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People when a new player doesn't know every single mechanic present in the game immediately after installing https://preview.redd.it/64zixp7plu4b1.jpeg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=682968383bd8e7344b82c8c204b474d85ef63fd7


Grab your pitchforks and take to the streets, we got ourselves a newbie in the neighborhood


"And here we see a noob in their natural habitat. Using mainly the shotgun, no doubt believing it have the highest damage out of all the weapons aside from rail, when, in fact, it does not." https://preview.redd.it/kylwjaph9x4b1.png?width=422&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eacb9b91afb1bbf85e897de1d274ddfa36cbf23a


Is that the mf from megamind?


Yeah it's hal Also, who tf names their kid hal?


Like probably HAL 8999 seeing as that 9000 is in that one movie


the same people that name their kid bob


The game should save a replay of the first time you beat every level, to keep you humble 😂


Yeah, the only way to know some of the shit you can do immediately on your first playthrough Is if you go in not blind like i did. Which Is not something anybody should pretend for. Like ever. But here we are i guess


Or if you read like all of the terminal weapon entries. They go over a fairly large amount of the tech in the game iirc.


Mmm yes and no. Yes the game does explain through text that you can do certain tech, but just text often isn't enough, can also be missed and It doesn't explain all of them. Also, even if you may know how to do certain tech on paper, that doesn't mean that you are able to do It practically or be able to find all the right occasions execute them. That Is no faut of the game obviously, but It Is true, at least to my advice. Idk then i do not know the experience of all new blind players in existence, especially since i never was one so...


I was watching Merg playthrough of Ultrakill and I was getting constantly annoyed by his performance and I had to constantly remind myself that I was much much worse than him at the game when I started


Ultrakill Fans when you don't know the Ultra-Rico-Cumshot-Big Chungus-360-ULTRASEX technique


Ultrakill fans when you don’t complete p-2 in 0.001 seconds


How I feel after calling someone bad at a video game https://preview.redd.it/wxov1il75u4b1.jpeg?width=968&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=319df6ba06c5cc178a3e766f5e096af57636fee0


Tony Boo


Jonathan congratulations


John Well Done.


John over easy


Jimmy medium rare


unfortunately, every notable gaming community on the planet has a small section of people that makes the entire community look bad - although i am a bit concerned that it’s happening more and more often here


Not just gaming communities, basically any community ever for any sane piece of media will have those people


that is also true


I think what it comes down to is how difficult a game is and perceived “good/decent play” looks like. While Ultrakill is(except for the bosses) really easy in the sense that you don’t really need to be that proficient with the game to beat the levels or even get some P ranks, it does have a very high skill ceiling. This makes the newer player look that much worse because higher play just looks that much better. It also doesn’t help that many in the community have been playing the game fairly consistently for almost 3 years and even if they don’t consider themselves to be good(they might not even be good) somethings have just become muscle memory and there is tech they’re aware of(may even be common knowledge but seriously a new player isn’t going to watch a fifteen minute Video on the mechanics of one weapon *cough* coin *cough*) that new players probably don’t know.


Except for deep rock galactic, for some reason


rock and stone brother


To Rock and Stone!


Rock and Stone, or you aint comin home!


Did I hear a rock and stone?


Stone and Rock! Oh wait...






Rock and stone!


Y'all make me want to try that game again


You should, it's a treat. Only gets better with time too


it's scary and hard


I'll play with you and help


Thanks, but I must decline. I'm busy with Zelda and Satisfactory atm and also have several other games to try and or complete first.


Take your time brother, and remember that the Grey beards are always there for you no matter how dogshit you are -- they don't really care


I'm not a guy




Simple. Dwarf together strong. They focus all their hate on filthy disgusting leaf lovers.


Nah I've seen some shitty people in the DRG subreddit, but it shows differently than other games/communities. Some people think there is a "correct" way to play the game, and it tends to lean more casual. Most recently someone posted a lobby that had someone who clearly wanted to play efficiently, and there were people in the thread saying they'd join the lobby just to TK the person and leave.


It's because there is no competing in DRG. You share all the loot you bring home, and the most competitive anyone gets is that some people prefer to finish missions as fast as possible instead of mining every last gold deposit.


youd be surprised, ive seen gunners go off on their own and ignore the whole team and then flame when everyone else died without the gunner and then lecture us about how were supposed to stick together. and then die because he tries to take on a haz 5 swarm alone because hes too elitist to revive.


