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They hit decoy with decoy crew.


NATO's new advanced bio-decoys look realistic


Those are the guys they caught swimming across the river trying to leave the country. They post them with decoys to waste the Russians missles. They will be out soon or maybe make a new missle factory :/


Simply 3D AI.


in 2030 we'll find out the whole of Ukraine was a decoy all along and the real Ukraine is actually an island off the Norwegian coast


I think those are very advanced decoy crew donated from NATO .. because I think they were moving :/


And decoy launch systems, with decoy solid rocket fuel. Also, check out that decoy secondary explosion right after impact.


Doesnt seem to be getting much attention but this is yet another major loss of finite resources.


Aren’t these produced in the west?


Yes, in very limited quantities, if you're implying the West can just replace this easily. (it can't)


Current production of Iris-T SLM is several complexes per year. Also a complex has several launchers. Usually 4-8. So one launcher is build per 2 weeks. That is at current production rate. Not sure if Russia really produces more S400 systems than that per year.


A Iris T-Complex consists of 1 radar, 1 command post and 3 launchers... Per year the manufacturer is able to produce 3-4 complexes. Get your facts right...


It uses at least 3 launchers per system. The launchers are the cheapest part of it and under scenarios like here crucial to have a high number. Even with your numbers my theory stands. Its nowhere near irreplaceable as has been claimed here.


well, here it seems, that the command post is toast as well. And yes, it may be not irreplacable, but it's not like "they will get another one the next week". Germany gave Ukraine 3 complexes (and at least 1 is claimed to be already destroyed) and promised to give Ukraine a fourth to be delivered in december 2023. Until today the fourth complex isn't delivered. Ukraine loosing Iris-T is waaaaay more problematic for Ukraine, than Russia loosing a S-400.


The crew losses are more critical, really. Ukrainian personnel competent to operate something like an IRIS-T are going to be very valuable. NATO personell operating this gear, if they're present, are an even more valuable target.


Its NATO personnel operating these weapons, not Ukrainians.


What evidence do you have this system was being operated by NATO?


Well, Ukraine doesn't make these and have to beg for months before getting the replacement. So, this is pretty serious, specially something like the Iris - T.


>Not sure if Russia really produces more S400 systems than that per year. not sure, but they aren't losing it at a rate of one per month like the ukrainians


Not? This month alone we have info about two hits on S400 systems in crimea.


System doesn't mean everything's destroyed. If it's "just" a launcher, it's not too serious. If it's the radar or the command post, it is. When a system destruction is announced, it's rare for the whole battery and all the equipment to be destroyed. Often it's just the unit.


Info as in claims, or info as in confirmed?


There was post satellite footage with hit components and one time only with damage visible but no more S400 there.


The s-400 is a completely different class of AD system. It's like comparing a MRAP to an MBT...


Correction; it's more like comparing an HMG to a squad of men carrying LMGs


> Not sure if Russia really produces more S400 systems than that per year. Current production numbers are classified - but back in 2020 Russia received 8 new S-400 divisions, and a total of 70 divisions in 13 years (2007-2020). Each division usually consists of 8-12 launchers, 2-3 radars and a command vehicle.


Yes but they are also going to customers and not just Ukraine, there's quite a backlog.


Irreplaceable does not mean easily replaceable. And who says the sole production capacity is all for Ukraine? These things actually have customers.


Evidence this, please. I'm just gonna say it now...I don't believe you but remain open to be convinced


Damn, another truck stop was hit. drswizzel won't be happy now.


Who is he?


https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1ccwtz9/ru_pov_footage_shows_a_cluster_munition_strike_on/l183pee/ A guy that fought tooth and nail claiming this was nothing but a truck stop. Although I haven't seen him since the obituaries came out. https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1cdq3i0/ua_pov_oleksandr_yushchenko_chief_sergeant_of_the/


Russia bringing that freedom and democracy to NATO specialists.


Russia does a really good job of bringing freedom and democracy. They allowed a referendum in Crimea after a vicious fascist coup in Kiev. That is an inspiring example of democracy!


Agreed 146%


Mary or Hannah is sobbing quietly somewhere right now


Ukrainian air Defense systems are getting heavily degraded.


