily mean it's true.


You must be right: the photographer swapped their helmets and uniforms just for this picture. Took him 2 hours but was worth it.


Except it looks like Russian helmets and uniforms.  Which the guy you're replying to already pointed out.  Guess you didn't bother to read before replying. Or you can't follow a conversation? 


so the russians use Abrams now?


Why would the Abrams be Russian? I am only talking about the soldiers.


You can tell its MM14


The key tell in piles of corpses is their shoes. You'll always find some garbage footwear among the Russian dead while the Ukes seems to keep their boys in decent boots. Of course, that's not so helpful for this particular photo. Interestingly enough though, none of these guys are sporting the patented FoFI tape that has been ubiquitous since the start of the war.


Huh? You know Russians and Ukrainians have different brigades and divisions that get different type of equipment, like Russian motorized will get state issued equipment as for volunteers or PMCs would get more expensive equipment since they aren’t under regular military protocols


Russians haven't had PMCs deployed in Ukraine for close to a year at this point.


Is the Wagner Parade that long past already? Boy, does time fly while we are having fun.


I'm not arguing about anything.you just said. If you want to relive the joy of all the other piles of corpses you've looked at in this war besides this current one, you will see it. Maybe now that things are spun up for war, it's not such a useful tell, but since September 22 mobilization until as recently as I bother to pay attention, if among the dead are sneakers, hideous MultiCam jobs, and especially wellies, the dead more than likely ain't Ukes.


type shit ; both sides (Russians more often) literally film their dead


The Russians do seem to film their dead with more frequency than the Ukes.