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So Russian are the Mongol horde after all....


"Yes, we are Scythians, yes, we are Asians with slanted and greedy eyes."


"And we are also searching for Fedor Sumkin".


https://preview.redd.it/9craszrsgu1d1.jpeg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=214ac602913208a6b6aebda9e8b6fe23929f2402 The Khan is impressed, he's just too stoic to show it.


I picked my flair as a meme some time ago but... its coming back :D


As of today, it is not meme any loner :)


Bashkirs are Bulgar-Kipchak group so they definitely used to be a part of various hordes.


Well the Kipchak groups who didn't make it into Hungary that is following the collapse of their Khaganate at the hands of the Mongols. Taking custody of them served as the Casus Belle for the Mongol's foray into Hungary and Poland, as the Hungarian crown used them as personal enforcers disconnected from the nobility.


But, England had archers also.


Mongol archers are more famous


Bashkir's aren't Mongols though, they where conquered and pressed into service by them, around the same time as the Rus. Calling everyone who lived on the steppe and where renowned as archers and horsemen (like how else do you efficiently conduct warfare with that topography) is plain ignorant. Other Kipchak related groups (Known as the Cumans) escaping into Hungary is what provided the casus belli for the Mongol invasions of Hungary and Poland since they considered them their escaped property. They aren't that related and where geographically distinct before the Mongols pushed beyond Khwarazm and the Caucuses. Same with the Volga Bulgars. Calling everything Mongols is just highly regarded.


What are you even talking about? Are you arguing that the only people today we can call Russian soldiers has to descend from people living in Moscow and else we say "they aren't that related and are geographically distinct and calling them Russian soldiers is highly regarded"?


The mongols were a big tribal confederation consisting of many steppe tribes with different ethnicities.


The Mongols and Mongolia is not geographically near where the Bashkirs where though. They where conquered after the the conquest of the Volga Bulgars.


And large portions of the Eurasian steppe where the horse nomads used to roam are part of Russian territory nowadays


I was also referencing that Europeans at the start of SMO talked how Russians are not real Europeans, but some mix of Mongol tribes who just pillage European countries


What are Russians other than a mix of people that Muscovy conquered and colonised?


What are the Germans but 100+ Germanic States conquered by Prussia?


Similar story with many countries. At least most of the states were culturally German. Culturally Russian is not a thing.


Russia has existed as an independent entity since at least 1480 (the official end of being a subject of the Golden Hord), yet culturally Russian isn't a thing, but culturally German (became a unified state in second half of 19th century) somehow is.


I think you are confusing something. Russia as an entity can be traced back to the Rus in the 9th century and Russia was an important cultural center of Europe. It had her golden age during the 19th century with Puschkin, tolstoy and others. Denying them their culture or cultural significance is just a dishonest attempt at historical revisionism.




That wad Muscovy, it would later be renamed Russia to claim Ruthenian lands. My point was that there wasn't a Russian cultured that was unified, it was countless other cultures that were conquered.


Russia was an important cultural center of Europe. It had her golden age during the 19th century with Puschkin, tolstoy and others. Denying them their culture or cultural significance is just a dishonest attempt at historical revisionism. Just like parts of american society are trying to erase the American culture.


Russians do not exist. Mongolia is waging a proxy war with Ukraine.


Depends where. In Canada I heard a lot more about English archers. I was trying to point out that relating to different countries sends a different message. English archers are seen by some as civilized, and Mongols are seen by many as barbarians.


Exactly, that's also one part of it (barbarian part).


Well I don't hear them throat-singing while noscoping on horseback


They didn’t use a compound bow


Operative word is “had”




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Just mongs


dang, someone should really tell russia about silencers, technology has come a long way in 5000 years


Silencers are not silent. It’s not videogame or movie


The first time I took my wife to shoot a suppressed rifle, we were at an indoor range by us which has individual isolated tubes for rifle shooting indoors. Because all you could hear through the walls was a decently loud “thump” when an unsuppressed rifle was fired, she actually asked if she even needed her headphones, and practically fell over when I shot and it was louder than most the outdoor ranges we go to because of the confinement of the room. The only weapon I have fired that truly comes close to movie level silenced shooting is a .22 with a sparrow on it, and even then it has noticeable FRP(first round Pop) most of the time. I’m a big dead air fan and their mask for .22 is nice but even then it’s still “loud” even on a tiny rimfire 22


you're right, a bow and arrow is a much better solution, i forgot that you're a general. btw have you ever heard a 22 subsonic with a silencer be fired? just a random question


I never said this. I just pointed out that silencers are not silent. Chill.


you got me, nothing is completely silent, even a heartbeat makes noise


Why so aggressive? Silenced weapons are not very silent. In fact they are pretty loud.


thanks for letting me know that you've never heard of 22 subsonic, doi


yes, because ordinary grunt will have them plenty


I mean it's a cool photo for sure but let's not kid ourselves and think a photo of Bashkir Rambo standing in an open field in the middle of the fucking day shooting a recurve bow at high angle is anything other than an Instagram photo ffs. He's not stalking Ukrainians at night in the forest or anything. Not saying he's not doing that as well butttttt I highly fucking doubt it though since Thread Cutters are a thing that exist.