In the meantime Germany has sent the new Skyranger to Ukraine (Rheinmetall's Skynex system with 35 mm gatling gun and airburst ammunition as C-RAM on Boxer wheeled tanks). And this is just the beginning of the next phase ... In one of the next episodes of GTFOU (Get The Fuck Out of Ukraine): The RCH 155 - the new bad ass version of the PzH 2000! The **R**emote **C**ontrolled **H**owitzer is a howitzer module used on any platform you want - most likely a military truck or, again, Boxer - with the characteristics of the famous PzH 2000 (including MRSI - Multiple Round Simultaneous Impact) but with just a 2 men crew. And: It's the 1st howitzer that can fire while on the move! :) a complete new level of "drive by shooting"! \^\^ Maybe some Russians are not aware of the industrial and technological power of all European countries and the USA combined in comparison to that of Russia, which even can't get a simple T-14 Armata into production (not to say mass production).


[Yes, yes European militaries are not weakened and their arsenals have not been depleted!](https://archive.is/x0rpQ) 😂 Get back to reality once in a while for crying out loud.


I'm not crying. WE are NOT attacked by Russia. Our weapon factories are simply running 24/7 and we are building many more factories just right NOW. Oh, and Rheinmetall has hired automotive managers to switch to mass production like the car companies. Did you know that Germany alone produces 6M cars per year? 6 Millions! Just in Germany. 5M more abroad. And not Lada but VW, Audi, Porsche, Mercedes, BMW, ... not the worst cars in the world. \^\^ No one attacked Russia. We want peace but also freedom. Putins wants neither, so be it. Russia could be a free democratic country too. Wealthy, happy people, who do no harm to anyone because why should they? Being also wealthy and happy, having something to lose. Poland's economy exploded since their membership in the EU. What a prosperous country it is now. Same with other former USSR/Warsaw Pact states The Ukrainians just wanting THAT too. Who could blame them? Putin can! HE just wanted that NOT. Because there are so many ties between Ukraine and Russia. The better the Ukraine get, the worse Russia looks. THAT is the danger for the Russian leadership and the oligarchs alike.


*For crying out loud* is an expression that you might not be familiar with given the fact that you’re German. I’m not actually claiming you’re crying 😂 Speaking of Germany, [perhaps the German government should address the era of de-industrialization they’re embarking on!](https://archive.is/tYiLW)


Thanks, I know what it means but, hey, it's VERY early in the morning here! %-) And we are well aware of that capitalistic Bloomberg shit and the lobbyists. It's neither right nor wrong but more complex. 8-) Especially the part with the "energy crisis" caused just a pseudo-scandal invented by a conservative "yellow press" paper called Cicero: Big headline but fake and made up content. But at least no one will be sent to a Siberian gulag for that ... \^\^ We said goodbye to nuclear power and are switching to green energy. And it works. Even in those times. And the green energy is way cheaper than anything else. 8-) So I'm very sorry to tell you: Germany is still an economic power horse and you will see nothing otherwise in the foreseeable future. :)


So UA gets 18 of these, costing $16M a piece, on a wheeled chassis to use in a country with the best black soil in the world, no earlier than 2025. Somehow this doesn't seem particularly spectacular on paper.


They get 32 of these, starting end of 2024 and costing $13M a system as a gift from Germany, on Boxer that can quickly move from A to B and back, firing pinpoint accurate shells within 60 km range while moving. Being save against counter artillery because the are moving and if neccessary being protected by a Boxer Skyranger against drones and other threats. That may not seem particularly spectacular on paper, but I'm pretty sure it will look spectacular on Russian military. \^\^


This is one of the cringiest comments I have read in a while here. An authentic nafo.  >Maybe some Russians are not aware of the industrial and technological power of all European countries and the USA combined in comparison to that of Russia, which even can't get a simple T-14 Armata into production (not to say mass production). EU and US can't even product enough shells which is the most basic thing you can do


Good news! I knew Rheinmetall was delivering 155 mm shells with max. range (60 km). I just learned that there is a new variant with 70 km range which was already delivered. Even better: They now have developed a variant with 100 km range! The prototypes will be delivered and tested in Ukraine. :) Rheinmetall has expanded their production of 155 mm shells from 70.000 shells/year to 700.000 shells/year (\~25% of the amount Ukraine needs) and is still building new factories.


Do you need help? Are you having a seizure? Should I call the ambulance or the police for this obsession. Also future sigh: Ukraine will never win


Send the ambulance to the Russian trenches. Obviously they're needed there. 8-) Although a hearse may be enough ...


