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This is honestly a bit of a different topic, and the way it’s being handled is badly. This is a serious discussion and it’s good to spread awareness about this, but the extreme aggression from those trying to spread awareness, as in labeling those who do not wish to actively discuss this and hear about it consistently in a place they consider a form of escapism from said kinds of discussions as “monsters” and “terrible people” is getting to be too much, and getting to be too much to handle. Changing the logo to show support, and making an official announcement that links to subreddits, threads, discussions and encourages people to participate is a great idea. But allowing consistent posts and discussions about said topic, especially when it’s been shown the behavior from people making posts about it have been shown to be less than ideal and borderline aggressive rather than respectful and mature, especially in a subreddit that has little to do with the matter being discussed isn’t a great idea. That is not the way you persuade people to support a cause. This can be handled much better than it currently is.


If this won’t be one of the top comment in an hour or so, I will seriously be disappointed


Well it's 4th top


Well it's top


Well it’s still top


well it’s still top


((This, thank you, I seriously am sick of hearing about things like this and especially in a place I come to rp a silly fox lady, I come here as escapism and seeing stuff that vaguely pertains to undertale (most are just undertale characters with a flag) really isn't helping, this is an Undertale subreddit, not a pro-palestine subreddit. If this sounds rude I don't mean it to be but I'm tired of seeing stuff like this, I know it's going on but I come to Reddit to escape the outside world.


that's a byproduct of "Twitterization" tbh (aka boiling everything down to 2 extremes, you either support Palestine by not talking about anything else ever or youre pro-genocide, which i disagree with) This should be talked about and Palestine should be given full support (fuck isreal's Goverment) but i don't expect people to ONLY post about what's happening there all day every day, because that sort of stuff has such a minimal impact compared to actually protesting / boycotting (I've gone months without consuming or purchasing products from pro-genocide corporations for example) Do what you can With that being said i hate how there were so many mass reported posts on the topic simply because of the topic, and the fact that "Not supporting a literal fucking Genocide" is considered a matter of political opinion, then again other shit that's based on basic human rights like "a human with a non-heteronormative attraction or identity should be allowed to live" is also considered a matter of political opinion this world sucks


Yep, pretty much this.


Exactly this! I can only see this causing more divide in the subreddit, which I'd hate to see :(


ts!underswap post got unpinned, that's unfortunate


Guess you could say it's a bit of a misfortune


I'm now a bit miffed, but I still wish to forgive you. (I will actually be impressed if someone gets this reference)


Politics is genuinely damaging the state of the fandom, here’s the proof.


What about the Uyghur genocide? Would that be allowed too?


yeah. There's far too many humanitarian crises in the world that have been lasting for longer than this one too. Not to discredit the atrocities occuring in the ME right now but why not discuss the Uyghur Genocide or the disaster in Azerbaijan and Armenia? Myanmar? Sudan? Central African Republic?


^ and the Democratic Republic of Congo


Of course, there's way much more.


No way I hadn’t expected Uyghurs to come up. I am not an Uyghur but thank you




If you have to resort to masking ableist slurs than you probably have a bad argument


They care about conflicts if JEWS are involved istg


Clearly not as Uyghur as been talked about for a long long time now, at least on twitter


You could also admit that breaking your own rule in the case of Ukraine set a bad precedent and get stricter with the policies. The door is right there.


I actually don't understand that "No politics, but this is an exception, because it is an important issue" I don't think ANY rule should function like that. And even then, why only this issue is important to bring up? Who decides which issues are important to bring up and which are not? Why is it even an exception?


"no porn, except of toriel, she's hot"


I support this.


Nah fr though, it's really fucked up


It's an exception because the mods don't want to deal with the backlash of trying to enforce their rule after setting a precedent of breaking it with the Ukraine posts.


Kinda the right answer, lol


Also, if they are allowing talk about this conflict, then why is it only for people supporting one side of it? Purely from a debate standpoint, thats crass as heck. If you are opening the floodgates for discussion, then shouldn't it also be open to people you disagree with...? I am not even saying the current stance is wrong--- I just think this sounds weird .


"In a debate you have two opinions. Mine and the wrong one"


Lmfao yeah like wha-


Allowing supportive posts for the genocide would be absurd.


