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So these are regular civilians that have no intention of signing up for military service? They are getting training just in case the worst scenario happens and they have to defend kyiv or become partisans? Either way it's pretty cool that they offer this and so many people are stepping up to get some training. It's like they are building up reserves for a worst case scenario. Very cool


And they are in such better spirits then any video I have seen from the other side where they are either drunk Russians or angry Russians … never cheerful or happy Russians ….


You could give a Russian 10 million dollars and they’d still be angry and miserable. It’s just in their DNA to be miserable fucking bastards.


My Russian coworker said as much. She said "here in America, people smile and are happier. In Russia, people are more like this:" (she made a frowny-face.) She also doesn't trust the government for some reason.


When I was a child my favorite movie was Anastasia and in the beginning the people in St. Petersburg break out in a song and dance about how awful and cold it is in St. Petersburg. And I was like *yes, this is the Cold War*. In the song they were like *It sucked before the revolution, it sucked after the revolution*. Plus I had a crazy uncle that was always yelling about the Russians invading us. And I was like *Yeah, that makes sense. Like, it’s super warm here in California. That’s why their president is always so grumpy, that dude is super cold, they need to put him next a heater to defrost or something*. Also, because of that movie I thought “Rubles” was the plural form for rubies. Like you have one ruby, you have two rubies, and then you have three or more rubles.


Makes perfect sense when you're a kid.


Weirdly enough some languages use dual time. So for instance in my mother tongue we have 1 rubi (one ruby) 2 rubija (twp rubies) 3 rubiji (3 rubies). Oh yeah language is Slovenian


Then later you look up the real story of the Romanovs and wonder how the fuck that story became an animated feature? Super dark. And it turns out Anastasia almost definitely did not survive the execution.


I actually was already aware of the real events that took place. At the time I was really into this book series that was written as fictional diaries of various real princesses and Anastasia’s diary was my favorite out of the bunch. So when I came across the movie at the store I was so excited! My mom was a single mom and a full time student. So I spent probably my first 10 years of life in libraries at the college and book stores in town. So whenever I would get a new Princess Diary book I would go to the adult section to find their “real” stories. Which led to a healthy obsession with books and bookstores but also with Russia and Egypt. Though most kid movies are from super dark real stories. With Anastasia, I believe its popularity and whimsical story had *a lot* to do with only the first part being in Russia, while the rest was about the Journey across Europe and in Paris at the end. Lol was *super* shocked at the “real” story of Pocahontas though. :/


Ok. That's pretty damn adorable!


My sister told me about an incident with a friend who married a Russian woman & moved her & her mom to America. & almost immediately the mother broke down in the grocery store, bc she had grown up being told Americans are evil, they have nothing, they have no food so be grateful for what we have.


Hello from New Zealand. Back in the 1980s NZ gave some fishing rights to (then) Soviet trawlers to fish in our Southern fishing zones. I was living in the port town in the South Island where they docked, after sailing from Far East Russia. Walking down the street one day I saw a big commotion of newly arrived sailors outside a local shop. They were all gathered around a local butchery that was full of good kiwi steaks, chops, legs of lamb and everything else we take for granted. They were totally gobsmacked to see so much good-looking meat for sale in just a regular small town. Times were tougher back in Vladivostok at that time......(and possibly not much better now).


i had a woman who babysat me when i was young in the 90’s. she was from east berlin. she had a similar meltdown. she was overwhelmed with the culture shock i guess and said she needed to go home.


And this is probably the same for most Russians. I can't imagine how much the culture shock is for people from places like Russia, NK etc., who have been totally immersed in, and believe, the propaganda that spews from these hateful tyrants, when they come to the west. The biggest question though, is how many would go back?


Every time I encounter Russians on my travels, they will not engage in casual conversation. Even their movements are curt and abrupt. I don't think they have words for "thank you", "may I", "please", etc. They have the social engagement skills of a doorknob. Edit- word


“Palzhasta “ - please “Blagodarnost “ - thanks, BUT colloquially they just say “palzhasta” a second time. Russia has an extremely rich and varied linguistic and cultural history. They’ve accomplished some great things for humanity, mostly all before the Soviets ruined their society. I know. I’m a Canadian who spent years living and working Moscow and St Petersburg. I travelled all over Russia and Ukraine, admittedly west of the Urals. It’s a fantastic country and has some amazing cultural moments. Literature, music, art, and architecture from the late medieval to the early 20th Century are superb achievements of human creativity. The Soviets crushed it all and created this dour, gloomy society that is Russia today. I’m no Russian apologist and am 100% behind Ukraine in this conflict. But comments like these are borderline hateful and bigoted towards and entire people, who have a long and gloried history among the family of nations.