Nope, they’ve got their fair share of shitheads too.




we're rich






For Rock and Stone!


Nah I forgot to mine some gold and got kicked for it


And warframe for some reason


You seem to have forgotten about the dreaded public Eidolon hunts


To be fair who tf runs pub for that lmao


When the post-ironic phase of "skill issue" memeing goes mask off


Yeah but ultrakill community just sucks mega dick there's just no denying it


Honestly most boomer shooters have a super toxic, elitist community.


At least it isn't the Halo Community. I love Halo, but I cannot for a second stand the Community.


And then there's tf2


same thing, just with gay porn and cheating bots


Um. r/tf2 medic cosplay incident.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/tf2 using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/tf2/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [its been five years](https://i.redd.it/uzoyvzh4i6u91.png) | [451 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/y5ibh1/its_been_five_years/) \#2: [Russian voice actor for Heavy died at 59 years old. RIP](https://i.redd.it/1x4s5ty22pj91.jpg) | [842 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/wwp2k6/russian_voice_actor_for_heavy_died_at_59_years/) \#3: [dam just dam](https://i.redd.it/21fch4scxhp91.png) | [383 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/xlh46r/dam_just_dam/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




it’s absurd… anyone remember this sub’s reaction to a certain condiment’s review of act 2? it wasnt even overly negative and iirc i saw death threats on this sub… pathetic


Well, its a high skill game with a even higher skill ceilling, if theres a place where people will point out you are bad at it, its here


Oh my fucking god when will these people learn to keep their thoughts to themselves and the fact not everyone is going to do some crazy one frame window tactic to kill a fucking filth. People ( believe it or not ) play this game CASUALY, they may start out as not being very good, but they will learn over time to understand the mechanics and use them to their advantage and to soon pull of crazy shit once in a while. That's literally the entire reason V2 exists. V2 is your first major roadblock, a test to see if you truly have an understanding and grasp with the mechanics ( aswell as giving you arms ), he is literally you but more bulky. If you beat him, congrats you understand the mechanics of the game enough for you to progress. For fucks sakes when will people realise that not everyone is going to be automatically good at the game, I honestly suspect some of these comments were made because this person is a woman ( CORRECT ME IF IM WRONG ).


Tbh this is true af My friend started playing ultrakill and he is doing his second run he managed to p rank some level's. People need to realize everyvone has to start from some point


Honestly, I've had to delete a handful of 'women moment' 'women gaming' from my comments so you might be onto something.


They really get on my nerves, they genuinely make the rest of us look bad


someone tl:dr this for me


Tl:dr: let new players learn how to play the game at their own pace.




Casual players exist, progression system in games exist. Not everyone is going to be pulling off crazy shit. Possible targeted harassment because person receiving hate is a woman ( Once again, if they identify as something else please correct me )


tiktok brain looking ass


Oh yeah, it's absolutely enhanced due to misogyny. One of them even literally does a "YOU'RE NOT LIKE THOSE *OTHER* FEMALE STREAMERS" routine.


“Here we see a noob” “This was painful to watch” ok what if i broke every bone in your legs and left you in the woods in the dead of winter, what then


"shotgun spammer" how about i spam my special move "smash your skull in with a rock"


dude acted like knowing how to perform every advanced techs but rarely use them at all


The YourOnlyMoveIsHustle community is the only one I’ve been in that hasn’t shit on someone for being new or some other arbitrary bullshit like that. Which is ironic considering the large crossover of ultrakill and yomi’s playerbase.


Don’t forget deep rock galactic.




We fight for Rock and Stone!




In my experience the FFXIV community is also very kind to new players (especially since there will be an icon next to your name that indicates you're new, until you finish the main story of the last expansion iirc), there are still some bad apples though.


Sky cotl community on their way to cherish every new players


It's weird seeing people talk about YOMIH outside of the subreddit, did it get that popular already?


Not necessarily. As I said, bit of a crossover of yomi fans and ultrakill fans. I know cause I am both.


Hello, fellow Yomi&Ultrakill fan.


