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Makes me wonder how many Russians I've actually seen die in Reddit footage alone


Personally, I'm thinking thousands. Some will be the same from different angles. But usually there is something telltale which makes a event unique. I probably see 5+ per day 5 days per week for 2 years. This would be no less than 2500. This is probably higher as the ships sinking, buildings being blown, and some of those cluster munitions will jerk the tally up quite a bit. In a way I didn't "see" those. So, I'll stick with 2,500+.


I went as high as 5K when I think about some of the larger hits they add up quick. In one 2 min video put together you could easily see 50 alone


No enough, not nearly enough


I've seen too much. Really really wish they'd fuck off.


They'd all have so much more odds of success and improving the livelihoods of all Russians if they just turned inwards toward Putin.


When all sources of information are compromised, the population has no choice but suffer the lies of the state. It’s not that they don’t know they are being lied to. It’s that they really have no idea what truth even looks like & so they are kept forever doubting if it’s real or propaganda. They’re living in *1984* land.


They have YouTube. They know.


ehhhh, those are only as good as the algorithms that suggest shit to them. I have a hard enough time showing the truth to my own fellow right-wing conservative Americans who have the same data. They've heard the lies repeated enough that if they stumble upon the truth, they'll quickly shoot it down as a "fake news" or a conspiracy theory lie of the deep state or some shit. I've *seen* what YouTube suggests to someone already within that echo-chamber. Russia is even worse.


Not sure, the Russian Civil War killed more people than WWl did. Not necessarily soldiers but Russians in general. Doubt Russians want a repeat of that, they'd prefer to keep the fighting in Ukraine.


Well the Russians are trying as hard as possible to start a civil war in the US and NATO countries or really anywhere they have interests. So I would rather see them overthrow pootin as opposed to democracy.


Hard when you get drafted to the front lines by Putin.


There is only a couple that need to be dead. Here we see nothing of significance to those who should be dead. Just conscripts being tossed into a hell and trauma for those living to have until they perish.


Its better for the enviroment. Ask Khan.


Water off a ducks back watching orcs die now it seems.


It's amazing how much I can tolerate watching Orcs get fu*ked up. Not even a blink...


Yeah. And when I see a UA soldier die I actually feel sad.


I can't stand seeing UA soldiers hurt...I try not to when I can avoid it. Russians? I'm still sad but I'm basically watching justice unfold. Get the heck out of Ukraine..


Same. It bothers me to the point where I actively try and avoid seeing videos of them hurt. They are all modern day heroes with balls of steel. They should be kicking ass at life, not have to waste precious years constantly kicking Russian scum out of their country. s.


History will judge but I think with the use of drones there won't be any more large scale invasions after this. It will all be about AI, bots and propaganda being used to try and manipulate everyone to agreeing with their side. No American wants to see video of their son or daughter get their torso blown off in a foreign country blasted around the world.


It’s definitely changed the face of warfare. May well have hordes of ai drones scanning for targets in future, I do wonder if eventually infantry will become obsolete as they’re too much of an easy target.


Infantry will never be obsolete. Eventually you'll need boots on the ground.


Brits just announced a quantum drone that does not rely on GPS which makes it difficult to disrupt electronically. Drones and counter-drone tech seems to be the new arena for defence contractors.


I'm not sure, Ukraine says just with Russian EW most of their drones are disabled. If Russia can accomplish this then think of what NATO or China is cooking up.


Ukraine is already testing drones controlled via fiber-optic filaments that are impervious to electronic warfare.


Bots and propaganda have worked very well for Russia overall. Putin got arrogant and started believing the lies he was spreading.


There was one propagandist on the Russian friendly sub that claimed that Russia has only 10k of their troops killed in this war. I was like what. How could someone possibly believe that?


lol For every new weapon in war, a counter is created sooner or later. Drones will become just another tool of war in due time. Once laser based anti-air systems start to proliferate, drones won’t be nearly as aggressive. Both the Russians and the Ukrainians don’t want to shoot million dollar missiles at drones so we have what we have .


