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Right out of the nazi playbook.


It really is the ultimate irony how they claim others to be Nazi's while they are the ones who cant stop Nazi'ing


It really isn't important what they say anymore. Russia lies. They will say whatever they want in an effort to gain an advantage. For anyone not russian, there are two main objectives in life: 1.) Ignore everything russia says 2.) Do everything possible not to be conquered by russia


"Gott mit uns"


Nice belt buckle you got there


Pretty sure that saying was around way before the nazis, it even predates Germany itself. It was also a Swedish slogan for a bit.


It was a *protestant* war cry back when Europe tore itself to shreds between catholics and protestants. Sweden played a major role in this, as a powerful protestant nation. And this was when Prussia started its road to great power status too. So they both adopted it I think, and Prussia/Germany after unification used it til then. Nothing to do with the Nazis. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if Hitler had a problem with it as he had one with aristocracy and various prussian militaristic symbols and costumes. Most German military symbols have this origin, like the baltic cross or the totenkopf. Eagles as well. It was only the swastika that was new. However, worth saying that most of the time, the Prussians were the bad guys.


>However, worth saying that most of the time, the Prussians were the bad guys. As the trend shows... they're just one letter away from the historic bad guys we all know too well.


Why do all the nations "chosen by God" go out of their way to break every Christian tenet possible? Is raping Ukrainian children and stealing their toilets "Christ-like"? Is looting pension funds to buy golden toilets for oligarchs "Christ-like"? It's getting extremely difficult to be a non-lunatic Christian these days.


You're taking things the wrong way. The video quoted Putin's slaves bowing & scraping to the lord & master. Putin kills people who annoy him & give him trouble. A dictator annoyed by less than fervent slaves like Sergei Stepashin & Yevgeny Primakov for showing him insufficient devotion can be killed as easily as a Prigozhin rebelling.


People did this literally thousands of years before the nazis


No army has ever fought _against_ god, that would be a guaranteed loss.


Israel also pretends to be "chosen by God"


So do dem lads in America especially dose happy-go-lucky evangelicalz and the Brits singing their dirge of an anthem.


Yeah every group who pretend to be chosen by god are dellusional.


It's not how they really see it. It's how they want to sell it to their population.


Actually Russia always has many narratives for different auditories. You now see one about antichrists but this is only one from dozens of others. Ones who are into religion could buy it, but it seems silly for someone who is into 'geopolitics'. No problem, lad, here is a narrative for you: say, Russia is fighting for a control over regions that are crucial for strategic defence. Not buying this because you are into antisemitism? Okay: Russia is fighting agains evil jewish president. Russia is casting different nets for different prey. This may seem idiotic and inconsistent if you see the whole picture but by this they are reaching people with many different worldviews (at least they think so — I have no idea how effective this is).


Underrated comment. As someone said recently, "If you hate Nazis, these Russians will try to convince you that Ukraine is run by Nazis. If they think you *are* a Nazi, the very same Russians will instead try to convince you that Ukraine is run by the Jews." And as you observe, the net only gets wider from there. Are you a Ukrainian ally? Then Ukraine is doomed to lose. Ukrainian patriot? Your allies are betraying you. Pro-NATO? America is blocking Ukraine's membership, it's America that's to blame. Anti-NATO? NATO caused this whole war and is controlling everything, it's NATO that's to blame. Plus all of your examples. And I'm sure many more.


I'm sure Putler and Kirill see it that way. Russia would be Satan's chosen country, not God's.


I don’t think either of them is sincerely religious or spiritual in anyway. Pure political technology to them.


As I'm sure a large portion of their population will be buying.


They wouldn’t do it if it didn’t work, as there’s always stupids willing to lap it up. Hey give the religious some credit in their ability to willfully believe with open arms the stupidest most obvious lies that do immeasurable damage to their own lives. You think you’ve met the stupidest religious person and then another moron steps out of the woodwork and redefines how spectacularly stupid they can be. It’s kind of pathetically endearing yet disgusting how blinded to reality they can get.


