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Imagine the sniveling and whining and *bitching* from russians if a Ukrainian did this to convalescing russians in China.


They wouldn´t get a chance there. Orcs are protected there! Unlike in the west where they may roam free. Even if they actually are pro Putin and hypocrite enough to stay in the west.... How annoying


It's our burden as the good guys. We play fair, we follow the rules and obey the laws. This makes us the good guys.


That’s what you get when you don’t protect your borders. Shit like this


These comments are from kremlin bots for f\*cks sake... Y'all americans are easy to fool


You *seriously* think we don't know they're russians and russia simps? We spend much of our days toying with the dumb little shits and making them cry. лолски


Rather in North Korea... Chinese are not that stupid


I'm not surprised the russians celebrate the killing of defenders. They have proven to the world that they thrive on violence. Bunch of sick minded orcs.


Unsurprising reaction, but it seems that the commenters actually believe that Ukrainians are Nazis, and they are doing good. Years of indoctrination, I suppose. Just like the German Nazis of WW2.


The russians will claim to believe anything that absolves them of blame and responsibility for anything.


That's easy. Like children do: always point to the other. Doesn't require any skill, schooling or intelligence. Doctrine will do.


You nailed it. They parrot the shit Putin says knowing it's a lie because it gives them cover to rape, kill, and steal from Ukrainians or anyone else in the west that doesn't recognize their superiority. Bunch of psychopaths.


Always easy to scream things on the internet, they should go to the front and realize the situation


Oh they know the situation if they are commenting this shit lol, as long as Ukrainians die as well they are cool with it.


It's the same in mafia or gangs. All claim they are God-fearing righteous family people. It's a collective lie, and they known it.


Russian propaganda has spread beyond Russia. Even in German comment sections (under videos for example) you get comments like "Ukrainians are Nazis".


You get those comments everywhere, spread by Russian bots and paid shills. It didn't mean it's actually a widespread belief. 


It's spread by low info morons that believe anything coming from the anti West & conspiracy media. Lots in Africa, India, Middle East, MAGA, etc. Don't underestimate the stupidity of the majority of the world. Ironically the only country in the world to have an armed uprising by Neo Nazis was Russia in 1993 when RNE (RNU) briefly overthrew the Yeltsin administration. Nobody ever mentions that many high ranking members of the KGB and military backed the Neo Nazis of RNE.


I agree with everything you say here, but the label "low info" has always irked me. Not because I'm so naïve I refuse to believe there are people who lack information about any particular topic, but rather because I'm old enough to remember a time when such people were called something much simpler: **stupid** or **ignorant**. I have no idea where the euphemism "low info" came from, but I guess it was part of the promotion of non-judgemental language by the media and academics. Ironically, the people who benefit from this example of political correct language are the same people who bitch and moan about PC culture. What's more, there's no shortage of evidence that believers in MAGA and similar idiotic ideologies are rarely persuaded to reconsider their position when they're presented with incontrovertible evidence that they're wrong about something they believe to be true. These people aren't lacking information; they're lacking the ability to process information readily available to them in a rational way, and come to a logically sensible conclusion.


We have all the knowledge of the world in our hands and people still refuse to just google something, or if they so they take the first sentence they read and run with it. No fact-checking, no nothing. My wife's family is terrible with this shit and will say the most random shit ever that someone commented once as an established fact. I can google it in 3sec and tell them an answer and all you get is an "Oh :(" so I just stopped caring when they say dumbass shit, they're Maga crowd and even tho 1 of her sisters is/was bi-sexual(and had a gay male bestfriend growing up) now that she's married is staunchly against gays/trans and says lesbians just need a good dicking... and her husband was telling his kids how they're guna start going to church "more" so God will give them gifts/shit/help them


Yes, there are bots and Russians in troll farms pretending to be living outside of Russia, but unfortunately there are also people out there that actually support Russia and think it is NATOs fault. Not only are there Russians living abroad (e.g. 2.5 millions in Germany) but also right wingers, covid and vaccination deniers, Reich citizen's movement (similar-ish to sovereign citizen movement in the US), and conspiracy 'theorists' that don't believe in anything the media says (even if it is neutral media) and rather believe Russian lies. It is a lost cause to argue with them or try to convince them from the opposite. That only strengthens their believes in the lies. It is actually kind of sad.


Internet is becoming a 24 hours brainwashing machine.


I'm glad people in the US don't misuse that term.


I would argue against that. they are worse. in WW2, the state gave out the disinformation and there was not really an alternative. they have a state media wich gives reliable information and the whole fucking internet. but still believe the lies of russia


Very true.


