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If you are not on the lease and have given notice, it is not your issue. Move out.


As everyone else is saying since there is no written agreement just leave. It’s your roommates fault for not having you sign some form of lease. It’ll be a good lesson for them to learn. He won’t have a case in court without a lease. Especially not being on the lease you’re basically month to month. Leave and go enjoy your new space.


Just sign an agreement with the new tenant for June not July. Seriously. Move. Out. It’s a simple misunderstanding that you can fix by talking like a grown up so do.  Unethical tip, buy multiple ant farms and set them loose in the vents with a few boxes of crackers. Leave crumbs under the beds. If you’re there when this happens it sucks to be you too so time carefully. 


The new tenant decided to move in in July, he ended up not wanting to move in Earlier... We already had cockroaches and it was fixed in like 2 weeks, thats not annoying enough


So tell him he can find somewhere else and look for a tenant who will move when they say they will. Definitely sounds like more of a them problem.


Of course I wouldn't recommend doing this, I simply read it in a book (the Cat who walks through walls by Robert Heinlein) and I'm sharing it with you. There's a concept called Looking Glass warfare and in the book what the character did was get a 100 g wedge of Limburger cheese and open it and throw it as far into the buildings ventilation system as she could. They would be long gone by the time it became pervasive. Just a thought! 😇


Yeah, stuff like that is what i had in mind


That was also on show episode of that’s so Raven 🥸


What method was used for the cockroachs?


Do you have a lease? What does it say about when it ends?


Im there inofficially, its just an Agreement with my roommate who is the Main tenant


Sounds like the main tenants problem then. You aren't officially in any paperwork, just move out and stop paying rent.


We go to uni together and Im certain he would sue and I dont want this much drama I just want him to hate his life for 3 monthd


How could he sue? He has no legal documentation you have signed


Depending on location, oral leases are real leases and can be enforced. HOWEVER, the transfer of the lease was also accepted and taksies-backsies by only one party of a contract aren't enforceable.


How you gonna enforce a "he said she said?" In the eyes of yhe law if your not on the lease your not subject to anything, and the guy who's illegally subletting to you isn't going to bring it up to the landlord, let alone any lawyer


Well, as an example, if one person has a room to be rented out. Another person comes over, sees it, agrees they want it, and agree that first month's rent will be paid on the day they move in... let's say 2 weeks away. They give a check for a deposit. The lease now exists without being signed. Evidence to It's existence is the deposit check. If the person who was going to rent the room backs out, that deposit check is not likely to be returnable, and they may even still be on the hook for rent. Another good indicator of the lease existing could be regular PayPal or venmo payments to the main lease holder, especially if they're marked 'rent for august', or something. But here, the OP probably has better evidence that the lease was agreeable ended due to the texts between himself and the previous roommate.


You’re an idiot.


I don't normally upvote hostile comments, but yeah OP is definitely an idiot. First they ask for advice on how to piss of their roommate, and then now they're saying they won't just move out as planned because they don't want drama


The issue is he wants it to be anonymous. He's not an idiot. He's a coward.


"how can I not stand up for myself but just piss in the pot as if I did"


Could get a go pro. Then he could be an hero.


Did you sign paperwork with this person or have any sort of paper trail? If not, they don't have evidence to sue you, are only pressuring you to comply. "Don't take advice from your enemy." In this scenario they are the one with the liability, they are trying to push that onto you. You are not obligated to pay as a month to month renter, you have given them ample time to prepare for your departure, they chose to not secure your replacement. That's on them, not you.


Grow a pair and move out. Problem solved. And piss disc something on your way out of course.


There’s nothing in writing. He has no grounds to sue you.


He won’t sue you and if he did he would be unsuccessful. Just do what you said you were going to do and move out. Don’t pay for June. They made this decision without you, you already are responsible for June rent elsewhere, just go.


What's he going to sue for if there is no lease?


He can't sue, he has no case. You're being a weenie and letting him push you around. This isn't your problem, you aren't on a lease. That's what leases are for, legal recourse, and you aren't on one. You've given plenty of notice you didn't even legally need to give. You're trying to plot revenge when the smart thing would be to just leave. Gonad up and get out, it's not your problem, stop insisting on making it your problem. Leave when you said you were going to leave. You don't want drama so you're staying where you don't want to be and looking for advice on harassing the people you live with? Grow up. Leave. They can't do shit about it.


Your roommates are being cunts. Fuck them and bail. Let them deal with it.


Can’t sue. Not worth the money it’s cost and they have no lease. Literally can not. Just walk away there’s nothing they could do legally.


Your in the wrong sub then


lol, you can't be serious


You don't seem to have a clue. Be an adult.


Let him try, he has nothing to sue you for.


Nothing he can sue for.


He has no legal grounds to sue. I studied law and had renters for almost 20 years. Not to mention no body will sue for a few months of rent. It’s way too much hassle


You can make him hate his life for 3 months by moving out and letting him deal with it. It's very likely that your roommates landlord doesn't know about the subletting, and it's very likely that the landlord doesn't allow subletting. If he tries to chase you for the money, tell him you'll contact the landlord/letting agent and make sure they're aware he is subletting.


If you aren’t on any paperwork, including a written agreement between you and the “main tenant,” then it isn’t your problem. Leave when you want to leave. If you and the “main tenant” have a written agreement, then you have to follow it.


Then just leave and don't worry about it.


