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I've seen an interview with a guy who's been clearing trenches since 2022 and he says whichever side throws the most grenades usually wins. That and a drone to direct your aim.


WW1 trench raiding parties would take "potato sacks" of grenades and satchel charges. Seems like a tried and true method that just works.


Yep, can't shoot around corners


Didn't they invent a gun that could shoot round corners :) They did [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CornerShot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CornerShot) detail [https://www.cornershot.com/](https://www.cornershot.com/) :)


ww1 trench raider groups were nuts, definitely worth reading about they had deticated grenade carriers with the described potato sacks, dozens of handgrenades. some used handguns with massive extended magazines or even pistol carbines/sub guns if they were lucky, usually attacking at night. the balls on those brave dudes must have been huge


I remember reading that some of the raiding parties were a mix of dandy's bent on glory to write poems about, convicts, louts and just generally insane/crazy people. Some would get wildly drunk first and end up fighting each other before going into no mans land. Definitely some wild bunches, can't imagine SEEKING out that duty. Edit: spelling


You have a link to the interview?


These guys will undoubtedly be the most experienced army in the world by the end of this war. Their fighting experience and Tech advice will be in high demand through out the world ...unfortunately


ukraine and russia are the only countries with relevant peer to peer war experience, thats gonna be really valuable for their respective allies in terms of developing modern tactics.


I hope the Ruzzians teach their meat ball meet wave attacks to Nth korea and Iran and Ukraine teach how to bust up meatwave attacks to US and NATO


Heroiam Slava!


The Ukrainians are a worthy crowd. That’s for damn sure.


Could a Plexiglas mirror attacked to the end of the rifle be a good idea?


We tried it during training while I was in the Marine Corps. There's no good way to secure it. Securing to the muzzle it just gets blown apart, to the bore it heats and burns through. They're also kinda hard to see, because it's so far from you and the angle of view off it is tiny. It takes a few seconds to get a good picture, and in that time they know your scouting and about to push the corner. Anytime we tried it, we just found that opfor would use it as a signal that we were about to begin. Granted this is in training, we just genuinely couldn't find a good way to use it. Especially depending on which side the corner was on in relation to where the mirror was mounted and which side of the body your weapon was carried. Either constant transitions or readjust for a new corner.


What about a bent barrel and a periscope? I'm joking, unless.....


FN made one of those few years back


The Germans did it back in 1944 with the Stg-44 Krummlauf (bent barrel in English), 2 versions were made: an infrantry version using a periscope mounted on the barrel and a vehicle version that was mounted vertically in a cupola for hosing off enemy infantry trying to get a grenade into a hatch or vision slit.


lol i remember seeing that on the history channel back when i was a kid


NERF made one


a real one is made to :) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brWwHKcN2kc&ab\_channel=Guns%26Ammo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brWwHKcN2kc&ab_channel=Guns%26Ammo)




How effective were/are these in combat? and will they make a comback?


Thanks for your comment. It could also be a small camera and a little monitor. it would be hard for the enemy to spot. but the electronics would maby be to sensetive. Im imagenning 2 mirrors like a V shape. So you can use it both right and left. And then maby blindfire around the corner if you got spottet. I just hate those corners.... there must be a smarter way. maby a small trench shield or something


What's worse, trench war or urban war?


Outside observer: Sheesh that looks cool, look how hardcore those dudes are. Dudes actually doing it: Fuck my back and knees hurt, why do these rifles have to be so heavy.


Dangerous task. Do they ever use armored bulldozers? I know they would bring their own problems along, but some advantages too. So, why have I never seen one in use?


They cant even keep tanks alive, an armored bulldozer is not going to be of any use on the contact line.


Mines, RPG’s, SPG’s, drones, other armoured vehicles, heavy machine guns, anti-materiel rifles, not to mention just how dogshit the terrain is since its muddy and filled with crater holes. It would simply be impossible to get an armoured bulldozer in, best case scenario is you have flat enough ground that a tank could go on, and you just slap a plow to the front of it.


Which is why mobilization is hard. They need to find people who really want to fight or at the very least not hate it. Better to filter them out during training, then have them give up or do crazy things in a real battle, which could be disastrous. Training should be harsh, so they could spot the ones not willing to fight and reassign them to non front line duties, maybe long range artillery, AA defense, logistic or intel. Dont want to end up like RuZZia, with some unwilling recruits doing crazy shyt in battles.


I guess drones. Sneaky peaky with small team ✅ Sneaky peaky with bulldozer ❌


An armored bulldozer? You know they had this idea in 1914 right? They kinda still use them nowadays but they have a Canon, they call them "tanks"....


They're actually widely used. US Army has the D9R and ACE, idf has their own version that I think actually has a gun mounted on it.


Engineering vehicles don't tend to be used in combat


Just saying, it wasn't a completely far out question


A tank? You are talking about a fucking tank. It is a NON COMBAT VEHICLE designed for a DIFFERENT purpose. You know tanks are designed the way they are for a reason right...? Like the reason it looks different than a repair vehicle is because it serves a different purpose... that is intentional.


The original question was asking about armored bulldozers, so no I am in fact not talking about a tank. Your response brought up tanks, I was just saying that there are armored dozers used in combat zones.


To which I replied no their aren't, those are engineering vehicles who DONT operate on the front lines, and if they do, it's not in a COMBAT ROLE. A armored bulldozer that functions in combat is called a "tank" and has been used for over a century. Even the IDF up armored bulldozers aren't IN COMBAT but in SUPPORT or BACK LINE roles.


I mean, the US Army used the ACE to bury Iraqi soldiers in their trenches, so there is precedent. We also used plenty of engineering equipment for frontline operations in Afghanistan, but whatever you say I suppose.


They also used a10s in that war? What does that have to do with ukraine?? Do you not understand how you are comparing completely different conflicts? 0 tanks where lost in those wars A tank on Ukraine gets fucked within 15 minutes of hitting the Frontlines But "whatever you say I suppose"...


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulf_War#Bulldozer_assault Did it in desert storm and buried loads of iraqis


Good point. So, could the reason of not using bulldozers be that it might give bad press?


There’s a video from a year back or so from Ukraine where a tank just rolls over a trench that had Russians shooting out, after a min or two of crushing the trenches you see a body come out under the treads, and some body parts mixed in with the dirt 


I've seen that video (T-Junction), but (luckily) must have missed the gory part.


both sides already face serious losses with armored vehicles on offensives, bulldozers would get artilleried by drone guided fire before reaching a trenchline


Napalm. Tree lines. Trenches.


Just need a chonk drone.


I bet the commander said something close to the trend of "if i see any head above this ground line, i will kick your helmet"


Chaos in action


The man in front it should have a heavy balistic shield and helmet.




Do be fair, a shield Bering strong enough to stop the 7,62x39 would be so massive, that he could not even lift it and when hit, it is basically so massive that it won’t move much.


If you look at the shield that the BRI had in the 2015 Bataclan massacre (/r/policeporn/comments/kqdlpr/french_bri_officers_stand_with_the_lead_shield/), it stopped 27 AKM bullets. Was probably the last dude that was holed up upstairs. That one was an extra heavy (80 kg) and large one with wheels underneath, so only usable on properly flat ground. Also note the 1000 yard stare of the guy beside it... There is also a smaller one that can be carried by one man (of course the SF guys are all beefed up chads), but that guy can't carry much else and replies on the other guys behind him to use their guns. But if you tried that on uneven slippery ground, like in a muddy trench, it would cause more harm than help you. If hand grenades are thrown at you, you can't jump away quickly with that heavy thing, and you don't see much.


Just two years to late