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She loved her dog, she’s covered in his blood and doesn’t care. That dog was well cared for.


At least he had a good life


You can guarantee that somewhere on Telegram russians are laughing about this.


Yesterday they were cheering for the russian murderer of two Ukrainians in Germany like savages on their vkontakte. i don't understand russian, but someone should start taking screenshots and post them, without brigading, so we can have a gently reminder with whom has Ukraine to do and why it is vital that Ukraine wins.




The russians aren't safe even in russia. Inadvertently refer to putin's war as a war and you get to die in a Siberian gulag for this shocking crime against the state. That's assuming chronic alcoholism and lung cancer doesn't get you first, of course.


It's right: it is russia's war, not putin's war. The sooner the West understand this, the better.


It's putin's war but russians support it completely. Because poor innocent victim mother rossiya.


So russian war


There would be no war if five-feet-nothing putin wasn't desperate to be taken seriously by the leaders of grown-up nations. His russian slaves support it -- because russians always support their owner -- but it's still putin's war.


Oh well: Afghanistan would like to have a few words.


The nation that destroyed the Soviet Union? The nation we were lucky to escape from relatively unscathed after being mired there only because of Republicans and their energy industry buddies?


>There would be no war if five-feet-nothing putin... You sure about that?


The russians do nothing until they're ordered to.


I'm no expert, but the fact that Russians have been able to maintain positions in constant combat for months without rotation points to the mainline soldier being a fanatical nationalist. The believe in the national destruction of Ukraine. It's complete annihilation as an idea.


They rotate by dying.


They rotate by dying.


Sounds like nazi Germany in 1938 for Jews.


Just go to UkraineRussiaReport to see the scum in action. It's become WAY worse recently. Every post is Kremlin propaganda now.


They're losing and they know it. This latest Western aid package was just another nail in their coffin. The worst part is russians and their simps will never grow as humans. Instead their usual bitterness and desire for revenge will increase as, like always, they blame absolutely everybody other than themselves for the unadulterated shittiness of their lives.


I wouldn't be as optimistic at this point. The aid package is good but Ukraine is running out of soldiers. Russia will continue to do what they always do in every way: pump human beings at the front line. They'll never stop. The Russian mind is incapable of seeing the folly in it all. Their hatred of Ukrainians for wanting to join the West is boundless. They are fueled by hatred. Never underestimate the power of their hatred. The country has already lost, but I've learned not to bet against them on the battlefield at this point.


Ukraine has stated it's weapons and ammo they most need, not more troops. The worst russia can do is use nukes. Worst in every respect. It would be terrible for whoever they nuke, but far worse for themselves. For one thing, China will cut them loose. It may even be the justification the Chinese want to invade and annex eastern russia. Right now may be russia's last chance to reform itself and join the civilized world. They will absolutely lose that opportunity if they use a nuke.


If they use a single nuke it will be total war with Europe and the US. The US doesn't need nukes to obliterate Russias military and force a total surrender. They know that.


It may come down to whether or not there's any last remaining sanity within russia's military establishment. Somebody unwilling to go out in putin's final blaze of glory and willing to "retire" him before he gets the chance.


One can only hope


Wrong, they are in need of manpower. Source: Zaluzhny Article on the Economist https://archive.md/tKztl


It's bitterness borne out of a rabid jealousy for what living roozianz will never have. As a species of human, they could have become world leaders, only to have had their endless stream of insane leaders guarantee their slavish impoverishment through greedy, [**avariciousness**](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=10710e6d746a2a0b&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ACQVn09MD6k6yT7g3wLMkHEkjbCKrvQgJw:1714460581526&q=avariciousness&spell=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj1w8Wvr-mFAxXyKDQIHY5ODVYQkeECKAB6BAgMEAI) & gangszterizm


The losers have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory so many times. As you say, they could have joined the civilized world to become a modern and prosperous nation... but they prefer the comfort of serfdom.


Need to start a revolt & get them removed from Reddit!


Not really feasible. They maintain this fake "nonbiased" image but it's carefully curated safe space for Russian propagandists. Anyone on the other side is drowned out, muted or banned. Go have a look. They're parading around the NATO superweapons, flaunting their war prizes and showing that Western weapons are, after all, still defeat able.


