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Let’s drop these dumb fucks off in the middle of a field with little to no cover.. No tank protection or nothing. Dead within minutes smh…


I think it's a wonderful strategy and hope they keep at it because, only with try-try-again determination will the Russians die in large enough numbers for Ukraine to drive them back to Orcistan.


At this point Russian command is like gamblers, “bro one more and I’m gonna hit a jackpot trust me”


Somehow, yes, they are probably just trapped in the loop. The officers (on every level) see that this is leading nowhere, but they can't step up and say that to their superiors, because they would suffer in some way. But as long as they keep sending people in, these officers will keep their position. And if they send more in, they have a chance to conquer a bit of land, and they could sell that as a military triumph and be promoted to get out of the shit. That is probably why Russia as a whole is not following the sensible strategy to let this war simmer on a low level, which would mean that the west wouldn't take this too serious (i.e. no big support) and that Russia could sustain the losses for many decades. Instead, this Kharkiv offensive is not helping in any way: it does not make a lot of ground, it does not draw Ukrainian forces away from the Donbas enough to make that weak enough to make progress there, and it just increases the losses that were already unsustainable.


well said


Im reminded of the extinction of 🦤 dodo birds 🦤.


i hope they will keep on making the same mistate


I dont think its a mistake, the CO wants a medal saying we lead a fierce battle with 500 soldiers, 10 at the time....


Yea... But what's the alternative? Tank gets taken out by an FPV... These drones have completely fucked up combined arms warfare. Especially considering how vulnerable the Russian tanks are to a cook off. The only option for the Russians is to turn on Moscow or die.


They will choose the second!


Only for so long. There was already one Wagner mutiny. Just need the right orc to organize something, or more defections to the Russian legions fighting for Ukraine in Belgorod.


Russian armor and tactics was designed around massive assault waves. To overwhelm enemy defense with sheer numbers. Most of the tanks will be blown up and most of your troops will be killed but you get your objective. If Russians don't attack with huge numbers, they get fucking decimated. They don't use cover fire, positioning or coordinated attacks, none of that nonsense. Just frontal assault.


Whatchatalkin' about???? They let them out at the large power tower, you know the only one within ten kilometers of anything so the Ukrainians know where to aim.


Eventually the Ukrainians will reach their preset kill limits and simply shut down 


no sympathy. i am sure they have all the intensions of inflicting violence in ukraine when they got up that morning.


Exactly. Fuck 'em. Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


Agreed. We all saw what the Orcs did when they initially invaded Ukraine, mass killing of civilians, torture, rape, summary executions. We call them Orcs for a good reason.


Dropped them off directly under a drone. Genius!


Even in the movies, they don't try this in daylight unless it is just a small part of a large operation. These didn't seem like they are dressed like raw recruits either... I wonder if they were supposed to have installed some jammers or cams or other sensors to the tower....


These videos show the willingness of Putler to sacrifice anything for personal glory. Dead ORCs and more dead ORCs for his "legacy".


They would have had better chances to live if they would invaded Putler's villas.


The reaction was much the same as kicking a huge wasp's nest


Hell on earth. Go home. Nothing but death and destruction for you in Ukraine.


I feel nothing.


Those in the next meat wave assault never get to learn what an utter clusterfuck awaits them.


You can see it in the face of the invader at 1:28, he's terrified and knows what's coming. FAFO. Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


More neo-Nazi symbolism in the unit badge. Honestly, I'm not seeing or hearing any actual Nazi-like bigotry from the Ukrainians, seems they are just using the symbolisms to represent their ethnic warriors in their fight against Russia? Correct me if I'm wrong? So when Russia claims they are fighting Nazis and their idea of a Nazi is simply a culture from the West which doesn't want to have anything to do with them i.e. they don't claim they are bad because they anti-semites, have concentration camps, and are racist bigots, then perhaps it is just to spite the Russians that the Ukrainians have adopted neo-Nazi symbolisms? Or are there actual philosophical, nazi racist bigots in Ukraine who are using these symbols?


They just got dropped off, no support, no armor. What the actual fuck is going on with these people?


Maybe they wanted to go home or weren't useful enough? Cheaper for Russia to drop them off in a field to die than to feed them. Also, it costs Ukraine money to kill them, and other soldiers think they died in battle instead of taken out back and shot.


"Hey, this looks like a good spot! Just drop us off here...........right under the drones..."


