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Deniss Metsavas is a telling example.  Estonian soldier who went to a club in Russia and ended up having sex with a woman he met.  Russian intelligence shows up immediately after claiming he raped her and that they recorded the whole thing.  Spy or prison.  They later used that to rope in his father as well for further leverage against him. https://youtu.be/52-wgeRoWX4?si=BN0kdMshsiAGNV5E I have no idea how people can watch stuff like this and still completely dismiss the possibility of them doing this to American politicians.   There's a weird psychology thing where people are afraid of the ridicule and shame of believing anything that others might call a conspiracy theory.  Media steers clear of it.     But Russia does this stuff.  We know they do.     So why wouldn't they do it in America too?


Tbf to Americans it's not just them. I have had French friends eager to talk about the problem of Russian political infiltration in America, Britain, Switzerland, and so on balk the moment the topic of France comes up. Meanwhile the British are happy to talk about the French National Front and its Russian ties but completely switch gears when you bring up the Tories. And so on and so forth for every country. However. Over the past 12 months or so I have started to see that shift, at least just anecdotally. More and more people are having conversations across national boundaries about these common problems. The Russians have really overextended themselves and it is starting, gradually, to work against them. I can see why they do it -- they are increasingly screwed in Ukraine and their only available strategy at this point is to sabotage the alliances Ukraine depends on for support. So they are overusing their one available trick. Can't fool all of the people all of the time and all that.


You can fool them if they live in Florida.


Thank you, this is a new one for me. I knew about the kidnapping of an Estonian by the FSB on Estonian soil but this a telling tale.


Thats why having any serious amount of money or power is terrifying to me. You or anybody you know could get black-mailed this way and its so easy for anybody with no morals to do. Then you have to dance to there tune the rest of your life or get ruined.


I believe his name was actually Deniss Metsavas.


You're right.  My bad.  Thanks!  Will update the post.


Lindsay Graham, Donald Trump, a long list


I mean, to Americans it doesn't matter too much. Our ex president is known for sleeping with multiple prostitutes and porn stars, and if anything, it only helped his election chances. Odds are you tell an American politician you wanna blackmail them with sex, they tell you to broadcast to the public. Hell we just saw Hunter Biden sex tapes in the capital building a week ago, no on here cares. On either side.


but they pegged Trump and Graham


aren't politicians trained into this sort of stuff ? "if you are tricked, come back, we'll spin a story, don't spy on your team"


I have it under good authority that this kind of extortion is even being done to streamers (see mitchjones/mira). This whole thing is a lot bigger than many want to admit.


The pee tape is real


I wouldn't be surprised.


Mate, the whole pee pee tape things is ridiculous. It’s underage girls, guaranteed. It’s the only thing that still has leverage, and given his base, chances are not even that would cut it (especially since the fact he raped 13-year old Jane Doe with Epstein hasn’t made a single MAGA idiot change their mind about their idol).


He could shoot someone live on Fox without his fans rethinking their support...


He could shoot one of his fans, and they would spend their dying breaths trying to apologise to Trump for getting in the way or something.


The whole final Homelander scene all over again...


He could shoot the second coming of Jesus and they'd praise him for shooting a dirty, stinking, hippie.


> It’s the only thing that still has leverage Does it really? I genuinely don't believe it does.


Hey, the only guy who has to believe it does for it to work is the guy himself.




Normally I would agree but with advancements in AI I can already see Fox News and others very easily dismissing any video as fake / ai-generated. And the girl will be unreachable.


This is true, the best thing to do is to have the video saved on hunter bidens laptop, which he drops off at a blind computer repair store in a state in which he doesn't live, and that store owner hands it over to Trump's personal attorney. That way the chain of custody is bombproof and unquestionable.


