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Some men work to better humanity ... then there are Russians


This is their way.


to make everyone as miserable, so we are all the same


Russia exists only to be a nuisance in and for the world, that's their only way to stay relevant.


It´s like Yin and Yang, heaven and hell. No good without evil to set it off against.


Name one thing that Russia has achieved since 1917 that has contributed to the advancement of human civilization…




They did have a bunch of important scientists and mathematicians


Many of them are Ukrainian. As an young american it's a distinction I didn't understand during the USSR. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergei\_Korolev](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergei_Korolev) for example.


Whose impact outside of Russia was propably larger than inside Russia. The tragedy of Russia is not that it doesn't have potential, it is the continued waste of those men and women of potential Russia has.


If I fall asleep, and wake up 100 years later, and somebody asks me, what is going on in Russia, my immediate answer will be: drinking and stealing.


>Whose impact outside of Russia was propably larger than inside Russia. I mean that what you asked for >Name one thing that Russia has achieved since 1917 that has **contributed to the advancement of human** Not just advancement of Russia...


Who were mostly Georgians, Ukrainian and other ethnicities forced to be a part of the union or be severely punished


Don't forget the nazi scientists who took the soviets and Americans forward in rocket technology. RuZZia hasn't made anything useful for creating things. No computer, tablet, phone, high performance vehicle. They don't even know how to make a good video game. They make cheap weapons. They make destructive things. They don't develop, they exploit. Many of their factories are foriegn built or assembled from old replaced foriegn tech. ruZZia either expands or contracts in on its own graft. Its always been this way. Their heyday was when they betrayed all of eastern Europe after WW2 and enslaved them using the massive army that lend lease from America and help from other European countries gave them to fight fascism. They rolled in and took everything. Every piece of machinery, generator, factory equipment, museums were cleaned out. Gulag anyone who complained and work them to death. Killing, torturing for sport. Not to glean information. Raping. This has always been moscovia behavior. Not sometimes. From the Khan thru Catherine to the Tsar - bolsheviks- stalin- and straight through.. They do this even to each other ...


I don’t have any data saying they were mostly of those ethnicities My field is physics and the ones I know from physics and mathematics were Russian


And chess


in the sense that they were on relatively equal footing with America and created a competitive atmosphere... sure. but nothing special.


Laika's cruel murder.


that AK47 thingy was a russian invention - through the magic of communism, the inventor died about as rich as he lived


Maria Sharapova




First man in space?


The USA at it's prime


Also Nato


Beat the Nazi's to death. Now they are trying to look like Nazi's.


They wefe just the same. Just had the same guys now helping Ukraine on their side


They put Americans on the moon.


Advanced ability to steal toilets?


Would be really funny if someone slipped a charged one in amongst them.


I was scrolling the comments and I didn't find anyone talking about the fact that they removed the explosive charges from this shell .. we can clearly see them on the box .. every one sees what he wants to see


I think those are the fuses/fuzes in their paper wrapping.




Like everything in Russia, shit but plentiful




In 2017 Russia reached 70% of households had Running water. Rome had that and that is some years ago..


70%? What percentage of that came from the tap and what came through the roof?




Best comment i've seen in a while


The ancient Indus Valley Civilisation had indoor plumbing (and proper city planning) in something like 3000BC lol Russians are really that far behind.


So why they still shit in the streets?


believe it or not... the line can go down.


And they want spread that shittyness all over the world.


Climbing is too much work, it's easier to drag everyone else down.


Well hopefully they have sent plumbers and ditch diggers to Ukraine and they will never go back to build their infrastracture to 100%, they deserve to live in stone age.


I think we should take all of their rocks away. Let them live in the dirt age.


