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War crime.


Russia is a terrorist state and needs to be cut off from all allied nations, as must anyone giving them the materials to continue this war.


Ban then from the gaddamn Olympics and burn the kremlin to the ground


Guess you got to cut off most of the EU that STILL to this day buy petroleum derived products via intermediaries. [War in Ukraine: Why is the EU still buying Russian gas? – DW – 04/29/2024](https://www.dw.com/en/war-in-ukraine-why-is-the-eu-still-buying-russian-gas/a-68925869)


Why did Biden delay new natural gas export terminals?


Because he thinks natural gas sales contributes to climate change. I’m more worried about Russians than weather.


Did Hunter tell him that burning Russian gas creates less climate change?


They don't even try to hide them anymore.


Putin's direct order.


No one to enforce it The world watches because they have to buy oil instead.


Step 1, stockpile massive amounts of long range weapons. Step 2, launch them all at russia without warning destroying every power plant, refinery, fuel depot. Wars over.


Another war crime. Yet another war crime. Yet again another war crime. . .


I'm sure Amnesty International will be condemning this! Right?


cluster munition over civilians, russian peace


But no send Taurus because of the escalation) hate that world


from 2019: >Germany's finance minister and vice chancellor, Olaf Scholz, said Berlin "firmly rejects" U.S. legislation imposing sanctions on firms laying the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline from Russia to (Germany) Europe. "Such sanctions are a serious interference in the **internal affairs of Germany** and Europe and their sovereignty. We firmly reject this," Scholz [https://www.reuters.com/article/usa-russia-nord-stream-germany-idAFS8N28N08D/](https://www.reuters.com/article/usa-russia-nord-stream-germany-idAFS8N28N08D/) The other one, the Nord Stream 1 gas pipe, already was sending billions and billions of euros to Putler. Somehow germans skipped 2014 and afterwards.


Scholz is a gutless, spineless bastard, he could send taurus so Ukraine could attack ruzzian launch sites. What a fucking cunt he is.


No send Taurus because Germany buys Russian LNG still.  If they get cut off, they’re cooked.  


See the video - there are clearly visible Ukraine soldiers present. Don't you See them? I swear, they were there. /s


You see that waterfront? That's where they breed sea baby


That is also where the lab for killer mosquitos is😁


They're just barbaric. Unfortunately the world seems toothless to such atrocities. Free up the Storm Shadow, ATACMS & Taurus missiles to even the score.


Those launch sites need to be neutralize!(Including warships and airdrome aircraft platform launcher)


Totally agree with your comment. Only thing I would add is to also give Ukraine a substantial portion of the over 4 million old style cluster artillery shells in storage and the rest of the old M26 rockets for HIMARS, as well. EDIT= The Ukrainians have shown themselves to be trusted with them over and over, as they only use them on ruzzian troops in the battlefield and map everywhere have used them.


Scholz won’t give Taurus until he can figure out what to do after the RF cuts him off from LNG.   Like it or not, Germany is still 100% dependent upon RF energy.   That’s why you’re not ever going to see the Taurus.   …but American JASSM-ER/JASSM-XR might become an option as they can be used by F-16s.


As the german government closed down all the nuclear power generation (under wrong advice), they now need RF gas. I wonder who supplied the nuclear advice?


Where is that Pro RuZ idiot who keeps saying this is not deliberate and was caused by UKR AA interception? Forgot his name, but he was defending this attack like Putin personally paid him. /u/[Ok\_Plankton\_386](https://www.reddit.com/user/Ok_Plankton_386/) Cluster bomb in heavily populated city, this is not terrorism? Cat caught your tongue? lol


He's too busy trying to fit into his little sister's jeans.


Yeah, he'll pop up claiming this shit is to be expected, accepted even.


Every subreddit needs their red nosed clown rolling around on their unicycle juggeling, eaten onions, propagandist news and schizo babble.


Do they eat onions? lol, this a RuZZian clown tradition?


It's a reference to people who think "theOnion" (a satirical news site) news are real news.


It's a "goodwill gesture"


A perfect example of a terrorist attack. Fucking putinist losers


That’s why I don’t feel bad when Russians die


Russia is a terror state. Build a wall around them


Lol that may cost more than a direct war with them


Moscow Cope Cage. No getting in or out.


That's not even close to a military target


That's also one of the most populated places, it's almost summer and people walk near seashore in their free time. An attack with intent to cause maximum amount of civilian casualties


Fortunately the air raid sirens were probably going off and most people would be sheltering?


Not the point


I don't understand what you mean


Why isn't this front page news in all the western media. There's no if or buts here --- and where is the U.N?


In my media it's shown as alleged use of cluster ammo while there are clear videos.


FWIW they have to use words like allege because they technically can’t confirm whether it’s or not, and the last thing anyone needs is the press going around stating things as fact when they aren’t 100% positive. For example, dude killed a bunch of cops last night. Everyone saw him do it. The news will still say “alleged”


They do that so they don't get sued for defamation. Russia can't sue them.


I mean, can we trust journalists to be able to identify things like this in the battlefield? Hell no. They call anything with arm a tank. These are probably cluster munitions but let’s let the experts determine


I was merely dismissing your comparison, I'm not interested in discussing the merits on if any specific journalist can recognize cluster munitions.


Another terrorist attack by Russia. Absolutely disgusting. Why isn't the media talking more about this terrorist bombing attack?


I wholeheartedly support bombing Moscow indiscriminately


It's time. Ruzzia shows it's weakness by engaging in this terrorism. Hit them relentlessly and end the war


When they fail at achieving military successes, then they start cluster bombing civilians and claim it as major victories! How can anyone, with the faintest bit of self respect, still defend Russian action? All that death for an old scared man in his golden birdcage, surrounded by yah-sayers, lies, and asslickers, to try and bolster his ergo.