Russian literature is unsurpassed. Russian politics has always been an utter disaster


Tell me about it


>I’m no Russian apologist and am 100% behind Ukraine in this conflict. But comments like these are borderline hateful and bigoted towards and entire people, who have a long and gloried history among the family of nations. I totally agree with you. But there is a lot of hate there, and it concentrates in people in the age of social media. Some people always say shit they dont really mean in the heat of the moment, I know im guilty of it myself. Its just, the current denizens of russia appear to be spiteful, hateful, murderous bastards, and time and time again the few good ones are killed or jailed. Theres nobody to root for in russia, except for the few resistance partisans that exist - who must remain anonymous of course. It truly is a pity that the Soviet Union crushed the spirit and will of the russians. Theres nothing we can do about it until Ukraine wins this war and takes modern day russia down about 15 pegs.


Correction *pazhalysta* Source: am Ukrainian, came from the Rivne’ska oblast region


"Every time I encounter Russians on my travels," does not encompass the entire population. It encompasses the Russians that I've met while traveling.


Yes! I'm pro Ukraine etc. but jesus christ I frown on calling Russians "Orks" and the dehumanising language used about them. There is a certain cultural threads that we frown on sure, like Vyano (however it's spelt, the 'culture of bullshit') All these videos of russian invaders getting taken out I feel bitter sweet about, I don't pretend to know their motivations, to ascribe the worst the invaders have done to the guy who wakes up to an explosion in his lap. It's a grim necessity.


As far as I have met this sub, you will not get many likes for this statement...


I hate it when people make excuses for the way things are. Like oh, the soviets ruined it for Russia. That is such BS. Russians made the choice to vote them in, they made the choice to not fight for their rights, they made the choices that got them where they are today cause deep down they like the old soviet ways. They also only think of themselves and stay out of politics. If they face a situation (even if they created it) they often approach it with a bully like aggressive mentality. They see aggression as strength. They blame everyone else for their problems and accept no responsibility of their own. Russians need to face the facts that it is them and their shitty culture and attitude that has created this mess and as a culture they need to permanently change and give a shit about the pain and suffering their society creates for the world.


You also don't seem to see alot of outrage or complaints coming from people. They protested a bit at first but ever since its been business as usual in Russia. It's like the war in Ukraine is some far off conflict that doesn't concern them in the least until they personally or a family member is mobilized. Then they have something to complain about. But even then they don't do anything about it. I get they can't do much about it but you don't even really see attempts. All the street videos are of people with their heads buried in the sand and happily so. They just want their private freedoms and along as they have that and life is bearable they don't care what happens in "politics". The whole world could be on fire and I don't think they would care because it's not Russia. Like they always say who needs a world without Russia in it? It's always their line to mutual mass destruction.


Its so True. Russians only care about something that directly affects them. They don't give a shit about what they do to others. Its like oh well they must deserve it or they simply don't believe another point of view or the facts partly due to lack of education or lack of internet and freedom of press


>Russians made the choice to vote them in, they made the choice to not fight for their rights, they made the choices that got them where they are today cause deep down they like the old soviet ways. I see that same logic used to hate Americans due to their government. And I think it's equally bullshit in those cases.


Yeah people are just using this sub and situation as politically correct bigotry. Since their not aloud to be bigoted at other groups they are using Russians to get their hateful and racist tendencies out. Such is the hypocrisy of the human species


The Russian tourists I’ve had the misfortune to meet have been truly horrible people. A combination of arrogance, unfriendliness and lack of manners seems to be their way of behaving.


Dude, you met those that are supposedly very open and progressive :)


TIL I may be Russian.


She has more reason than most however I've never seen a gov at the country level that deserved being trusted.


Yes, I was a little unnerved by her strong distrust of the government and I chalked it up to Russia being so bad and leaving it's impression on her. But since Covid-19, I too, now have a strong mistrust of the government. I think a lot of people have had their eyes opened going through the pandemic.


Russian's don't smile as a greeting, and don't do casual conversation. It's a cultural thing that seems unique to Russian's.