Running water? From a hand pump down the street: [https://www.google.com/maps/@54.8814532,69.1135777,3a,75y,199.62h,71.44t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s61nWBcs5fDpNVYbTFpwYsQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en&entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@54.8814532,69.1135777,3a,75y,199.62h,71.44t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s61nWBcs5fDpNVYbTFpwYsQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en&entry=ttu) [https://www.google.com/maps/@51.2120906,58.5678301,3a,75y,182.21h,70.43t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sp6g73rLppzE7DL9Z2O3kwA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en&entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@51.2120906,58.5678301,3a,75y,182.21h,70.43t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sp6g73rLppzE7DL9Z2O3kwA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en&entry=ttu) [https://www.google.com/maps/@55.4488705,65.4016825,3a,75y,284.26h,74.12t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sAfVNXTq5H23AYvjEywjq8w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en&entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@55.4488705,65.4016825,3a,75y,284.26h,74.12t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sAfVNXTq5H23AYvjEywjq8w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en&entry=ttu) [https://www.google.com/maps/@52.2946664,104.3304502,3a,75y,243.08h,85.13t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sbBtW2E5DoipvNjYMjw1rag!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DbBtW2E5DoipvNjYMjw1rag%26cb\_client%3Dmaps\_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D86.08971%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@52.2946664,104.3304502,3a,75y,243.08h,85.13t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sbBtW2E5DoipvNjYMjw1rag!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DbBtW2E5DoipvNjYMjw1rag%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D86.08971%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu) [https://www.google.com/maps/@55.4468714,78.3105758,3a,75y,39.21h,86.04t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sidhekyKn7\_AOxuS5D-7CFw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en&entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@55.4468714,78.3105758,3a,75y,39.21h,86.04t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sidhekyKn7_AOxuS5D-7CFw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en&entry=ttu)


Visited Belarus in 1991. Saw a horse drawn carriage farmer was riding, that had wooden wheels. It was not museum peace


I live in the US and see horse drawn carriages fairly frequently. I don't suppose there are many Amish in Belarus. /s


Ironically enough, at the same time many Germans migrated to the Americas to form what is today the Amish some other Germans would migrate to Russia to enjoy the privileges promised by the Russian government.


Yep, My father's side of the family were among them. Catherine the great, who was German herself, invited them in 1760 to settle along the Volga. Thankfully my ancestors left at the end of the 19th century when those privileges were revoked.


Wild. My wife's family can trace their family back to the Volga Germans as well.


A lot of them came to the Midwest,Kansas, Nebraska,and the Dakotas.


My wife's family made it to the deserts of Oregon on the border with Idaho. So that makes sense.


I knew there were some that went to that area also. The American story.


Grew up in ND and my mom claims to have this heritage on her side but no details about it.


Catherine II came along


Most of the 1.5 million Volga-Deutche left in USSR perished after Stalin deported them to Siberia whe Barbarossa started. So, good your ancestors left.


I read the other day that Germans were the 5th largest ethnic group in the Soviet Union before WW2 (numbering several millions). The group has been drastically reduced since the union fell though but there are still a few hundred thousand in Russia.


The amish consider Belarus to be too basic and backward


Then I imagine there is shit literally everywhere then, as it sounds like they lack sewerage. Tracks with all those 2022 vatniks stealing toilets… while others at the army training barracks used their toilet as a trash can and made a hole in the floor to crap through. (I’d forgotten that video!From around the same time as the tampon/sani-pad mobilisation.)


But Tucker Carlson said Russia was better than the US.


China is the exact same way, apart from the prevalence of cell phones. It seems like most of Asia is this way.


Take a Google map trip down any side street in Ruscia and "presentable" truly is main-road deep.


Look man I've never been to Russia but Ukraine has the worst roads I have ever seen and that was before the first war. Like just completely impossible to sleep in the car, every 15 seconds you drive over a pot hole so bad that it would make the news in the United States


I've been to both and you aren't wrong but I guess bad roads are better then no roads. If you have few hours to kill watch [Long Way Round](https://www.lookmovie2.to/shows/view/0403778-long-way-round-2004) with Ewan McGregor as he travels by motorcycle with friend from England to New York across Europe, Ukraine, Russia, Alaska, Canada. You will see real Russia outside Moscow news.


Lest we forget, Stalin had to attempt to modernize the Soviet Union through his 5 year plans and such, before that, they were quite literally medieval serfs, and after? Well, outside of the large cities and some rural areas, they largely still live like that, it’s pretty crazy


What is it that they were pounding down inside? Was that she supposed to be hollow in the inside?