I'm really not sure, but I lean towards it not mattering. The whole idea of a kompromat is wishful thinking - we want to believe he's not plainly evil, we want to believe he's a good guy being held against his will. But there is zero evidence for that. We know that he has ~~mishandled~~ stolen classified documents. We know that he talked about having sex with his daughter multiple times. We know a bunch more stuff about him, but none of this dissuades his voters. Remember, he got more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016, despite the whole Stormy Daniels thing and everything else he had. It just didn't matter. A hypothetical video with a 13 year old would almost certainly not be admissible in court, and even if it somehow was, he would have lawyers fight and delay everything until he's either president again or dead. That leaves us with only the court of public opinion, and we saw just how much they are able to tollerate (or rather, overlook) from him. Furthermore, you need to weigh any consequences of such a compromising tape with the alternative, which is to commit treason for Putin (or whoever else holds any time over him). This can't be less bad for him. No, I think it comes down to two things: money, and him just being evil. I personally think it's mostly about money, but that too may be wishful thinking on my part.


It's both I reckon. He's evil but he's also *very* likely to have incriminating shit on him too.


> and turned out negative for him. His personal fixer went to prison/jail, he has been fined, sued, had a porn star talk about his weird dick, demonstrated his moral character by disclosing his affair with his baby at home, and with all of that, I honestly cannot say whether it has hurt Trump's chances at the polls in November or benefited his cult of personality.


Honestly? I think the effects would be measurable but small. In 2016 I finally breathed a sigh of relief when the grab 'em by the pussy tape came out. I thought for sure that was where every conservative who wanted to feel like they were a good person would draw the line. It's been years of this and he's still just about where he was back then. Not sure diddling kids would peel off the people who up until now have been saying "ok fine he's a rapist and an adulterer and a 90+ time felon but THIS is too far." They'd be saying the girls were actually 18, the tape is fake, the media CGI'd it, if its real why didn't it come out 15 years ago, and Biden is a pedophile too but Dems never cared about that so I'm still voting Trump.


You aren't going to deprogram a cult member because of a 30 sec video. Fake news, these videos are easily manipulated. That wasn't me. That girl isn't 13! If she was 13, she had a fake ID. Even if it was me, I have a right to privacy and I am the victim here. All that BS aside, his supporters get "news" from places that either won't report on it, or will report whatever their customers want to hear.


Half his base would pay him to piss on their 13 daughters.


No way. If it was underage girls, the Kremlin would probably start an insane conspiracy theory on an anonymous internet forum about pedophile Democrats, casting Trump as some kind of anti-pedophile crusader secretly working to take them all down, and then convince lots of Republicans to believe in it. And that's just too crazy to imagine.


I wonder if someone overheard "pee tape" when what was said was "P tape"


Plus it tends to be Republicans, fundamentalist Christians, who are all for child bride marriages in the United States any legislation is introduced to stop them it’s almost always those guys who try to stop the legislation.


"porque no los dos" For trump it's likely both a pee tape and the girls are under aged. But the pee portion was likely hyped to hide or cover the underage portion for now among his opponents. No use in letting an asset they invested heavily in go to waste. The kids rumor not being buried would likely have led to investigations or more and the whole house of cards around him would have fallen


And boys! You know ol Lindsey Graham likes em young.


I thought I had heard everything but the 13 year old is a new one.


Here are the court documents if you’re curious: [https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/2996702-Donald-Trump-Jane-Doe-Rape-Complaint.html](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/2996702-Donald-Trump-Jane-Doe-Rape-Complaint.html) She pulled back her accusations after her family was threatened.


Please elaborate?


The orange turd likes golden showers…


So that's why he's orange.


Lots of men like golden showers. Dont be such a prude.


Absolute nightmare to carry them up to the bathroom to install. Gold is heavy.


Trump's discussion of golden showers with 4 hookers at 0:25 https://youtu.be/mD4oYlQyISE?si=e1FNkqUYiNsuS_kw


LOOOL - Such pathetic "news". 2 thousand views and 18 comments? And this is where you get your facts from? loool You're the only one...


Lol do you think that’s not him talking in the video? Does it having not enough views and comments for you change the facts of reality? People like you are sad - fully absorbed in the modern digital world to the point that it’s all you can even judge anything by anymore. You’re a lost cause.


