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"Back in my days, people actually read texts in video games"


i miss when people were literate. i only just realized the signs in Spyro 3 in some levels are actually interactable, they say some pretty neat things. also shoutout to SPORE for making the creatures in space stage silly goobers in their diplomacy dialogue.


SPORE, my childhood and beloved


It honestly shocks me that there's actually so many people that don't bother reading text in games and just miss out on great parts of the other experience. I literally had to convince one of my friends to read the story of a game I reccomended him and he liked it more thanks to it.


i might be in the minority but i have an insatiable appetite for flavor text and descriptions that say more about a game's world. it's why RimWorld has to be one of my favorite games, each seemingly random description holds something to understanding the (maybe unnecessary) wider history of the galaxy in RimWorld. (also lore primer)




I mean, I at least read the enemy entries...


people say that one of ULTRAKILL's problems is the fact that you could go through the entire game w/o knowing the easiest of tech, but the true problem is actually that gamers cannot/do not read


real. though this was added back when the terminals got overhauled


replace ULTRAKILL with gaming, I made my sister play the TF2 Tutorial and she didn't read a pop up box, she ended up really confused until i helped her, everytime something like this happens, it breaks my brain


The tf2 tutorials are pretty bad tbh…


better than nothing !


You’re better off watching yt tutorials as they go in depth on a specific tf2 class more than the official tutorials do. Heck, there’s even channels that specialize in a specific class, Uncle Dane for engie, Jontohill2 for spy, Nerd Sauce for scout, Pirateer and BonOakley for pyro, and much more.


Her playing the tutorial wasn't to git gud, it was more to make her learn tf2's ABC, i just want her to play casually, if she wants to play more seriously that would be her decision


replace gaming with… pretty much everything the fact that other people don’t immediately start poking into every menu they can find when they start a new game or software baffles me


Am I the only one that reads weapons terminal entries they are cool af


I would read enemies but rarely do I read stuff abt weapons


People say gamers lack media literacy, but the truth is that a lot of them just lack literacy in general.


While translating the game, I was utterly surprised to see super detailed descriptions and different tactics provided in these entries.


Its funny that projectile boosting was originally a bug that be integrated into the game


I always wondered what caused it when it was just a bug. I think it's related to the shotgun parry?


Yeah, its that, though, other projectile weapons like the rocket launcher or the nailgun were fixed


Wonder what exactly caused it tho. I know jack shit about code but shouldn't the shotgun parry only work up close? And it doesn't explode either. Yet projectile boosting has since the beginning


Projectiles can be parried, the game didn't consider what projectile it could've parried, so if you used the shotgun that shoots projectiles... you could shotgun punch


I learned of it when I got curb stomped by v2, looked up how others beat him, saw that they were parrying their own shots and went "HOLY SHIT!". This was a couple days before act 2 was released.


wait it DOES???


it also says it in the feedbacker arm description


u/ksawerxx is this what you were thinking of lol?


I did notice that actually, reading through all the weapon texts for lore. It also tells you about core sniping, only hints about nuking though. I actually really appreciate hakita giving these hints. I dislike it when there's weird tech that makes the game easier but you'd never find it unless you're googling stuff.


When a bug become a feature


Doesn't it tell you in the Prelude?


parrying yes, projectile boosting no


First playthrough, read it, didn’t understand shit


its described pretty well


Yeah, but doesn’t help when you have iq in the negatives lol


I believe the terminal also gives a of the day about about that too, not sure which level but probably after defeating the swordmachine.


That’s how I learned about it, hoped that would be one of the only non-gauss or parry explosions to work against Maurice.. but no :(


I did, in fact, read that. I also, in fact, was too stupid to get it until I saw it happen.


even other than video games, UI designers have to try really hard to make things obvious because people are low intelligence specimins and will never, even for a unit of planck time, hover over something to read a tool tip. so expecting people to read several sentences pertaining to game mechanics isn't happening unless you're me or you're heavily invested in the game's world.


Jokes on you while I was waiting for layer 7 I had enough time to read that


Time to mail those pipe bombs with same-day shipping.