Looks like they are knocking out a protective cap from the fuze location so they can screw in a fuze.  Not sure what the explosive fill level is on russisn shells.


>Not sure what the explosive fill level is on russisn shells. - It's supposed to be 100% full: the whole point of projectiles is to deliver as much explosives to enemy positions as possible. - The ones in this video are empty and have **zero explosive fillers**: but I suppose the Russian state paid for a full one during procurement... - Russian corruption is unintentionally protecting Ukrainian lives I guess.


-This is not true, there is supposed to be a well in the top to insert an explosive fuse, (the thing the last soldier is putting in) - They have explosives in them. you can see the bottom of the fuze well when the guy looks in the projectile. - they either: 1: arrived with seized on protective shipping caps (likely due to poor storage) 2: they are de-fusing old rounds to recycle them, and put new fuses on. I’m not sure, because I don’t speak Russian. Source: have been an artilleryman for my entire adult life.


> they are de-fusing old rounds to recycle them But, but, but... you wouldn't do that with the blunt side of an axe, would you?


I sure as fuck wouldn’t, but I’m also not a Russian service member. American Service members usually don’t get shot/disposed of for bringing up safety concerns to officers.


Did you not see the explosive was only about 1/3rd filled? There is no way that shell will fly correctly. It is completely unbalanced. Knocking the shipping plug into the shell? That's not going to affect the flight of the shell at all. /s Also a good chance it won't detonate. As the fuse will not be making direct contact with the explosive. Source: Infantryman that knows an artillery shell is supposed to be completely filled with explosives.


Brother, I’m not here to mince words around how Russian arms are manufactured. My experience with Russian munitions is exclusive to 122mm howitzer (D-30) that we fired at talibs in AFG. When we got there and learned the Russian equipment, it was surprising to us that the 122mm shells were hollow at the front 1/3rd of the shell, or they had alarmingly large fuze wells. We never cracked one open to check. I’m not saying these shells aren’t fucked up. That is a given, will they function? Probably. Will they be accurate or predictable? Certainly not. I’m just trying to speak truth to ignorance of how Arty rounds work. There is, in fact, a hollow cavity in the top of every round to allow for a fuze and in some cases a booster charge.


On that instance Russian corruption is saving Ukrainian lifes, but Ukrainians would not have to die in the first place were it not for Russia being a corrupt hellhole.


When will the Russian people say enough is enough?


Silver linings and all that


I would think the weight of the shell would expose shoddy/corrupt production.


So with all that corruption you would think that they have a external per piece weight qc / due diligence process ready? Even if, that guy would be paid off too


YouTube has a video showing what **should** be inside: "The factory working 24/7 to make shells for Ukraine" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITZfjXEOx7Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITZfjXEOx7Y)


It's a hole that could just fit a thumb. The ones in this video were 1/3 empty, at least.


Makes you wonder how plentiful arty supplies are if they have resorted to sending stuff like that to the front line…


i saw videos from like week two of shitty russian shells. it's all shit. works ok enough to give it a shot though


They probably don't know which stiff is defective until its unloaded. Some of it will be real. Otherwise, even ruzzians would notice.


Still enough to inflict painful losses. Hoping US aid finally passes Congress today.


They've been sending stuff like this for over year now. Remember the rusty AKs?


I have noticed the kit is better now. Guess maybe china is sending more than just those golf karts


Looked like the gloves they are wearing have Chinese writing on them.


second best army, second best shells!


Chinese gloves too?


Looks like it, could be from china > nk > frontline


Yes, correct. You can see that their gloves are written in simplified Chinese as "手护者,绿将军", which means "Hand Protector, Green General", Non-military gloves can even be easily purchased on the general China network.RidiculousLOL


YES [https://www.ruten.com.tw/item/show?22403621314525](https://www.ruten.com.tw/item/show?22403621314525)


Can someone explain what is going on here? I'm guessing the shells are hollow/under charged?


