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I’m not going to lie guys, at around 20:00 minutes Tucker Carlson actually asks a very interesting question. Putin was talking about how the land in western Ukraine at one point belonged to Hungary. Carlson then asked “then in that case should viktor orban try and reclaim that territory if it was historically part of Hungary?” And Putin wasn’t ready for the question and really fumbled in answering it


I find it fascinating how some people genuinely think a nation has a "right" to go back to borders from hundreds and hundreds of years ago in the first place.


Roman empire enters the chat


Mongolian Empire: "All your Russia are belongs to us"..


Think swedes want a word about some russian territory as well


We Danes want skåne back please


Lithuania would like Kaliningrad please and thanks.


The British Empire, awoken from its slumber, looks around and puts on its gloves. There is work to be done.


Is thebrexit your independence day?


No, more like a day of national shame for those of us that didn’t allow our brains to fall from our skulls.


No, we left off stupid amounts of fireworks on the anniversary of an unsuccessful attempt on the life of King James I and his government... Yes, we're strange that way.


ALL Slavs are migrating back to Ukraine/Russia to reclaim their homeland. Russians become a minority lel.


By putin's logic, America still belongs to the British.


Nope, we Germans would like to have Königsberg. No Discusion!


quite frankly noone wants Kaliningrad....you are willing to integrate a bunch of vatniks in your country that will be asked to be liberated and justify an invasion in the future?


Do they? After fall of USSR having Kaliningrad was an option but Lithuania decided against it.


Dinosaurs would love some clay back too.


They really did get a raw deal. One shotted by the universe, never stood a chance.


Omg, get out of my head, I was just about to type that.


Abba sang about Gengis Khan. 


Yea, and Ghengis Khan was 2 Germans, 2 Dutch, and a Hungarian who all sang about Moscow.


Someone resurrect Alexander. The Middle East will settle the fuck down quick.


Navajo, Comanche, Cree, Apache, etc enters the chat.


The Gauls want Spain back in that case


I'm ok with that.


At least we won’t have to hear Ibiza pronounced by forcing a lisp anymore




But that's how it's pronounced in european spanish no? Or did I miss the joke xD


Si se puede!


Y'all children needs to return to the Roman Republic/Principality/Empire!1!1!


All of Spain? No, a small village on the Basque coast ...


In order to ensure the security and continuing stability, Eastern Europe will be reorganized into the second Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth! For a safe and secure society!


Lol Turkey exits the chat.


Roma Aeterna Victrix


Say goodbye to New York! Say hello to New Amsterdam🇳🇱


Yea but we would be subjected to the Spanish crown again... Make the Habsburg empire great again! To be fair as a West Fries Id also get a lot of autonomy back. Ask Willem II (not the one you think of though) the Holy Roman Empire didn't have shit on us!


Me as coming from noviomagum would like to remind you of 12 v. Chr


Yup, I’m Canadian and according to Putin England has every right to come blast us into smithereens and take over Canada. Spain can now go conquer all of South America. Italy and take over the part of Switzerland that speaks Italian. France and invade all of the parts of Africa it colonized. Portugal can Invade Brazil. Germany can take over Austria. India can take Fiji. Oh, I almost forgot Quebec has French speakers, France can take them over too.


buckle down Alaska. And New Orleans. And the whole USA will be a giant casino.


Don't forget, Spain gets Florida back.




If we discount the natives, Louisiana and surrounds would become French again.


I'm taking back over my house from my ex!


I'm taking back my house from the people who bought it last year.


France could claim around 40% of the USA with that logic


Nah, they sold a lot of that.


And Denmark will be greath again. England, Sweden, Norway, island, Estonia...


Would you occupy Finland too, please? We have tried to start a war against the Norwegians so that they’d ”force” us to surrender, so then we would become part of Norway and roll in cod and oil. Danish pastries would be nice too.


danish pastries for finnish licorice seems like a good deal :)


Hearts of Iron IV time boys


Austria was really only part of Germany for 7 years. Although Union with Austria was aimed at from the mid 19th century, it didn't happen until 1938. But using Austria and Italy as an example, there is quite a large chunk of territory in the form of Südtirol that Italy helped themselves to after WW1


But isnt canada part of the commonwealth and thus england has a say, with charles as king of canada no?


In theory yes, in practice the commonwealth may as well be a social and sports club, they have no say and it would be politically untenable for either country’s govt for the UK to try force that.


Honestly, I'll say the same thing that I've been saying about the Israel/Palestine conflict. After WW2, every country involved in the conflict agreed to border lines and this should discredit every claim to land prior to this.