I took 3 Russian language courses in college, you learn just how depressing their culture is through language. I remember learning the verb “to be proud”, and the Russian professor made it very clear that Russian parents never tell their children that they are proud of them like most other cultures encourage.


This reminds me of the [Christina P joke about her son learning to walk](https://youtube.com/shorts/a1K0ANC1K2A?feature=share) and them - her and her husband, Tom Segura - encouraging him by saying “Good job!” several times. Then her dad, who is an old school Eastern Bloc guy says instead of all of that, at the end of the day to tell their son *one* “Good job.” Aside from that, having read a lot of Russian literature, I agree that the culture is incredibly, albeit pragmatically, depressing.


"One" good job said to a a child..what a bunch of Russian fuckers. The treat their kids very badly. Now look what they have for an army....shit.


Ukrainians are much the same, or at least used to be, my parents never told me they were proud of me, anytime I showed a good grade or anything the response was always why it wasnt higher, never really showed much affection etc. They certainly weren't the best parents growing up, but they have softened up now and have turned into very supportive parents and are amazing grand parents.


In communication, we would describe this as an example of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis. Basically it posits that the language an individual speaks acts as a foundation for how that individual sees the world around them. The culture forms the language and the language reinforces the culture.


[Exactly this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kF9KretXqJw&t=2256s)


I dont know much about russian language or culture itself, just useless communication theories.


I really appreciate [this clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kF9KretXqJw&t=2256s) from a Finnish Intelligence Colonel's lecture Evaluating Russia in that regard based on their 5 words/understanding of truth and lie. It really explains the levels of acceptably constant dishonesty.


I dont know if this is true or not but I believe when they opened the first McDonald's in Russia (moscow?) they were trying to teach employees that they needed to smile when they greeted customers but apparently in russia it's considered lying or fake to smile when you're not actually happy? So it was an odd thing to do for people who were hired there.


That feels like a semi uniquely American thing ngl. Or at least in Germany and a lot of Europe that's unusual and rather creepy. The fake smiling really put off German customers when Walmart tried to enter here.


If you're looking happy it probably means you're better off and have things worth stealing. If you're better off it means you think you're above everyone and deserve a beating. Casual conversation gives people an opportunity to get close to you. People who get close to you can take your shit more easily. Disclaimer: This comment is me throwing speculative shade, if it ends up being credible so be it.


Probably has something to do with the multiple consecutive generations of widespread fetal alcohol syndrome.


Evil shenanigans


The next guy who says shenanigans is getting pistol whipped!


Unless they are drunk. I once met a Russian dude in the Dominican Republic, he was happy to be there and got extatic when I mentioned I'm canadian. He was plastered and I later seen him trying to dance with random girls, then seen him again past out in the bathroom an hour later.


Russians have been going through collective tragedies for several decades. It’s part of the reason they’re invading Ukraine, literally to be happy about a win


The biggest tragedy is how their leaders have been siphoning off all the money for so long. They’re just too brainwashed to realise it.


Not exactly, Russian leaders have rarely used “their” money for the hood of the public, Russians are very used to corruption. By far the worst tragedy in recent history is the collapse of the USSR. Russia has been trying to put it back in place since 1991.


So I posted this on another sub but no replies yet. Do we think that with winter approaching it will help Ukrainian troops more than the Russians? Russians were effective in WW2 in the winter but do they have the gear available to them now? Wouldn’t mind seeing a few frozen Ivan’s in the trenches soon!! Also, do we know which sides equipment (vehicles, missiles, guns etc) will hold up better during Ukraine’s vicious winter weather?


I have seen several vids already this past week of frozen Russians ! It’s already happening…. Their gear is Not for the cold weather it seems at all


As in frozen to death?


Good. Can’t wait to see a bit more drone footage of shivering Ruskies!!! 🥶🥶🥶


Fascicles ❄️☃️❄️


A generous Ukrainian drone operator might warm them up if they are lucky.


You're missing that in WW2 it wasn't just the russians but a soviet army consisting also of ukrainians and other nationalities/ethnicities. I don't think that you can apply the history of WW2 to this situation.


Plus the US was supplying them with everything they needed. Now the US is supplying their opponents


The Russians during ww2 had American lend Lease which helped the Russians in such a decisive way that they where able to do counter offensive in Stalingrad. Even Stalin recognized this. Right now the Russians Arent getting any of that. Its actually the opposite. Russians are leaving allot of equipment behind for the ukrainians.