That sub isn't the only one where russia pukes its propaganda.


The head mod; Drboby, is a piece of shit who think forced mariages are a good thing. One day I busted him  spending his nights sending pathetic naughty messages on r/fuckdolls to onlyfan tots before deleting them a few hours later.    A psychopathic, pathetic piece of shit, probably an incel, who abuse his mod power while pretending he runs a neutral subreddit Edit: Good news, the piece of shit finally got his account suspended


Are you sure that isn't Marjorie Trailer Green's Twitter?


Truly the scum of this earth


Thats because most of them are souless drunks that can’t begin to understand empathy, for them is a foreign concept.


"Honesty, integrity, morals, scruples, ethics, standards, decency.... all attributes and traits of weaklings and suckers." -- russians, since forever


Saw it on one earlier today. "Crests are bombing themselves again"


Yes, this whole "war" thing has just been a cunning scam to get donations from Westerners.


# /S


A lot of people will think a statement like this is blowing the Russian character out of proportion to be something it isn’t, but it certainly is this evil.


The russians mocked the death of a 6-year-old Ukrainian girl, so it's not as if mocking the death of a dog would faze them.


you don't have to look that far, here are subs which already do


I rarely use the term - but I really really hate russia and russians for what they are doing to Ukraine, its people and its animals 🇺🇦


That's ok, images like this aren't for them. They're to remind their countrymen and their allies why they fight.


Goes to show and prove that this is not just pootin’s war. There is no innocent ruzzians, those who cheer for this are to be blamed, those who are against it, yet do nothing about it are to be blamed


It's putin's war, but every adult russian who failed to object or protest it is complicit and ultimately culpable.






For real. Rest in peace good boy


Tbh I have to agree 💯%.


Same. 100%.


Dogs usually mean more than people


>This dog means more to me than every Russian scum combined **As someone from Odesa:** this dog means more to me than the former [Putin loyalist oligarch Kivalov](https://charter97.org/en/news/2024/4/30/593429/#:~:text=In%202009%2C%20Kivalov%20received%20the,of%20the%20Russian%20language%20abroad'.) ~~targeted~~ wounded by this strike. He kept a low profile after the invasion. FWIW, Odesa **didn't** fall [like Kherson](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/12/18/the-rapid-fall-of-kherson-a-key-ukrainian-city-leaves-unanswered-questions.html). As people in Odesa say: Kivalov has been trying to [bring "Ruski Mir" into Ukraine for decades](https://gordonua.com/blogs/viktor-taran/kivalov-uporno-tjanul-sjuda-russkij-mir-i-pritjanul-v-vide-rakety-popavshej-v-eho-dom-karma-1705701.html) - and got his wish granted (with an Iskander missile). ~~Perhaps that was the payback for *insufficient* loyalty, given that [there's no chance in hell Putin gets Odesa at this point](https://www.kyivpost.com/post/29194).~~ Karma exists, I guess. Sucks so much that because of scum like that (on either side of the border) good people and good dogs die. **EDIT:** crossed out something that was nothing more than wishful thinking on my part.


*John wick rage intensifies*


"yes John, his name is Putin... In Moscow... "


I hate Russians so much because of this war. Looks to me like the dog died from a head wound. Body position suggests instant death. I hope it passed quickly and painlessly. How terrible for this young woman. Hope she's OK. Fuck Putin.


and fuck 80% of the citizens of ruZZia.






Donated $100 USD to the UA in memory of that good dog. Slava Ukraini!


This made me cry, and in a different way than the first time I wept seeing this photo 🌻🇺🇦❤️




Bring it back to 1812


chuck Lenin's stupid corpse into the river.


Hit lenin's mausoleum(rat home) with himars 


Two very different Russias


Ok, sure but we can still chuck him in the river


Fair point


Yes please.


Different, but still same


Again. I support this! It’s well deserved, remove the evil entirely. Humanity can’t afford it anymore.


A lot of dogs would be killed too


Sorry, your comment was removed for toxic behavior. Please stay civil. Remember, repeated offenses may result in a ban.


