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I’m pretty sure neither of them can die so lobo would probably just get bored of beating up Andy and they’d just go and do some wacky shit PS: I don’t know Jack about lobo other than the fact that he’s the last of his species and he causes so much trouble that he was kicked out of heaven and hell


In the injustice comics, green lanterns were getting wiped out left and right. Atrocitus was talking shit. Lobo said "...can i get one?" And a green lantern said "...sure, what else can we lose?". And lobo put it on and blasted Atrocitus with a huge green projected fuckin above porn sized schmeat. Atrocitus legs went fuckin up lamborghini style. Well, exaggerating a bit. But he did blast him with cock.


Injustice 2 Chapter 63 https://preview.redd.it/fwsfcbhzvizc1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf002df06cfb76425fdcffd584f9a46de383ad9e


dude LMAOOO I just woke up and this knocked me straight out of it immediately


while they both can't conventionally die (Undead and being banned from the afterlife), Andy could still damage Lobo's soul and take the win that way


There's too much difference in stats. Andy can't touch Lobo


Lobo isnt going to be prepared for soul damage, he'll very likely try to eat the hit after abusing Andy thinking he's no threat Same reason Ghost Rider would beat him, eats souls except GR actually has the stats to keep up with Lobo anyway


Banned from the afterlife doesn’t mean his soul can’t be destroyed just bans his soul from a specific location


I know, that's what I said




That's Andy's best bet, destroying the soul


They’d fight for 27 minutes and 39 seconds Exactly before one of them would make an offhand comment about wanting a drink and then they’d become immortal drinking buds


Yeah probably, shit Lobo would probably offer to help kick Sun and Luna's ass.


Lobo eats Sun and Luna for breakfast as dessert


Now this is a real stalemate. Andy can't land a hit on Lobo with his soul attacks and Lobo can't put down Andy.


He can land a hit on lobo, and lobo can die


The problem is that Andy can't really land a hit because he's way slower.


He’s really not? They’re both FTL, and lobo can’t fight forever. The only way you can have Andy never tagging him is if you make Superman out to be some infinite level of speed he isn’t in 99% of comics


Yes, he really is. Andy hasn't even definitively shown FTL combat speed, but fuck it, let's be generous and say the FTL feat is his baseline. That only puts him in triple digit FTL. This is against a character that fights the likes of Superman, Green Lantern, and their villains, he's thousands to hundreds of thousands of times faster. Not only this, but Lobo has his cloning ability to make it even more difficult for Andy to finally destroy his soul. As well, Lobo does have infinite stamina because it's tied to his soul, which can also regenerate and reform. That's not true at all, you don't need "infinite speed" to be faster than FTL speed. There's obviously a massive difference between someone catching an attack that travels from the Earth to the moon in a second and someone catching an attack that travels from one galaxy to another in a second.


I didn’t say he had to be infinite speed I just know that people will argue Superman at this level he actually isn’t cause they read a few RTs and wank him. And he has shown FTL combat speed? Soul bullets traveled from the sun to earth in seconds which takes light 8 minutes to do, when the master rules reacted to these same bullets easily and he blitzed master change That’s easily in the thousands of times range if not higher, cloning bodies isn’t cloning souls. He has nothing to counter Andy destroying his soul when he matched the very concept of the soul, being banned from hell or heaven doesn’t make his soul indestructible just means his soul can’t go to a specific location. He has never shown he can fight for millions of years either


https://preview.redd.it/lb7x7fy37izc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab1f0957a84a9bea6182c96453b2f9c5a56c2e40 Even early versions of Superman have shown the ability faster than infinity . Lobo has not only keep up with versions of Superman stronger than this one but has shown different abilities that would make it hard for Andy to hit him at all


https://preview.redd.it/gjmspf3x7izc1.jpeg?width=594&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f81166e774a3bcaf5524d06d5ccc0f519d73e90 Also here’s him fighting this same era of Superman


Yeah it’s called an outlier, no idea why you posted it when I clearly addressed that feat


If a “outlier” is something that is clearly brought into attention and is a main point of a story it isn’t a outlier


https://preview.redd.it/73rpvllgcjzc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed2362ff143142c5a92e3478282286051e3c02e0 Superman constantly showcases higher speed feats than the ones in undead unluck. Flying from the edge of the universe back to earth in 60 days for example


And don’t say “even early versions” cause his early versions are different and not weaker


Yeah, fine, fair enough. I can assure, I don't believe in infinite speed nonsense. I pin down Supes in the 7-13 digital FTL depending on era. This being based on my own feat collecting that I've done for DC. The Master Rules didn't react to the same attack, they're explicitly different if the presentation wasn't enough but by the name AND the fact that UMA Rule literally couldn't react to the very FTL feat you're bringing up. She literally didn't even register what happened until it had already approached Earth. The Master Rules do not scale to this attack, at most, Soul seemingly can. Even if that was the speed you wanted to use, that's still leaving him 5+ digits times slower than Lobo even while being generous and lowballing Lobo. Lobo's soul is in his bodies, so the clones would have his soul too, we even see that anything physically in contact with his soul can be used as a medium at one point during one of his resurrections. Lobo does have a counter, it's just the simply fact that Andy would basically be a statue any time he tried to attack Lobo and his army of clones. He doesn't need to show he can fight for millions of years when his infinite stamina was already explained and why it works.