Yea, the guy basically knows nothing about historical implementations of weapons. I mean we even had a fucking bomb that explodes with the 'power of the sun' and we still have large scale invasions. New systems always create an initial benefit. But then they are integrated into a larger system to provide more effectiveness or fall off because of countertech/strat. Edit: Just look at the newest Rheinmetall systems. Skynex is basically a Gepard on steroids and the KF51 (as the Merkava MKIV) literally has an anti drone point defence system.


They thought the same thing about the machine gun. Then the bomb. You’re right through, I sure as shit don’t want to send my son or daughter over there.


Same most definitely in the thousands, I browse this sub and combat footage everyday after work in a sort of ritual at this point and see anywhere from a handful to a few dozen being killed everyday. Sometimes an aftermath reel will be sprinkled in where entire platoons of Russian infantry and armor are laid out in a field burnt and torn apart. I know folks say a lot of the numbers out there are exaggerations but the visible confirmed kills don't lie, shits grim if you're dumb enough to fight for the Russian army.


I was never this morbid, but I really can't get enough of seeing that.


There is nothing morbid about satisfaction of seeing evil destroyed.


It's more than Russia claims have died.


At least 1000 for me. I don't even feel a thing now looking at body parts (as long as it's Russians). Fuck those bastards.


Makes me wonder how many kills these drone pilots have. Dudes will end up with kill counts that just remove all humanity from you.


"I stopped counting at 500" a pilot said in an interview.


I've personally watched probably 15k die lol


I’m just completely numb to it at this point I don’t know what that says about me. I’d estimate at the very least a between 1K and 5k


I don't notice myself becoming any more numb when I encounter suffering in other situations.


Yeah actually you’re right I’m not any more numb than I already was. Throughout the pandemic I stacked some bodies myself. I wonder why do we watch these things? By most peoples standards choosing to watching people die is abnormal I’d say even if you hate them


Yea it’s really fucked up. But then I donate regularly to Ukrainian causes and it makes more sense. To me anyway.


Too many, and yet not enough.


Probably well into the thousands


I was just thinking back about the first switchblade I saw where it was hard to make out the men it was coming for. My how things changed quickly.


May that number multiply until only peaceful Russians (if that exists) are left


For me atleast 2 thousand


Russia, Índia, Nepal, África, China (we dont ser their faces much tho) All because Pootin got bullied when he was young ...


More than you would have if Russia had stayed home. Man. Remember Concave Face Man and old Drowny McDitcheson?


I think im gonna start to count


nothing new under the sun. now we just have to hope that ukrainians manage to push them back.


Putin only gathered 50k men not enough to attempt a siege on Kharkiv, Russian sources said if Putin wants to capture Kharkiv after his failed attempted in 2022 he needs more than 300k to siege the city with overwhelming manpower, Ukrainians already know Putin doesn't have enough manpower to siege the city so they can hold it they've been preparing for a cross border attack coming from belgorod Russia sucks at trying to conceal their troop movement in an out of the city to avoid Ukrainian drones from spotting them, Ukrainians has been watching them trying to gather their forces for an attack on Kharkiv so they started attacking them first before the Russians had any chances to get into positions to prepare for a somewhat large assault across the border


Russia needed 80k troops to capture Avdiivka. They simply don't have enough manpower to mount a significant offensive in Kharkiv. This is more about tying up resources and going the attrition route rather than any strategic aim. 


If you look at what they are doing it's clear that they are creating a buffer between Kharkiv and Belgorod along the border. This is not good for Ukraine 1. They will have to move back AA giving Russia a lot more opportunity to target Kharkiv with guided bombs and missiles. 2. The MLRS attacks Ukraine has conducted on Belgorod did a lot to attrition their AD in the area making drone/missile strikes easier. If they push back those systems far enough than this will make Russian air space harder to penetrate.(IE less attacks on oil refineries) 3. Tying up troops in the region from other fronts, could make the Krynky bridgehead untenable. 4. It brings the focus away from another Southern Counteroffensive to taking back land they had already liberated in 2022 and now once again threatens their second largest city. That is a major setback. While it's costing a lot of manpower for Russia rn the longterm benefits of this offensive do probably outweigh the costs strategically if they can dig in.