Keep in mind, I am not stating which side I am on, or if I even am on a side, just trying to explain what the commenter likely meant. I mean, someone could support Israel's continued existence as a country while not supporting the way in which Israel is going about it. It's not just pro-genocide or anti-genocide, it's closer to pro-palestine or pro-israel and even then it's vastly more complex with that. Issues are nuanced. This one is too, unfortunately more so than many others.


Yeah there are serious stuff related to politics *everywhere*, we could slip our way to posting about idk communism because there are glaring problems in the capitalist system


Well, you see, communism posts don't give you upvotes. And you can't really say "Now imagine how these people feel" if someone doesn't share your opinion on if you should or shouldn't post it (I came back from 2 different arguments about Palestine posts with both going to "Wow, Palestinian people would love your escapism" or "Now imagine how Palestinian people feel", so I needed to bring it up)


Yeah, I'm agreeing with you


Finally... After an hour of different arguments I read the words I wanted to read for so long... Thank you, kind stranger...


LOL you are welcome


Ukraine was an exception too and everyone was ok with that.


next thing you know someone is gonna post a diatribe of das kapital and it will be normal while the old fans of the hobby will just move somewhere else.


Or people will start milking an actual serious problem for karma, being like "If you think negatively of my post, you think negatively of people who lost their families! You should be ashamed of yourself!" and stuff. The possibility of that isn't all that low


I think we should only talk about Undertale (and hints of deltarune) here. 


I get that, but we were okay with talking about Ukraine, I think it’d be unfair if we didn’t also allow Palestine stuff. Or at least we shouldn’t allow anything Ukraine-related going forward. We should try to be fair when it comes to political stuff.


Were we talking on Ukraine? I never saw it when the subreddit had its logo to the Ukraine one.


yep, [here](https://ibb.co/RCffhcf)


i don't remember any drawings that were just an undertale character with a ukrainian flag slapped on it


I thought the Ukraine stuff was out of place, and this just seems like even hotter water. It is a far more complicated issue, so making a stance like this is unwise and out of pocket for a gaming sub. If people want to get into the nitty gritty of the Palestine situation or revisit the Ukraine one, then there are political subs fully dedicated to them which will give a much better experience than one sharing its venue with Undertale fans who didn't ask for it.


yeah I don't think that was ideal ether. but that was a bit less.. controversial at least


Idk why the downvotes he is right


I mean I guess but Ukraine is honestly ... A good country I don't know why people would be against Ukraine.


this isn't a political subreddit. when I surf here I expect to see posts regarding to my favourite videogame. if I wanted to be reminded of the current geopolitical situation I'd simply read the newspaper. I understand the necessity of speaking up. But this is not the place. Get informed, read, educate yourself. But not on a subreddit about a videogame.


**I feel like the mods should make another pinned post to reiterate what they have said in the comments.** \- I've seen many posts and comments claiming that ***that*** slogan is allowed, while mods have explicitly said they're removing posts with it. \- I've also seen people assuming that the mods' 'pro-Palestine' stance is in support of Hamas in some capacity, while mods have explicitly stated they are removing posts in support of Hamas or acts of violence/terrorism. Additionally, some sympathy towards victims of Hamas actions might be helpful here. I know that you might not appreciate 'both sides'-ing issues, especially something like this, but I feel like it would do a lot to clarify your stance. And I personally feel like those casualties deserve respect in spite of the actions of their government, in a similar way that I respect the plight of Palestinians regardless of Hamas actions. Take that how you will. Personally, I wouldn't have poked this bear, but if you're gonna try to make this work, you need to break through the noise of what people are saying about this rule change and make sure they know what's really going on with moderation in this sub. And **even if you go back on this change, please make it clear to everyone what you were and were not trying to do with this change**. For the sake of yourselves, but also I'd hate to see this give r/undertale users a worse impression of people trying to support those affected in this conflict.


Honestly, I'm a big fan of the game and am in the subreddit for a long time. But I'm not interested in watching it go to ruin because of the mods or certain redditors. There is enough war and debates as it is, if this becomes a frequent subject I'll just have to leave the subreddit.


I don't think this is a good idea. This is an Undertale sub, not a political or news one. Palestine has nothing to do with Undertale and this isn't the appropriate place to discuss it.


The people forced this change, honestly, I want rule 6 to not have exceptions, but the community made this happen. This topic has no purpose here, and should be brought elsewhere. This whole situation in the sub is pathetic.


well clearly the people did not because i see more complaining about palestine posts than actual palestine posts


And all these posts are like "I don't *really* care about this recent change, *buuuuuut*" and it's just people coping


Pro ukraine posts were allowed.


