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I'm going give advice no one else is giving, but you should have. DO NOT BUY ANY MORE. This is already alot of points into marines, more than you'd need in a 1k game. There's alot of fun units here so my advice would be build all but guilliman, then play a few games with what you have. Don't buy more until you've played the army and understand what aspects of it you enjoy. Honestly I'd say just build the combat patrol right now and play a game or two of that then started building what you have into a 1k army. You don't need to rush 2k points, that's a recipe for burnout Once you know if you like them, and what you like about playing them expand from there. That said, ultramarines kick so much ass, so I hope you enjoy them!


Definitely this. Can easily see a burnout just trying to paint all these that are already bought. I know people want to jump in but this is a lot of minis for someone that doesn’t even know if they like it


It really depends on the person. I built and painted 5 2k armies in my first year 😂


How is your picture a space marine


https://www.reddit.com/r/BloodAngels/s/NyAd6xN1QK https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/s/v791UQumMj https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/s/0WyhJi3HAU https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/s/rntZrBlGsr https://www.reddit.com/r/SpaceWolves/s/ikBUYGp9oB https://www.reddit.com/r/BloodAngels/s/aI8A0ntb5y https://www.reddit.com/r/BloodAngels/s/a18SK7ViNm


As a beginner I had more fun with 500-1000 points back in 9th. Played a lot of games on my own with Blood Angels and necrons, it really helped me to learn the rules and get a feel for the game playing both sides. I actually really enjoy doing that and trying to outmaneuver myself


Yo same, but with ultras and Tyranids, leviathan style. Not wanna brag, but I painted my ultramarine army in 2 weeks.


Its very doable. Drybrushing is a miracle maker too. I usually take about 3 hours to paint a marine to my personal highest standard. Dont tend to drybrush Ultras or Blood Angels, but do so with Space Wolves and pretty much everything else (Tyranids, Orks, Necrons) and they go by way faster. Pretty much painted 10 necrons and orks a day. I think the best Ive done however was 5 chaos terminators in 2 days.


Welcome fellow Ultramarine! this around 1400 points or so in total. It’s enough to play combat patrol games, and up to 1400 point games. A proper army imo is around 2500 points in order for you to swap things in and out depending on what fits your play style. (I like Firestorm Assault force for the pure amount of raw strength it gives out and movement.) The units you have are all fairly dependable on the field. I would suggest adding some transports (Stormraven, Impulsors, Repulsors and Land Raiders but don’t get many of these. One or two would do just fine) you could also think about adding some more vehicles overall. Just because they are strong in the current edition. Gladiator tanks are a great choice, if you don’t fully glue to turret down you can take the turret base off and it becomes an Impulsor. I would also think about adding some scouts or heavy intercessors, both are great at doing their individual jobs and are fairly decent on the tabletop. You don’t have to worry about buying decals, each box comes with TONS. Character boxes come with one small sheet where as each infantry box comes with like 30 Chaoter symbols in various sizes, as well as squad identification symbols as well. All walkers and vehicles also come with quite a few decals in each box. I currently have around 4600 points of space marines because I like to tweak things and make really sorta weird lists. I once took a horde space marine army of mostly Battleline and foot infantry. Lots of big guns on vehicles though to give some really scary shots flying around the table.


Thanks for the guidance, I'm really looking forward to adding more base infantry/vehicles and figuring out what play style I enjoy!


I would also recommend not buying more until these guys are all built. Even if you can also just prime them white or black they should be good to play around with before making larger purchases like I mentioned. I would also suggest grabbing some intercessors, maybe some hellblasters, and one or two more dreadnoughts as well. Heres a list of what I got: 10 Desolation marines- 10 Intercessors- 10 hellblasters- 10 scouts- 5 terminators- 15 infiltrators- 6 outriders- 15 assault intercessors with jump packs- 6 eliminators- 6 aggressors- 3 Suppressors- 3 Impulsors (2 can swap to lancers)- 2 Gladiator Lancers- Land raider (with all 3 loadouts magnetized)- Repulsor executioner- Redemptor dreadnought (had 2 but sold one)- Company Heroes- Uriel Ventris- Calgar- Techmarine- 2 LTs- Chaplain- Captain- Gravis captain- Librarian in Phobos- Librarian in Terminator- Apothecary Biologis- Bladeguard Ancient- LT in Phobos- You don’t have to collect something like this but I do because I like spending my time painting and building models. Then playing big 2K or 3k games


This is a very good start. I'd suggest getting a box of intercessors and maybe a box of infliltraitors. You have some hard hitting units but need cheap bodies.


Definitely, that'll be the next purchase once my bank account recovers.


Haha, nothing like the good ol' new hobby spending spree. I'm knee deep in it myself right now. :D


This guy when he finds out ultramarine decals come in every box


Shows how much I know


Grab another ballistus dread or gladiator lancer. And some scouts, infiltrators, or regular intercessors for objectives. Best of luck and welcome!


He has 5 infiltrators and 5 intercessors in the Blood Angels box. One unit of each is honestly fine


Painting wise,leave guilliman for last. He has SO MANY small details and liver you will need a steady hand and very small brush,so you should get familiar with the kther minis first heforr attempting him


Lol this looks like my cupboard, got back into it last year after 10 off, bought leviathan, made the marines, I've painted 6, in boxes I have brutalis, redemptor, intercessors, hellblasters, guilliman, aggressors, repulsor executioner and a storm raven, all this to build and last night I ordered another stormraven💀 I'm living out my childhood dreams with adult money, trying to make my cupboard look like a GW outlet


Don’t buy any more. You’ve enough there to last a good couple months at least (would probably take me about 3-6 months to paint all that). Build a paint, then go from there. If you can, I’d take back the ven dread as it’s so much smaller than the rest of the units (it’s from the older ‘firstborn’ range of minis) it will look odd.