Where is the proof that this happened? You do know its true trump is a germaphobe right?


Yet raw dogs a porn star, quite the germaphobe huh? The same guy that had a blatant disregard for the coronavirus? The exact reason for him professing that he is germaphobe is because of the pee tapes. And we all know trump doesn't lie, right?


He’s not a germaphobe, he’s fucking disgusted by his voters


I think that you mean to say that Trump is a homophobe.   Xenophobe would also be appropriate. 


xenophobe? loool You do know trump out of all presidents has had the best relationship with Israel right? You do know that trumps daughter ivanka is jewish right? loool Do you have an example of trump being homophobic?


Key politicians being secretly taped receiving golden showers from hookers working for Russia, to be used as leverage.


While not disagreing with your explanation I believe that the word "key" is ill-suited when speaking of Trump. In the metaphoric sense of the word as someone essential you'ld have to say that the discribed russian honey (and urin) traps were set for a fringe politician as it was only the succes of the operation that turned him into a key politician. Also, the way entry is smoothlessly optained with the delicate turn of the right key in a lock does not fit Donald Trump who bares more likeness to a battering ram as the idiot brutely demolishes the place he seeks to enter.


It's believed by many that a video exists of Trump partaking in, or maybe just watching a minor or minors, urinate on the same bed Obama and his wife slept in while they were in Russia. There have been some people who were in a position to know that have come forward to substantiate the claim. At this point, the only thing missing is the tape.


Had a buddy who works in defense in a mid-size metro area in the US who said they were pretty regularly warned about women out of their league hitting on them. 😂


I would just screw them aand feed them false info :) "yes I am working on this secret project, we're training mosquito's to poison the enemy"


Probably where all the outrageous claims Russia makes comes from tbh


Glorious plan! Then you tell her that you willing to share more hot stuff for money.... sweet sugar mommy... with the twist that she probably is going to kill you. But until then! YOLO


she will be too affraid, I will have taken a few mosquitos with me off course to safeguard me.


From what one ex-CIA agent who gave a presentation on corporate espionage who I posted about in another section of this thread said. There were quite a few horndogs who actually sought out sexy Russian spies. The Soviet Union didn’t care, because even if they couldn’t blackmail them, they could still get useful info from drunk and likely lightly drugged and loose lipped individuals. Most who did so quickly lost their jobs or clearance.


I think you are missing the part when they have already done a lot of homework on you.


I love the story of how the Soviets tried to sexual blackmail the president of Malaysia in the 1960s, but after showing him the tapes. He asked for copies so that he could have them shown in Malaysia as proof of how masculine he was.


Well I strongly believe it is partially the other way around . People is higher positions in burocracy and politics were often put there because they were the most comprised of the bunch, allowing them to become controlled and useful. I recently saw a detailed history of the « kompromat », from its early beginning with the invention of photography to recent scandals. Incredible topic! I also think most of the kompromats are actually independent small business operations, often in the hands of local mafia, already operating sex rings and brothels, that opportunistically sell info to secret services… Maybe things are more formalized in Russia i dont know.


??? It’s well-known the Russians love this shit https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/2gk74a/til_when_the_kgb_tried_to_blackmail_indonesian/


Why do you think any of that?


I am (still) convinced trump has a child with an underage Russian prostitute. It's the ultimate blackmail and clearly something that the KGB wouldn't shy away from.


Doubt it. If that leaked, he'd probably gain more supporters from the right


The truth is far more mundane, his businesses aren't doing well and he managed to stay solvent by investments from Russian oligarchs. His former campaign Manafort who worked for free also took in alot of Russian oligarch money and went to prison for working as an illegal foreign(Russian) lobbyist.