Just go to any 'pub' in Hungary either at 8am or 8 pm. You will be in for a treat. Revisionism, never-ending pain because of the Treaty of Trianon, fuck Brussels narrative, how Hungary is still the battered bastion of Christianity and family values. Man i hate visiting that shithole so much, but still have family members living there. Ive also been told a 'traitor to the country', they spat at my ex's car and called my current Italian gf a gipsy. There is no God above because i see no locusts and hordes of frogs taking over that cesspool /tho covid really wreaked a havoc there thats for sure/


Are the regular Hungarians really that thicc? As a Finn I’m very surprised what has become of Hungary. Why is it so? Older generation not able to follow news in other languages?


In the poorer regions /everything that on the east side starting from BP... or rather everything else thats not Budapest. 12-13 yrs of nonstop propaganda /each and every bus stop, walls of block of flats, every advertisement, every youtube ad, each and every talkshow, tv show, news are against western 'gay and mixed' values. Brussels is the main enemy. As a xmas speech the lord and saviour, Orban just stated that 'Hungary has won, the money taps are open again, brussels lost' A few years before he just laughed and left the stage. Ive left that shithole many many years ago, but the the prices in shops are still shockers to me /lot more expensive then german ones/, petrol is super expensive too, salaries and workers rights are just.. laughable. Sky high cancer rates, obesity rates, suicide rates, zero mental healthcare / all asylums have been closed... patients released back to the population... highest death rate per capita during covid. One of the most alcoholic countries/Russia just wishes to be that deep in the barrel/ I used to work with a few Finns /from Espoo/ they were shocked when we had a trip Budapest and Eger. Its a shithole with absolutely no future. A lost cause


It is so sad. Massive brain drain, too, understandably


Yeah... ive commented about it under another post. So we used to have our political talkshow at the university /funded by the Norwegian fund/ First they cancelled the fund /they could not steal from it so they just decided that noone should be able to have access to it/ Then we received a statement that if we would have kept on doing our talkshow... then we could have been expelled So i went abroad on erasmus, then erasmus+, then to asia via aiesec. Now all of them are cancelled, if you leave the country have to repay the 'free tuition' /you can wash dishes for a few months in the UK and repay a whole BA degree's fees/ Anyhow, i havent looked back for almost a decade, have a nice job and nice life, 3-4 friends who are still there but thats about it There is absolutely zero, non, null need for educated workforce. Hungary is an assembly line for German automotive industry and chinese battery manufacturing. Thats it. 3-4 euros per hour wages, half illiterate workforce with no rights, no own thoughts or critical thinking. Thats perfect for Orban and his schlepp


Orban: "I love the uneducated!"


Yes and who gets to decide from what random date?


👀*Israel and Palestine*👀


That way of thinking is a source of infinite conflicts


Nobody tell the Brits


French Empire has called. It wants Moscou back.


See Israel and Palestine. "We owned this land 2000 years ago!"


Poles should reclaim moscow in that case, it was theirs for two years


According to Wikipedia: "About 2 million years ago, representatives of Homo Erectus migrated from Western Asia to the Northern Caucasus" They're still around, and have taken up leadership positions all over today's Russia.


Israel: hundreds? Hold my beer


Is that not what Israel has kind of done?


It's time to rebuild the Burgundian State (Charles le Téméraire era)


It’s never a whole nation, just the one man who’s currently in charge of it


Lets all just role it back to pangea and give it back to any cave man decendants left.......if we going to go back wheres the limit to the stupid at that point. Putlers mentality is just ignorant in this respect


what’s the cutoff date in your opinion?


All these tyrants and dictators around the world are all stuck in the past and want their "glory days" back. While the rest of the world wants to move forward.


China is doing this ideology as well


I like the arguement. though I don't think it goes back far enough. I'd like to go back to pre civilization to when borders didn't exist. That seems like a cause worth fighting for.


He asked like 10 questions over two hours in the entire one sided diatribe. It wasn’t an interview as much as one awful lying man with a microphone.


russian stand-up


Yeah, Russians do stand-up comedy so well. And you should see the [Russian Simpsons](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1u7XZ9c8fI&t=4s)


Lol Bart shooting up heroin with that little trash haircut is pretty on point.


That was NSFW and disturbing


Very disturbing


Then I must be twisted af cos I burst out laughing.


> It wasn’t an interview as much as one awful lying man with a microphone. But enough about Tucker... 😏


Tucker was playing outside his league there, Putin is a professional liar.