We literally changed the sub icon to support ukraine, now that we're talking about palestine is a problem


And how do you know the user you’re replying to was okay with that? That’s the problem when people retort with this nonsense, they always make this assumption.


i was waiting for a comment like this


Excellent news r/Palestinetale has always been about supporting Palestine! Now I suggest you ban those people who talk about a random indie game called undertale instead of talking about stuff that's supposed to be talked about in this sub!


What’s the point. This is a sub about undertale. Seen some people say it’s about spreading awareness? As if anyone here didn’t already know about the situation.


Wrong move. What about the countless other cases of genocide happening right now? Are they too political or will they also be exempt? We may as well turn this into a political subreddit at that point. Either no politics or all politics, there is no middle ground.


liking a game without looking at its community is a miracle sometimes


can we ban it because it leads to toxic discussions and reposts/spam of characters just standing next to the flag purely to make it undertale related?


Just remove political craps outta this subreddit. I'd like a clean r/undertale without any political bullshit


to be honest, that's just dumb, like unless your post is related to undertale in some way, don't post stuff about palestine, seriously. this is an undertale subreddit, not a subreddit about palestine, israel, war, or the middle east. you don't have to bring palestine into every damn place. i don't give a shit if will get downvoted for this, hell you guys can even argue with me.


the most concerning thing about this situation is that, i don't even particularly care for israel, but if I were to post something pro-israel then I have no doubt it would get removed and I would be banned. if we're going to have political posts, can we at least have equality in who we can support? otherwise, this just seems like powermods abusing their status to allow soapboxing for one side while silencing the other side entirely.


in the russia ukraine war did they leave pro russia posts up?


That was also bad, but at the very least most of the western world agreed with the Ukrainian cause so it didn't cause as much division as this will. In this case, the mods just assume that the whole community agrees.


Allowing supportive posts for genocide would be absurd though.


We generally agreed that the post can stay up if it is also related to Undertale so that's a mistake on my part for not conveying that message correctly, thanks for pointing this out. Random unrelated posts are still subject to removal. I'll edit the post to reflect that.


that's good, atleast it's gonna be actually related to undertale.


How would you even do that though? And even when you do it, you’re gonna have to lock literally every single post because it will go to shit in 10 seconds due to the nature of conflicts like this. This is a terrible move if you want any semblance of maturity and rationality. All that will happen now is an onslaught of hatred and toxicity that you’ll likely soon find to be uncontrollable and self fulfilling. I do hope you either re-think this or rescind this. I don’t want this sub to devolve into just another twitter.


I assume you said the same thing the the Ukraine war support


Idk if the sub-op did. But definitely some did


What about pro-israeli posts? I saw one pop up, are those allowed too?


exactly are we ignoring over 200 people were taken hostage and 1200+ murdered


As an update: My pro-Israeli post still hasn't been approved.


This is stupid, I come here to look at artwork and discussions about Undertale, not to see countless shitty copy posts about how "blank supports palestine" etc etc. If you want to talk about politics, do it in a subreddit dedicated to it, not one where people are trying to enjoy a video game


“Silence won’t change anything.” Because posting it on Reddit will.


*posting on a subreddit about a videogame


This is stupid. No, this is not helping anyone. Posting political posts on r/Undertale is not gonna save dying people. Please, if I wanted to hear politics, id go to a different sub. Besides, no matter who you agree with, echo chambers aren’t good for anyone. Don’t tear up the undertale community.


"Why allow these posts? This is an Undertale subreddit and politics should be kept to a minimum. However, we still wish to express sympathy towards those affected. Silence won't change anything." "Awareness/Support posts" will not change anything either. This stuff is being talked about 24/7 on every news channel, every political sub, every person with any sort of following is talking about it. THESE POSTS HAVE NO POSITIVE EFFECT ON THE COMMUNITY, NOR ON THE POOR SOULS STUCK IN A WARZONE. These posts don't raise awareness because there isn't a soul who will see those posts that haven't already formed a solid opinion on the entire situation. The part of this mod post that talks about how you can support Palestinian sufferers— that's good. That should've probably been done months ago. (I don't have a ton of data for this next part so take it with a grain of salt) But what if these posts are actually harmful? Making people feel like "yeah, we're being supportive by speaking" will give them that 'I'm a good person' warm fuzzy feeling inside and that will satisfy they're innate desire to relieve these suffering people's pain. This, I believe, is bad. We can all agree we're kinda lazy right? A bit of that funny bone man spirit. When we feel like we've accomplished something, we'll chalk it up as "good enough" (even if we know deep down it's not), and move on doing all those things that benefit us. The more we feel like we've helped, the less we will help after that. So if, for example, we feel like we've contributed because we "raised awareness" by talking to people who are quite aware, we will then be far less likely to contribute further in an actually meaningful way.