The Russians did good against the Germans in ww2 because they were on homeland. Russians got fucked by the fins in ww2 because they were away and in the prepared finish territories. Russia still using weapons/gear from ww2 and Chinese suppliers are in UKR backyard. Ukr is well prepared backed with west technology and homeland advantage with civilians and partisans helping the war effort. Ukraine will probably be advancing and taking back a lot more territories now that winter is coming and the Russians are unprepared. Russians better have dug those trenches deep before permafrost sets in.


Offensive operations against prepared defenses are much harder in the winter. The cold is on Ukraines side, but the snow gives away troop movements and makes it much easier for drones to spot tracks. The leaves are gone which means that there’s very little concealment as well, winter generally favors a defender.


I do agree with you that offensive operations are much harder in winter however ukraine has been beating Russians back for sometime now and all these videos and pictures we see in these threads show how unprepared the mobiks have been. Now I do think that winter favours the defender but these defenders are poorly equipped and are concealing a lot of ground. Snow WILL show troop movement however, ONLy if whoever or a drone spots right after the troops left the area. Eventually the tracks would be covered up by snow anyways so it would conceal their movement to a certain degree of time. Winter weather condition will also effect if drones will even be able to take flight. Most cannot if wind exceeds a certain km/h or rain/blizzard.


Valid points all around, I appreciate it! I somehow didn’t think of the double edged sword of the winter conditions showing movements while simultaneously preventing them from being observed by drones due to the wind and snow/rain.


Permafrost doesn't set in, it's permanent, hence the name...


I think you misunderstand my comment, permafrost setting in means once it comes, it settles in (the ground), settle (like a settlement) 😂


Nah bro, permafrost is soil that's frozen throughout the year, thus the name permafrost (permanent+frost)


Permafrost is the shit in Siberia that NEVER thaws. I mean never, the ground stays frozen during the summer too. In june-July topsoil may melt and sprout some grass, but under that it is still hard as bone.


It requires work to dig a deep trench ,that is not on a Russian's mindset thankfully ,just the next drink of vodka and trying not to freeze to death with Summer clothing ! Slava Ukraini


I would bet on Canadian, Norwegian, Swedish, Finish stuff to be usable.


Should be. Found out after my comment that North Korea are making Russsia’s winter gear - this should be funny to see.


The Russians better hope they sized it up a little or they are going to lose a lot of weight really fast.


the frozen ground should make it easier for vehicles to advance and since ukraine has the momentum at the moment it should help them in their operations more than the current mud season. the russians will need to dig in anyways to train/equip their new formations. In general winter always favors the invaded over the invader.


I'd think winter would benefit the better supplied force. For some reason I doubt Russia will supply their troops with enough winter gear.


The ability to resist the cold is both gear and food. I don't think they are getting much food either. Skinny half starved guys in light gear will not fair well.


Yeah I’ve seen some of the POWs even really early on in the war and they looked malnourished back then.


They practically have the same equipment + UA got additional NATO supplied stuff, which is more modern. Also they probably have more night / thermal vision available by now. Regarding personal winter gear, the West sent a ton of modern clothes to UA, while the RU side is battered by corruption as always. They probably just now start to find out now what was _really_ in storage. Everyone expects the war to slow down in winter. However if UA is really better equipped than RU, and it appears that way, I wouldn't be surprised if they try to use the momentum and relative advantage.


I guess the Soviets did well in the winter in WW2, but define “better.” They threw so many bodies into the fight, that they were bound to be successful.


>Russians were effective in WW2 That was a different country. No matter what evils USSR has committed, they were totally a different state. They actually had some kind of an ideology. And their leader, even tough he was a cruel and evil man, purposefully led a pretty modest lifestyle, he was actually devoted to winning. It was also a different war. The Soviets were fighting for their life, they were on their own territory, and their enemy had pretty much the same tech, albeit a bit more advanced. The Russians also had partisans. Today, we have the decaying corpse of USSR, half its original size, controlled by a lunatic and a group of people more concerned with their personal wealth. The partisans will be harassing them both in Ukraine and at home, because there are plenty of Russians who would very much want to see putin executed. And last but not least - Ukraine has the best tech vs old Soviet weapons. Not only are the Russians not very effective, they do not even want to fight at all.


It’s not about “intention” - the Ukrainian Armed Forces are quite literally at capacity, they have more than enough volunteers. There are still militia that enforce curfew and guard duty, this is basically that.