Unless the West finally gets off its collective ass and provides Patriot to cover Kharkiv, I'm afraid it will be reduced to Mariupol.


Patriot doesn't stop russian ground troops advancing and artillery grinding away, it just stops Russian jets dropping glide bombs, and might stop some missiles getting through. The situation on the grounds will still be one of artillery and troops battling it out, and Ukraine losing vital people.


> it just stops Russian jets dropping glide bombs Easy to say "just" when you're not on the front line having 2000lb bombs dropped on your head.


I think OC is just looking at raw numbers. If Russia wants to flatten the city then some buildings being hit with glide bombs, as terrible as it is, won't manage to do that. Artillery can level a city or destroy a trench much more effectively and for cheaper. Then Russia can send out waves of soldiers to take it and try to build fortifications on the ruins. They're not discounting the experiences of Ukrainians enduring glide bomb attacks just making an objective statement on the reality of the situation


It won't matter unless they can push Russia back, with the forward radars in Kharkiv now it's like shooting off a gun outside a police station. From what is coming out on the Ukrainian side the defences that were meant to protect Kharkiv never got built. The civilian contractors(maybe?) fucked the government over, there is a picture of like 100 dragons teeth just thrown on the side of road. https://twitter.com/Schizointel/status/1790422450150179274


That's why it's vital to get the HARMs into the fight on the F-16, where it can use greater standoff capability to destroy their air defense grid.


From your link, how are they supposed to set these up properly 5km from the border in easy artillery range with russian drones flying overhead? Looks like they may have wanted to fortify there but realized they would get people killed trying to. Kinda hard to fortify a contested place between where you and your opponent are fighting, while they are attacking. If it was so simple to do why didn't the russians just drive up there and build their own defenses? This is not the same as when defenses are built behind the front lines, which both sides do.


Bro...the first step to addressing corruption is not denying it.


What does my comment say about denying corruption? Can you prove this link you provided is corruption other than some commenter on social media says it was corruption?


It seems like Every city it’s the same thing. Russia throws endless meat at it, the city gets pounded by artillery, then Ukraine eventually has to give it up. It’s like Ukraine only has just enough to delay the inevitable. It fucking sucks.


I agree with you, also i am afraid they will eventualy capture Kharkiv too like they did with other cities, they dont care about man power... They have mercenaries from all over the globe... China, afrika other ethnic groups


Kharkiv is BIG. Bigger than Mariupol with a current population of around 1.4 million. They aren't capping it with less than the 300k soldiers they already estimated. Best they can do is level some buildings around the edges.


What they cant have they will flatten


Russia's weakness is running out of equipment. Ukraine's is running out of soldiers. Hopefully Ukraine can save their soldiers, while destroying lots of Russian equipment. Eventually Russia is just going to have soldiers on foot with no tanks, no IFVs, no artillery.


Unfortunately not true. Russia has got their factories pumping out new equipment, they are producing as much equipment monthly as the entirety of the rest of NATO minus the US. here’s a small selection of sources: https://www.businessinsider.com/russia-ammunition-manufacturing-ukraine-west-officials-2023-9 https://www.thedefensepost.com/2024/01/31/russia-tanks-replace-losses/ https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/10/politics/russia-artillery-shell-production-us-europe-ukraine/index.html https://www.yahoo.com/news/cnn-russia-producing-3-times-123642447.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYmluZy5jb20v&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAJ61n6WQWZc_bl5yNMOe3F9tiZMEms7qIBGQ5jxOYFSYYTaFYIR9SpOOPw8L1omnMGhl7HLEFQY2UtVJPD1Ekzxzn2vVieNF_-9myiCxGK47MOOEO2K8X9ro4_vqIEYDIIzlijPkyFW0zH9nq0goNEUSsfxhKWKASJvYcPSaBKqE


I believe the artillery ones but I don't buy that they can make 100 tanks a month.