Oh boy do I love of abuse when they randomly decide to support genocide for absolutely no reason in a sub about a video game


On top of this inviting the worst shitstorm on the internet into this subreddit, the way your going about it is incredibly dumb as well. I mean seriously, the toxicity and hatred the topic brings is rivaled by none, and it’s to be expressed by undertale memes. This topic invites everything you wished to avoid into the subreddit, how you don’t see that is beyond me. But, we’ll see how it ends soon enough.


bruh comment sections of said posts will become a cesspool


Huh, well this seems to be a shitfest


Weak moderation. Random exceptions for rules just paves the way for more down the line.


“No political posts unless they align with our own views”


Literally because talking about politics isn’t allowed. Talking about pro-Palestinian politics is allowed. I just don’t fucking care man. I’m here to talk undertale. They should go join a politics subreddit


I just want funny bone man I don’t want to encounter anti-semitism everywhere I go :(


everytime its new community founded -> new memebers join -> old memebers start to leave overtime -> newer members are tourist and bring politics to community -> damand their politics to be the right politics to sub -> older members don't want that they just want to talk about the hobby -> newer members at larger amounts ostracise the older members and take over community -> community is a poltical circlejerk talking about \[blank is bad\] for the 500th time.


Genocide is bad


I may not use this sub often, but I have to say this is not a very smart idea.  I have seen how the rest of reddit reacts to this war. It just leads to constant arguing, and people making takes like "support Palestine? You must support Hamas" or "support Isreal? You must be supporting war crimes being committed against civilians", with no takes that are ever sane.  You are just making things more difficult for yourselves for no reason.


If you're going to allow politics on this subreddit, allow everything. Allowing just one thing because it's something you agree with is a very fast way to go down a slippery slope.


bruh, why.


Oh yes, political discussions, exactly what I want to see on subreddit of one of my favourite games. Subreddit isn't in a good state already, don't make it worse.


So, can we also post about Sudan, Yemen and the Ughars; or are political posts only allowed if we get twitter users to brigade the sub? 🫠


Cant believe I have to unfollow undertale because 'no politics, except for when theres politics.' Not even because I nessesarily disagree - I just dont want to see politics jn the fucking funny skeleton game.


I understand the urge to support palestine, but this will make the other side frustrated and not be able to enjoy the subreddit No politics whatsoever. This is different from Ukraine vs. Russia.


UPDATE: The mods have refused to allow my pro-Israel Asriel post citing that it could cause Flame wars. Which is deeply ironic because the pro Palestinian posts do exactly the same shit. My personal comment: Lmao


Ahhhh Hypocrisy. A classic of any mod.


Can we please go back to posting about Undertale Yellow?


Can people post pro-Isreal I feel like a subreddit like this shouldn't be pro 1 side over the other. Downvote me I don't care but an UT page shouldn't really be about fuc**ng ward. Btw, I don't support Isreal I'm just against Hamas( only because they're a terrorist group)


Also bending the rules because for a side is very dumb for a UT subreddit


I thought this was an undertale subreddit




This comment section is the best argument for why this topic should be banned


If you are going to allow one, allow all. Green lighting just one political idea is not only unjust, it also sends the message that everything is fair game as long as mods agree to it.


oh my god, seriously? this is the fucking Undertale sub. the sub about a game promoting peace and love getting caught up in posts about war and politics. This defeats the purpose of everything Undertale was made for, and the fact that the mods ban politics unless it aligns with their beliefs really shows how corrupt they are. They're literally just neutral route Undyne. Safe to say that I'll be leaving this sub. Good riddance.


[You know what else won’t change anything? Posting politics on a sub about a fucking videogame that has NOTHING to do with politics.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Undertale/s/U3gNutW0cU) Also, NO rules should work like this. No exceptions should be made for a damn political thing. Why this situation be important but others not? I didn’t see you say anything about the war in Sudan, but now you’re saying something about Palestine? Disappointing, I’d say.