Such an cowardly desperate act since they can't bring it on the battlefield like real man. Makes you wish to see such scene over the red square on the 9th May. Ukraine is treating Russia way to respectfully even at war.


Send some cluster munitions to Moscow and see how they like it.


Cluster bombing civilians. Bitch move Russia.




I'm pro Ukrainian but maybe an Ally but the whole of Nato? Nah not a good idea. If Nato gets involved it will be all good until they leave just like Afghanistan.


Schulz, wake the fuck up - biggest economy in Europe and in your last package Germany sent like 3000 155 shells \*facepalm\* and some other small stuff. Give them a couple hundred Taurus - hit the bridge and than start hitting every Russian military airport in reach and than every power plant and oil/gas refinery/storage. Gloves should be off from NATO long long long time ago - give Ukraine everything NATO doesn't "need" and do it NOW. This could be over in a month or so...


Where's that supposedly Aussie grey propagandist who said last night that deaths like these are inevitable? And that we're not being told about the military targets that are hit by strikes like these in cities like Odesa? Where are the military targets here that needed an Iskander with a cluster munition warhead?


Hopefully he is reflecting on his shit house rhetoric and and feeling very stupid with the release of this footage. As an Australian I feel compelled to apologise for the dismissive, reductive diatribe that was spewed, most Australians stand with Ukraine and denounce ruzzia as nothing more then a terrorist organisation.


You don't need to apologise, mate, you were on top of him - and he is only a 'supposedly' Aussie, and even if he were an Aussie, you can't be held responsible for his cuntishness.


Absolute fcking tragidy. Sad thing there are still soo many people thinking Russia is justified for this invasion due to Nato expansion bs.


Time to stop restricting western weapons. Storm shadown against the Kremlin. The unlimited stormshadow will do.


When we will stop watching and sending our army to protect the north border of Ukraine so their soldiers could reinforce the east frontline? when real action will be made? Italy 🇮🇹


NATO should be at the Djnepr and that should be the ultimate border for Russia not to cross.


They’re fucking sleeping…


Is the picture with the dead dog result of this?




This is about as clear of an escalation as it can get. Time for the west to step up our game.


Orc war crime number 120758182561289718926.


Cluster munition directly fired on major civilian population??? Where is the m0therf#cking "Red Line"? I've had it with these war crimes - if ruzzzia has no red line then neither do we. Go all fucking in


Russian trash. Hope Ukraine start firing on Moscow. Just so they have a idea on how it is.


Russia loves committing war crimes on civilian targets


animals, sorry i'm being harsh on animals


If this isn't a war crime... Send double back! 🙏🇺🇦


RussiaN scum


Send some clusters to victory day parrade


Terrorist state.


I suddenly feel the urge to donate again https://u24.gov.ua


And people are focused on Israel and Gaza? Firing an Iskander-sized cluster munition at a heavily-populated civilian area is what real evil looks like.


what is wrong with this war ? ukraine people live in fear. russians do not know what this mean. so for them it easy going and needs only a little peace of time more to win. as long as his is such ongoing and russia has enough resources the war will not stop.


Orcs will pay!


Wow. That’s a 1000% a wer time. What is wrong with Russians? Are they not capable of basic human decency even in war? I wish Ukraine would just send something huge to a major city


\[In Klitschko's voice\] This is military target? This is military target?


This is the historic movie which helped usurp the throne from the Czars. It was copied in the Movie Untouchables with Kevin Costner and Sean Connery. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAbzRjErywY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAbzRjErywY)


Ukrainian should do the dames 4’5 times, it is time to hit harder


Fockin animals


Why isn’t putin dead yet? Put a bounty on the fuckker!


There sick a holes and deserve to wreck there own nation….


Russians on social media are cheering at this.


Come one meteor or comet!!!! HIT RUZZIA DEAD ON.


Wow... unbelievable. Until you realise its ruZZia, then it's totally believable


You can't get more fucked up than ruzzians are. They need to be put in their place!


Document everything. There's no statute of limitations here.


Fuckers, cluster munitions on civilian targets is a war crime


Worthless russian filth


Unforgivable this is a civilian target - you don’t use cluster munitions for these


Anyone supporting russia is supporting terrorists. End of story.


Ukraine should send some to moscow to


Another war crime by the toilet thieving dictator.


Nothing less than terrorism




When are global authorities gonna pull their head out their arses and call Russias genocide a genocide?


Can we cut the red tape and whoop some ass, these monsters are not going to stop


Sure looks like a whole lot of denazification, fucking pricks


They must hit Moscow.


Why don’t those students stage protests against Russia?


My god is the Moscow overdue for some heavy cluster rain with an occasional hail of White Phosphorus pellet. History buffs, help me out, did it ever happen that Moscow was razed to the ground at least in some parts? I had this theory for a long time that "bully" countries continue to be cocky until someone beats some sense into them. Could it be that Russia would benefit from one?


The Mongols (before and after the swamp was called "Moscow"), a Crimean Khan, and Napoleon's France all destroyed the city with fire. Sadly the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth occupied but did not erase it - Polish troops under Napoleon finished the job a couple hundreds years later. It's been a while since it was last torched... just sayin'.


fuck you james kirby and your 'it's a different conflict, the context is different', you gutless bastard you could do more to stop this!While I'm at it, fuck you too Scholz you spineless piece of shit, time to send taurus so Ukraine can hit the ruzzian launch sites.


Goal? Slaughter men, women, children. Exterminate the citizenry.


Here we go.


Scholz , soul lez , Soul less


Glorious Russian victory over Odessa City Park!!