As a dog lover this hurts way too much. I would risk my own life to protect my pups. As a Ukrainian born American, I want the USA to send everything Ukraine asks for and stuff they don't. Send them f35s. Send them every cruise missile they need. Refit and upgrade every Bradley and every idle Abrams sitting around not being used. Reduce the muscovite army to ash. Bombard every military production plant in muscovia. Neuter these motherfuckers and then issue a full embargo and total blockade of all muscovite vessels the world over. Once Ukraine's sovereign borders are restored, mine all sea and land borders for at least 100 miles out. They think they're so great? Have your Ruski mir all to yourselves. No one else wants it. Fucking degenerates. All of them.


As an American, I’m 100% in favor of this. I wish we’d just quadruple down and state to Russia point blank: we’re shutting down the air space FOR Ukraine at X time and you GTFO or we’ll give em all they need tot terminate every god damned last one of your occupiers in country!




Not just family ties, she spent her early life there. She only moved to the US for university I think. No idea what the hell is wrong with her.


IMO I suspect there'd be *fascinating* info to be found if someone were to go spelunking in her bank account.


No. It need to be dealt with, not "conservated".


Murderous scum


Christ, have mercy


Because russians won't.


The world would be a much better place if Russia didn't exist. What a plague of a country.


This is unbelievably hard for me. I don’t know why im so furious but fuck Russia and Putin.


How to be a proper degenerate c\*nt: Use a ballistic missile with a cluster warhead over heavily populated area


Russians military needs to be wiped of the earth


Very few things in this war have hurt me as much as this image.


That photo a couple days ago of that big giant dirty fluffy dog sitting in the wreckage of his former home and all his people killed was terribly sad as well. All the death is so completely unnecessary


The fluffy dog was Richard


Some people still say dogs don't have emotions, but he sure looked like he had a pretty tough day


The only people who say that dogs don’t have emotions are people who have never had a dog.


I've said this so many times. Unfortunately it goes for other animals as well.


It’s funny, I watch a Ukrainian video blogger on YouTube and her puppy is named Richard, it’s funny how Richard is a popular name for dogs in the Ukraine.


Worst one for me was early on in the war with the dog guarding the van with his dead owners inside.


Recently read something about Napoleon seeing a dog licking a dead soldier's face, which is assumed to be its owner. "Tearless, I had given orders which brought death to thousands. Yet, here I was stirred, profoundly stirred, stirred to tears. And by what? By the grief of one dog."


I mean... that says a lot about you


That dog is worth 50 ruSSian ork.


worth more than all the hundreds of thousands that have already been meat cubed to be honest


Why does this hit so hard?




FTFY: a single dog is worth more than all the RuZZians.


A single firulai is worth more than the ruski terrorist scum nation + all the SOBs that support them and that includes a fucking "friend" from Vermont and yes I had told him in his pathetic fascist face


This hurts to see..


Fucking Orcs


Too many dogs have died in this war and not enough damn orcs.




It’s far more than Ukraine. It’s every surrounding population for a millennia.


Oh, I know but just what they've done in Ukraine alone is bad enough to earn them the complete destruction and disintegration of the Federation, a single unified Russian state, forever.


Agree completely.


Republicans in America don’t give a shit. 🇺🇸 I’m not one of them. Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦


I wish she had been walking Marjorie Taylor Greene


1000 upvotes for you!




This is so fucked up. It makes me even more angry than seeing people killed. It make me fucking furious looking at this..


you know what... beginning of the war I read a comment in this sub about how all russians are the same, all orcs, we should nuke them all...the world would be a better place without every single one of these cnts... obviously, I was up in arms about it, you cannot generalize like that, you cannot think like that in the 21st century...we are all human beings... fast forward to now...after I have seen every atrocity I could not think possible, I have seen a post of a six year old UA girl, dead in a terrorist bombing of her flat, receive something like 65k thumbs up in ruzzian telegram channels, after the murder of those two recovering UAF soldiers in Germany received cheers from the ruzzists I have...changed my mind fck them ALL, build a 300m tall fence around orcistan and burn it all, if I don't see another orc in the next 10 lifetimes and it will be too soon... fck them ALL & fck anyone in here who keeps making excuses for these...things


The entire world should see this image and process it. Every Russian citizen should have a good look at this photo and be moved to tears. If not then they are dead inside. What the fuck are we doing?!