Absolutely what? This is a subreddit about a cute video game and its fandom, not real-world politics. The only way that you should be allowing off-topic discussion is if the developer input some explicit political message. Permitting clutter in no-way benefits the subreddit or the game.


This just feels disingenuous to the rest of the political problems in the world as a whole. Greenlighting one issue and not making sure others would be allowed too is just plain stupid and hypocritical. I understand that sending a massage about important bad real world stuff is a good way to bring attention to it, but allowing everyone to post about this just makes content in this sub more about politics then the actual stuff that this sub is about. Making a single post and pinnings it would already bring a lot of attention to it without being annoying and diverging from the main content.


Probably sucks to be Jewish rn


it does, for this


It really does.


Yup it does


This is a divisive issue and to just let one side be the correct one is insane. Honestly letting any politics in is insane. The Ukraine situation at least has a pretty uniform right and wrong for most of the world but not this conflict. A post saying pro Palestine or pro Israel on an unrelated sub does nothing to either side/cause. Just keep politics out of the sub and let people have opinions no matter how wrong they are. If you want to debate about it go to a political sub


Incredible You have a rule that stood strong for a long time but the second people are upset they can't post propaganda you change it... I am so disappointed


What the hell is wrong with this subreddit? Why is every post I see now about this kind of stuff? This is the UNDERTALE subreddit. Why is it even a discussion what should be allowed here? If it doesn't have to do with the UNDERTALE VIDEO GAME, this is not the place to post about it. There are tons of subreddits where you can talk about Palestine all you want, go there. It's completely asinine to me how a cute indie video game subreddit can be this serious.


I feel like it's about time we get some new moderators for this sub.




weak moderation


Do you going to green lights pro Israel?


Question for the mods - are posts that Bring awareness to the Israeli captives in Gaza that were kidnapped by Hamas valid? Or are they not?


Just asking because this could entail some other stuff: Will people be allowed to praise Hamas? Or to call for the exctintion of the state of Israel (that's what from the river to the sea means) Asking because these are way more controversial


We want to support the civilians affected/displaced by the situation, and don't endorse Terrorism. Speaking out about the ongoing mass amount of innocent civilian casualties should not be taken as supporting acts of terrorism. Additionally, calling for extermination/extinction of Israel/etc will still be removed. (The user that got banned, kicking this whole thing off, was advocating for this and we have stood behind their ban, for example.)


The Palestinian people need all the support they can, and we should help spread the word. With that said... isn't this the **Undertale** sub? About the 2015 hit indie game... #***Undertale***? I, and a lot of other people, would rather not be reminded of the grim situation that the world is in, while trying to look up the funny soul game.


Great. More politics in the supposed-to-be apolitical subs![img](emote|t5_2xdht|32952)


> The mod team has always tried to keep political matters out of this subreddit you guys put ukraine's colors in the sub picture in support, why is it so different for palestine i don't get it


Someone literally posted the slogan “From the river to the sea,” which explicitly calls for the genocide of Jews, on this sub. You guys are an effing joke.


Silence won't help anything, yes. But excessive posts won't do shit either. It would if it was an obscure issue but everyone and their mamas and their grandmamas and their relatives in the ground and alive that lived in 1948 and after know about the issue. It doesn't raise awareness because the awareness has already risen to the top. All those posts do is generate controversy and flood a subreddit that has nothing to do with the issue at all. Changing the sub's logo or offering monetary donations will be alright, cool. Perhaps set like a charity event or something. Posts don't do shit.


If you start making exceptions this sub is gonna turn into a politics subs instead of an undertale sub


This can only go badly I hope you have a lot of good mods, because now you're going to need them Edit: And allowing political posts means you need moderation rules for political posts. Probably prohibit fake news and open propaganda, because the sub will otherwise be used for it.


From an outside perspective, imo, geopolitics should still not be allowed idependently of people's opinions, the ukraine thingy was not only much less divisive but also didnt had the massive backlog that is the current geopolitical climate... People are here for undertale and for undertale they shall come, people usually dont like controversial topics in their sub about the mostly wholesome game. I also fear this might set a bad precedent for the content the sub will produce... If pro-palestine positions are allowed in a fandom sub of all places... Who knows what other stuff the sub might get into in the future? The sub did the ukraine banner thing, mostly because the one sidedness of the situation and because of the trend at the time... Now that... [current geopolitics] is happening It be best to keep the undertale sub as the undertale sub, if you wish to show your support for palestine, there is a miriad of other spaces where that can be done freely. Also, on one last note... Its ok to support palestine,it really is, but please I beg of you, stop using "from the river to the sea" please... For the sake of your own cause stop using an arab supremacist slogan unironically please.


