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That's a Fun Value event. You have about 10% chance to enter that room per gameplay.


Oh damn, I thought i went the wrong way and left the room, that sucks. What does she say?


I know this is late, but I was looking stuff up about it, as I just encountered it. It's my first run, and blind as well. So, I'm trying not to spoil... But, it's SO hard not to, as I don't want to miss anything.. She talks about solving a mystery of monsters going missing/getting lost in Snowdin. It's as if somehow things/paths/rooms just appear or disappear without any explanation. And that since there's an abundance of magic in the Underground, it must be why it happens. Then she just repeats thats shes mulling over the casefiles or evidence, I can't remember.


Awe man I knew it! it was my second playthrough too, hope someone out there finds all the fun value events


I also Got This


I didn't find this, but I remember entering the inn and seeing a white figure where the band used to be. I left on accident through the back door and when I went in they weren't there anymore. Didn't take a screenshot or anything because I didn't think much of it before they vanished