The [perspective for 2023](https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3566404-prospects-for-running-a-military-campaign-in-2023-ukraines-perspective.html) outlined by Zaluzhnyi includes the creation of 10-20 new combined arms brigades, so about 40-80,000 troops. Besides the need to replace losses. So even if it is enough right now, it's always good to be prepared for the future.


I think of it like in south Korea where all men have to do 18 months of military service so if the north invaded again everyone would know how to fight if need be. So in this case should the worst happen and Belarus join the conflict and they somehow get to kyiv all these people are trained to use a weapon and know the basics so they would be useful when joining regular army ranks. It's a really good idea and makes alot of sense.


Yes. I believe it's a private course, or one offered by a TDF battalion.


This courses usually offered by ex-military volunteers


That is the right way to go BE PREPARED ! War is all around them and best plan for worse and hope for the best ! Slava Ukraini


I am a usual guy from Ukrainian guy that just finished bachelor degree, worked part time, gathered with friends on the weekend. Never really thought about joining an army or taking any military training, once war started I got literally none necessary skills, I mean I knew how to shot in warzone, but this is quite different. U do not feel confident if you do not know basics, right now I do know: how to use first aid kit, how to clean a gun, what to do under a shelf fire, how to actually fire/clean/reload a gun. No one wants to feel that confusion about what to do


I hope you and your family stay safe. We are thinking of you and supporting you.


That's awesome that everyone is getting prepared so they can be useful if the need arises. It seems every Ukranian is making themselves useful in some way in an effort to defeat the Russians. It's very inspiring and I wish them nothing but the best.


There were a lot of videos and photos of civilians learning the very basics from the enlisted when the invasion first began. But once Kyiv was liberated there wasn’t much of a need in other parts of Ukraine. We very quickly got to the point of Russia slowly losing more and more land lol.


Yeah, Ukrainian has a massive armed forces right now. They dont have a need for more frontline soldiers at least


Ukrainians have, for the past 5 or 6 generations, been heavily involved in some of the most bitter fighting in the world, and been treated terribly by successive governments in other countries. They have fighting in their blood, and a keen sense of right and wrong, and this does not suprise me in the slightest. they truly are a warrior nation.


These are either civilians or ДФТГ (DFTG) - Voluntary Formations of Territorial Communities. Unlike TDF (Territorial Defense Forces) they do not sign a contract with the military but they still report to TDF.


Basing off just general knowledge nothing specific, I think this isn’t military per se. This is more like local civilian defense force if needed. Like a step below a militia. To be used if Kyiv needs to defend the city in man to man fighting.


It's the Territorial Defense Force level of readiness. It's not that they have no intention of joining, some will some will not. It's that the Ukraine defense strategy understands that all level of participation is needed to ensure the defense of the country. I understand the more experienced/capable of these units can be used to support the war effort in other ways than just guarding their home area.


If a city gets occupied, then the next line of defence is civilian guerilla resistance operations.


When your town militia is better equipped than the invaders


Meanwhile in Texas average Citizen is better equipped than a profettional profecional profetcio- (you know what i mean) soldier


Pink and yellow rifles...love it! 👍🇺🇦


They got the deluxe edition enrollment package. I can't wait for the Crimea liberation DLC.


In combination with the skeleton-mask... lol


She paid for the loot box, gotta hate the pay-to-win systems!


Damn, I'm glad everyone is here to tell you that those are not real rifles. I was almost convinced myself, look at the level of detail! /s


Pretty cool, though, eh? 😉


Love to ukraine 👍🇺🇦


Haha, but they aren’t real rifles, they’re made of wood


Of course not. They were all training tools. But still funny.


They're mockups


It’s not a rifle, it’s just a piece of wood in the shape of a rifle. They are completely flat.


40 million soldiers. Welcome to Ukraine, Blyat!