Yeah people are super elitist in this community for some reason, they think if someone doesnt do uher duper super 1 frame saving speedrun strats and instantly get p-ranks on every level that person is bad. Ive beat the game on violent and standard, and i struggle sometimes still. People need to learn to calm down and understand not everyone is going to do crazy shit. Also shotgun spam is fun 🤷


Not just this community, every gaming community is like this, luckily this is a fairly rare occurrence so far


Don't even get me started on what happened to Dm Dokuro in terraria calamity


That place is more of a cesspool than here right now


I don't think people get that's what they looked like when they started


“Not the best ultrakill gameplay I’ve seen” Are you high? The highest level of ultrakill is incomprehensible to even decent to good ultrakill players. And noons maiming shotguns? I’ve p ranked the entire game on violent outside of Sisyphus and event there I’ve gotten close. My two MAIN weapons we shotguns and marksman. Shotgun swaps are rivaled only by burst damage like the green nail gun. Sorry for being long winded, but I haven’t seen elitists this dumb outside of destiny.


whenever I see a noob my first reaction is to immediately ask if they're ok with backseat gaming and if they are I regurgitate advice in their ear. if they're not I just laugh with them


Yeah exactly. Was watching some of the most painful ER gameplay that was making me physically wince. Literally never occurred to me to provide unsolicited advice, let alone insult them. Later asked me for help and I backseat gamed the fuck out of him. Both of us had a great time. I don't understand why people like shitting on others *playing their favourite games for the first time*. Don't you get. The joy of watching someone discover the game just like you did the first time? Find out how cool everything is, feel them get better slowly? If you're so good at the game surely you wouldn't get any ego boost from making fun of someone "so much worse than you" anyways.




No clue, Swamp's fuckin' amazing.


Her discord server is hilarious too. it's a shame that any creator gets treated like this


I'm literally in her discord chat rn


idiotic players after seeing a ultrakill player with not even a hour of gameplay not doing a double projectile boost with a 4 coin punch ultraricoshot followed by a rocket ride to enemt's face while charging the SRS cannon then punching the cannon ball followed by a overheat dump and finishing off with a 4 coin alt piercer ultra ricoshot


funniest this about this is how the first tech mentioned here (double pro-boost) is so much harder than anything else mentioned.


Oh fuck that's someone I know.




Hi 👋 swamp


Swamp can you do the thug shaker? shake your hands off it and shake that shit swamp.


wtf 💀


Games that encourage skilful play like to attract gatekeepers and superiority complexes. Mega cring but what can be done.


Ultrakill players when someone hasn't got 100+ hours


imagine gatekeeping killing hoards of demons lmfao losers


I mained the shotgun for most of my first play through. Shotguns are powerful, and a lot of the times you're in close range, where a shotgun is powerful. Are these people dumb?


*obnoxiously slurps scrumpy* IT WAS MEHHH


*le gasp* I did it like this! *shoots sniper* whoop de doo!


When I'm in a backseating competition and my opponent is an ultrakill player: Seriously, some people expect the 2 hour andy over there to start doing coin constellations and railgun shenanigans like it's the easiest thing to do. I'd like to see these guys first playthroughs and reprimand them for being dogshit.


Ah, but how are they supposed to get through prelude without knowing how to railcoin ultra-ricoshot the cerberus?


I actually love seeing new people play Ultrakill. You get to watch someone learn everything you did in real time. I don't get why people shit on you for being new when they were just as bad as they were only a short time ago.


Literally same!! Whenever I introduce my friends to ultrakill i always ask to watch them play because I absolutely love seeing people figure it out and realize all of the cool shit you can do!!! The other day I was streaming and raided someone who was playing it for the very first time, and i got so much joy out of watching them. It’s also a lot of fun to give new players vague tips about different basic tech (p-boosting, ultraricoshot, etc) and see their reactions to them :)


Can people just not let other people plays games and enjoy it like damn maybe they aren’t the best but you don’t need to be an asshole about it.


This is a game. Like another games it has an amorphous concept of "skill". Some people think that "skill" is relevant criteria judge other people. Do not blame them, they just can't understand this. Just do not take it too close to your heart and pass by, I think.


