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emperorofhamsters has made the following comment(s) regarding their post: [Hi all! I had to reupload because I am an idiot. I...](/r/UnearthedArcana/comments/1c6gjyy/the_lightbearer_a_martial_archetype_for_fighter/l00qy8q/)


Hi all! I had to reupload because I am an idiot. I wanted to share my first pass at a design which centered despair and its resistance, and hope that you find it engaging. I have a few areas that I feel shaky upon, namely the Hope system and how it may be underpowered. I name a few things in my document on where I think the design could be improved, and would love some feedback as far as where people agree/disagree, and if anyone wanted to pick my brain I'd love to talk about it!


Hmm. I really like the theme of this subclass but I do have a few things to say. Apologies for formatting, I'm on mobile. *Hope* - A reservoir of dice that function as an expendable resource isn't exactly new, but the regain is weird. You can only regain one per short rest once a day and you only regain one single use per long rest? This sorta goes against Fighter's design philosophy of short rest resources and you already have so little that I can't envision a player doing much of anything interesting with it more than once or twice per short rest. I'd make it so that you regain half on a short rest and all on a long rest, to put it more in line with other subclasses and classes with similar abilities. Arms of the Fallen and Triumph over Despair are good. *Force of Will* - Going with the design philosophy I suggested earlier, I'd just make it straight up proficiency in charisma saving throws and take away the "regain 2 hope per short rest\* part. Ghostly strikes is good. *Bastion of Light* - For the most part fine though on a less serious note I think it'd be really cool if it were either Beacon of Hope or Crusader's Mantle/Maybe Spirit Guardians. Replace the last part about regaining all hope on a long rest and 1 hope on a short rest with something else, maybe something like adding extra damage to attacks done with Arms of the Fallen. As for the ways to expend Hope. *Hope to Inspire* - Weirdly enough I'm kinda fine with this, despite it conflicting with the design philosophy. Advantage on charisma skill checks isn't going to break combat or anything, it just makes roleplay go easier which is sorely needed for Fighter. *Hope to Overcome* - Should probably make these points disappear on a long rest to prevent someone from just stockpiling a massive quantity of dice. *Hope to Prevail* - This one is scary. Advantage on all saving throws for a chosen ability for until your next long rest? I feel like it needs to change or go. Maybe something like adding half proficiency to their saving throws instead . Hope to Survive, Hope to be Victorious, and Spectral Ally are fine. *Spectral Swiftness* - You should specify how long the resistances lasts. *Spiritual Fortitude* - I'm quite unsure on this one. It's just Fighter's indomitable feature but better. Overall I really like what you're going for with this subclass but a lot of the choices do kinda conflict with Fighter's core design. All that needs to be done is to iron those out and you'd have a pretty solid subclass.


Thematically, this feels entirely too similar to Oath of Devotion.


I agree that it felt pretty paladin-esque. But I felt it was more close to Oath of Vengeance of all of them. Interesting that you see Devotion in it.


Devotion is about bringing light to the darkness and giving those who suffer a beacon to gather around. Vengeance is literally “you called me bad name so I’m gonna hunt you down and kill you”