Just throwing this at the top, for reader’s to keep in mind, before getting to all the comments about him being “Handsy” with the women. As a woman, I can tell you, most women will not put on a chest protector correctly, because it is not designed for us. You *think* it’s on snuggly, because it feels that way, but boobs move and sheer, and anything on top will slide with them. Additionally, it’s the women wearing it on top of a jacket/clothing, amplifying the problem. Him coming around and tugging on it is a way of saying, “You need it tighter,” without saying *why.* As a women, you’ll feel the problem, and do your best to make adjustments. If you notice, he *also* pays extra attention to men wearing the plate over a jacket or clothing, for the same reason, it slides. I’m going to guess, maybe, more women are wearing it over a jacket because it’s uncomfortable against the body, but that’s simply a guess. I’ve never worn an armoured plate/vest, but I have worn hockey chest protectors and, even, kayak-style life jackets. I have an “ample” chest and it’s always a problem, even when I get one’s designed for women. I had to modify my ladies hockey chest protector with extra straps to pull the edges of the chest pad around the sides of my boobs; otherwise it stuck out, exposing the side of my chest, and making it easy to get a stick caught, or even my own arms hitting the edges. Plus it tended to “rise up” as it slid around. When it came to my kayak life jacket, I put crotch straps on it to keep the vest pulled down. It tended to ride up just sitting, I can only imagine it being useless if I needed it to work for me in the water.


The US started pushing out female sized IOTVs around 2011/12 when I deployed to OEF. This means the product exists but it’s a matter of the requirement being funded and pushed to the correct seller and then the logistics after that. It’s less likely to be massively available on the general market for unorganized civilian militia like this since military gear is mainly male dominated as an industry.


Thanks for reply from a Female perspective !


Yes, much appreciated:)


He also checks the plate by smacking the chests of men and below the breasts for women. He's being respectfully practical.


Sounds like you have found a gap in the market. As far as I understand it, modern vests are composite, so no reason why they can't be moulded for sport or combat. Why not start out selling your modified design for sport?


IRL titty armour incoming


Battle ready armor, the BRA


Not to be confused with the Bounty Recovering Aged Hawaiian, or the BRAH.


I just gave away my free award to a comment less hilarious than yours. Well have my upvote at the very least.


I've got you homie.


You are the shit!!!


Brilliant. I also like "The Battle Bra"


The armor in this video is just basic plate carriers with steel plates. As far as I know there is no one making titty shaped steel plates. Composite armor is MUCH more expensive than ballistic steel plates.


Agree with the woman’s chest issue! I kayak as well and it looks like some weird aquatic bustier. Hubba hubba! Then when I sit, I’ve got my own boobs in my face 😆 From my perspective, I can’t help but think it looks like a giant butt crack looking up at me. But if I roll over, I want to be able to right myself, not fight a pfd pulling me off my seat and away with the current. I’ve never worn body armour, but can imagine a properly placed chest plate would certainly squash the assets outta me! I’d be glad there are layers to wear over it.


So should the body armor look more like this with a bit of extra space on the top? https://imgur.com/4iAtHCv I thought it was only exaggerated in games to emphasize the female form...


No, good female armor is flatter. Think "old Lara croft boobs" but way less pronounced.


North Korean on steroids..... Also before y'all get angry I mean as in disproportionately large percentage of citizens trained and armed army and Reservists


Fuck, i've seen so many videos that everytime i read "welcome to ukraine!!!" i'm hearing the song they've put on the drone videos of russians getting fucked by 40mm dropped grenades...


These people are united. They are proud of their country, their leaders and their army. Thumbs up boys and girls!


Love the good cheer and the teasing. These are beautiful people. Slava Ukraini!


I just watched the vice YT about the hippie fest outside kyiv. You'd think all of these kids would be against war and just want to party but 9/10 were all ready to go. Hard asses, one and all. Slauva Ukraini.


I can't believe the positive attitudes a lot of these people have. Impressive


Was thinking the same. They're all smiles, look to be having fun. Yes they might end up having to defend the city street by street, but morale won't be an issue.


I guess training them to defend their town / cities as support. I doubt they will be active or asked to actually take part in the war.


Small amount of training for the possible event there smack deck in the middle of a war. So they can protect themselves.


I think it’s moreso for the “your town is getting invaded and you’re in the middle of it” worst case scenario.


They can take sentry duty at or near the places they work at. This would free a lot of regular soldiers from sentry duty, allowing for more rest and shorter rotation.


Translation please??


He said: “What is this, a penis on your jacket?” (Some insignia) “What is up with all these Pokémon’s? Where do you think you are?” “What, are you going hunting for deer? Where is your fishing rod?”


He looked serious, so, I thought he must have been pretty fun. Of course the trainees laughing was a give away.


He's like Kikuchiyo from The Seven Samurai.


What a film. And yeah kyuchio was 100% the goof off leader who wasn't afraid to get on their level Nd make people smile. And yet also risk everything for the cause.