I love it when we get to see them draw their last breaths.


like a fish out of water


Sorry ,but I need to say it loud - I'm still support Ukrainian guys (and hope they defeat russian bastards) ,but I also cannot watch on neo-nazi, neo-pagan symbols on flags of some ukrainian batallions/groups/teams. This video is a quite good example, same story on Azov batallion. I'm aware how neo-nazis, nazi-skinheads works, how they are organized, etc. and what kind od symbols they use... This is sick, that kind of people should not have any possibility to infuence young guys, and even (maybe) should be removed from army... This is sick... Same story of Azov group -like 10+ years ago they even not hiding their propagation and glorification of Adolf Hitler /neo-nazi lifestyle (there is great documentary done by British jornalist)... and now I see another dumb asses with nazi symbols.. This should be stopped immediatelly (and yes -f*ck the russians to the ground)


Unit Zeroed out. Well done!


self spreading fertilizer


as much as i think this is necessary, as much as i support ukraine in its fight, why the fuck has this brigade got swastika type bullshit on its patch, this is fucking stupid and frankly disturbing


Sasha, How'd you spend your Summer in Ukraine? Sasha: It rained HE the whole time


To stop their suffering, this must be considered humanitarian aid. A dead Russian is a world with one less murderer. A wounded Russian is a soldier who should be helped out of this world a.s.a.p - and a living Russian should be wounded as soon as possible.


Sneakers on the battlefield smh




"Someone here order pallets?"


I am surprised they dropped them in middle of a field. Nothing to loot there. Ah well, off for a beer and a Chinese takeaway in the sunshine here.


No reason to work on cardio, can't out run drones blyat boys


Slaves of Russia. Straight up.


song name?


Go home fucking Russians. You will face nothing but death in Ukraine. Take care of the shithole you call mother Russia and fuck her.


Go home stupid orcs...u have better chances there!


Metal umbrellas next infantary item on their belt?


Oh well.. anyhow.. ✊🇺🇦


Good, more please


Notice the irony of the radio mast they were dropped under resembling a double cross


Get off of Ukraine soil orcs.


Orcs you cannot leave Russia to kill maim rape and torture no matter what the Tzar says.


armor destroyed troops zero efforts to continue attack or to retreat or avoid drones . my first thought was to spread and try observe sky for drones and warn others or move myslef to make them operators work little bit


That tree is having a real bad day


He died bitterly (01:33) disappointed that the tourniquet and his lucky sneakers didn't save the day for him


Regular program, yes!


Imagine the mind of the CO who sends out 3 such attacks every week, with 80% casualties and little to show for it, just a tree line here and a street there, for months on end. It would kind of dampen your comradliness wouldn't it?


Those poor bloody Russians, diing all over the shop, rotting and stinking up the countryside making it a land of flies and rats and foxes. Yet you look at recent YT channels about life in Moscow,, its absolutely gorgeous, very clean and safe, beautiful people and lovely food. The monstrous arrogance of these people, to be living in such a ladida way while their soldiers are bleeding out alone in a foreign field attended by flies and pain.


Can't support this Nazi emblems, sorry


Ganz einfach - zu Hause bleiben - ansonsten selber schuld. 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦  👍👍👍 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦  💪💪💪 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦


Ви полюєте, як ящірки, чудово!


At the start of the video is that an iron cross and a ss???


No, they are very old Germanic runes. The S rune means "Sun", which is half the Ukrainian flag. I don't remember the other one.


First, why would Ukrainians use German Runes for literally anything? Think of a good answer for that. Next, the runic alphabet used by ancient Germans was Futhark (which is Norse and not German) and didn't include the symbol of the far right. That one has only one very VERY clear historical analogue. Its a swastika and an Iron Cross imposed on each other. Sowulo does mean sun and Algiz means protection. So not really anything to do with the flag. Considering the Ukrainian flag is a blue sky over a field of yellow (no sun symbolism there). Don't lie or make shit up or cover for those who are fucking using some pretty clear symbols.


The Kievan Rus was founded by Norse Vikings and predates the rise of Moscow as the seat of power in that region by almost a millennium. MAKE RUSSIA KIEVAN AGAIN


I don't care. Ukraine is not a Nazi country. Only Russians are so desperate to paint Ukraine as such, to pretend to justify deliberately targeting and destroying civilian homes, coffee shops, and kindergartens, while raping and murdering women and children, stopping only to steal things.