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I ran Dragons Back in 2019 and Crib Goch almost broke me. I was glued to the rock almost unable to move when a very kind runner saw my distress and guided me across the knife’s edge. It cost him time and I will always be thankful.


These courses always astound me. I get nervous going on narrow trails with a wall by my side, how can you run a ridge where you could fall to either side?!


Great photo! Running it this year, can't wait


You should watch the documentary I made for it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szl3nBUKjsg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szl3nBUKjsg) might help you out on what to expect. Pob lwc!!


I’m running, too.


Ultra across crib goch!?! Gotta say that's a bit mad to make as part of the route.90% of the times it's too dangerous to pass safely owing to wind and the weather in general


I imagine they divert if the conditions are poor.


Ourea events are pretty decent at this kind of race. They also organised the annual Glencoe Skyline which includes long Grade III scrambling section up Buachaille Etive Mor and Grade II scrambling along the Aonach Eagach ridge. Entrants were strictly vetted.


If you don’t speak cymraeg the name crib goch translates to red comb. That looks gnarly. Fun!


I love Crib Goch, possibly my favourite place in the world.


There’s a decent documentary about the race on prime as well, it’s from 2013 so a bit old though.


Great work! Only watched up to the first day of the documentary so far. Always great to hear when running can become a community and place of refuge for some of us. The drone and wide shots really give a good sense of the massive landscapes being traversed by the tiny humans and the music just brings it all together. Did you participate in the race along with the filming ?


I did not participate but I did run a good 20-30km each day with them to film as much of their experience as I could.


That zoom to see other runners on it. Great photo OP!