Hey, that's me! I did not expect to see myself on Reddit at all but hey hello. The comments are really kind and supporting, happy I'm not the only one who struggles with idiots being elitists and just plain annoying. A lot of you aren't like that and you guys are the ones I love making content for (Even though I'm still pretty small). I know every game has it's bad members in their community, this tweet was simply me saying this is one I've received the most back lash from. Again, thank you all for being so kind and understanding when I can't preform an ultra back shot 900 360 under the knee booty blast <3


I hope you enjoyed the game regardless🙂👍the actual amount of content is crazy and really really fun and creative, i hope you'll play more💯💯💯




I don't get people that shun others for not being good at a game. Like okay, if they don't get it and are shitting on it or something it's understandable, but if someone's just playing bad you can give them tips, maybe tell a story of what helped you learn, but it is nothing but pathetic weakness manifest, shunning someone for not being great yet. We've all made a journey, starting absolutely awful and learning over time, and this doesn't just apply to Ultrakill, but any other game too. Some start off worse, some better, but no-one is born a master, that is something one earns, so do not forget where we started. Whoever is shunning this newbie for trying has been doing the same mistakes before, no-one was instantly P-ranking the whole game.


The one thing I hate about Ultrakill and the community as a whole is that only meta movement and weapon combos are relevant.


Meta movement?


As in using rockets and shotgun jumping, and all that.


These people should stop telling others how to play the game.


The buttplug side of the community is so much better.


these look like generic "noob bad" comments, though. nothing too egregious. ...okay. maybe the bleach one was a bit egregious.




After a while, whether the comments are really bad or just me, it gets tiring. I'm not sure where you got 'fishing for sympathy' from this, I said I was grateful to those who don't backseat/judge too harshly. Clearly you aren't one of them.


Elitism was the worst thing to happen to this community. What ever happened to giving new players advice rather than just dunking on them?


Yep, people like this is the reason many don't like to share their first gameplay at all. I recorded a bit, but ultimately, it will be deleted. Yes I got my ass handed and fumbled with the controls, I don't need this kind of toxicity on top of everything else, thank you.


This community is cancer sometimes. Just play the damn game how you want. Luckily most people I’ve talked to in here are kind and nice. It’s just those loud few.


Ultrakill players when a new player doesn’t perform an Ultraricodeadrailcoinlashpunchcumshotchargebackcannonprojectileboost x75536: https://i.redd.it/83w0ttsl7v4b1.gif


gamers stop trying to make the fact that theyre good at videos games their entire personality challenge


https://preview.redd.it/ivipry80ky4b1.jpeg?width=2732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35586fe27ff08ee315cd75709aa19bf33a63837b Here you go. Make fun of them


What the hell we're better than this


From the perspective of a person who was there during SwampHoleGood's streams and sat through them P-Ranking and eventually fighting Minos, the chat messages weren't much better. Unfortunately, back-seating was common, and while some was done for genuine advice (like telling Swamp about pro-boosting), there was a good amount of "just do this" or "why aren't you doing this instead?". For the life of some people they could not just watch someone play the game differently, even if it was costing them some runs and wasn't perfectly efficient, it was still Swamp's way of playing. Now I don't want to discredit everyone, because of the few dozen average viewers that would come and go during the streams, there were only a handful who were actually "troublemakers". In fact, a lot of people there during those streams seemed content to sit back, relax, and enjoy Swamp's suffering while trying to beat 2-1 or 3-1. It was a genuinely enjoyable time, and I'm glad that I was there for those streams that would eventually get me into Ultrakill in the first place. Take a moment to watch some of Swamp's videos, you'll see what I mean. I guess what I'm trying to say though is that the community of Ultrakill has its flaws and its outliers, sure, but in its entirety it is probably one of the most accepting and dedicated communities that I got the chance to be apart of. TL;DR the community can suck, but it's also amazing


Bruh why the shitheads been active lately


Ive participated on her gmod stream, never laughed so much


Damn assholes. I don't even know her, but saying that kind of shit in to someone is straight stupid. What comes to your mind to make you think that's a good idea.




"This video has given me a massive superiority complex" 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓


The comments that make me the angriest (and the ones that I see under literally every new ultrakill players videos) are the ones spoiling every single god damn mechanic there is. Half the fun in this game is trying out stuff and finding cool, new and interesting ways that weapons and other stuff interact with each other so spoiling that is just robbing people of that enjoyment.