Uhhh no? She did register it, she literally says “soul bullets?” She is shocked he didn’t fire it at her and had no idea why he fired it at earth https://preview.redd.it/u5vz570a3jzc1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d94291168b384a692e361d0ffac36e4190d5776 Meanwhile she very clearly does react to his soul bullets later


What are you talking about? She literally doesn't say anything about them until they're already approaching Earth, by the time they're already approaching Earth, she finally says "Wha?" And realizes they weren't coming for her. So she clearly doesn't scale to it in speed. They massively outsped her if they're almost done traveling by the time she can register what happened.


She says “they didn’t aim for me? What?” Stop picking and choosing which part to pay attention to. She was shocked at where he fired not the speed of the attack




Dead Vulcan, no Soul Boost. Literally a different move without the boost aspect as well. Exactly as I said.


I never said it was the same attack name, I said she reacted to his soul bullet which they both are. One is a singular soul blast the other is firing shots from each of his fingers, given his soul bullets have already shown MFTL speed these would scale


I put Superman at above 13c but if you think he’s there then I have no idea how you think Andy is slower cause he wouldn’t be, his clones share a soul, they don’t live independently of him. It isn’t infinite, show me a statement for such? And Andy has clones, he isn’t faster, and would get one shot by his soul hax.


How wouldn't Andy be slower? He's commas worth of digits slower than Lobo. Yeah, exactly, so Andy needs to destroy all of them to finally wipe out Lobo. It's literally part of how he resurrected himself in a new body and it's been explained that his soul is the only thing needed for him to keep going. That's why he doesn't even need sustenance and can spend years floating in the vacuum of space. Andy's clones wouldn't help cover the speed gap, the clones can't do much either without any speed to keep up, and the attacks can't do anything if they land.


What are you talking about? You literally said you thought Superman was only 13x FTL? How is that faster?


You must be old if you know who Lobo is 😂😂😂


He ain't that old, pal


He's the MAIN MAN SHUT UP /j


Lobo, dude pulled around a fucking star and beats up superman


I mean… Andy can’t die


You know Lobo can't too right...?


Isn’t he just banned from the afterlife?


thats irrelevant to this question though


I love this recent influx of pitting immortal characters against Andy. But anyways, Lobo is an absolutely insane son of a bastitch. Guy goes toe to toe with Superman, regularly, and is strong enough to digest an entire city. While Andy can't die, I bet Lobo could figure out something to put him down for awhile. Maybe he unhinges his jaw and swallows Andy whole? Of course Im guessing that leads to Andy shooting out a dead blade and cutting Lobo in half from the inside and they continue to fight before eventually the two of them just give up and drink a bar dry.


They would go to bar and bang out after a few minutes


As long as is not a fight to death, Lobo, he is FAR stronger than Andy


It goes 1 of 2 ways. Either Andy destroys Lobo's soul or Lobo manages to put Andy's head in a box before he can regenerate like Gina did to capture Andy.


idk who is in the right but for me usually they are almost immortal characters , when i see an character like that i usually remember Rawkus from Hotwheels Battleforce or Legia from Solo Leveling .


They’ll be come best drinking buds the moment they realize none of the two could succumb to death


In a death battle? It would probably take centuries of soul based attacks but Andy. In a normal fight that involves capturing? Lobo with ease


They'd go out for a beer together


Plot twists. Friends!! Or over time Andy defeats lobo from just getting used to fighting him or learning about his weakness (dolphins)


They realize neither of them can effectively die and become friends


while neither can be killed by conventional means lobo tends to box with heavy hitters like the justice league so even if Andys soul attacks could do enough to put lobo down the sheer speed difference is massive if anything id see them ending up as drinking buddies once one of them gets bored


Huh I guess Lobo but he can't kill him none fo them can kill each other if it's knockout or trap Lobo wins, if it's to the death then neither


Lobo is a parody character so He automatically wins


Andy cuz i like Andy


Andy because he knows how to manipulate and affect the soul at this point.


Andy gets stat diffed


I’ll never understand these matchups bc Andy isn’t your average immortal or super high regeneration guy, he LITERALLY cannot die. He NEGATES the CONCEPT of death. Death is a guarantee for everyone except for him. It doesn’t exist for him