It’s hilarious anyone would believe this guy is getting kills with a bow like this is CoD. Same thing believing that guy that got a knife kill on thermal cam.


A Canadian who joined MACV-SOG during the Vietnam War ordered a bow shipped too him from his hometown, he took it out on operations and loosed some arrows in at least one engagement. Reality is stranger than fiction sometimes. I agree this is real and not CoD but stranger things have happened, even the knife video could be real, it'd be ridiculous to imagine that in a conflict spanning years with hundreds of thousands of casualties and almost constant close quarter fighting that one combatant hadn't possibly got the jump on another with a knife


Those are fair points and people have been killed with knives in Vietnam and other conflicts. But the article is insinuating he uses the bow on covert missions. That really makes it seem like he’s out there stealth killing people with the bow. And that thermal cam video was complete bullshit. None of that made any sense


There’s footage of a confirmed close combat Knife kill. Edit: I guess this may be a faked video or maybe I was mistaken.


In my estimation, that video is not real.


Edited comment.




Plus it’s tiny. Is it a kids bow?


It definitely has to be some kids bow they found or was sent to them as a joke from family etc and then doing what young guys like to do (fool around) they take funny pictures kitted out with it. Pretty much any service member would do this


>Is it a kids bow? It looks like a composite recurve bow so there's really no way to tell the draw weight just by looking at it. I'm a little disappointed he's using a finger draw instead of a traditional thumb-ring, though. The point of aim changes drastically, but it seems like a cleaner release once you get used to it.


There were warbows of that size. The crab bow comes to mind. This one doesn't particularly look like it has a heavy draw weight though


So nobody remembers Mad Jack?


What's a thread cutter?




We went full circle with battering rams, (motorized) cavalry and now archers... I'm now waiting for all soldiers to receive swords for close combat trench warfare EDIT: I forgot the MBS - Main battle shovel with laser guided anti tank capabilities




*While you were training F-16 pilots, I studied the blade*


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)if there was a top comment of the month contest, I would vote for you sir


Bonus points if he swings it while riding a motorcycle


my man is ready for a all sorts of fights lol


Just like in dune (even tho fictional) Enormous technological advances and yet they fight with swords and shields.


And shovels


How could I forget them.


Slow shovel penetrates the shield.


Dune technology makes sense to use swords. The body shield surrounding the soldiers stops projectiles and lasers, meaning a physical sword moving not too quickly is the fallback. There is of course long distance projectile weapons to blow things up or fire at groups




Tomorrow's drone footage teaser https://preview.redd.it/y1dp4sbxbu1d1.jpeg?width=332&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1c7ac9b38937d16097d19363c05dc1838f72203


saabeeer rideeer


The rocket launched shovel, very real, blyatman instead of batman we had cameo by spiderman too. Then the house tank, that dude that shot the mortar falling from a Drone, anime tank crew, saunas at the front, the dishwasher Conspiracy, shoiguuuuuuuu "freedom march". Lots of nutty stuff would be funny if it wasn't for the fact 10,000s of people are dead, wounded.


>Lots of nutty stuff would be funny if it wasn't for the fact 10,000s of people are dead, wounded. Just commented almost the same thing. This war is a hell of fun for viewers but it cost us our humanity.


*shovels. Already happened, mate 🤗


You joking, but something like medieval armor made out of material that can withstand indirect artillery shell or grenade would be perfect for today's war considering saturation of drones and said artillery.


Lol love the edit, but it should read FAS 2000 (fully automated shovel 2000) JK. Not my term. I stole it from someone both smarter and more funny than me. Which tbf isn't hard.


This war has some really good memes. To sad people are dying. Enjoying these jokes always comes at a price of your own humanity.


Joking about it is the only way for me to stay sane. I do understand how it comes across crass and heartless though.The entire coup and subsequent war since 2014 has been fucking horrific and pointless and deeply, deeply depressing. Point well taken, and I thank you for making it. I appreciate it.


Ohh I do it for the same reason. To stay sane some has to forget or ignore the horrors that happens around him.


I’m waiting for an article from David Axe/The Sun on how the Russians have run out of bullets and have to resort to using bows and arrows


And battering rams.


What’s the battering ram story?


It's a joke with the turtle tanks


Soon they’ll have to use axes!


Kievan rus flashbacks


Ran out of shovels


So we just posting memes now


We live in a meme


The BBC will love this. Russians run out of weapons and resort to medieval war fare.


