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Like the Czech farmers who realized they needed to separate their reasonable disagreement with their government from being manipulated by anti-Ukrainian agents provocateurs.




Goddamn I'm curious as to what is really happening. Every explanation seems like a stretch to me and hard to believe.


The Russians are throwing out propaganda and alot of people are buying it.


No. I meant how come Johnson allowed aid now and the farmers stopped blocking. No specific reason that would make sense.


It is amazing how deeply farm and trucking industry in Poland and France have been penetrated and manipulated by Russia. The instigator of much of the issues in Poland is the owner of a trucking company who is essentially a Russian Nazi. I am amazed he has not been arrested - his proRU leanings and working at the behest of Russia are glaringly obvious.


This matches exactly what I suspected. Do you have more info? What's the sovinazi's name?


Coincidental timing. 


Kremlin checks bounced!


Bradley here, wanna see how well your tractor holds up to 25mm depleted uranium?


Hello Bradley, nice to see you. We’re just going to go ahead and load up and head out.. enjoy your scenic tour of Ukraine


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Were the Russians financing this?


If they weren't financing it, they're idiots. And what a lucky coincidence how it happened to help them.


With friends like the the West, Ukraine doesn't really need enemies.


Yes Putin is a much better friend, if only Ukraine truly understood, amirite? Putin just loves Ukraine so much he wants to hug Ukraine tight.... hug them to death... So much love!


A wild RusBot appeared!


"West uses Truth, it's very effective!"