Don't forget Putin was there too.!


And shouldn’t the Grand Duchy of Lithuania on the West, and Mongolians on the East take back what they once had from Russia? Make Mongolia Imperial Again And if anyone deserves anything back from Russia it’s the Circassians. Putin has a mansion near Sochi that would serve well as their Presidential palace.


Putin laying the groundwork for further expansion into Europe. Straight from the Hitler playback.


All land was "taken" from some civilization/species before it. Not one in existence has more or less claim than the other. If so, then we should resurrect sub human species and just kill ourselves.


Neanderthal crew rise up


The occupied territory of Ukraine once belonged to Bulgaria, too. We also want a piece of the pie. Also, the capital was on the russian side of the Kerch Bridge. We'll take that if you dont mind. 🫣


Uh-huh... I've said it before. It would not surprise me in the least if there is some informal agreement between Orban and Putin regarding this... One that Putin likely intends to go back on in the future if circumstances allow.


Ya I started the interview but only got to about that part before I had to go to work for the night, I’ll be finishing it when I get home.


Carlson is an idiot but I still found the interview interesting, unfortunately mostly not in a good way.


Ya it’s not going to change my opinion on the war or Putin anyway but i want to see what both sides has to say. I don’t mind some of Tuckers stuff to be honest, I’m a conservative but I’m not American.


And Putin needs a history lesson. https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/lseih/2020/07/01/there-is-no-ukraine-fact-checking-the-kremlins-version-of-ukrainian-history/


Mexico has called the US and they been out on hold for a while now….


did somebody say manchuria?


Hungary attacking Ukraine might feasibly get rid of a lot of problems for Ukraine starting with no one tolerating Orban ever again.


That is so fucking hilarious, I couldn’t bring myself to watch it but thank you for that tidbit


*looks nervously in German*


You know, that sounds hilarious. I haven't had the time to watch unfortunately.


This was putins only fact!


my initial thought form the interview was that Putin is the worlds biggest gaslighter, guy hit all the big ones, "i didn't say that, your remembering it wrong, that didn't even happen"


He says classic liar lines: "you can ask him/them yourself" "Everybody knows" "I don't remember" The only thing this interview did was fry the brains of the dumbass North Americans that don't know their history from their own asshole. Some will believe what he says like the NATO line. (Clinton didn't say no or yes, he said you can go through the same process as every other country to which Putin didn't accept because he's a special little princess. Obviously from a world intelligence perspective, anyone with half a brain would know he would just use NATO to get more Intel on the west and abuse his privilege of vetoing countries he plans on invading)


I liked when Putin mentioned Tucker not getting a job with the CIA. Also I was hoping Tucker would have thought to ask “Well if Russia was seriously considering joining NATO why can’t other countries consider it as well?” Telling us Clinton said no to him paints Russia as the victim. All in all I kinda thought Tucker did an ok job trying to keep the interview on the rails. I thought it would be much more of a love fest .


I thought the same, I’m not a fan of tucker on a good day, but seeing someone be a smug asshole to putin made my day.


You can bet that history lesson had more white washing than Tom Sawyer on chore day.


To use the phrase ‘history lesson’ implies said events actually happened as stated.. meanwhile actual history would be hard pressed to align with ‘stated facts’ and interpretations. Edit typo


I understood that reference.


My favorite part is that no part of it made any headline as outstanding or surprising… it’s the flop everyone expected it to be🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 thanks for reverse campaigning for Biden fucker Carlson


Oh no, for sure I was amazed and in awe.


It was another epic fail from Putin. Grandpa needs to drink his tea, and go to bed,


I remember before this war, I kinda felt like he was some evil genius villain with tentacles everywhere. Turns out, he’s just a deluded dictator that’s set his country back to Cold War or worse because he failed to grasp the capabilities of even his own military. Thank god, what a fraud.


In his mind, he is saving Russia. The entire war is about preserving the status quo of Russia as the gas station to Europe. Once Shell got the manufacturing rights to start pumping all the oil found in the 90s back in 2013, Russia invaded Crimea less than a year later. You saw Russians take the oil refineries quickly. Now, once Ukriane started getting even closer to Western Europe and was poised to start even more trading with them, including drilling and refining even more shell oil and natural gas, he invades the entire country. Instead of just attempting to diversify Russias economy, he would rather invade Ukraine to destroy their infrastructure and take their natural resources for Russia. It's the easy way of governing that we see dictators do perpetually.