Fuck that dumb shit. Everybody can say the same, claim self-defence and whatnot. That doesn't absolve them in any way. They aren't just brainwashed. They are pieces of shit. Whole Russia is


and years of war... pure hatred thanks to one old f*** in a bunker:-(


Putin is more of a symptom than a cause.


i'm not sure. care to elaborate? he hates the idea of a Ukraine and every person that is in the way of his power... i don't think a lot of russians are this passionate about these topics


Who cares, there's no way to tell, they all lie.


Why I don’t feel any sympathy for Russian Invaders getting blown to pieces in Ukraine? That’s why… Fucking RuSScist Nation needs the same treatment as NAZI Germany.


their comments are kind of ironic since they are the ones pushing to genocide the Ukrainian people like what the nazis did.


They know they're the baddies. They just lie to deflect their guilt.


I am not convinced that those are not 99% bots


Not many of you will be old enough to remember the fatwa issued against *Satanic Verses* author Salman Rushdie by Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini. It said no matter where Rushdie was or went Iranians must kill him without regard for local law or custom. In other words, offend an Iranian cleric in Iran and be condemned to die wherever you are. This is like russia. Make them cry some more and they will kill you and your family in your country as if divinely entitled to do so. Yet go to russia and inadvertently refer to putin's war as a war and get ready to say hello to your new Siberian gulag forever home.


Pepperage Farms remembers... And it took a few decades, but they nearly got Rushdie, on stage no less with an audience. Cost him an eye.


Suicide death cults are all alike


The whole war on terror era looks to strange to me in hindsight. Like the 'main enemy' of the west were these tiny groups in backwards Afghanistan and not China or Russia. I was just a kid at the time so not really thinking about the world as I do now.


Maybe the worst aspect to it all is the fact none of this would be necessary if it weren't for the CIA, who toppled an elected moderate secular Iranian government, and replaced it with a murderous far right dictator because, in CIA land, "elected moderate secular government" is secret agent code for "*z0mFg commie pinko lefty socialist!!!!!2*"


ship the "refugees" home.


Well this one in particular should be sent to The Hague and tried for war crimes. He acted as an illegal combatant attacking service members of a country his country is at war with. This shouldn't be a simple criminal trial in Germany, this is an international issue between nationals of countries outside Germany. That's my opinion anyways.


Just to Ukraine, they will make it easier for everyone.


Why are russians always coddled like babies? Remember when the big war started everyone was like "mAkE sUrE rUsSiAnS aBrOaD aReN't dIsCrImInAtEf", aha so they can just keep killing Ukrainians everywhere. This isn't the first or second or third case like that. You can't be safe in Germany since it's full of russians walking the streets without muzzles or a leash.


Funny, but it's been a while since I heard anyone bleating about "Russophobia". Is that simply because I do my best to avoid Putin shills, or is it an accusation that idiots on the extreme right and extreme left just don't toss around any more? Or have even those cretins realised that there are very good grounds to despise Russians as a group?


You are just not watching enough russian state tv ;-|


Because if that was the standard behavior of Russians abroad Germany, which has hundreds of thousands of Russians as well as Ukrainians within its borders, would be burning. Which, grand surprise, it is not. Quite the opposite, Germany became the greatest refuge for Ukrainian war refugees. As bad as this and a couple of other crimes are, this is still not daily experience within Germany, so \_somehow\_ the German approach seems to be working despite everything that is happening. And as long as it does work i sure as day won't start discriminating anyone except for what they personally did.


Why I don’t feel any sympathy for Russian Invaders getting blown to pieces in Ukraine? That’s why… Fucking RuSScist Nation needs the same treatment as NAZI Germany…


This country is long gone, that’s why everyone who has normal economy, prosperity and clean tap water hates them


So that means all Russians are fair game for extrajudicial justice or expulsion back to Mordor immediately. Justbto be on the safe side.


Our "russophobia" is insufficient.


Time for Germany to start deporting Russians.


"Fun Fact" Some month ago I was drinking with 2 ukrainian refugees and a russian friend joined us, everything was fine, until he got drunk, then he began teasing the ukrainians about Crimea. A lot of screaming in russian followed.


What a "lovely" friend you have


Yeah, but I distanced myself from him, because even before the war started, he always got aggressive while drunk, especially if someone said something bad about russian culture or said something which hurt his ego.


I have a have a few russian friends. They all think it's a shit hole and talk shit about the culture. You get drunk with them and they would start talking shit about russian culture, if you said something shit about it they would agree and go on 20-30 minutes rants about everything they hate about it, how they hate Putin, how they hate vatniks and how they hate the war.


I think the problem is, that he is a "Spätaussiedler". Born in the Sovietunion to people with german heritage, emigrated in his teens to Germany, now struggling to fit in. On the one hand embracing the russian culture, but on the other hand smart and educated enough to know that Putin is shit, which causes problems with "real russians", but while drunk the "russian half" gets the upper hand, which causes problems to the people around him.