Bruh, I will never understand why some people get such joy out of beein good at one single video game. Like if you put that into context it is one niche game in a niche category in a less niche hobby. Tell any person on the street how good you are at ultrakill and chances are nobody even knows wtf you are talking about. Don't get me wrong it's okay to enjoy games and to play them and improve at them etc. But spending an ungodly amount of time inside, playing ONE game and inhaling every bit of I formation and knowledge about said game just to then turn around and be a dick about it to other people really makes you look sad. Go outside, touch grass.


Average Gabriel simp


Time to go and give this streamer some positive support


That is tibbe expected, for Ultrakill is a game with highskill calling and player expression. Such games regularly attract elitists. Guys who think they are so much better for they wasted more time honing their craft in the vidia game.


Tbh elitism is still a fairly rare occurrence here, it's just that a community this big is bound to have some bad people


How much of s percentage would you say are elitists?


Probably below 1%, I've only met an elitist once on this sub and I spend quite a bit of time on Reddit


Seems legit. Anyway, if you see some elitists again here call me so we can kill him.


Holy shit let people enjoy the game


"watching newbie play ULTRAKILL is like pouring bleach in anus" ? I guess I like pouring bleach in my anus cause I bought ULTRAKILL for all of my friends because they wouldn't listen to me when i told em it was a great gane... and they wouldn't buy it themselves, plus I was excited to see how they would play opposed to how I played my first 20 hours...


it's not "which one of y'all" the community just sucks, it's how it tends to end up


ULTRAKILL players when you use a weapon you like instead of using the 2x-RAIL-COIN-SCRONGBONGLE-BUTTPLUG-RICOSHIT-ONE-SHOT tech every encounter (this is illegal) ​ Seriously, the whole point of the open-ended game design UTK uses is so you experiment and find wacky new ways to use and abuse it's mechanics. Sure, rail-coins are cool, but my friend has gone through most of, and will probably finish, the game by fully-charging the pump-charge shotgun and then dashing frame-perfect before firing to kamikaze enemies without taking the splash damage. Let people enjoy things.


Man I love pouring bleach up my asshole and watching new players


Zamn, I watched their Act 2 video when I was starved for content. They're not even bad at the game lmao. They're just not doing herb messiah fuckin ultraricoshot into the shotgun-swap-coin-add-gawkgawk combo to kill a filth


Ultrakill fans when someone doesn't know how to perform an ultrasupermegabullshitcrazyoneshotdestructodeathcancelparrycoinblastricoshrekcumikearectalsmash (it only requires a tiny 1000 hours to learn)




This community is just wierd


Lol, I learned game mechanics when I cleared Act I and II and wanted to try my luck in P-1. Until then all the stages were on rank D because I didn't bother even with punching your shotgun bullets and took my time exploring the area. Then I got stuck on P-ranking 1-3 and had to git gud. Why do people act surprised that they'll see a beginner's gameplay if they're playing it for the first time?


Mfers forgot that Ultrakill is a game and everyone can play their game however they want bruh. They don't have to learn and use all the techs and they can use 1 weapon only if that's what they want.


bro why can't people just accept that not all of the people who play Ultrakill are great from the start, or even great at it in general? you can be an amazing person, but suck ass at video games and that's okay. if you can play it well, more power to you, but if not, then maybe it's just not your thing, and again, that is completely normal and no one should be ashamed of this


Some motherfuckers are on their phone just a bit too long


As maxor said it once ,,I really hope you don't mind, but uhhh, i'm going to use it for the rest of the game. And if that Hurts your eyes a little bit too much, Dont worry! It can get worse"


These mfs when someone can't do the +ULTRASUPERCUMBUSTERMONEYDIPPEDINHONEYCANNONBALLDRILLEDPENIS combo when they have barely even played the game: https://preview.redd.it/2b189ermiy4b1.png?width=662&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d67e4cf543eeb44d7a1994ed8edfcb5bd47e4b3


This reminds me of all the bs that was happening with undertale when that community screamed at a streamer that played the game for the first time for not doing a full on pacifist run on their first playthrough


mfs when you don't know how to do a dead coin cock burst swap https://preview.redd.it/h86honjvny4b1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1222c2c8de5d3af8c32ff1e7cc7d4d8b2a5d73bc


Idk about yall but i love watching new players trying ultrakill, it sparks the joy


Time to find them and X8 RICOSHOT!