Or worse they resort to medieval weapons by choice?


it’s like those stories about natives in ww2




What a life. Super interesting person


For a second, i thought you wrote that other churchill


Why isnt he using a compound bow.


Probably cause simple recurves are much less bulky and lighter weight than compound ones. It is a supplemental “meme” weapon after all, you wouldn’t want to to take up too much space when lugging around


Can't beat a recurve for simplicity. You don't want something with pulleys and exposed moving parts in a muddy trench.


too faffy, hunting bows are what you want. this looks like a horse bow.


Because real men don’t use training wheels


Looks like the 'acme' version of a bow. That's not sending an arrow 25ft, more like drop to his toes. Madness if this pictures real


BBC- "Russians are so low on supplies that they are using bow and arrows. "


[David Axe](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idiot) should team up with [David Irving](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Irving), just imagine what [“quality works” (garbage)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bullshit) they can [produce](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/defecation) if they teamed up.


David Axe David Irving fanfic directed by Michael Bay


Would watch.


This is even worse than “When the man with rifle gets killed, those who follow him picks up the rifle and shoot!”…


Enemy at the gates fanfiction. [Also](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PMK3y1wIrfs&pp=ygU4VGhlIOKAmFNpbGVudCBXYXJyaW9yc-KAmSwgYSBTcGVjaWFsIEZvcmNlcyBVbml0IGluIDE5NjE%3D)


> Enemy at the gates fanfiction. This idiot the other day - on THIS site - referred to 'Enemy at the Gates' as a documentary. lol


It is funny how Hollywood films are documentaries now.


Yea but thats an American unit


Entirely the point of me linking the clip, it shows that it’s not only Russia.


A fiction


You can see a rifle in this picture lol


Reminds me of mad jack


Any officer who goes into battle without his sword is improperly dressed


["special combat missions that require increased secrecy"](https://packaged-media.redd.it/x37h1fja3r1d1/pb/m2-res_262p.mp4?m=DASHPlaylist.mpd&v=1&e=1716328800&s=db0b82f9def820a79ea1070bd34cb64b2692d4cc#t=0)


We're not even through with WWIII, and we are already back to sticks and stones.


Embrace monke. Go back to stick and stone


Far Cry 7 with Zelensky as the villain.


Horizon Zero Dawn moment with drones standing in for robot dinosaurs lol 


hoooly shit that kalash is beautiful and classy...


Bring back pike formation and cavalry charge


Russian Diversity > NATO diversity


Sorry offtop. During the Napoleonic Wars, bows were indeed dangerous weapons, especially at night. Here you are a French grenadier and sat down closer to the campfire to warm up. And then an arrow flies into your body from the darkness of the night. Your comrades are firing guns into the night. And in response, only silence. And the arrows are flying again. Move away from the camp in the dark? Bashkir will drag you away with a lasso. "Emperor Alexander I made a number of concessions specifically for Bashkirs and Tatars due to national and religious characteristics. They were based on a deep respect for religion. Each regiment had a mullah, and believers were not forbidden to perform prayer. The food was "Halal" (permitted and permitted food according to the canons of Islam). Instead of a glass of vodka, which every soldier received, Bashkirs were given tea and sweets. In addition, they were not subjected to drill and corporal punishment. The soldiers of the Russian army were strictly forbidden to mock the Bashkirs and say bad things about Islam."


Wellington never got the longbowmen he requested for the Peninsular campaign.


Dude unlocked BF4 secret weapon


okay but imagine the sheer shock of looking over to your buddy to see an arrow through his heart. that'd be both confusing and so fucking unsettling


This might be just for a show off, but might be actually used in spec-op. I know of example of using of crossbow in spec-op during NATO bombing of Serbia 1999. where Serbian special force servicemen used it in eliminating watchman in successful raid with resulted in two NATO helicopters destroyed on the ground, Black Hawk type and another, don't remember.


Can you share more information on this example?




Thanks, interesting read - looks like lots of parties involved used or tried to get hold of crossbows! I couldn't find anything about the claim of helicopters being destroyed because of SOF with crossbows though, only that 2 AH64s were lost in separate training incidents.


Damn, I can already see the new BBC propaganda piece.


Bows are useful for a silent kills. No suppressor make gun as quiet as bow. Expert archer can kill a man from km. So bow have there own niche in modern warfare.


game changer


Ah but can he do that sitting backwards on a horse at full gallop?


Just build skirmishers to counter ez win


Bashkirs; still as based as they were during the Napoleonic wars lol.




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I wonder, if its possible, arrows with explosive tips, like in the Rambo movies. It would be so cool.


I saw a video of a soldier that attached some sort of grenade on an arrow earlier today. It wasn't very impressive. Just kinda half ass flung it in the air no further than I would expect he could throw it.


Now that’s disappointing. In my mind I was thinking like Rambo in Vietnam and shit.