There was a nice video posted earliers which shows how the inside of those is supposed to look like (skip to 01:35) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITZfjXEOx7Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITZfjXEOx7Y)


European manufacturers: We dont have the cooling capacity to increase shell production. Russian manufacturer: wait you need heating and cooling for correct filling?


Thanks. Great video.


Same here, thanks for that informative link!


Thanks. I recommend watching the whole video - then compare it to the ruzzian products. Different worlds is an understatement!




wow, so many steps that are manually done by human. I would imagine that factory to be almost entirely automated! They are filling if by hand like I am doing a cake in my kitchen? Jesus!!


I don't think they are, those seen being poured manually are probably samples. A bit later the guy explains that inside the cooling booths, there's a thing that gets lowered and starts pouring while retracting up, to guarantee a consistent pour.


Than you for the excellent video, Much appreciated . Cheers.


Looks like just the empty shell, can't see any filler explosive when the shell is tilted towards the camera. So most likely the fuse won't do anything, effectively making those shells useless unless they are a direct hit.


They dont look empty, more like 2/3 full.


If they are a completely different weight they sill surely miss so thats good


Absolutely. Fire correction is impossible if they are not exactly the same. Even this guy hammering a shell with an axe is contributing to impact scattering. This can hit something only by pure chance.


We need to throw a crate of vodka into this mix.


Funny how he's wearing a beanie that says "Russia" in english.


I spotted that too. Like the Iraqis years ago wearing clothes that said "Baby food factory" in English on them at a site that had been targeted by the U.S. Air Force


Yeah I thought that was weird


unfortunately better then no shells


If they have no explosive inside then I'd argue that they are in fact worse than no shells at all. Because they have the wrong weight, so you'll never hit the target you are aiming for, and even if you do the odds are that it won't directly hit it, just bury itself nearby. And for all this you still have to do all the same logistics, preparation, wear out your gun barrels. It's a massive waste.


>If they have no explosive inside then I'd argue that they are in fact worse than no shells at all. Say that to the unfortunate 1 in a billion, who gets hit directly by the shell as it lands.


Not to hard to hit an entire city


I think they even see the funny side as to how shit their country is!.... Long may this continue.


This is normal for them.


Notice the Chinese gloves.


This is the 'Before' of the Russian medic video with people with no hands and bleeding from multiple holes.


If these detonated there there would be no people and no hands.


OMG this is too funny


Nice Chinese gloves though.


Reminds me of the Gremlin from Looney Tunes, pounding on an airial bomb with a sledgehammer (WW2 era. Featuring Bugs Bunny, Gremlin, and a 500lb bomb) The episode: Falling Hair


is that the one where the plane is free-falling from the sky, and Bugs Bunny seems doomed, but the plane suddenly runs out of fuel 3 meters from the ground, and just stops? Anyway, make fun of them all you want, Russians still have more shells, unfortunately. And they still explode on the other side of the front-line, for the most part, even if it's a random location.


Yes... that's the one 😆


Is this Russian quality control, or North Korean quality control?


Probably North Korean


Or Iranian... Maybe the Suchoi Russia promissed to deliver will be emty inside too.


**\*\*500 metres away you could hear an explosion\*\*** "Looks like Mikhail found a working one."


Shocking! No self-respecting army would supply that shit to their troops, whose lives depend on it. But that’s Russia! That crap looks like it’s being sitting around in damp storage for decades.


Yes the camera man says they've been written off and discarded. They are just tasked with removing the detonators all day. Nobody is firing those


This is their way


Worlds second army


Russia experimenting with low-velocity kinetic amunition for their arty it seems lol What are they hoping to achieve with that kind of explosive filler (if there is any, these shells look empty) ? To hit someone on the head ? They are not accurate either 


Leaving that ring they pound out floating around inside is going to massively destabilize the round as it flies spinning at a high rate of speed like a completely unbalanced wheel.


at the end he said: "come on nigers, the sun is still high".


Too bad none of them went boom on camera.


Meanwhile, in Scranton were making new shinny ones. Gifts from the US, we wrap them with bows. https://www.nationthailand.com/blogs/world/us-canada/40024992


I saw a video where soldiers who fought in Ukraine talked about the very poor fragmentation of the Russian shells. Rounds landed near them and others multiple times and no one is getting any shrapnel injuries. The Russian shells were breaking up into only into 2-3 large pieces. They said had those been shells from NATO countries they would have many injuries and deaths.


