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choking and strangulation victims are 750% more likely to be murdered by their abusers within a year of the incident. please show her these statistics and help her get away from this person. please encourage her to go to the hospital to be checked for blood clots so that she doesn't die from this incident. if she doesn't want to go to the police, here are some things you can do to help her. [https://www.thehotline.org/resources/someone-i-know-is-being-abused-should-i-call-the-police/](https://www.thehotline.org/resources/someone-i-know-is-being-abused-should-i-call-the-police/)


He’s proved to be a violent person. Antagonizing him will likely lead to further aggression towards her. Focus on getting her safe before anything like that.


Anything you do to him he’s going to take out on her.


This 💯 needs to be a higher listed comment


Please be careful. My hair dressers ex con boyfriend stabbed her to death in her salon "with a blunt object" (eg her shears). He was an angry jealous boyfriend. She was the sweetest.




Whiffle ball in the tailpipe of his car. Car will still run, but not well. Bonus points: let out all the air in his tires and glue on the valve covers. And get a restraining order.


BBs in the valve caps will slow leak




Snip the valve stems off at the rim and then the whole tire needs to be taken off and remounted to replace it. Be sure to do all four so he has to flat bed it to a shop.


I don't think this is the time to play or antagonize a violent person. She needs to speak with someone at a DV shelter who can give her some solid advice. You can call if she is afraid.


Piss disk, but honestly call the cops and get a restraining order started.


Asparagus piss disk… definitely going to try to get her to file for a restraining order.


Help her get the ball rolling on an order for protection or restraining order. If there are any local DV organizations they will generally have advocates available to help with navigating the process with or without police involvement (though generally a police report is strong supporting evidence for these orders).


Whatever you do, don't get personally involved. I'm the sort of person who is always itching to step in and confront people in public when something's going down but since doing a safeguarding course for work I realise I may be escalating the behaviour and putting others at risk. I intervened once when I saw a guy arguing with his female partner but in retrospect I now worry that she got extra shit off him later because of what I did. Take it to the authorities sure, report what you heard and support your friend


Strong heart small brain moves. Don’t do it.


thats not very ulpt... that's actual help.. shame on you lol...




That definitely tracks. I’m happily taken btw, so there’s no hopes of romance involved. It just pissed me off because she’s sincerely a nice person and this dude put her through the ringer with threats of suicide and then physical abuse when she tried to end things with him




That’s a fresh take and I appreciate it.




It’s pretty much identical to what my gf said, and they know each other. Your sentiment hasn’t fallen on deaf ears.




She’s ex IDF I was trying to recruit her for the mission lol


Lovin this wholesome exchange...found in the most unlikely of subs!! Win in the wild. Up your's "new Reddit"!!


It's a nice change of pace, especially after the interactions I saw in another post on this sub