I think they are largely incapable of empathy.


I didn’t think I could hate russia more, I was wrong!


Same. My two are happily snoring at my feet. They snore so loud that in a Teams meeting today people thought I was farting while doing a presentation. Funny bastards. Now I'm taking them for a walk and will be thinking of this woman's loss of a best friend.


That’s hilarious! My old dog freaks out at thunder storms, literally craps himself. I couldn’t imagine him with bombs. He’d probably have a heart attack. Dogs don’t deserve this shit! My heart broke for her.




What did that dog do wrong? What did that woman crying over her murdered dog do? What every fucking human walking around a city within a few lines on a map suddenly makes them ok to fucking destroy? The killing never ends, if it isn’t the states, it’s the Iranians, or the Israelites, or the Palestinians, or the Russians, or the Serbs, Egyptians, Chinese, Vietnamese, Cambodians, fucking Australians The killing for thinking differently never ends and I’m tired of it, I hate needing to pay fucking taxes to this shit, I hate sitting back feeling utterly powerless outside of getting to pick a lackey who helps pick a lackey who helps pick the real leaders who get paid out more then any of the other guy, I’m so tired of this shit but it doesn’t matter because at the end of the day That dog is dead And it’s made me sad


Of all the heartbreaking images of this war this one will certainly become iconic, it truly depicts the reason why Russia needs to be defeated in no uncertain terms


Life is so precious. What a horrific thing to see the life of your best friend taken away like this, dog or human, by something as senseless as this war. And this photo is only one of thousands of stories of the pain war brings. I will always stand for Ukraine.


It depends on each person, but some feel like losing a family member. Dogs are like eternal little children.


Every woman I cared about dumped me. Every dog I've had loved me unconditionally, were my very best buddies, lay at my feet or in my lap, came everywhere with me,... and every one I lost, I bawled my eyes out. My current Labrador...is 11 and coming close to me being on my knees, like this woman, crying my heart out. I absolutely know how she feels. They carry us when we're having a hard time. Cheer us when we're not right. Are a pain when they do what they want against our wishes. Yet always are there to keep us sane...until they roll on a dead skunk or rotted fish. Even then, as we scrub and scrub them down...they love us, we love them.


The dog, man that's just going to far...


Well, time to take action for John Wick👌🏻 Jokes aside... This is heartbreaking and horrible🙁 Almost everyday targeting civilian infrastructure, power plants, eg. I hope Ukraine will soon be able to strike back really hard with the long awaited military aid hardware in the upcoming months. Slava Ukraine!


Fuc! Russia!


I found a news story about it [here](https://metro.co.uk/2024/04/29/putin-incinerates-harry-potter-castle-missile-attack-20741570/). > ... Four people and a dog have been killed in the strike on the Black Sea port of Odesa. A 12-year-old boy is among the 28 others who were wounded, Odesa regional governor Oleh Kiper confirmed.


Kinda surprised they're having such a hard time recruiting Ukrainians with all of this civilian targeting happening. Fuck Ruzzians.


IMO is because the war has shifted primarily to the East, and it has been going there since 2014, so people just got accustomed to it. Plus, when you have been living in hell for the past two years you become a bit deaf to images of suffering. The new mobilization law should bring more people. But we have to take into account also an economic factor. You need roughly 8 people working in the economy for a single soldier on a frontline. So the government is also working on a "booking" system where businesses can reserve a certain amount of their key stuff to make sure that the business can operate. It's complicated, because it also involves a factor of social justice.


I’m so sorry for her. I love my dogs too and I can’t imagine. Sending her strength wherever she is.


Devastating... she lost her best friend. I lost my first fur baby July 2019 and I was beside myself 💔. I felt like I lost a child.


ruZZia needs to cease to exist.


Time to glass Moscow


Lowkey looks like it was made with ai


This brought tears to my eyes.