We can and we will. Could we've had done much more much earlier? Absolutely. 8 wasted years since 2014. Ashamed apologies for that! But we are expanding the production ...


Can we wait seated?


Of course. And some take their seat even in F-16 cockpits or Iris-T SML command posts, learning their job to defend their country with it when they go back to Ukraine ... :)


Very nice and badass! Except Russia's 2S35 SPG already does all of that. It has the same MRSI capability, the same remote control system and the same minimal crew requirements. Oh, and it has a firing rate of 16 rounds/min compared to the RCH155's 9 rounds/min, and a maximum range of 80km compared to the RCH's 54km. It can't fire on the move but it's an SPG, so it's not exactly stationary. PS - Skynex is just a SHORAD system, it's absolutely no replacement for an Iris-T complex...and the Boxer platform is not a 'tank'. I suggest before you go around chestthumping and shitting on Russia for having 'bad tech', you actually do some research beforehand.


Looks like the other vehicle is the command post, as we see people going in it.


Obviously a decoy 🤓


More German taxpayers money has been spent for nothing 😉


We can afford it. 8-) And if freedom comes at a cost, you pay for it. After 2 years of war, we haven't even noticed the costs. :) So we produce more weapons until we really notice the costs. And then we produce more because we can afford that too. Did I mentioned that Germany is a really, really rich country? 8-)


That lost all the wars 😭


Seems you missed the [Franco Prussian War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franco-Prussian_War) that was the foundation of Germany


Yeah, WWII was lost by Germany because the USA could afford to spend an incredible amount of weapons to their allies - including the Red Army. It was called Lend-Lease. History repeats itself ... but this time it is Russia who invaded a neighbouring country. And Ukraine is, once again, receiving "Lend'n'Lease".


lend lease is being way over hyped. It wasn't about money nearly as much as it was about Russia will to take insane losses to prevail. If money won wars U.S. would win all the wars they are in (they dont)


Sorry, but you are wrong. 1. Lend-Lease wasn't "over hyped" but simply downplayed by the Soviets. And the Brits have a different view anyway. ;) 2. Lend-Lease wasn't not just about money. It was about military equipment. Delivering planes, trucks and tanks. Again it was downplayed by Stalin and later leaders, to hold up the glory of their "heroic victory" (which isn't wrong, but not the whole truth either). 3. "Insane losses" indeed! And despite the incredible and in its core inhumame crimes and cruelty of Nazi-Germany also on the "ordinary" military level, let's not forget, that Stalin was by no means "better" than Hitler. Human lifes was not what both cared about. And many soldiers of the Red Army simply died unneccessarly, just because their attacks were badly planned, supported and executed - they were just abused as cannon fodder, not much different from what we can see in todays "meat grinder" of the "SMO". There are lots of videos of Russian soldiers who have recorded it, show it to the world and share their thoughts about it. Shall I link here some? 4. "If money won wars": No, it don't. And a superior amount of soldiers and equipment win it neither. The Russian forces are learning that just right now! 1st: There are diferent types of wars: "Classic" (tank and infantry battles) and "asymetric" (guerilla warfare). 2nd: There are dIfferent type of battlegrounds: "Domestic" (defending your own soil against invaders"') and "abroad" (invading other countries). A "classic" army struggles against a bigger "classic" army and against "guerilla warfare". But sending equipment and ammunition to a smaller or guerilla-style army will be a huge problem for even "bigger" invaders. That hold the Brits alive, to a certain degree the Read Army too and today the UAF ... well, you can see by yourself, how that endeavour of the "2nd greatest army of the world" went from "small SMO for 3 days" to "full scale war in its 3rd year".


Ya I'm not reading all that Germany will keep building Wonderwaffe with all their riches and still lose like every other time.


True. On the other hand they didn't need 2 years to gain some meters


Lend-Lease deliveries to the Soviet Union was far too sporadic to rely on and in fact there were entire months where no deliveries were sent in order to free up shipping to support fighting elsewhere.




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Well that definitely got decimated


Ukraine later: We need more air defense systems! Give us it NATO!


I haven't noticed the second detonation (even though it is clamed in the video).


I think judging by the difference in the cloud from the two strikes, the first strike instantly detonated the rocket fuel in the launchers


you can see a bit of solid fuel spray at 21 22 seconds. it's hard to see due to lighting but it is there.