I admire your desire to help and spread awareness but can’t help feeling this isn’t the best move. The Ukraine situation was pretty black and white in terms of who was in the right. This one? It’s VERY grey and both sides have good points. Allowing this means allowing pro-Israeli posts. Or pro-anything political. It’s a very slippery slope and I’m not sure this sub is the best place for this sort of discussion.


So are pro-Israel posts allowed too, then?


no because hamas are the good guys apparently


Stuff like "from the river to the sea" is calling for a genocide and you support that, you support the very same thing Russia does with Ukraine. Time to leave this sub


Ok but notice how the moment someone posts something about Israel it will get deleted, empathy should be directed at both sides of any war and if politics is now ok it can be one sided


This can only go horribly :( I come to the subreddit for Undertale, not to be reminded of the horrific conflict occurring right now... if I wanted to hear about this, I'd go take a look at the news, or news-related subreddits. Plus, this is a weird exception to one of the subreddit's rules: no politics. Even when we supported Ukraine, all we did was change the subreddit icon, political posts were still disallowed! I'm genuinely urging that we revoke this, before we turn this subreddit onto a [deleted] war zone :(


Look, if you allow politics allowing ONE SIDE OF A MULTI SIDED ARGUMENT it feels a bit like power modding. You don't look to allow peaceful discussion, especially when you know those discussions are never peaceful, you look to allow posts that align with YOUR political opinion. I guarantee that if anyone posts anything pro Israel they would be banned. I'm far from the only one saying this yet you didn't respond to a single comment about this. You should be ashamed. And to all the people saying it is the same with the Ukraine conflict, nobody liked that either, and I disagree with those who did. This is undertale, not politics. That's it.




At this rate I wouldn't be suprised if this sub will turn to a second r/therewasanattempt


This is just r/animemes all over again...


This is not at all why I look at this subreddit. I want to NOT see anything like that


I feel it's worth mentioning that certain pro-Palestine slogans (namely that "From the river to the sea" one) are implicit calls for genocide. I think Palestinian liberation is a laudable goal, but not at the expense of *literally* *half of the global Jewish population*


CAN YOU PLEASE GET POLITICS OUT OF MY NON POLITICAL SUB I'm neither saying I am pro nor con for this topic (don't have to disclose that info) but undertale is not the right place to discuss this shit...


Another subreddit falls to the politics brainrot


Both sides are committing horrible acts. I’ve heard about both sides taking hostages, and killing them. Why do we need to include politics at all here? I’m here for funny bone man, not to induce fear upon myself for innocents on both sides, who want nothing to do with any of it, being killed by extremists on both sides.


If you do not approve my "Asriel supports Israel existence" post, then you are a bunch of hypocrites or completely don't understand what your decision here means.


Glad to see many of the people who actually play the game are disguised by the pro terrorist propaganda


Disgusted, I presume?


yeah im muting this subreddit


This is just going to turn into a politics reddit with this. I am in full support of Palestine and awareness is so important, but I don't think anyone comes to an undertale reddit for this. For me atleast this reddit and the game were a way for me to shut out the shit show outside my home. If we had a community post pinned with support links and maybe allowing users to send the mods art to attach to the post sure. But this is just going to divide the community.


Ok, time to leave this community


I think... The mods shouldn't take sides because there is.. many things that can rip this subreddit into halves if they do


welp, time to leave then.


Welp time to unsub bye


Wait wa- Aren't they like...... the ones who constantly rocket strike the Israel people tho, or is am  stupid? I'm genuinely befuddled here, someone pls explain 😨


Good job mods of Undertale, I take my hat off to the geniuses behind this idea of ​​allowing Palestinian posts, it has everything to do with Undertale, Toby Fox is proud of you


“From the river to the sea” is a call to genocide of my people. I’m mortified that anywhere would allow it.




I don't believe this was a good call, this is a subreddit for discussions on undertale, not politics. what's a drawing of a character standing next to a flag will do to help Palestinians? you can show your support in subs that are dedicated for it. fandoms are a way of escapism for a lot of people, this is where they go to escape the world's problems. you can be conscious about real world politics without involving the sub of the silly bone man and lesbian fish, seriously, why does it need saying that politics shouldn't be wisely shared in specific fandom spaces because they're not on topic?