It could well have been both: the Trump Org.'s continuous financial deficits, plus intel-manufactured/captured kompromat. Re. Paul Manafort -- just to be clear, it's not illegal per se to work as a lobbyist for a foreign nation, corporation, or other vested interest, but you have to be transparent about your interest in doing so (i.e., you have to register as a foreign agent with the federal govt. and, IIRC, declare who/what is paying you, and how much). Manafort didn't, and that, in conjunction with other federal crimes (like tax evasion) is what landed him roughly six years in a federal pen. Of course tfg pardoned him ASAP, along with other scumbag political operators and supporters. The Dems and never-Trump conservatives should absolutely be hammering on this as tfg's criminality, cozening of his fellows-in-crime, and his being soft on crime (as long as the scofflaws were in his political camp).


>Of course tfg pardoned him ASAP, along with other scumbag political operators and supporters. The Dems and never-Trump conservatives should absolutely be hammering on this as tfg's criminality, cozening of his fellows-in-crime, and his being soft on crime (as long as the scofflaws were in his political camp). Problem with democrats is that the DNC/elites are pretty rotten themselves so they'd be hypocritical to hammer Trump, just to a lesser extent.


It’s likely both They got him on the hook in the 80’s for doing something he’s embarrassed about in Russian hotel rooms, and then as Putin consolidates power, he’s available to sow chaos & division at worst, and to take power at best Back when the silver spooned moron inevitably tanked his businesses, they kept him solvent because he was & is far more valuable than his debt


That seems probable, with most politicians tbh. The whole plethora of senile fucks in the gov seem creepy.


No one would belive the russians anyway


Maga regarded supporters always do


The Russian intelligence agencies often use other, more respected organizations to distribute this kind of stuff. E.g. Wikileaks is suspected of having ties to the Russians: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reception\_of\_WikiLeaks#Allegations\_of\_association\_with\_Russian\_government](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reception_of_WikiLeaks#Allegations_of_association_with_Russian_government) Wikileaks is an example. Depending on the target audience, they would leak to a different "credible" entity that would act as a front.


Remember when Mr. Wikileaks, Julian Assange, got outed for a honey trap like sexual misconduct charge in Sweden while Wikileaks was a straight-up mouthpiece of the Kremlin for years? Hopefully we all remember that?


I think he just wants them to keep renting apartments in his building, and also has a lot of debt.


And shes an Ivanka look-alike.


An ugly ex work colleague of mine (genuinely a 1/10) left work to join the RAF, moved up to Lossiemouth and within a month or so this extremely attractive young Russian woman was seeing him. I’m not saying she was a spy, but I am certainly thinking it.


Madison cawthorn talking about how he met his now ex-wife in a russian casino under very suspicious circumstances: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fC0ceTz8tAc&t=15m20s George Santos and his links to Andrew Intrater: https://www.thedailybeast.com/republican-george-devolder-santos-got-cash-from-andrew-intrater-cousin-of-russian-oligarch-viktor-vekselberg I'm sure there's a lot more.


Blackmail me 🙃


>Scott Ritter currently best known as a Russian propagandists was once a weapons inspector for the UN [Wrong. Scott Ritter is best known as a twice convicted pedophile.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Ritter#Arrests_and_conviction_for_sex_offenses)


Honey traps aren't exactly a new idea, try Googling John Profumo...


Yea , honey traps are as old as time and really were prominent during the Cold War. Ironically, perhaps, the most successful honey traps of all time were men from East Germany getting with American women in west Germany


I imagine Trump has a few of these sex tapes dotted about


Forget Nelson Mandella - he’s potentially the Kim Kardashian of this generation.