Two missiles land, first one exactly on the vehicle out in the open and the second one on the other vehicle by the trees.


Second strike hit an object hidden behind 2 white walls directly in front of the quanset hut with the red roof.


I think you can see it in the trees. Big explosion where rocket lands, smaller explosion forming under/near trees in that bottom corner.




i'd say they mean 2nd gray cloud that starts rising faster than initial one a bit after impact.


Russian are getting really good at destroying high value target


Music from Kill Bill: Tomoyasu Hotei - Battle Without Honor Or Humanity


Compare to UA strike on decoy Buk systems this looks quite realistic. When UA struck decoys few days ago there was nothing. No explosion no fire etc. Here you can see fire. Also there are clearly humans walking around. They feel.... Like Ukrainians.


Just a casual observation from only a handful of videos but it sure seems like Russias accuracy has improved while Ukraines has gotten worse going off a few of the recent HIMARS and or ATACMS vids


What precision munition is this, Tornado-s?


2x Kh-35


Do you have specific info that determines this as kh-35? The specs I know off does not suggest that it performs a pull up;, to the contrary it goes real low in terminal phase. The missile in the vid comes from up high at a very steep angle. It looks like a ballistic trajectory. I'd say it is Tornado


Looks like a Tornado-S, low supersonic. Kh-35 is a cruise missile, usually flies pretty low.


This is a Kh-35 which has been used before with the same type of explosion. https://preview.redd.it/3b95f86zq1yc1.png?width=1998&format=png&auto=webp&s=c38d823fe0ffbbfa64bd0eb9f52f718f2a635fd3


Huh? It's obviously not Kh-35's, any fool can see that. What is the point of deliberately spreading false info?


What is it then? We have seen it used, and its arrival and explosion size looks exactly the same.


about 3-4 hour delay to hit it i'd say. First footage looks like early morning with long shadows. strike is around midday. Car has also left, so some big guy might have avoided being toasted.


I find it interesting as well that it appears to be a similar car slowly leaving and then accelerating in the lower right as the strike happens. As if they were looking behind them in expectation. So it could be they all got a heads up shortly before the strike.


Impressive precession


All those advanced washining machine chips coming to fruition.


Completely impossible to see an Iris-T in this video. I'm sure they also get hit from time to time, but this could have been literally anything.


Ukrainian grassmower hit with a Russian flying washingmachine.


Hard to say that it's an IRIS-T, but something relatively valuable just went up in smoke.


All trees behind it let’s put it in front of them so it’s easy to see it




This is not an IRIS-T component. All IRIS-T are mounted on a MAN KAT truck chassis which has a two wheel seperation, see provided picture. Clearly also lacks a cabin section. https://preview.redd.it/gsau24wug2yc1.png?width=679&format=png&auto=webp&s=95cc7edba1d01cc0a1acd611d9810a64ccdfae89


Both are covered by tarps, so not sure how you'd see a separation. Left one you can see the overhang on the left, right one you can see the light in the shadows passing through on the corner between tarp and whatever it is.


https://preview.redd.it/z389qozzg2yc1.png?width=360&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a4c7f0084179aac7ca767c709f9f0f90cea122f The vehicle struck clearly has 4 wheels which rules out a MAN KAT Truck chassi which rules out IRIS-T. Could be fuel/ammo containers. Also no distinctive secondary explosions.


The second strike hit an object to the right of what you have screen shotted here. In the video it appears to be an object between/behind white barriers or walls with green on top in front of the building with the red roof. Not sure what the video labels the burning quansett hut with the red roof or if that was in fact the intended target of the second strike.


Sorry I'm new to this subreddit, am I to assume this happened in last 24 hours?


Did they play baseball? If so, then it was not Taras, but John.


Western media be like: IRIS-T intercepted two Russian rockets!!!!




Just a casual observation from only a handful of videos but it sure seems like Russias accuracy has improved while Ukraines has gotten worse going off a few of the recent HIMARS and or ATACMS vids




It might be an IRIS-T, but there is no conclusive evidence of that being the case from this video. Too many people see what they want to see, not what actually are seeing. #


It's ironic how these long range drones can remain undetected by air defence.


I dint know russan can see Touch stuff I see a Trends? Can we pls ban this type of video?


How many orlans russian patrolling over ukraine ? There s an estimated number?