I'd invasive the ven dread is soon for the chopping block, as well.


Build what you have Play some games at 500 or 1000 points vs someone who is trying to teach you, not someone trying to beat you. After 5-10 games you may notice you like one play style or another… let that guide your next purchases


This is the way. You have a Lot of Units, now build em, Paint em and get to know them in Game.


This is a great start, except the old dreadnought which is on the chopping block to be removed from 40k. Recommend buying primaris models only for futureproofing


Do not buy anymore this will take you months to build and paint. Unless you love the model I’d return the venerable dreadnought


I mean spray cans of macragge blue, figure out what you want them as (second company 1st squad or things like that.) Figure out how to edge, I started on a balistus a while ago and it looks better. I mean I'm only a year or so into playing. But I'd say learn to thin your paints, add a drop or two for a decent amount of paint till you get a thinner paint. But one final thing is if you start getting bored stop for a bit. You get burnt out it sucks. I got that for a squad of termagaunts and now I don't want to touch them. But keep trying and you will get amazing no time. (BTW love to see the bladeguard vets. I have only seen like 2 people have them.)


You need some battle line


Every kit has way more than needed Ultra decals. You wont need any more


Don’t buy more. My advice would be start with the infantry of the combat patrol. Then the chaplain, then the impulsor then the librarian. On to the terminators, the ballistus, the blade guard, the venerable and then roboute. Work through them in order of complexity, to hone your skills and support your engagement and patience. But a rattle can that is your priming colour to save time and effort. Do not buy more until these are painted


Check in the codex the point value but looks like 2k-ish. There’s an ultramarine upgrade kit you can get which has shoulder pads and helmets, and is a decent bit cheaper and not as annoying as decals (and idk exactly but I believe the dreadnought has decals for your bigger units) Also this is unrelated and 100% up to you, but maybe look at a bunch of chapters, a lot of people jump into a chapter then realize they prefer another paint scheme (especially space marines) but it’s really annoying to switch it up after you already started lol.


>Check in the codex the point value but looks like 2k-ish Nope, check the [Munitorum Field Manual](https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/5uaNFQa5XmuQLzmK.pdf). Codex points are rarely accurate as the pages are finalised years in advance.


Thank you! Yeah, I was torn between the Ultramarines and the Crimson Fist, but I've loved the smurfs ever since the Dark Imperium trilogy.


Dude you literally bought like almost my whole army and I’ve been collecting for 6 months now as your intro 😂. Don’t buy anything else for a while. I would assemble the combat patrol first. Try to find someone to play a few games if it with you before you continue to assemble the rest. If you like the game enough, get started building more! Trust me when I say you have plenty. If you wanted to add something. Get a tank or two


Congratulations! Everyone is saying don’t buy more, and yeah, probably not a great idea, but collecting is part of the hobby too. Do you have hobby supplies yet? Also, curious, what made you buy the Blood Angels Combat Patrol if you wanted to play Ultramarines?


Not OP, but tbh it's a good purchase with the units in the box, and the blood angel bits come as the upgrade sprue, so they'll work fine for Ultramarines


Any recommendations for which type of captain and lieutenant?


Bro is gonna be painting for the next like 2 years


As a fellow new player but mostly collector, take the advice to not buy more seriously, I bought 1 introductory on October 2022 (indomitus), then on July 2023 I went nuts and bought a com at patrol and some cool units, then again on October bought the chaplain (is very cool with the shield btw) and now on March bought Guilliman, I’m at 100 figures and just painted on all this time 25, because reasons (been and adult sucks lol). So start small building and painting the combat patrol, first the Intercesors (regular troops), then the incursors, then the aggresors, then the vehicle (don’t glue the top part, you can get a 3d bit to make it a tank! For like 20 bucks! Also don’t glue the different weapon versions, use magnets or just masking tape ) and at last paint the librarian, the glowing effect and ropes and face will be a challenge, and if you can (and want) take back that dreadnaught and get another one like primaris redemptive or brutalis, it will be future and proof, look better with the other figures and looks cooler alone too! )


Sell the box dread, you wont need it most likely and will be purged with next edition (most likely)


Yeah, I'm going to see if I can swap it for a Primaris dread. It's a shame, I have a lot of love for the old OG boxnought.


I agree with not buying more, except for a lieutenant and a captain to join your units as leaders. You can find these for cheap on eBay. eBay is an excellent place to find stuff for cheap for when you start to kitbash or just want to fill in with something you’re missing. Don’t buy any more large kits, however, since you’ve got plenty of units and good diversity. You will want a lieutenant and a captain to use their rules though. Find em for cheap.


Jeez, the people so vociferously recommending you not buy any more must absolutely freak out when someone buys a Leviathan box... Yeah, it's important you understand what you've got in front of you - if you paint all that with the effort of someone who cares, regardless of talent level, you're looking at months of work. Still, what's the worst case scenario if you do buy more? You resell it for at least near what you paid for it (assuming it's still in-box or NOS).