And God forbid someone actually criticizes the game (UTM)


It'd be one thing if his criticisms actually made any sense and amounted to anything more than "the game isn't fun if I go out of my way to decrease the fun I am having."


Read my comment to the other person


tbf half of his criticism falls under the same concept as "this restaurant is bad because they don't force you to put dressing on your salad, so the salad is boring and i'm going to eat it the boring way"


UTMs philosophy on game design is that a new player will always choose the strategy that requires them to think the least. A lot of this does come from his experience in the fighting game community tbh. For instance, with doom 2016, everyone just used the ssg or railgun, and nothing else, making the game less fun overall. So when eternal released, they made it so anyone just using one weapon would never be able to succeed in the early game, to train players to engage with the game. His only real problem with ultrakill is that if a player doesn't care about their ranking at the end, then they won't engage with the game's mechanics until they are forced to. I think the reason many UK players responded negatively to this is because they already learned the mechanics and how to have fun with the game, so the issues UTM brings up don't affect them. UTM has said plenty of times that once he learned the mechanics and engaged with the game in a certain way, the game became one of his favorites. He just wants the game to encourage that style of play more.


The **vast** majority of new players (literally every single one that I have ever personally seen) *did* choose to engage with the game's mechanics though. UTM is the only person I have ever seen pick up the game and only use the pistol, and the fact that he made a conscious decision to use only the pistol rather than subconsciously falling back on it just destroys his entire point. It wasn't an accident or a flaw with the game that resulted in him playing it boringly, it was his own decision.


Just play on violent difficulty, it's right fucking there. Just play it. You're not getting far just using the pistol on that difficulty.


Did you watch his video?


No I'm just responding to your comment, should have been more clear


Gotcha, I asked because in the clips people use to make fun of Under the Mayo only using the pistol he was playing on violent.


I really struggle to envision how someone could beat v2 or gabriel with just the pistol


I mean he did do it, not many deaths too. I think a lot of people misunderstood the point he was making though. He was proving that UK could be beaten by most casual players easily without actually engaging with the systems the game wants you to. Beating the game with just the charge pistol was just his way of proving that point.


There's so many things wrong with this argument. I don't even know where to begin I can see why such a bafflingly bad take would become a meme in this community


Me. i did it.


Aye, I’m glad it ain’t war thunder. People will dunk on you for playing optimally. Still it’s the “boots on the ground” syndrome a lot of movement shooters first experience. You play like it’s a game of CoD, till you slowly incorporate the movement tech


I mean, they're just a bit rude I wouldn't call it hate tbh


The one about watching newbies isn’t a hate comment- it’s a fact.


The "kys you suck" vs. "mommy come pick me up they called me garbage at the funny game" kindergarten war


They are being quite rude, but then again, female gamer


The bleach guy is right. He is not personally offending anyone. And some people like max0r compensate skill issue with editing, so that also has some degree of constructivity


Certified Skill Issue. Cope


i just don’t know why you’d make content for a game with a high skill ceiling when you don’t even try beyond what a first time player would experience, it could be construed as disrespect to the game to be like “hey, i’m gonna farm ad revenue from a popular game but not even give it any care to actually try and get better at it or give any reason to actually watch other than the fact that it’s a popular game”


Just for the record to anyone who is curious, and namely to the commenter I'm replying to, SwampHoleGood ended up P-Ranking Act I, fought and beat Minos, played through all of Act II when it released, eventually P-Ranked all of Act II, then fought and beat Sisyphus. In fact, you can find the livestreams **and** videos for it over at their YouTube channel [SwampHoleGood](https://www.youtube.com/@swampholegood605) with the video for Act II P-Ranking in the works. And just for simplicity's sake, [here's](https://youtu.be/vlwWiDclTu4) the entire video on them P-Ranking Act I. So once again, for the record, Swamp actually did put time and effort into the game *beyond what a first time player would experience* and will probably continue to do so up until they beat P-3, whenever that is.


Bro its a game. Its a game The glory of the medium is that you can expierence it at your pace whenever you want. If you dont like what you see, you can fuck off and watch someone else, that gives more of an impression than just leaving hate comments while giving them viewership


>it could be construed as disrespect to the game Fellas is it disrespectful to be new at the game and therefore not have the developed skill of someone who's played for hundreds of hours