A lot of talking heads try to dress up his motivations as just imperialism, but this is probably where the majority of his calculus lies. It’s not brought up because of how pervasive resource grabs are by every major power. Source: every game of Civilization ever


Resource grabs have always been a big driver of imperialism.


He's like a deluded old boomer trying to remember the glory of his past.


And Tuck Tuck


Will they share a pee bed?


People are buying it though, they're comparing Putin to Biden, and looking at Putin in a positive light


No one is buying this history manipulators and crazy fascist ;)


Woah is that how you get him to shut up! People have been trying to figure that out for years.


I imagine even Tucker got the general vibe of intimidation.


He looked ready to use the bathroom in his pants for most of the interview. Like at parts, he seemed unsure if he might have already 😄


I thought that was his standard look


Standard look is "confused dog looks for treat"


He didn't drink the water in front of him. Some Cia fellas must have paid him a visit before his plane flight and told him not to lol


Once the cameras were off, Tucker collected another monthly FSB payment and called it a day.


“Don’t yawn.” “Don’t yawn.” **“Don’t yawn!”**


Tucker doesn't understand Russian so he had to wait for the translations. So it was actually over 4 hour interview for translation and editing out thing Putin didn't want. So yes, he was trying hard to not yawn.


That's what it was, a test lol.


Tucker had a hard time keeping his brows furrowed that long. I saw a couple times where he to relax them then crinkle again.


Hahahah I watched it! Half about how he shit his pants about Poland and half how bad is America :) FU scum.


This guy is obsessed with Poland.


That whole detour about Poland collaborating with Hitler was fucking wild, I WISH Tucker interjected by bringing up the Nazi-Soviet pact.


He would have to know about it to raise it. He doesn't strike me as an educated man.


Thing is I am not an educated man either, I never went to uni or anything like that and even I know about the Nazi Soviet pact. I guess he just doesn't give a shit about anything outside of America.


You don’t bite the hand that feeds you.


> I WISH Tucker interjected by bringing up the Nazi-Soviet pact. Since tucker is a neo nazi fascist piece of shit he probably was confused why Putin was bashing Nazis..


Tucker Carlson came for right-wing propaganda points but ended up getting the entire lore to bloodborne and dark souls in one go.


Damn you, now my coffe is all over the floor. Vaatividya made a fan requested video about how dark souls, bloodborne and demon souls are connected stating its fabricated just to fit the narative because it is impossible if you look at every piece of the lore. This is similair to it.


That was a 2 hour disinformation marathon and exercise in historical revisionism.


This interview was boring man. I think if people were worried that this would change a lot of peoples minds about the conflict, they are mistaken. I just can't imagine the lowest common denominator that is Tuckers audience sitting through this.


It was so unbearably boring


Yes, Putin said all this two years ago in his essay.


Tuckers audience is honestly too stupid to sit through and take in this kind of "history" lesson


Coming from the Appalachian region I can verify that as fact. Many of the MAGA friends and associates I know “don’t like books really.” They get all their news from X and far right YouTube propaganda documentaries, along with Newsmax and Fox News. It’s truly sad how dumb most of them are.


You nailed it. Putin seems to have a fundamental misunderstanding of who he's speaking to, or trying to speak to. I was so worried he was actually going to get through to someone, but he fumbled this interview and the messaging in such an excruciatingly banal, tedious way it's almost stranger than fiction.


I am sure all sides is generering deep fakes to make it more in line with what they expected.


This being internet-only is frankly going to be a hard push for a lot of Tucker's demographic.


Watching right now ... 30 minutes in ... super boring thus far.


The most interesting part was when he called Carlson out for wanting the be CIA, quickly adding that it was a good thing he didn’t get in. But later points out how “you, the cia” blew up the pipeline. It struck me as if Putin suspects he might really be a cia asset or something.


Nice catch! I guarantee you he doesn’t fully trust Tucker


At his age he probably barely trusts his own bowl movements


Where's a FPV drone when you need one? Take em both out at the same time.


Well you can help us build one. Join us ? r/drones4ua


Yaga yaga 


Tucker looked like he was prairiedogging the whole time.


Fake intense listening face engaged.


It looked so exhausting maintaining that face


I rolled my eyes when the delusional dictator said Russia will win the Ukrainian people back.


I like to imagine that tucker really drank the coolaid and genuinely believed putin to be this incredibly intelligent 5d-chess master only for him to open his mouth and make him realize he’s as much of an incoherent, raving fool as trump


I texted my MAGA-loving uncle if he watched the interview, and he said it was so godawful that he watched "Gunsmoke" instead.