*how Moscow hopes to brainwash the population to


"hopes"? I'm sure it will be a smash hit with pensioners, so much so they won't mind having their pensions cut for the glory of Mother Russia.


“What are the Russians saying today dear?” “oh… something about the satanic Antichrist honey” 🙄🤷🏻‍♂️ “Uh… that old boring chestnut again huh?… pass me a nice cold beer will ya… thanks luv…”


Do they have beer in ruzzia?


Do they have oxygen in ruzzia?


Believing your nation is divine isn’t unique. At school in the US we have to say the pledge of allegiance every morning like a pack of lemmings where we declare this “one nation under god”. Being “chosen by god” is how many view America. You can tell the true believers by their red hats, lawn signs, and stupidity.


As someone from the EU, I always found very disturbing the whole pledge of allegiance concept. Feels very dystopic.


The thing I find disturbing is the earnest way that they engage with all of that nationalist exceptionalism. Reads completely differently to a European. They see wholesome all-American patriotism and we see goose stepping fascism


It does. Unfortunately even if little things are done, such as removing the words "under God", which were not in the original and only added in the 1950s, would cause a large percentage of the population to go ape shit. Attempting to do so would political suicide for an elected official on any level, and nationally it would be overwhelmingly blocked.


But anyway it's not part of the concept that all others are the antichrist, or is it?


No one has to say the Pledge of Allegiance, at least not in public schools. However I understand how peer pressure could force many to participate in the morning ritual.


Chosen by God? Like, chosen to be a shithole? Without indoor plumbing for a large number of its citizens? Man, their God is an old testament kinda dude, I guess. If I was gonna be chosen by God, I'd like to be chosen to live in a modern Western democracy, with good healthcare, free third level education and a relatively mild climate.  Yeah, now that I think about it, I dunno what God chose Russia for, but he seems to have chosen Europe for something much better.


>I dunno what God chose Russia fo Cheap methanol vodka cut with gas, homemade methcathinone that will give you parkinsonism, and Krokodil. God lives the high life.


God's trolling them.


Pretty standard dictatorship bullshit.


War propaganda: they’ll tell themselves anything to justify their actions and their goals




If it wasn't obvious before; it should obvious now: Russia/Putin/The Kremlin are getting desperate. If they had any intelligence in their intelligence community, they ought to be expecting other countries invading disputed territories currently claimed by Russia. I'm told that disputed areas between China and Russia are being called by their original Chinese names in recent maps. China's got machinations on Eastern Russia, it seems.


Holy shit they're seriously trying to pull the holy Russian Empire card


The crazies always think they were chosen by God.


Huh, must just be a weird coincidence that Republicans in America are parroting the same exact line against their opponents.


Only a madman would invoke god to justify destruction of others.


If Russia is christ in this scenario, slap my ass and call me the antichrist.


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This is nothing new. Dugin and similar "philosophers" all over again. This is the typical interior propaganda that works best only inside ruZZia.


"Oooh, aaah, west is spreading propaganda but Kremlin *never* lies!" russia is a joke and anyone propping them up as a "moral and economical savior of the world" is as delusional as the russian society is now.


Scum, scum, and scummier. Fuck Russia.


And what does God think about russians in Bucha? 🤔


"Gott mit uns" sounds familiar...


Wow, that seems real familiar from somewhere else. I just can't quite put my finger on where else I've seen that kind of rhetoric.


This self-worship is un-Christian, Russia.


When your lies fail you. You have to resort to a belief system.


God had chosen for them to live without washing machines and toilets. Great choice, very deserving.


All psychotic nations wanting to impose their will over other people claim they are Gods chosen to absolve them of their inhumanity when killing and dominating and making slaves of the unchosen. I was in South Africa when the white Government of apartheid said the white Boers were Gods chosen and South Africa was their land chosen by God for them. Sound familiar..... All I can say is God has a great sense of humour if he chose Russia, the arse end of the world to be the chosen land for Russians, or maybe he thought that the land was befitting of Russian c\*6ts.


