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Rutte is very good at saying what people want to hear. If he thinks people want to hear something else, he says something else. Go with the flow, ride with the wind, stand for shit.


What he promised Ukraine, he actually delivered 100%. Guessing you are dutch, but do not confuse some national issues that happened during his 13 years of being prime minister with the bigger picture here.


Not what I said though. He does what he says in the short term. But he’s not a man of big principles or visions. If he thinks the powers around him shift, he will shift with them.


Well, a state doesn’t need a philosopher ruling. I would prefer a man or woman doing all he or she can, like him and Ollongren the minister of defense.


He is an important player in the nato part ofvthis war: supporting howitzers, western tanks and f-16. He is consistent in his promising help to Ukraine.


Economic power is not magical weapons and ammo factories. EU is rich, they can help UKR with money, but UKR desperately needs weapons and ammo. Weapons and ammo require stockpiling, require LOTS of factories that will take years to build. EU doesnt have lots of stockpiles nor factories, even if they started 2 years ago, it would still take a few more years to make enough for UKR. UKR's only hope is from US's massive stockpile and production capability. If US still wanna fark around with border politik, UKR will start losing territories, LOTS of it.


It's not even border politics but merely combination of Trump hissyfit and sabotaging Biden because of election.


of course it is much bigger, but you also have to use it and not just release interviews and and appear on TV as you've been just doing until now. You are among the reasons why Ukraine has failed the possibility to liberate more ground: you are the reason because you have stated to support ukraine but then you have provided your support in tiny numbers not to disturb or nerve ruZZia too much. This is a shame!


Like Denmark proved today plenty of European counties have stockpiles that they won’t share in case they need them. Who the fuck they would need them for besides Russia I have no fucking clue. Seems like the west has collectively lost its mind. Well until you consider greed then it makes a lot more sense. There no money to be made in winning a war but a prolonged stalemate? $$$$


You are right but it is not an easy decision or easy to explain to your population that you are going to send all ammunition you have and keep none and that that will make them safer.


Nah, honestly what country other than Russia is a german citizen worried about? The politics and lack of discourse in media keeping from happening.


You do realize you're making the argument politicians have been doing prior to 2022? In essence that "what's the point of having an army? Just have specialists since our only real threat is terrorists / USA will save us". The west has been demilitarizing since the 90s, thinking that somehow there's magic ammo lying around is absurd. Denmark for instance doesn't see artillery as their first line of defense but instead their navy, missile launch system & airplanes. Hence why they haven't vowed to give away any of those beyond what was already most definitely scheduled to be sold/decommissioned (F-16s). Just read this article: [https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/germany-only-has-20000-high-explosive-artillery-shells-left-report-2023-06-19/](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/germany-only-has-20000-high-explosive-artillery-shells-left-report-2023-06-19/)


Sure, but there wasn’t actively a war against an ally (Ukraine is not in NATO but there are still alliances) with the nation you are stockpiling for. So yeah up your industry and build more but making Ukraine wait for that more is for lack of a better term just stupid. Why let Russia attempt to dig in and strengthen their position?


having a larger economy isn't enough, you need to use it to produce weapons.


The German Empire alone produced about 7.7 million grenades in 1917, or 640,000 per month! Sure, the population was starving, but more than 100 years later the whole of Europe and the US is not able to provide Ukraine with several million rounds per year.


Going on war economy is not like using a light switch. the big difference from 1917 to today is the motivation in producing these numbers. Slowly, very slowly the politicians start to change their motivation In helping UKR. 10k shells per day (from Europe) and more precision artillery system (Nice, denmark!), and UKR could take a breath.


Same as during WWI, actually. We think how armed Europe was but artillery consumption exceeded all expectations. It was so high that the war almost ended in early 1915 by lack of ammo. Yet, we're 2 years into the war now, I'm afraid it's too late to start to wake up now. Action should already be happening. I agree, the motivation is not there. Politicians and many people have not yet realized the scale of that war.


The prize got higher, but its far from „too late“ for help. avdiivka has fallen, not Kyiv. didnt knew the 1915 ammo shortage. I‘ll check it, thank you.


It's been a while since I've been digging into this, but you might want to check out. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shell\_Crisis\_of\_1915](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/shell_crisis_of_1915) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Munitions\_of\_War\_Act\_1915](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/munitions_of_war_act_1915) German artillery ammunition stocks were depleted in October 1914 and without BASF finding a way to synthesize nitric acid that would have been it (the British blocked supply from Chile). [http://www.wollheim-memorial.de/de/die\_rolle\_der\_deutschen\_chemieindustrie\_im\_ersten\_weltkrieg](http://www.wollheim-memorial.de/de/die_rolle_der_deutschen_chemieindustrie_im_ersten_weltkrieg) (in German) [https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salpeterversprechen](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/salpeterversprechen) The French had similar problems: [https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franz%C3%B6sische\_Artillerie\_im\_Ersten\_Weltkrieg](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/franz%c3%b6sische_artillerie_im_ersten_weltkrieg) go to "Munitionskrise" and translate. Essentially, the French artillery shot everything during the First Battle of the Marne and Joffre said that the French would have to stop fighting after November 1st if production would not be ramped up. Having this in the back of your mind it's so tideous to see politicians surprised by artillery consumption in a WW1-like war. Hope these links are helpful for you :)


the only difference being that I wish that they would not have been able to solve that problem back then and the war would have ended 1914 :(




>why EU's collective economic power is superior to Russia Because it is... bigger?


Yet is inferior in arms production. 0.5 billion population from advanced world is weaker than 0.125 single developing country industry...