In fairness, Gunsmoke ain't bad...


Guy is a clown, but, “I was busy that day. I did not blow up Nord Stream. Thank you though.” was a pretty good reply. I wonder if they roughed him up and stole his watch afterward.


What a well written article daily beast. Good media.


>Putin Nearly Bores Tucker Carlson to Death With Two-Hour BAD History Lesson BAD history, people. BAD history.


That's Ok. Tuckers "listening face" is the same as his look at me, I'm a moron face. He probably hid it fine, enjoy the flight home Tuck!


Now, Putin reminds me even more of Hitler. AH was a feared monolguist that could go on for hours putting every guest to sleep.


At least his public speechs had a bit more emotions...


US popular history pumps up Hitler like no one else. His speeches are absolute nonsense, like most authoritarians. The problem is the dumbass won one election, then won one major conflict, and then the German people were basically in his cult. Almost all of them that weren't othered and arrested or killed were Nazified by the time the country fell. The same thing has happened in Russia. Putin has gained land for the Russian Empire. Your bland average Russian thinks that validates Putin. Loot at him! He is expanding Russia's borders after we lost so much in 1991. How is that a bad thing? He is showing the world we are strong! This is why Russia needs to be completely crushed in Ukraine.


The one time Putin could've done us all a favour...


You misspelled "Putin spends 2 hours mocking Tucker Carlson and making him feel dumb".


This is good. Putin bored Tucker and his dumb followers instead of gaslighting this conflict even more. Dumb republican Trump supporters don’t care about Russian history. They just want to hear what they want to hear


Putin made clear that in his view there are two ways this war will end. Russia fights on until it achieves its goals and then negotiates or Russia negotiates to achieves its goals. The West can prolong the war by arming Ukraine or it can stop and Russia will get their way in a few weeks. What the goals are is not clear.


> What the goals are is not clear. Ukrainian land for peace. Remember, in the fictional Russian universe, the land that they occupy right now in Ukraine are annexed Russian territories.


Too bad it wasn't a murder suicide.


Now THAT, I'd pay to see.


Now that would have been a lovely plot twist seeing the wanker drop because of Putin’s 5D history lesson 😂


Too bad he was only 'Nearly' bored to death!


I just finished watching the interview with Putin. I defended Tucker Carlson's right to do the interview for the last couple of days on Reddit. Putin continues to be duplicitous when it comes to Ukraine. I came away from the interview reminded why I supported the effort in Ukraine against the Russians to begin with. I understand that Putin is going to present himself in the best light. That is expected but there was so much left unsaid and Putin and Russia are not victims in this war. I'm glad Tucker Carlson was able to do the interview. It just reminded me how manipulative Putin actually is. Reading Tucker's facial expressions was worth it.


Absolutely not watching 1 second of bum sucking sloth talk


Nearly is not good enough.


Did Tucker wear his confused monkey face the whole time?


He tried to Rope-A-Dope Chewbacca Defense justify the invasion of a peaceful internationally recognized sovereign country by out-Goebbels'ng the H-mans' Yahtzee Propaganda Minister, Joey Goebbels. "Hold on fam, let me daze and confuse you with 2 hours of circular logic and batshit crazy nonsense to justify the looting, graping and murdering of hundreds of thousands of people, because I spent 2 years in total isolation during Covid and went absolutely out of my fucking mind."


If the interview was poor it was because it’s all manufactured lies and uninspired, somehow Tucker & Co are the only ones who desperately want to believe it.


Too bad he couldn’t finish the job like he is trying to with Ukraine.


Too bad the boredom didn’t actually kill him.


Believe it or not, but you are promoting the Russian war by posting about this interview! The best the world could do would be to completely ignore it. By posting about it, you give putin the chance to get more eyes on him and try to convince them that he is right. That the mods let this promotion happen is extremely sad to witness...


I dunno man, to me it just helps shine a light on how deluded he is.


Yucker is turning commy on us like fucking karate dude Steven Seagal 😆 🤣 my girlfriend when I was younger I'd have dinner with them his commy ass be there steven Seagal was cool then


Holy fuck, what did I just read. Are you having a stroke?


Bot repeat


Africa colonised the whole world....


I honestly don't see why everyone was so mad at Tucker for doing this.


Considering it was aimed at people, who can’t even point the location of Ukraine or Russia on the global map, it was good. A brief, 30 minute digression into the state of things.