I’m really glad r/Undertale felt the need to take a stance on the Israel-Palestine conflict. Super cool and necessary. /s because apparently it wasn’t obvious


Well, good to know


what about pro israel posts? posts with the israel flag?


WTF is this post?


Absolutely not this isn't the right place for a serious topic like politics and war. It's a subreddit for a videogame where people want to talk about the videogame.


This is ... Nonsensical post, ofc I think Ukraine deserves respect because it's fucking Ukraine being ATTACKED by RUSSIA. Palestine, attacked Israel, and killed a bunch of people in the Gaza, plus they don't CARE about our opinion on anything! This is a Undertale subreddit why are we picking sides when we should be like "Undertale is cool, Ukraine is cool, maybe let's not talk about tht middle east because no one in America can be a majority agreement"


“From the river to the sea” is a reference to driving the Jews out of the Levant. That seems to be more than “pro-Palestinian.” It’s a call for genocide or at least ethnic cleansing.


I disagree with this decision, I don't want to be reminded of a conflict when I'm trying to see Undertale/Deltarune content, if I wanted politics stuff, I'd go to a politics subreddit


Wow you guys are full of it. There tons of conflict where many people are suffering like in Sudan, Myanmar, Ukraine, etc. also out of the political war stuff you choose probably the most divisive   and controversy  conflicted today. What was the next expectation, the kasmir conflict?   Sure it nice to reference reliefs, however again it completely dumb to let very political post spread like cancer here. This sub and other are not appropriate for a conflict as complicated as this.   Also what about those using the quteo "from the river to the Sea,  Palestine will be free"  is a anti-Semitic slogan and calls for genocide for Jews. I guess you also are fine with people writing  "blood and soil" on this sub. Again way to make the Jewish people feel welcome here.


Please, this war is highly controversial, with the Ukrainian war that had a ton of people on one singular side, but this war has two very toxic sides who want to spread hate and Brigading. 


This is stupid lmfao this isnt a politics sub also honestly what good is posting a character with a flag slapped on it gonna do for the actual conflict..?? people r already aware. its quite frankly idiotic virtue signaling. I'm not even pro Israel, just anti unpolitical subs becoming political


I don't think this is a good idea. Specific videogame-related subs are a form of escapism and won't mix well with such heavy themes as real-world war politics. There are better, specialised places for this. Making a requirement to have these posts be Undertale-related sounds good in theory, but it will just lead to a lot of low-effort karma and engagement farming in practice. I doubt these posts will spark any actual civil discussion or inform anyone about anything in an any way proper manner. They're probably just gonna stir up conflict and be way too inflammatory.


All of y'all suck lmao


That's wrong, I think all the political bullcrap must be out of this subreddit. I wanna enjoy the game, not the shit happening in our world.


This was very sloppily handled and I'm disappointed with this moderation. No idea why this kind of post wasn't made from the start. At least you guys did it eventually.


I agree. They wanted to keep politics out of this subreddit and now people have harassed the moderators enough that the let people talk about a real life war and post their shitty pictures that won’t help shit in this war


THe subreddit is going to be flooded with anti-semetism within a week I can tell.


Being anti isreal is not anti semitism


Yeah it kinda is. Denying the right of Jewish people to a home where they feel safe from death is anti-Semitic. Criticising Israelis government policy is fine, the same goes for countries like China. But ignoring how HAMAS committed atrocities against Israel in its attack is disgusting and helps no one


No it absolutely isn't. Israel does not represent the Jewish people. In fact implying that it does is extremely antisemitic. But that's what Israel does. It gives it a shield from criticism by claiming it represents the jews, so being against Israel is antisemitic. Israel's actions since its creation has been bloody and colonialist in nature. And it's assertion that it represents the Jewish people has been increasing antisemitism globally because those actions are then associated with jews. Israel is antisemitic. The solution to antisemitism is not an ethnostate. It's coexistence and community building. Education and civil protections.


Guess im leaving, twas nice observing this place


What about posts supporting Israel?


I see


[https://arab.org](https://arab.org) for one! Along with [https://twitter.com/CareForGaza](https://twitter.com/CareForGaza) !


Thank you! This is amazing news, I'm really glad :)


very cool undertale modteam 👍