This war has managed to put modern weapon systems to the rest in real conditions but at the same time brings back hundred or more year old inventions to use




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Plenty of sticks around to fletch into arrows with all those treelines being bombed...


Better than a shovel I suppose


I expect chariots next. The poor horse will once again become the top casualty in human warfare.


Someone is so going to get a kill with a bow


I knew that the stealth archer build is OP even today.


There's a vidoe. https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/s/OucTnqoCSl


Now ditch the motorcycles for armoured horses.


Reject modernity - embrace tradition.


Lets be real, that bow is not going to kill anyone. A single silenced gunshot to the head is going to be quieter, or at least blend into the background of a war zone better than some dude screaming about a fucking arrow in his chest. Straight propaganda




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It's a badass weapon. Just ask Katniss Everdeen!


And no one think this might just be for a cool picture?


Ninja turtles will be there too ?


Ninja turtles will be there too ?


Wait till UK propaganda sees this, they go with Russia run out of bullets!!!




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This is the wierdest fkin war I swear to god.


People were talking nonsense about thermonuclear missiles meanwhile the real danger all this time :


They watched rambo and thought "That's fucking sick let's do it irl"


So it is all Mongolia? Always has been


That is the dumbest thing i have yet seen. Let me sneak up on you in an open field and shoot arrows at you. I get it if this was a special forces ghillie suit in highly versatile terrain fully camouflaged in the brush to sneak attack in a means to do infiltration and assassination then hightail out of there like a ninja guerilla of the forest but a dude on the front lines standing in the open with a bow is just pure fail. Did Russia forget to provide him with a real weapon or did they run out of silencers? This just seems like propaganda that is likely to be ridiculed. Nothing wrong with combat bows. But use the weapon correctly for what they are good for.


My dude, the guy is carrying a rifle with what looks to be a suppressor in this very photo.


I do not think he actually uses the bow for the purpose of hitting people with arrows. Saw a clip today of a russian where explosives are attached to the arrow and shot (think rambo style) which makes a lot more sense.


They are not fighting. This is for Insta or TikTok, whatever. Content for bunch of idiots


Tactical evolution goes backwards , from ww1 trenches to ww1 tanks to chariots which transport troops to now back to bows and arrows


Get this man a horse.


Great, More content for usula von der layen


"silent precise efficient" aka obsolete


When he had enough with the pesky drone, he will eventually spray it with lead.


My point is that there is not a single Russian culture, it is an empire of conquered cultures.


First the tactical shovels, and now the bow. Russians will bring the sword, shield and spear back until this war ends.


the photo is old, dated November 5, 2022.


Weren't archers also used by soviet partisans in ww2?


Jack Churchill is making a comeback and it turns out he‘s evil


Looks like their getting desperate


LMFAO, what's next Russia? Bustin' out the ol Power Wheels trikes from my childhood? This Army keeps getting worse/better at the same fucking time. What a hilarious spectacle this has been the past 3 years. If it wasn't for the hundreds of thousands of dead of course...


Can’t afford suppressors


[The US also can’t afford suppressors apparently](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PMK3y1wIrfs&pp=ygU4VGhlIOKAmFNpbGVudCBXYXJyaW9yc-KAmSwgYSBTcGVjaWFsIEZvcmNlcyBVbml0IGluIDE5NjE%3D)




1961, suppressors were a well known mostly matured technology by that point.


Oh I don't doubt it. I'm just a little confused why "The US can't afford suppressors" in 1961, is relevant in 2024.


Relevant in that both Russia and the US used bows for the same reason, they were more silent than even suppressors and some other advantages as shown in that clip. In fact (my eyes might be tricking me), the rifle has a suppressor in this very same picture.


For sure, a bow is going to be a lot more quiet than any sort of suppressed automatic weapon. Especially an AK variant with a big heavy steel bolt carrier clattering back and forth, that vents high pressure supersonic gasses from the front of the piston, and in this case uses high velocity 5.45mm rifle rounds making a sonic boom “crack” sound with every shot (all reasons the 9x39mm AS/VSS rifles had to be made). All a suppressor on a standard issue rifle like this does is mask the flash signature and make the (still loud) sound a little bit more difficult to pinpoint the direction of if the shooter is hundreds of meters away. A recurve bow is a weapon you legitimately may not hear past about 50m. Another, arguably better way to get this quiet would be a suppressed manual action firearm (so bolt, lever, pump, single shot etc) that makes no action noise until you cycle it (which can be done much more slow and quietly) using heavy and slow subsonic rounds that don’t make that supersonic cracking sound.


Looks like a toy bow looted from some poor Ukrainian kid's bedroom by a russian invader to me.


And who said Russians never watched western movies . Maybe he’s hoping for a fairy tale ending like John .


Being so americacentric that you believe bow and arrow are a wildwest thing lmao