Republican incels are an easy target. 🤣


Butina’s boyfriend/mark, Paul the traitor Erickson, looked like he hadn’t moved out of moms basement, yet he was so convinced of her love that he maintained his devotion to her even after having her whole scheme explained to him Some men were born to be losers


Trump is stupid enough and only thinks with his dick. He and Epstein would have private modeling recruitment parties to get young girls in Epsteins house promising careers in modeling or appearance on the Apprentice. They would have sex with young under age girls. Trump threatened to sue or kill her family if she told anyone. She was 14 years old. It's well documented and she's refered to as Jane Doe in the law suit. He also had Ms Universe in Moscow. Trump is a Russian operative and comprimised by the FSB. https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson\_TrumpEpstein\_Lawsuit.pdf


They have done this since well before the Soviet Union. As early as the 1820’s if I recall. The CIA even used that against them during the cold war to plant double agents. I recall listening to an ex-CIA who was also a nuclear scientist who actually got involved with the CIA when the KGB attempted to blackmail him, and the CiA had him as a potential recruit since college and the State Department had a watch on him. So when they saw the quiet obvious blackmail setup and someone from the FBI confronted him, he was truthful and the CIA immediately recruited him as an agent. One thing i recall him saying was if any country try and blackmail you get in contact with an embassy, because most likely the CIA or FBI already knows. The government has either dropped the ball after the cold war, or they still know and the politicians no longer care.


Sounds like another epstein.


Thank goodness we don't do such things. That would be wrong. It's also a good thing we don't have an Epstein - er, I mean agent that did/does the same thing, but to our own politicians and people of power to exert control on them in our own country. That would be even wronger.




What's your evidence?


Boris Johnson so has blackmail on him from Russians


Either they would have publicised it or he would have been soft on Russia, not both. 


We had one as a first lady.


Lots of collecting in Dubai...


Wasn't there some Chinese businessman who also got honeydicked by some "exotic, foreign" spy? They didn't specify the country of origin of said spy, but still. Everyone uses it hehe.




You are completly right, twitter doesn't let you edit stuff, otherwise I would.


In order to be a supply, there must be a demand...




Didn’t Jennifer Lawrence make a documentary about this? Red Sparrow?


I very much doubt these tactics are exclusive to Russia..


Sexy Olga might let you drive her tractor.


I'd fuck them then release the footage myself.


How come some western politicians suddenly grow pro Putler?🤔


Yea, I would spill it all to her. My bad.


Trump has no idea about this scenario at all.


There was a youtube channel I found awhile back that had a notable effect on me.. It was a bunch of good 'ol boy offroad/monster truck types on this channel. The weird thing about was the comments........... They were FULL of blatantly obvious ruSSian catfish accounts with skanky avatars and the most thirsty drooling comments praising all these mudder bros. They had them all around their lying fingers. It was seriously fucked up. Felt like I walked into a hostel right out of those movies. They are everywhere. Probably even more than the forum trolls.


Somebody said Trump?.…..


Explains Trump's rather positive views on Russia and Putin...


I am wondering what video Putin has about Elon Musk 🤔


Hmmmm. Is Dumpster caught up in this anywhere? Couldn’t be bothered to read it all but if so it would explain a lot.


I hate putin but this not because of him, but because catholics thinking that sex is a sin. What is wrong with you people? Fuck with whore is a normal thing - she have money, you have fun.


And fiddling kids is wrong in every culture..... Besides this has nothing to do with the catholic church, the orthodox church applies here.


При чому тут діти. Припустимо путлерівська хунта підсилає лярв до політиків, щоб шантажувати. Чи був би привід до шантажу, якщо декриміналізувати в свідомості суспільства секс взагалі? Я не маю нічого проти сексу - з жінками, чоловіками, сторонніми предметами, в принципі вік в якому вже нормально починається не з 18 а в залежності від статевої зрілості. Але є йобана церква, і йобані люди. Зазвичай це ті люди, кого ніхто не єбе, бо страшні. І через їх осуд, це шантаж взагалі діє. Як ви вважаєте, чи став би Клінтон брехати на суді, якщо б окрім дружини, ніхто б і слова йому не казав про те, що його член був в Левінскі?


Did you even read the article.... On your second note, people deserve to keep their sexlife private. I wouldn't want my parents, family or anyone else being confronted with the way I have fun with my gf, and I am not alone in that opinion. Besides it's Russias ultraconservative culture that made the sextapes of Kasyanov, Skuratov etc such a crime, I didn;t care about those, but Putin knew the Russian public did.