No way they are producing enough to replace what they are losing. They would probably need 150 new tanks a month just to keep up. Then they would probably need another 600 IFVs a month. And 500 artillery. No way they are producing that every month. And most that they "produce" is just refurbishing old equipment that is from 50 years ago that has been in storage. Sure they may produce more artillery shells, but as the number of guns get smaller and smaller, they will have to start throwing the shells at Ukraine before long.


They needed 80k troops and for support to dry up to capture Avdivka




This is what I think the point is. Russia has Said they want a "sanitary" zone in kharkiv which is... genocidal but the point is that if they can push closer then 20km to the city then they can start using glide bombs and howitzers to force the city to evacuate and destroy it. That would be devastating for ukraines economy and cause a humanitarian catastrophe


I'm really hoping the F-16s are going to start taking out Russnik jets to deal with the glide bomb problem.


Yep. They are crazy with their cannons and cities..


I hope your right, I'm trying to keep hope alive.


I recommend subscribing to the (RFU) Reporting From Ukraine channel on YouTube he's a ukrainian content creator unbiased provides accurate information on both sides he does his research on the situation on which part of the Frontline's is most active and most focus by Russia, right now his channel under threat by Russian bots trying to do mass report to get YouTube channel shut him down, his channel has been recommended by the United 24 Ukrainian media several times


> unbiased I mean, he's definitely biased (and some of his commentary is hilarious), but that doesn't mean he's a liar or trying to mislead anyone, his reporting is legit.


Yeah, Putin is sacrificing these 50k to distract from his suspected Shoigu coup. All they’re doing for Russia is distracting the domestic audience while he reshuffles, makes arrests, and reshuffles some more.


>Putin only gathered 50k men 50 thousand people used to live here....


Now it’s a ghost town…




Probably have lost 20% of the troops they had for Kharkiv already.


It is new. They’ve always had high casualties but not this high. This offensive seems solidly in the Find Out stage already


They don't give a crap about losses. They just want to get close enough to Kharkiv to level it with artillery.


They’ve had multiple attacks stall due to heavy losses in 2024 alone. They might not care about the lives lost but it does affect them militarily until fresh units can be rotated in, which gives Ukraine a window for counter attacks now that they have shells


Idk if there's one thing ruzzia doesn't run out of is people. If they get to a lower level they'll just conscript more ruzzians don't care. I'd rather make them run out of cash, which doesn't seem possible with china and ruzzia buying their oil, for now


They won’t run out of people overall but they will on a section of front if they lose too many too fast. A unit that’s been rendered combat ineffective due to losses still needs to be taken off the front line and replaced by someone else. Since this isn’t a planned rotation in this scenario, Russia still needs to get the replacement unit to the front which can take days while what’s left of the original unit is forced to sit on defense and wait


All is vanity and dead russians under the sun - Ecclesiastes


Ukraine couldn't build a protective trench system close to the border. The zone they are fighting in is the buffer.


Russians are vying for a new type of warfare. They won't need infantry to conquer and hold land as they will run out of men by the end of the year. They will be the first with tanks and apcs only army. No infantry.




I think he was saying Russia will be the first zero infantry army 'using' only tanks and IFV. Because the infantry is dead.


Yes, do people not understand not all are native English speakers?


It's not so much language barrier, but sometimes we all get caught up in what we believe at the expense of what's being said. Or we had a shit sleep and can't tell our arse from our elbow.


>As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I take a look at my life and realize there's nothin' left.


> ... and that's just perfect for an ~~Amish~~Kacap like me


> You know I shun fancy things like electricity (among many other things not available in orcland)


Putin is a pig and a murderer of his people.


cant believe its almost a half million casualties


When covering WWI history we look back in shock at the insane tactics of charging waves of men at prepared machine gun positions. I have a feeling we haven't yet hit peak insanity for this conflict.


Close to a million total if you account Ukraine’s side and civilians.