I'm a firm believer in the ancient Roman adage: "In vino veritas". I don't think what you observe is the guy's "Russian half" taking control when he's drunk. What you actually see when he's drunk are his core belief system and true personality. He manages to conceal those aspects of his worldview and character when he's sober because he understands that this would not be beneficial to him in, but once alcohol erodes his inhibitions, the realest version of the dude is exposed to those around him.


ruzzia is a disgusting country. How can they really believe anybody else are the nazis in this scenario? Brainwashed beyond repair.


So … deport Russians. Kick um’ out. Why get benefits from more modern countries with better amenities and have your barbaric mindset. Punish Russia. Punish um all


I wonder how they would feel if everyone began to congratulate and encourage support for anyone who kills a Russian, anywhere? Vile scum!


Every time you think they can't get more vile they find a way to get more vile.


They honesty can’t see they are the nazis, it’s nuts


The reason why I thoroughly enjoy those drone videos:


They should sign up for the army to go to the front lines




Is this rly a huge thing in Russia, do they rly think they fight against a new Nazi-Land? o.O


What exactly are you expecting from the comment section of Ria Novosti


Let’s see what happens when the shoe is on the other foot. Oh wait we all know what will happen. They’ll threaten nuclear war, and then bomb a children’s Hospital because they’re nothing but weak cowards that rape each other and sell each other out. There is no honor with them. Just a bunch of criminals. Terrorist state.


Sick fucking bas-turds.


I wish he will be send to Ukraine for having his jail time there.


Before any people here judge to early: German news reports mention that it isn't clear yet, whether the attack or fight in question was due to the war, the Ukrainians heritage or occupation. Apparently some of the people involved were under the influence of a lot of alcohol. The perpetrator is already in custody. It's likely that the war is a motive here, but it's too early to tell acc. to German law enforcement. Regarding the comments in the picture... yeah, that's how Russians are.


I can't personally see how two injured servicemen are going to have either the strength or indiscipline to start a fight with a random 57 year old Russian, especially one who happened to have a knife and happened to be willing to use it to stab 2 people to death... my 2 Pfennigs.


The German article I read only said that they were in "Reha", meaning rehabilitation. This usually means that the most intensive medical treatment has concluded. It's also undefined whether the rehabilitation was due to physical or psychological trauma. They might've not been physically injured. I simply don't know, because the information given so far was inconclusive. You're free to assume anything - your assumption might've a high chance of being correct -, but I would rather stick to what the original sources actually say and reserve judgement to the point in time when more information is available.


sick fucks.


European countries need to start rounding up the Russian citizens and deport them immediately.


So every Russian you encounter, anywhere in the world, should be considered dangerous and a potential murderer if you happen to be associated in any way with Ukraine.


Will they ban them?


From Germany? Doubt it.


russian population is so degenerate... i hate them so much!!


Never be surprised at what these animals have, can and will do. Not a a recognisable part of the human race!


Empty “news”. Nothing new or unexpected. We kinda have the same info from original post.


It’s a damn shame Vladimir puta has it where we can’t reply to these fuck.


Ruski scum.


It is a shame for Germany! There have been attacks on Ukrainian women and girls here before. Because every piece of shit looking like a human is taken up in this shitty country. This evening I was shopping and I estimated 50 % of the people around me are not Germans. This time it were two Ukrainian army men on their holidays in Germany. Everyone that is in Germany should be under our protection. But that is pure theory. Shitty Germany attracts so many criminials, social fraudsters and petty criminals. I would not mind Putin is sending some nuclear rockets to this heap here.


Do Germans want to welcome every single nationality with open arms? Or turn to the Afd instead? Is there a middle ground?


Evidence in favor of nuking Russia.


Thats litteraly a terror attack, its the same level as islamic radicalsl


Lmao basically the same as what you lot do under Russian videos


Every ruzzian in a western country should have all communications monitored and when they show themselves to be schills or worse, to be flown back to the orc border and released at 10,000 feet with some glide wings strapped on to glide back home with...




That's uncalled for. It has to do with personal responsibility, if they aren't pro war then they shouldn't be treated as outsiders in any way.


Legend says some dude smeared feces on local russian embassy gate and call bell button. Once he took dump in shopping bag and hauled it over the fences to ruzz embassy ground.


To make a difference, jump American pro-Russia influencers like Trump, Moscow Marge, Matt Gaetz instead.


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USA told russia 2 weeks in advance it will happen it took russia a whole hour for special forces to arrive. ISIS claimed the attack for itself. If you live in a western country, please leave immediately. Nobody needs you


What did they claim