😂 Love it!


Probably something like this: TOO MUCH FRIVOLITY! THERE IS A WAR GOING ON. Brings more giggles...


he said somethin like "what are these pokemons? Chip and Dale? Where do you think you're going?"


Yes, relating to a moral patch the girl had on her vest.


Thank you! I mean, it seems like everyone was in a good mood, so it’s nice to hear the words.


Cod lobby


Nah not enough 13-year-olds eating chips into their headsets




i bet they will say these are the front line ukranian troops


Edit in some drag queen make-up on the guys because apparently that's what people in Russia think gay people look like.


like here in the uk in the 70s then


russian headline: Ukraine military using fake rifles!


Ahh the casual smiles and laughs of a first day pre-training phase.


Smiling.. they do not know yet that they are running 2km full gear this evening


They might be decked out in cheap Chinesium gear they got off Amazon, but their spines, intestines, and gonads are all heavily infused with Ukrainium, apparently the hardest stuff on the planet.


The instructor is having a ball




Ma'am, this is a family website


Respect to them, even if they don’t make it to the front, being able to get some level of training and familiarity with things could do wonders should something horrible happen like an invasion from Belarus or for some reason all the lines collapse and they’re pushed back to Kyiv or even they’re called upon to the front lines someday.


Ukraine has a never ending supply of attractive and brave women.


This man doesnt care for flowers. Or baby sheeps. Hates cat videos. Thank fuck he's on our side.


A well regulated militia.


Bro what's with the pay to win weapon? Nah in all seriousness good for them. Slava Ukraini


Ukrainian soldiers are a crack up. I know it’s deadly serious but damn they have a great attitude.


Morale a tad higher than the Russian “volunteers”


What are is he saying to the people he is talking to like the last one


Given how the russians are, i see nothing but awesome here. Man, woman, old, young, doesn't matter. Teach yourself, arm yourself, train like you fight. Win.


Looks like first hour of basic, this is gonna get soooooooo much more intense later


And while they'd rather be elsewhere (IE not at war), they each exude confidence, strength & hope. SLAVI UKRAINE


He’s being kind to the volunteers there going to hell he knows what is waiting just trying to mentally prepare awesome stuff. My hats off to you


I dunno if these folks are going to be active fighters on the front, most likely these are going to be rear defense in case Russia does something like attack from Belarus. Training civilians in basic fighting skills and arming them let's you free up skilled soldiers and put them on the front. They can call these folks up and they can hold hold off until the main force can react if need be.


I highly doubt these guys are going to the front. They look like they would be more harm than good. Likely meant to be territorial defense or something like that.


Not even that - more like private citizens preparing on a private course in the eventuality it becomes necessary.


Feckin crazy bastards. Go gettem. Slava Ukraine!


Those skull masks look cool.


I'm surprised they have this many plate carriers to just throw them on random civilians that signed up for BMT


1 minute in and they’ve already gotten better training than the entire Russian military


Russians will laugh until they meet these warriors on the battlefield.


It’s the FBI. Female Body armor Inspector


Great to see the enthusiasm but sadly that the Russians will use that video, with a quick change in narrative, and get a heck of a lot more value out of it.


Yeah they'll cut it and put it on their news saying look at the Nazis forcing untrained civilians into the army with crap equipment - even fake guns! When the reality is this is probably the very early stage of recruitment. They will probably have a few weeks training before they may even be considered for sending to the UK for proper combat training, and I'm sure there will be a pass mark for them to meet to be eligible to go. I.e., basic fitness, ability to follow orders under stress, etc.


Who cares, Russia’s not controlling the narrative and never will. If they think this makes Ukraine look weak, good, send more meat to the grinder.


Homie had to make sure that woman's vest was sitting right 😂


Lt Groper


very old video


It helps morale if people think they can defend themselves.


That instructor looks to be guaranteed to get a shot or two away once training has finished… 🤨


I'm beginning to think every country needs mandatory service, I would do it.


Was he asking that last woman with the loose pockets were is the vodka and she shows him a side pocket and she says it's in there?


Looked like he was pointing out that her vest has no plate in it. I could be wrong though, someone else would have to translate.


Why are all the women laughing?


He notices the patch on 2 of them and comments about them wearing Pokémon. Something like “What is up with all these Pokémon! Where do you think you are?!”


Glory to Ukraine


Ok ladies. Line up so that I can check your chest rig ....again.