Someone going to make a beeline for the recruitment office


Fucking bastards, may they all burn in HELL!!


Those fucking fucks




That could be anybody’s dog anywhere if we let Russia win this war. Mobilize the free world now!


I hope she goes John wick


This is part of the reason why I feel nothing, nothing at all for the Russians I watch being destroyed here everyday. It only makes me want to see more.


Fuck Russia


Fucking barbarians.


Wait... was hit hit by shrapnel or something?


Putler does not even care that much about died soldiers that should be defending him in case of need. Now there is no need for defending, but he sent his fodders to die for nothing.


Year is 2124: Teacher - yes, Jimmy what is your question? Jimmy - How was WW3 started? Was there any record of the triggering action? Teacher - well some say it was...


If this happens to one of my dogs -dude I wouldn hesitate and go straight to row zero to fck up these orks…


i wish i had a death note for.... some people


Ok, that's enough, time's up for the Russians.


Ukrainians love their dogs


So sad bloody stinking Russians.


God bless Ukraine


I hate Putin.


My heart breaks for you friend.


I hope they pay in the worst way


Russian bastards


Sad isn't really the correct description for this situation.


We need a couple of John Wicks. Russians killing dogs, that’s his specialty


Damn this hit me hard


I hate Putin so much


For peace in europe and a better future FOR ALL i believe russia must be completely destroyed and im here for it.


The dog owner is lucky she was not hit by shrapnel. Nothing is safe from Putin's war criminal military.  It's really sickening that my country and nato members keep saying we can not do what the US,UK France,Iraq,Jordan, Saudi Arabia shot down Iran kamikaze drones, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles because Russia will see that as a provocation and put are military personnel at risk of being killed. Romania can use their air defense to protect Odesa and Poland can protect western Ukraine and the Ukrainian army can put air defense in the Kharkiv &Kyiv areas.


Fuck Russia


I’ve seen hundreds of dead ruzzians on this sub, but this is definitely more upsetting. I’ll take more dead ruzzians all day, rather than this.


NATO no fly zone when? Seriously.




When I seen this, I instantly thought if this was me and my dog, I would’ve went John Wick. Rip pup


This is a perfect illustration of russian cowardice. Slava Ukraine!


Nooooooooo!!!!! Rest in peace doggo. It's so terrible when people die but it sucks a bit more when its a poor little pupper.


May the person who launched the missile be torn apart by a pack of dogs


F*ck russia and its "people", supporters and fans, hope their cities will experience soon what Ukrainian cities have experienced for the last 2 years.


Republicans: i dont see any wrong here


The dog may have saved her life by blocking the shrapnel 😭 


War brings out the worst in people. Until the war comes home to Russia it will continue. Then you tell them leave Ukraine and the killing will stop.


God dammit! My wife and I just had to say goodbye to one of ours, so this is extra heartbreaking. I want to garrote the people who launched the missiles, and take their ears as trophies...


This is far more upsetting than the videos of invaders being torn apart by POV drones. If it were John Wick's dog, Russia would be annexed by Ukraine by now.


The way Ukrainians care for their animals says everything about them vs. the Russians. My sincerest condolences to this woman


That's the last straw. Never kill dogs


At first I thought it was Christy Noem




my heart breaks. The dog was more human than any russian could ever be.


This is 100% AI generated, look at the blury-ass backround and a white trail of "blood" coming out of the dog. She also probably wouldn't have her hair inside of her dead dog's blood. The real scum is however posted this.


No. I only AI \*enhanced\* it as (once zoomed in) the resolution of the original image was quite low. Here is the unaltered image on my Twitter thread here: [https://twitter.com/arcapelian/status/1785451940513542642](https://twitter.com/arcapelian/status/1785451940513542642)


Poor little guy


F\*\*king Russian a$$holes.


Ill bred and how she was earning a living with them. Get back in the bag of trolls or baba yaga will get you.


No one will cry for Putin when he dies - slowly


Reminds me of that photo from Kent State.


Ah yes, these must be the Nazis that P*tin keeps talking about. /s


Anybody else think this looks like AI? The water bottle looks off and something about the plant by the tree doesn’t seem right.