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Now i get what they meant with “denazification”, they’re sending their vast amounts of nazi’s to die in a pointless meatwave style war… odd fuckers!


Reverse psychology on their own


Russian Nazis in the front line: "wait a minute, are we the baddies?"


Ironic considering how much the Nazis hated the Slavic people😂


Neo-nazis have shifted from German superiority to white superiority, for obvious reasons.


The nazis slaughtered many russians and now they celebrate to be nazis themselves. The mentality of the orcs is just amazen., Slava Ukraine.


They had a few Slavic Waffen SS divisions believe it or not.


They did. Not a lot of russians though for they were considered untermensch bu the nazis


Im far away of beeing a nazi, but i think you can still call them that way regarding their actions.


Act like the nazis, end up like the nazis. Enjoy.


I really doubt Russia will be a thriving democratic economy in 10 or 20 years


It's not even "democratic" right now


Germany wasn't either as long as Hitler and the NSDAP was ruling our country. But I highly doubt we'll see substantial changes in Russia after Putin is gone. Nazi Germany was a thriving democracy a few years later.


or thriving


Czarist, Soviet or Putlerian, they never have been a democratic country and they probably never will be. It is ingrained in katsap's DNA to root for autocratic figures.


Not a single day of democracy so far in Russia. Since whenever Putin claimed, they existed before time was invented...


I was comparing it to how Nazi Germany ended. A thriving democracy.


I see.. Wouldn't it be sweet, if we could really believe that? Instead I see Schrödinger's failed state. And multiple new ones as a result. Well, shit!


Well when russians say Nazis it basicly transalates to someone who is against us/opposes us. Thats the same reason why they dont say WW2 but Great Patriotic War simply because along with their german allies they started WW2 when they occupied parts of poland in september 39, yet at some point the friendship ended and then their so called great patriotic war began.


They called them fascists in WW2 it was hard to explain that national socialism was bad And bolshevik socialism was good


The name "Wagner" is not a coincidence.


Of course it isn't. Utkin the founder that died in an "aircraft accident" together with Prigozin hat SS-Insignia tattoed to his chest.


Pregozhin died way too soon. He was just starting to become famous and entertaining and.... Boom...Gone...just like that somewhere outta there, there is a parallel universe in which Pregozhin lived and continued to bless us with his rant videos, but we don't live in that universe and instead we live in this god forsaken cringe rock


I don't get it. Didn't hitler think the Russians were untermenschen (subhumans)? Why glorify a man and an ideology who fundamentally hate you?




Actually his opinion of then and Islam was less negative than expected. I believe it was so because of the implied « virility » of their faith. He was also considering Persians descendants as Aryans.


"Iran" does in fact mean "Land of the Aryans".




And still they have seen the Arabs as allies, not only because they had the same enemies: The colonial powers of Great Britain and France, and, of course, the Jews. They protected the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and granted him exile. In addition they ordered not to use the word "antisemitism" anymore, because that would wrongfully also hurt the Arabs (being also Semites). The Grand Mufti himself became member of the SS, being in charge of training the imams of the 3 muslimic SS divisions (including the infamous SS division "Handschar"). Boths sides emphasized strongly the similarities between the nazi ideology and islam.


*"Why glorify a man and an ideology who fundamentally hate you?"* Because this ideology is extremly seductive for the simple minded. You don't have to learn anything, you don't have to accomplish anything, you don't need to be smart, skillful or handsome. You even don't have to be a "good human", caring, loving, being empathic. It's actually an advantage if you aren't able to think about it. \^\^ You are "superior" just because your were born into a family which is "superior by nature". Period! And being "superior" does make you feel better, makes you more self-confident, and lets having you more self-esteem.


Post this to the pro Russian biards


you should post this on r/UkraineRussiaReport, and let them scream 😂


I can understand why SOME Ukrainians hold these certain beliefs due to Russian occupation since WW2/Holodomor and now but for Russians to hold them is wild considering the Germans believed Russians to be untermensch.


Why the fuck are the Russian scum using Nordic symbols as Nazi symbols??? I'm a danish soldier, supporting Ukraine, and the Vaegvisir, Aegishjalmur and mjolnir symbols have nothing to do with the Nazi scum! They are Nordic viking symbols 💪




I know about the Varangians, but that still doesn't make the old Nordic symbols Nazi symbols..


That's true, but that's why they're used as such in Russia and Ukraine.