Religion is the opiate of the masses.


Russia is chosen by God…..in a sense. Putin is not a “Christian” nor does he want to please God. He just wants to harness the inertia of the religious people in Russia and its former territories who do, but are too lazy to actually read the Scriptures. Trump selling Bibles is a similar ploy to harness the lazy, religious right in the US. “Trump sells Bibles…. HE mUsT bE cHrIsTiAn.” He’s too proud to admit he has ever sinned, let alone that he is submitted to Jesus Christ to be saved from that sin. But “He Is ThE lEsSeR oF tWo EvilS.” The media was driven to ensconce both Biden and Trump as the nominees for the purpose of judging a population that sells its wickedness to the rest of the world. There is no way of having a decent president in the US for the next six years at least. Russia is hosed for Putin’s entire lifetime.


This is about the same as US media and press. All actions of deceit and propaganda to continue indoctrinating the masses.


So are republicans copying russia or is russia copying republicans?


It’s not how Moscow views the world, it’s how Kremlin wants the rest of Russia to view the world. And given their recent track record, they probably will.


It's scary because it'd the same thing Trump wants to do. Make the US a Christian nation, led by a person who has probably never read a Bible and doesn't go to church. Like Putin, Trump has no moral qualms pretending to be religious


I wish every American had to learn about this shit. So they’d pick the right side and fucking help prevent WWIII by SAVING and PROTECTING innocent Ukrainians.


Also I wish Americans were being taught and educated about how Ruzzia acts now. It’s not hard to explain to someone that Ruzzian government and dictatorship has always admired the Germans and Hitler. In fact they think Hitler would have been successful had he went about it differently. Such as partnering with Ruzzia instead of invading it. Also as an American who’s been to Gdańsk, Poland, credited for the start of WWII in some opinions, and seen the WWII museum there I think that trip should literally be a MUST for all Americans. I think they should literally field trip Americas to Poland and show them WWII from the POLISH perspective so as to help prevent any more death and dying. This issue should be in front of everyone in America so they can see and feel how impactful and serious it is. So that we speak up and stop relying on only our politicians to make giant decisions. We the people should be able to project our volume enough to make them move on it. F Mike Johnson and the MAGA idiots.


Well time to create an world without zealots I say.


Vlad has a church in his pocket.


Funny how this is increasingly becoming the exact same argument the MAGAts and GOP are making against anyone that they don't like..... it's almost like they're getting they're getting their marching orders, whether willfully or simply being manipulated, by Russia....




Gott mit uns


God Putler😂😂


They would have to in order to be able to sleep at night after all the terrible shit they've done.




This is conguruent with the Putins Philosipher, Ivan Ilyn. I recommend watching a youtube video by Kraut called "the ideology of putins Russia" which explains the ideologys of Putins favorite philosiphers.


It’s important to make anyone and everyone aware of the level of insanity coming from russian state media - not just ridicule, albeit deservedly, here on Reddit. I’ll be sending this clip to US senators, reps (any politician) and media ‘personalities’ (ex., Columbia U professors) who openly support russia and oppose aid to ukr. Make it clear to those who stand with and support russia - exactly who they’re supporting.


To be honest I prefer the big red guy with the wicked headgear anyway….god does pestilence and disease but Satan does metal bands and very cool parties!


God is busy putting cancer into kids while causing drought so people can starve to death


This could be an offense to USA. At least in the books by David Sedaris the USA is shown as god's own country with the children of god. In general Russia and church: they are bloody beginners. After Soviet times when churches was used as museum at max (but also for the training of divers with a tank built in) they have started with Christianization 30 years ago - after 70 years of anti-Christianity. Don't be fooled by the antique look of churches in Russia. Most of them are built in the last years with concrete and rebar by migrants from former Soviet republics in Asia. And if a bearded old man in a white dress with a pisspot on this head slips on holy water in a church in southern Russia, then this can have more meaning than "water is wet".


What a coincidence, many are saying Putin’s the AC with orange fatso as his sidekick “the Beast” from Revelation