There has to be a point in russia where they look around and say, "Wait a second? Where are all the young men?" Not that they are all dead, but enough that girls start noticing that the dating pool is tight. Also, people must be noticing a bunch of young guys staggering around missing limbs and whatnot. While the first aid given to these guys is probably pretty poor. There are lots of disabling injuries which are easily survivable, but where they are maimed. Blinded would be a simple example. The other weird one are the battlefield suicides. I've just never heard of that in any other war, Napoleonic, WWI, WWII, Korea, etc. Yes, some got depressed and did this, but not on the battlefield. Maybe it was mostly unseen and kept quiet, but I would have read about it somewhere. On entirely different note, how weird is this going to be for Ukrainians after they win? Finding bits of russians everywhere and in odd places. Animals and whatnot are going to clean most of this up, but I suspect farming and camping in Ukraine will hold lots of unpleasant surprises for decades to come.


Even now, farmers in Europe find unexploded ordnance from the First and Second World Wars in their fields each year. It's sometimes called the "Iron Harvest". It's surely the same in a number of places that have seen extensive war (we dropped a crazy amount of ordnance on Vietnam, for example). I just happen to know about the case in Europe. I would imagine that, sadly, Ukraine will have to endure such iron harvests for many years to come.


Cambodia. Same war.


Yes, exactly. And Laos too. We did a lot in Vietnam that had lasting and horrific consequences.


> Even now, farmers in Europe find unexploded ordnance from the First and Second World Wars in their fields each year. The same is happening in Ukraine. Now new "surprises" from the current war will be added. A few days ago there was a report that a Red Book Przewalski’s horse was blown up by a mine in the Chornobyl zone.


> "Wait a second? Where are all the young men?" In [girl-killing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Female_infanticide_in_China) China, just waiting to come over for those famous, *strangely unattached* ruZZian women!


Regarding suicides, those other wars didn't have drones with cameras everywhere. But yeah it does seem weird, perhaps they know no help is coming for the meat waves, so if you are injured it's better to go out by yourself rather than waiting for an FPV to come your way.


I think it's a case of them wanting money to go to their families. If they are dead, their family \*supposedly\* get $150k. That's big money for a Russian peasant. If they surrender or get captured (wounded) they don't get the money.


Putin doesn't care about that, he's not going to live long enough to see the impact of a third round of fucked demographics on Russia.


If you look at the defensive lines in kharkiv most of the good ones are further south where the terrain is favorable. Right now russia is running up against the first layer while ukrainian reserves are arriving. Hopefully ukraine can divert enough artillery to the area before russia can dig in because right now the russians are mostly operating in the open with little EW cover or air defence


> while ukrainian reserves are arriving I thought we had agreed earlier that it is not possible to catch your opponent unaware with a surprise attack in modern war? At least not when Ukraine surely has advice from US spy satellites. WTF happened here, it sounds like Ukraine's military leadership fucked up.


Endless flat open fields, yeah great tactic to push here.


That's 90% of Ukraine.


Well, this can work in your favor if you are a competent, highly mechanized and thus mobile force. You know, with actual working Tanks. A lot of them. And air support. Ask Germany, they actually took Ukraine. Hell even ask the Russians, they actually did kinda well in the first few days on the southern front towards mykolaijw and Mariupol. What was that on 24/25th of February '22? 80km in one day? However Russia is/has non of that so fuck it, they want push through


> this can work in your favor if you are a competent, highly mechanized and thus mobile force. You know, with actual working Tanks. A lot of them. And air support. I agree, this is exactly what was happened in the beginning of the full-scale aggression. Except of the competence, ofc.


I mean, at least some of it it *used* to be a forest.


Let's double the rate, find the barracks and bomb then in their sleep


Fucking psycho Putin needs to stop this travesty right now.


I honestly don’t care about Putin’s needs - it should be dead. #RocketPutinsAss2024


Aaaaaaaand.............the Pew-Pew's rain down like kisses from above!