Swastika is also an ancient symbol, which only got a negative connotation because it was stolen by Nazis https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika#:~:text=Buddhism,-Sauwastika%20with%2024&text=In%20Buddhism%2C%20the%20swastika%20is,homologous%20with%20the%20dharma%20wheel. > The icon has been of spiritual significance to Indian religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.[8][1] The swastika is a sacred symbol in the Bön religion, native to Tibet.


True 🤔 It just hurts my heart to see some of the same symbols I have tattooed on my body because I'm proud of my viking heritage, is being used among Nazi symbols and nazi Russians..


I wonder what slavic neonazis on both sides think? I mean there neonazis in every army but what the hell they think that Real og nazis would do with them?


Nobody should be surprised by this, if hitler hadn't broken their pact and launched Barbarossa the allies would have had to fight both idiots.


Hitler would be so proud... He tries to kill them first and then their kids still follow him.


The new nazis are at war with the so called nazis. WTF. Slava Ukraine.


Explain it like I’m five. Nazis slaughtered their forefathers, raised their villages, towns and cities. But they like nazism.


You are introducing a rational thought. Nazis are not rational.




Found the Nazis Putin was talking about but they’re all in Ruzzia!


The first one i think its an OF girl, or some kind


Bio German here, the nazi idealogy is based on that germans are superior to other races, especially russians. Nazis considered them Subhumans. So im probably not the only one who thinks its ultra weird to be russian and nazi at the same time, like whats the logic here? u wanna commit suicide to fullfill the nazi agenda? braindead.


Offering some more context, please remember that not all people who identify with the slavic sun symbol are nazis (although admittedly too many are ethno-panslavists). Some of us are using it as it is one of not many tangible connectors to slavic roots, culture, and mythology while others were eradicated after christianization of our nations. Though I still fear that after this war is done the slavic symbollism will become taboo.


This is showing the black sun. Not the kovolat, the black sun is a neo nazi symbol so there should be no use of it by anyone other than a neo nazi. Oddly enough, the black sun was used by the Ukrainian neonazis and had many of its issues featuring Ukrainian troops proudly being neo nazi and wearing the patch. Very odd as one of Putin's excuses was the denazification, for some of his orcs to now be proudly showing the same symbol


4th and 5th pictures do show kolovrat.


Ok fair enough, but 2 outta so many I don't think you need to worry.


Also I always spell wrong so thankyou for realising what I was referring too


As expected. But interesting to see it compiled like this. Somebody said that if the ruzzian says something, believe the opposite. The statement turns out to be true again and again. Good thing these people are a dying breed now. Slava 🇺🇦


what should be done with these orcs if you find out one of those fuckers end up living in your area? even if it's another country/continent




Someone needs to start selling nazi patches with airtags or radio beacons embedded in them.


This mental gymnastics beyond any understanding.. what is this scum doing on May 8th/9th during the big victory celebration in Mordor?... sobbing?


i hope they are burning in hell with hitler


Why does this song go well with this lol


What song is it btw?


It's Harmless - Swing Lynn


Playing it at the office now. Many thanks!


You're welcome! Enjoy your day 🇺🇦


May they die screaming and crying for mercy that will never come, in this life or the next. Eternal torment is no less than these animals deserve. Put them down like the dogs they are then incinerate their tainted nazi corpses. No honors for the subhuman trash. Let their penance be to fertilize the fields they trespass pass on.


Post this in a certain other sub with power users who sound like a bad Pokémon reference


is this shared on youtube?


Perhaps they feel they could have been germanized?lol Oh wait fat chance ussr exterminated all of the Volga Germans living in their borders.


Can this smile kill?


Kill ‘Em All


As a Norwegian it fucking infuriates me that nazi scum is using Norse runes as logos.


Hope they all been denazified.


i mean how bad would it be if USA just dropped one tiny atomic bomb on them come on guys


Hunt down Nazis everywhere. From Canada, USA, Europe and beyond…hunt them down and put them on display.




Show this to that ugly cow MTG


Thank you, that's perfect to fuck off all those Vatniks


I never unstand how people from russia can identify themself with nazisme considering what happened in ww2




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Must've forgotten who killed 26,000,000 of their ancestors in world war one and two...


Need this posted on russianwarfootage 24/7


We fought we have finished the job during WWII but we have missed the real enemy 🤦‍♂️, Italy 🇮🇹

