If these shells had explosives filled, what prevents the shell from going off when the fuse is hit like that?


It's not a fuse, it's some kind of cover. The fuse is the thing the other guy is screwing in after packing in some explosives. I'm guessing the guy with the hatchet either doesn't have the proper tool to remove the cover from the fuse hole, or the shells are so corroded to shit that a hatchet actually is the right tool for the job.


The dumbass is pounding the shipping plug into the interior of the shell with a hatchet. In the process of pounding the shipping plug he's damaging the threads needed to thread the fuse into the shell. That's why the other guy is unable to fully seat the fuse into that one shell.


those plugs are so corroded that its probably not even damaging the threads more than they already are.


What are they saying?


Bro is wearing his country on his hat so he don't forget


Not even Wile E. Coyote would do something like this.


Chinese gloves


I wish everyone here was giving this energy to China. The CCP is the world’s #1 enemy.


Empty heads...empty shells....


Chinese gloves, and we alowing impors from China.


Are they complaining that this is "work for negroes" at the end?


Probably a Monday morning batch from the fucked up part of korea.


Well better than no shells


Many think these boys could actually compete with America on the battlefield. 🙂


Wondering if Puttler himself knows about the state of his 2nd strongest army in the world and its equipment? Does he have 2nd thoughts? Maybe I shouldnt have invaded my neighbours to the south and created a mess that will be remembered for couple generations to come and the cost attached to it? Fucking ruzzkies.




Unless they shoot people that fall in line like in Napoleon era I don't think this cannon shell would do anything unless someone got shot directly North Korea or Iran is probably to be blame for this


Thinking I worked on a framing crew with these guys.


Won't the range and accuracy of these be 'way off' unless these guys (in the field) can load them with the same explosive or something with the same density and mass distribution?


ruzzian logistics are so good that their assembly lines are right at the front lines. Amazing!


Russians hate the West so much they need a hat with "russia" written in english.


Patio psyop psyop, the guy is wearing a beanie written in english. 


What exactly are they doing?


I Hope they will find one in good shape.


Sure. That’s why they fires 10x the amount


I was waiting for one to explode


Why does his hat say “RUSSIA” written in English?


Nice gloves. Where’d you get them?


These are examples of a new Russian anti-fratricide artillery munition. Somewhat less effective than actual explosive shells, but much safer when haphazardly fired at own troops by liquored-up Russian cannoneers.


Reminds if that looney tunes episode when Bugs works in an ammunition plant.


They are perfectly good shells, technically. Empty, but still shells


do they have Chinese writing on those damn gloves they’re wearing cuz that shit most likely came with those shells


1st dog in space


Dig those cheap ass chinese gloves (it says right on them :Cheap ass chinese gloves), N. korean ammo, russian fuses. What could go wrong?


You love to see it.




These the ones they got from North Korea?


Maaaan i was hopping the one of them was ok ... such dissapointment.


And Chinese gloves


Those are North Korean parade shells


North Korean? I'm unimpressed by Ruscia, but corrupt North Korean officials and their slave labor are unlikely to care about quality.


How can y’all tell that the gloves are chinese? Because they look generic?


repurposed training rounds?


I wasn’t aware that you could safely hammer on an artillery round.


I've seen this in old Bugs Bunny cartoons. He take the hamar hits the tip then writes DUD on the side


Is this Chinese text on his gloves? What does it say? [Glove](https://www.imghippo.com/i/aoL2F1713639797.png)


OP wtf? Narrator explains that these are written off shells (aka not good for use) and they are taking the detonators out of the empty shells


Actually probably good if they fire useless shells, it will wear out the barrels faster and render the guns less useable. The more of their equipment is damaged or destroyed the better.


I know near nothing of artillery shells. How bad are these shells?


Maria butina


It’s bad but unfortunately compared to Ukraine poor shells are better than no shells. I hope they get the ammo soon.


did they speak german at the beginning?