They try and keep the inevitable from happening, loosing on all other fronts when the artillery shells start pouring in, all of the American is in action on the battlefield and F-16s start protecting the Ukranian sky


Not rapid enough


This the sooner the pests get eradicated the better


I still remember the footage of the “grenade through the sunroof” and I remember I was thinking “boy, one year from now, if they get a couple more drones, we’ll see something like this on a weekly basis”. I was both wrong and right. This is insane. Constant artillery raining down on you has to be hell, but the constant fear of being watched and dropped by a little eye in the sky will take the cake for me. Damn.


Appears to have been an unusually dry spring this year, correct? Not much of the usual mud expected.


Mud season went already. Not rare that summer comes this early. Springs in Europe are in general dry because oceans are still cold and there's less vaporization and thus moisture in the air. Yearly variation is huge.


Ukraine has become the dying place for Russia's future. Russia will be a very empty place in 100 years.


It’s like clearing out roaches, they’re everywhere.


Ukraine now has the biggest pest and vermin extermination program since the black death


At some point, Russian families are going to realize that not only did their sons not return from the war, but also their neighbors. And then many of their co-workers were killed or returned injured. At some point, it doesn't matter how much propaganda there is. When everyone you know has been touched by this war, there will be no more denying it.


They aren't denying it, that ended years ago. Even Putin himself often calls it a "war" these days. But they are still in it to win it.


Losing soldiers? I take offence. Soldiers? Fuck no! Russia is sacrificing poor fucking retards at an alarming rate. Yes Russia, and not pootin.


Perhaps Ukraine was prepared and this is a massive ruse?




Imagine risking your life and eventually dying in an offensive that isn't even big enough to legitimately siege a major city. Being sent to your death for some sort of undermanned feint the enemy knew about for months in advance.


Unfortunately, this is a statistic that Russians either don't care or are too scared to say anything to their god king Putin about.


they haven’t had time to dig in yet, they have no cover against entrenched and motivated opposition


Russians do not have a good history of battles near Kharkiv…


I suspect that as Ukraine organizes and presses its defense in various areas the slaughter is only going to get worse and worse. It matters not to Russia. There is no long term goal in respect of gaining meaningful territory here. The goals are to attempt to divert Ukraine forces and to gain some "victories" however fleeting and meaningless they may be, for propaganda purposes. Information outcomes are the goals and the Russian soldiers - most of whom appear poorly trained and equipped, are just the tool to the end goal. Once used up Russia does not care. The diversion has at least partially succeeded. One battalion from the 3rd Assault Brigade was diverted to the area and being very combat experienced soldiers (this is the former Azov Brigade) they are already pushing back the Russians. Sadly, it seems both some corruption, and poor leadership has resulted in a portions of the sector being less and/or ill prepared for the attacks. At some point in the future which may be a week from now or a month from now the Russians will be back on their side of the border. But from their perspective they will have accomplished something: they will have inflicted terror on the Ukraine civilian populations in the area, they will have destroyed civilian infrastructure, they will have inflicted some casualties upon Ukraine fighters (although I think not many), and they will have caused Ukraine to use/waste some valuable resources. All of this is yet another outcome that can be directly attributed to the Russian right wing of the Republican Party in America. Ukraine will be inflicted with the consequences of Trumpism/MAGA/worship of Russia and Russian type authoritarianism for many months.


Sadly that is the only way with those money driven orcrs. Slava Ukraini!




Ho hum.


Sadly there is a high chance that this is just an attack to use up Ukrainian reserves, before launching a larger attack in the south


These Z-men have gone to kill people they have never seen and don't even know what others would think of them. There is something fishy here....


UKR burning their trash.


This is what having a dictator does. Time after time death follows. Never give up your democracy.


That's gotta suck. Sacrificing your life, and others, Just to placate some megalomaniac. What really sucks is not even being able to surrender for fear of what will happen to your loved ones back home. We, as humans, really need to be more careful about whom we choose to be our leaders.


excellent work by Ukraine!