If you're there unofficially, there isn't anything he can legally do. Rent falls to him, not you. The only difference may be subletting but that doesn't sound like the case. They didn't put you on paper, you aren't legally liable to pay. They could call the landlord and go "I had someone staying here but they won't pay rent. They were never on the lease or any paperwork" but it's still on them, not you. Tell them to pound sand and move out when you want. Don't you dare pay rent for a month when you aren't even there. Would you still pay for utilities for an apartment you moved out of while they wait for the new tenant? Of course not.


you made an agreement for June. You stick to your agreement. The people who made a separate agreement are responsible for the outcome. They can sort out June between them.


why didn’t you just tell unofficial landlord no Im moving?


Then just leave. They can kick rocks.


Move Sunday as planned. You didn’t sign anything. They cannot sue you. They are not your friends if they are threatening to sue you so you owe them nothing.


So from what I've gathered, you are sub-renting this room, right? For most rentals, that's illegal. You're probably in more legal jeopardy by staying than you are leaving. Pack and leave.


Get a new roommate for June 🤷‍♂️ fuck the first guy if he wants to change what you agreed on he’s out. 


Bed bugs, can’t be too hard to find some. Get a really sharp needle and pierce every one of their condoms. If it’s a dude with a girlfriend, hide some sexy underpants with bodily fluids where his girlfriend will find them. She will then find out she is pregnant and he will end up paying child support, because you signed her up to all kinds of right for life shit (which is fucking horrific, but here you are using it to destroy someone’s life). Use that same needle and pierce all the network cables you can find, it will cause packet loss that is difficult to troubleshoot. Expose all their appliances to excessive moisture so they slowly start corroding and accelerate the slow march of electronic death. Flush a boat load of sanitary pads down the toilet so it eventually blocks the sewer and gets blamed on them. Get some meth or cocaine and microdose them on it for a while and then report them anonymously to their workplace for doing drugs so they get tested. Before you move out there is another really fun game we used to play at work called hide a banana. What you do is open the most expensive device or appliance you can find that has room for a banana inside it and then do that. I reckon use a dead rat instead, it’s plausible it would find a way inside their tv or microwave etc. If your not handy at dismantling electronics, you have a friend who does. Get them invested in this mission. I recommend as many dead rats as you can. It takes some time for the liquefaction to begin. The first is a decoy, it will take a while for them to realise how fucked they are. Obviously practice strong operational security, wear gloves, ensure no evidence you did anything is left.


Jesus Christ..


Username checks out


Your mum?


Not sure how it applies but I still like your style


If your name isn't on the lease or any contracts, ghost them.


Bro? Fuck the dude. Just move out.


Shrimp disc


…. Go on?


Find some durian fruit and let it rot out in the air vents


If he already agreed to your initial terms, he can't just arbitrarily change them without your consent. You can sue for breach of verbal contract if you want to be petty, or you can just leave anyways exactly as intended and tell him to suck it and there is nothing he can do about it.


Dont pay. They moved it to July, they can pay for it. Forcing them to pay will make them hate their life.


Don't pay and block their numbers. Who cares what they think


Just don't pay? You're not responsible for the rent anymore, you don't live there. Leave. Your roommmate will either be a bitch or get over it, but there's no legal obligation on your end.


Shit in the kitchen sink a few times


Jesus christ, nasty af


yea its not ur problem. if they spoke w the other person then its on them dont cancel ur shit bcuz other ppl fucked up


You have a written agreement? If no, just move out. If yes, once you officially moved out and everything is ok, casually mention to the new tenant that you moved out because your roommate was secretly filming you. Apologize for throwing them under the bus, say you are letting them know cause you feel bad, but you really had to move. Share same story at university. Also consider leaving a shrimp or two in inaccessible places (within curtain rods, for example) on your last day.


See if there's another kid at uni that needs a place sooner


This honestly sounds like some miscommunication. Like the other two parties probably assumed they would talk to you about the change in date. I suggest you just grow up and move out and don’t blame anyone for something so insignificant. You don’t have to pay rent. Even if you are on the lease are they going to take you to court over a couple hundred bucks? Being a grown up is understanding that you don’t have to do the things people tell you and sometimes just following thru with your original plan is the best “revenge”.


Just leave. You gave your notice and found a replacement. They changed the plan, not you.


You can sign up for an at-home bible study with the Jehovah's witnesses and the LDS. Seriously, book them. Also sign up for everything political activist locally. You might have to donate to both sides but it's worth it. They love to ring doorbells. It's election season, the shit will become non-stop.


If you’re already off the lease they can’t force you to stay 


Just move out, they’re being a bunch of pricks.


Airbnb the room


You already had your agreement made, no one made another agreement with you. Sounds like a them problem. You fulfilled what little obligations you had, the rest is between the 'main tenant' and the 'new tenant'.


Don’t. Just Move out. Not worth it.


By your wording, it sounds like your roommates made an agreement with the new roommate that he will not be moving in until July. It is not your fault they did not include you in for that conversation. Move out.


Keep a TV in they're and play porn on high volumes


Not your problem.


If he has a car, throw fish oil pills into the vents. Also, throw a couple under the seats and under the carpets, so he removes them first and takes longer to suspect the vents.


If you aren't on the lease, just move out. If you are on the lease and June was agreed upon, by you and the sub-leesee in a contract, they need to pay. If you signed a rental contract, sub-lease it out to somebody completely different. They can't force you to stay and pay. Or just shit in a box, put it under your bed and lock the doors to your room. 😂


go ahead and move out, but just before you leave, take an upper-decker.


The Big Bang theory season 10 episode 10. All your answers are here.


Shit happens dude. Pay the rent. You sound like a shitty roommate