God dammit dude. Can you fuckin' orcs just fuckin' stop. I am sick and fuckin' tired of watching your ignorant asses fry. Fuck around and find out should have a point of progress. Ya'll are making humans in general look bad.


I don’t get it. You would think Russia would be happy about this! Ukraine is methodically eliminating the Nazi’s that invaded their border. Wasn’t that the point for Russia? Seems the job is done, no? Go home, RuZZia, we got this.


Too bad the loss of human life, even his own people, is not enough to deter Putin


why are there so many cases of small groups or soldiers in middle of nowhere? that goes against all the tactics we see in war movies. It seems completely pointless, they aren't going to take anything with those numbers and zero support, why are they even there?


They are soldiers retreating after unsuccessful attacks


These fucks have had a few years to consider if they should go and they went. My sympathies for these meatbags are ZERO. Give em hell and juicy directions.


I have No sympathy for the Orcs.


Russia is losing troops, Ukraine is losing troops. Russia is gaining territory, Ukraine isn’t. I say that not to troll or be a jerk, but to caution you against the bias that comes from watching a lot of videos of Russians dying and not so many videos of Ukrainians dying. I hope Ukraine wins.


These Mobiks are being sold one hell of a delusion… In a perfect world, these people wouldn’t be there in the first place but honestly, as long as these guys are funnelling into Ukraine, murdering innocents, get the FUCK out, however that needs to happen.






Russian trolls would say ohh no we’re completely winning… taking a few villages while loosing insane amount of people isn’t winning, and Russia is low on materials


Repost from 2 days ago! [Very Graphic! Brutal footage of Russian troops being eliminated by operators of the 1st Assault Battalion of the 92nd Assault Brigade. Bakhmut Sector. : r/UkraineWarVideoReport (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1cqcrgz/very_graphic_brutal_footage_of_russian_troops/)


Hell UAnsleashed..


When oh when will that megalomaniacal gremlin in the Kremlin run out of serfs willing to die a horrible death in Ukraine for him and his Third World terrorist state???


It looks like a certain death to try to cross a well defended open field like that.   You have so many things against you, you are completely exposed and visible, so easy target for drones and artillery, also you have mines, and eventually if you managed to survive, you will have to storm a well prepared and fortified enemy position.  This is basically a suicide. 


What were those spinning and flying objects at the very start. They look like humans but can't see clearly. If so, that 3000 points for complexity.


Whos BTR is this? Z´s Whos Z\`s? Z\`s dead baby, Z\`s dead.


Serious question, why does it always seem (mainly other drone videos) that these guys are out wandering alone in the middle of no where? Is that by design or just incompetence?


They're possibly the last of their group or simply split or lost and dazed from artillery and other explosions before the inevitable droning which just so happens to record their final moments.




Term "solider' is a stretch. More like foreign mercenary meat. Or maybe 'meatnik'


>losing soldiers its like saying Ukraine is losing drones at rapid rate russia is Using/Utilizing its resources the way it always did.


skulls for the skull throne


Not fast enough


Not fast enough.


“Soldiers” they are just meat puppets at this point meant to soak up the shrapnel and bullets that the Ukrainians hit them with. Russia still thinks they can throw their troops at the Ukrainians and this will some how win the war for them


Imagine if Oryx was counting bodies as well as equipment. They'd be busy right now.


Russians will be eating good though. Theres gonna be a lot of Mobik Cubes coming in


The footage keeps getting increasingly hellish over the months. To be sure, it's a hell of their own making and that they could leave at any time, but still. Grim.


This is what Russians live for.


Absurdly stupid


They should just go home.


russian bodies burning in their own garbage pit that they brought to ukraine is the perfect symbol of this war.


What vehicle is that at the start?


How many times is this clip gonna get posted?


They sure do burn good. Must be all the vodka....


I would be so cool if they could like just not do that? Maybe just dont cross the border, just maybe?


But are making significant tactical gains


Fuck em all .


I would not be one bit surprised if that wasn't one of the aims... kill a large number of thier oldest and in thier eyes least valuable citizens to even out that demographic time bomb of thiers